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November 30, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-30

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* est German Offcials
Urge Soviet Dealings
To Stress Berlin Crisis

Dominicans Clash; Mobs
Decry Balaguer Regime

ing'mobs clashed repeatedly with
troops and police on this second
day of a general strike attempt to
topple President Joaquin Bala-
guer's government.
Heavily armed troops and police
backed by fire engines poured into
downtown streets in large hum-
hers and used tear' gas and -billy
clubs to disperse unruly crowds.
rOne roup, identifying itself as
representative of the nation's pro-
fessional class, delivered a letter
to United States Counsul General
John Calvin Hill and urged the
United States to use its influence
to prevent "the installation of a
new military dictatorship.".
Four members of the group
called .on Hill and stayed inside
the-consulate for about 20 minutes.
Hill was reported to have urged
them to stay calm.
The crux of the uneasy situation
appeared to be the opposition's in-
GrOup Hears,
WASHINGTON (R)=-The Presi-
dent's Committee on Equal Em-.
ployment Opportunity yesterday
received its biggest single batch of
complaints so far-127 affidavits
charging radial discrimination. I
The National Association for
the Advancement of Colored Peo-
ple filed the charges against eight
major . industrial corporations,
three trade unions and two rail-
road companies - located in the
North as well as in the South.
The President's committee, head-
ed by Vice-President Lyndon B.
Johnson, will determine whether
those charged operate under gov-
ernment contracts. If so, the indi-,;
vidual charges will be sent to the
government agency with the prin-
cipal interest. Each agency will,
investigate the charges referred to!

sistence that Balaguer bow out and
remove the last representatives of
the old Trujillo dictatorship from
positions of influence. Balaguer
was said to have offered elections
within six weeks provided he is
allowed to stay as interim presi-
Negotiations continued between
the largest of the opposition
groups, the National Civic Union,
and delegates from the National
Palace but there was no word of
new developments.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON -- President
John F. Kennedy may make a trip
to Venezuela and Colombia next
month, the White House said yes-
terday. No final decisions or plans
have been made.
* * *
McCOMB, Miss. - A Mississippi
official of the Congress of Racial
Equality charged yesterday that
three Negro men and two Negro
women were attacked by white
persons at a McComb bus termi-
nal. The incident came after an
unsuccessful attempt by several
Negroes to use what had been the
white waiting room of the ter-
minal. , .
Nelson A. Rockefeller, on his way
home from New Guinea, left Am-
sterdam by plane for New York
yesterday. .
* * *
NEW YORK-Silver mining is-
sues, long forgotten by most in-
vestors, burst onto the New York
Stock Exchange yesterday with a
string of impressive gains in an
otherwise dull market. Standard
and Poor's 500 Index turned down
.05, with 425 Industrials off .03,
50 utilities off .24, and 25 rails off

Drop Pleas
To Discuss
Entire Area
Adenauer, Kennedy
Reach Agreement
BONN (R) - German Chancel-
lor Adenauer's new government
set forth a new policy yesterday,
declaring that immediate nego-
tiations with- the Soviet Union
should concentrate on abolishing
the Berlin crisis.
Heretofore, the West German
government has insisted that the
Berlin question should be discuss-
ed only in connection with the en-
tire German problem-including
the reunification of Germany and.
European, security.
Government officials said it was
dsafe to assume that Adenauer and
President John F. Kennedy in
their meetings in Washington last
week reached agreement on vir-
tually all points brought up in a
declaration of policy read today
before the Bundestag.
European Security
"In regard to the question of
European security it is the opinion
of the federal government that
this question has no connection
with the Berlin crisis," the state-
ment said.
Only when the Russians are
ready to discuss the restoration of
German unity can security prob-
lems be discussed, the government
Diplomats felt the reason for
the switch is Adenauer's increas-
ing fear that any talk about se-
curity outside global disarmament
could lead to concessions such as
a thinning out of military forces
in West Germany.
Reduction of Forces
Any establishment of security
zones involving reduction of forces
in West Germany, Adenauer has
maintained, could mean the loss
of West Germany to Communism.
Adenauer said in the declaration
that his meetings with Kennedy
"have shown once again that we
-Americans and Germais-can
rely on one another."

On Troops,
WASHINGTON (P) - President
John F. Kennedy said yesterday
establishment of international
control over the highway connect-
ing West Germany with West Ber-
lin will be "one of the chief
points" in future negotiations with
the Soviets.
He also offered hope to reserv-
ists summoned to active duty "to
prevent a war" that they may be
out of uniform in less than the
required 12 months.I
"We call them in to prevent al
war, not to fight a war," Kennedy
said. ". . . We are going to get
them out as quickly as we can."
"Their function today is to in-
dicate that the United States is
serious about its commitments;
that it means to meet its com-
mitments It wants to negotiate a
peaceful settlement if it can, but
it does not propose to surrender."
Reservists were called up, he
said, because the administration
felt United States conventional
forces lacked sufficient strength
at a time of increased tension in
Viet Nam and a clash of interests
over Germany and Berlin.
Kennedy briefly raised the pos-
sibility of internationalizing Ber-
lin's 110-mile-long Helmstedt Au-
tobahn, in an interview with
Alexei Adzhubei, editor of the So-
viet government newspaper.
The West, the Chief Executive
told the Russian newsman, wants
to maintain a limited number of
troops in the city and have "an
international administration on
the Autobahn so that goods and
people can move freely in and
Refuse ISA
NEW YORK (A') - The Com-
munist Party of the United States
reiterated yesterday that its of-
ficers will not register under the
Internal Security Act.
The deadline for registering is
midnight this morning.
The party attacked the 1950
act as the "most repressive single
statute in the history of our coun-
Subsequently, the party was or-
dered to register with the Depart-'
ment of Justice by Nov. 20 and,
failing this, party officers by Nov.
30. If the officers refuse, each
party member must register by
midnight Dec. 30.



__ 50_t_1G___N.H.

. , 1

MEGALOPOLIS-These areas comprise the world's largest super-city, spreading outwards until they will eventually become a single
600-mile urban area. Though such growth brings great problems, nevertheless, it seems inevitable.
opuation Grows--reepig 'Megalopolis' Usurps Easi

Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
- Super bombs are measured in
megatons. Super budgets spend
megabucks. Super cities? They, of
course, are megalopolises.
Some would view megalopolises
and their endless stretches of ur-
banization with almost the same
horror as megatons. Some would
not. One of the latter is French
geographer Jean Gottman who
says flatly that like it or not
megalopolises are here to stay-
and grow ever bigger.
Boston South
The world's. biggest megalopolis
(the word is a late starter found
only in the most recent diction-
aries) is that vast area stretching
north of Boston to just south of
Washington, D.C.
A megalopolis is the area cen-
tered on or interdependent with a
large metropolitan area. The
Northeast megalopolis has five
such metropolises, Boston, New
York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and
Like blobs of ink spilled on a
blotter they are spreading their
suburbs, their superhighways, their
economies towards one another
until they eventually will form
one 600-mile urban area.
Growth Inevitable
Gottman, in his book "Mega-
lopolis" just published by the
Twentieth Century Fund, views
such growth as inevitable. In addi-
tion, he sees it as the "cradle of a
new order, the dawn of a new
As the world's population leaps
ahead, vast urbanization will cer-
tainly follow. Therefore how well
the northeast megalopolis succeeds
in meeting its problems will go far
towards answering how the world
will live its tomorrows.
The problems, he concedes, are
great. "It is true that many of its
sections have seen pretty rural
landscapes replaced by ugly indus-
trial agglomerations or drab and
monstrous residential develop-
ments; it is true that in many
parts of Megalopolis the air is not
clean any more, the noise is dis-
turbing day and night, the water
is not pure as one would wish and
transportation at times becomes a
Produces Wealth
Yet, he adds, the gradual linking
of the great centers of the North-
east has produced the wealthiest,
best educated, most productive
group of its size in the world..
Its population in 1960 was 37
million. "It is now the most active
crossroads on earth for people,
ideas and goods."
Its population density is about

,700 persons for each of its 53,575
square miles. The populous areas
of California, a budding megalopo-
lis, have not yet even reached a
density of 150 persons per square
Higher Incomes
Its per capita income ,in 1956,
Gottman writes, was $2,400 com-
pared to $1,940 for the rest of the
country. While it was crowded
wih 21.2 per cent of the nation's
population on only 1.8 per cent of
its land area, Megalopolis none-
theless produced about 5 per cent
of the nation's farm produce. It
has 40 per cent 'of the nation's
bank assets. Wall Street is the
counry's financial hub, Madison
Avenue heart of its communica-
tions and Washington director of
its federal government.
Megalopolis has the greatest
concentration of culture-the Ivy
League schools, Broadway's thea-
tres, 18 of the 44 libraries in the
United States with over one mil-
lion volumes.
Megalopolis grew, Gottman be-
lieves, because the Northeast was
the first landing of the colonists
and later the immigrants and be-
i.--- -

cause of its accessibility to the
sea. While the frontier moved in-
land, the Megalopolis-to-be con-
centrated on directing and servic-
ing the bast inland area of the
continent as it was opened.
Generates Energy
Megalopolis in fact generated
more energy than the sum of its
parts, Gottman believes. It is this
that is its significance for the fu-
ture. From an area not particu-
larly blessed by nature, the people
of Megalopolis by pooling their
resources and talents generated a
great drive to produce.

Such drive, Gottman says, could
only result from an urban area.
The old rural economy of the
European nations could not have
done it. This is why he looks on
the immense urbanization of the
world's populous areas as the hope
of the future, not as a cancerous
blight of overgrown slums with
hordes of unemployed trapped in
a chaotic asphalt jungle.
From urbanization, he believes,
springs not only the energy that
stimulates progress but also the
demands for social progress and
human rights.


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Johnson Cites Success
Of U.S. Foreign Policy
NEW YORK (P) - Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson said
yesterday bipartisan foreign policy has won "impressive successes"
toward the building of a liveable world community.
In a reply to critics who demand total victory in the cold
war, the Vice-President said Americans could be proud of the gains
they have made over Communism in the struggle for the world.
"Our strategy and our successes are not the possession of any
one party or administration," he said in a speech prepared for an
award dinner honoring United Nations Ambasssador Adlai E. Steven-
"They belong to all the American people," he continued. "For
they represent the labor and sacrifices made by all the American
people over 16 troubled years since World War II."
In obvious reference to Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) a spokes-
man for conservatives who has called on Kennedy to make victory
in the cold war the objective of American policy, Johnson told the
Council on World Affairs in Philadelphia he was not aware "that
this-or any preceding-administration has been committed to de-
feat." He did not name Goldwater as he added:
"If the adherents of this 'new policy' mean we should declare
war against the Soviet Union, let them state their case fully and
frankly to the American people.

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