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November 29, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-29

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Ghemtrhigau Baly
Seventy-Second Year

"The Face Is Familiar"

School Board Seeks
Phonetic Patriotism

"Where Opinions Are Fre@ STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ANN ARBOR MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Wil Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

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;By PAT,

he Senior Pad
r.GOLDEN, Associate City Editor

THE POSSIBILITY of automatic apartment
, permission for senior women has been
rumored persistently this fall. Panhellenic As-
sociation, alarmed that the permission might
touch off a mass migration from communal
birdhouses of Washtenaw to various private
nests, studied the problem and- put it to a vote
a week ago Monday.
The final vote has not been released yet,
but individual reports indicate that a policy
to keep the sorority women caged for their
senior year received resounding support. If the
policy carries any weight, the sorority system
has probably done itself immeasurable injury,
Sorority houses at the University are limited
to 65 active members. Every person in a house
who doesn't want to live there is taking up
a space that might better be filled by someone
interested aid willing to participate. The
sororities recognize that seniors are often sick
of group living and homecoming floats. Yet
hey have decided to force these women to
stay in the house another year, rather than
fill it with sophomores and juniors who want
to go to song practice and plan Father's week-
mnd. s.
N THE UNIVERSITY switches to tri-
mesters, the sorority system will probably
Have to adjust to two-year occupancy, instead
f three, since more and more students will
finish their undergraduate education in three
years. Women who do stay for four years
will find that half of their pledge class has
graduated early, and her interests differ from
he underclassmen she now lives with. The
onflict between working on her honors thesis
and attending song practice would certainly be
.An obvious answer is to adjust now, so that
arger pledge classes each year can fill the
raps' left by uninterested seniors and three
year students. In this way the system would
ron out the difficulties of two-year operation
before it becomes a necessity.
Dirty Pool
[N SPITE of the Union's recently liberalized
policy of allowing women to use its front
loor and eating facilities, discrimination is
still rife.
Two University women, seeking a quiet and
riendly game of pool, intending no disorderly"
r "undersirable" behavior, were unceremon-
ously turned away from the door of the
Inion poolroom. They were not allowed even
he privilege of watching the other players.
If the Union intends to preserve itself as
men's club, women should not be allowed, per
:e. If the Union intends to have coeducational
kctivities, there is no reason for the exclusion
f women from the poolroom, check cashing,
nd swimming pool.
HIS IS ESPECIALLY true of the first, for
there are, of course, places other than the
Inion where a women may swim or get a
heck cashed-but, alas, for those women who
re connoisseurs of the game of pool. there
.re no facilities available with the possible
xceptlon of downtown Ann Arbor pool halls.
If the Union cannot see fit to alter its
policy (for whatever inscrutable reasons of
:a own), then, at the very least, the Women's
league should establish its own poolroom for
7niversity ladies.

A far more basic issue is the right of an
individual to choose his living quarters on the
basis of experience. If automatic apartment
permissions are offered to all senior women-
but the sorority system has a policy against
it-then freshmen definitely have to choose
a style of living for a full three years. The
new policy would force a freshman to commit
herself to group living throughout her under-
graduate career, before she has experienced
even one year of dorm living. The alternatives
become the possibility that she will enjoy three
years of lving with sixty-five people versus
the right to change her mind about group
living and move into an apartment her senior
BUT THE POLICY itself cannot keep women
in sorority houses. Any woman who really
objects can disaffiliate-if the pressure from
her parents Isn't too heavy. Since Panhel
cannotcontrol residential policies of the in-
dividual houses, it is also possible for one
house to set its own policy, in compliance with
the University ruling.
The teeth of the Panhel policy lie in the
dean of women's office, where individual ap-
plications for apartment permission are pro-
cessed. Right now it is more difficult for a
sorority woman to get processed. It is the
dean's office that will pressure a senior woman
who asks for an apartment. Right now it is
more difficult for a sorority woman to get
an apartment than for an independent. But
cases are not common, since the University's
automatic permission is' for women 22 and
older. If the age level, is lowered to 21, the
only way Panhel's conflicting policy will be
enforced is by pressure from the deans.
If sorority women understood the channel
of enforcement when they voted, then clearly
the vote represents official sorority approval
of pressure from the dean's office to keep
senior women in sorority houses, even though
independent women may be allowed apart-
ments. If they didn't understand the point of
authority, then the vote was uninformed.
WVHETHER OR NOT the policy is effective,
the sorority system has done a disservice
both to itself and to the University by keeping
the discussion of this issue an internal, semi-
secret matter.
It isn't an internal question. This is a year
of flux for the Office of Student Affairs and
for all students. It Is a year when every aspect
of the student-administration, student-Univer-
sity relationship is under scrutiny. As a part
of this overall concern about the role of the
student, the right of students to choose their
mode of living becomes important. That right
involves not just the sorority system, but
every student-and it involves the sorority
system because it is part of the entire student
Certainly the sorority system has vested
interests to protect, but it must also recog-
Inize that- it exists within and by sanction of
the University. It's decisions affect all elements
of the University. And in a year of change,
communication between varied interests is
Now that the vote has been taken, there
is still one course open to the sorority system.
If the vote is considered as a vote of con-
fidence that sorority women do like their
living, and the possibility of automatic apart-
ment permission for 21 year old women does
not represent a threat to the sorority system,
then there is no need to have a policy at all.

The PreietsInfluence

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second of three articles dealing with
federal power for integration in the
South. The third will consider state
resistance to integration.)
COURT ORDERS and adminis-
trative regulations are not the
only weapons the federal govern-
ment has to hasten integration in
the South. It has the political and
moral influence derived from the
office of the presidency.
The president, as chief of state,
can bring great moral pressure to
bear on individuals or state and
local governments to integrate
races, or at least to obey the law.
AS HEAD OF his party, 'the
president has great political in-
.fluence among its members. He
can use patronage, choice of local
leaders, or direct support to speed
integration. This is especially true
of a Democratic president, for his
party controls the South and meets
little opposition there.
Neither former President Eisen-
hower nor President3 Kennedy
have used these political powers to
any great degree.
Eisenhower used his power min-
imally in civil rights matters, He
never endorsed the substance of
the 1954-Supreme Court desegrega-
tion decision, although he did say
that as a court decision it had to
be enforced.
THIS FAILURE to take strong
a moral stand has been the cause
of much of the violence accom-
panying attempts to integrate
Southern schools. Events reached
crises proportions when, in 1957
Eisenhower was forced to send
troops to enforce court de-
segregation orders in Little Rock.
Following a court order, the
Little Rock Board of Education
planned to open all-white Central
High School to Negroes Sept. 3,
1957. The day before integration
was to begin, the Arkansas na-'
tional guard seized the school and
on the appointed day barred the
nine Negroes.
On Sept. 20 the national guard
was withdrawn in compliance with
a court order. The following Mon-
day a mob forced the Negro stu-
dents from the school.
Since he had previously attempt-
ed to reach a solution with Ar-
kansas Gov. Orville Faubus with-
out success, the president was
forced to federalize the national
guard and send the Army into
Little Rock to enforce integration.
* * *
NEUSTADT in his book, "Presi-
dential Power" indicates that if
the president had used his in-

fluence this crisis may
avoided. Had the presi
a firm stand before h
(R. I.) conference wi
be might have turned
of events at that point
But, at that meeti
held all the political ca
hower could scarcely pe
Arkansas governor to c
integration since he ha
bilized public opinion ii
to accept desegregation
and make intransigence
untenable for Faubus.
ernor had built massI
his stand and was si
political position and t
unresponsive to sugg
Eisenhower's drastic
martyred Faubus in t
segregationists, stiffen
ance, and set peaceful
back several years.
* * *
what better during the
that he has been in offi
Although during the
he had made his positi
segregation quite clea
North, he avoided speal
South and let Lyndo
equivocate on the is
Southern voters. This so
matic dualism has ch
the Kennedy approac
Unlike Eisenhower, t
administration has us
fluence in a number o
discrimination. Eisenho
from helping the }cor
integration decisions, d
the civil rights field. H
pose some civil rights
and established the C
on Equal Employment:
Industries under for
President Richard M. 1
The Kennedy adminis
the tone for integration
ber of policy decisions
at segregated events ai
ing to segregated clubs
upon, although not infl
bidden. This helps cre
integration atmosphere.
local peace group w
demonstration later tl
against distribution o
Next, they'll have tc
history books, medieval
and, even, the Bible. W
to be a rule of human li

have been
dent taken
is Newport
th Faubus,
the course
ng Faubus
rds. Eisen-
ersuade the
omply with
id not mo-
ni Arkansas
e politically
The gov-
support for
ure of his
hus highly
estions of
order only
he eyes of
ied resist-
)NE some-
brief, time
ion against
ar in the
krinr in 4-h

used its influence to end certain
discriminitory practices. The
president's defense industry= em-
ployment commission, now headed
by Vice-President Johnson elimi-
nated discriminatory hiring prac-
tices at Lockheed Aircraft Cor-
poration's Marietta, Ga. plant and
Attorney General Robert Kennedy
convinced three South serving
railroads to integrate their ter-
minal facilities.
The attorney general pressured
the Interstate Commerce Commis-
sion to ,adopt a rule barring seg-
regated facilities. However, he has
not to date backed the ICC in
enforcing the ruling.
Finally, Attorney General Ken-
nedy mildly used his moral in-
fluence in support of the freedom
riders when he sent marshalls to
Montgomery, Ala. when local of-
ficials seemed ready to let a mob
lynch the riders.
* * *
percussions of a strong civil rights
policy, the administration has
treaded lightly in a number of

Daily Staff Writer
"REMEMBER the McGuffey
Reader" echoed through the
streets of a small Wisconsin vil-
lage this fall and sounded a call
to arms for advocates of the
phonetic approach to reading
against the allies of the word-
recognition system.'
This cry, sent up by four young
fathers recently elected to the lo-
cal school board, launched a cam-
paign to eliminate modern read-
ers abounding in word recognition
devices like "See Spot, run, run,
run, run," and overflowing with
what they considered insipid stor-
* * *
published in 1879, the four men
thought they had found an an-
swer. The McGuffey Reader, in
their opinion, taught reading as
no more modern tet could. In-
stead of relying on the word rec-
ognition method which stresses
the child's recognition of a word
as a whole, the reader allowed a
"phonetics first" approach which
emphasizes sounding the word out
and putting it together syllable
by syllable. In addition, its stories
seemed to have the savor of life
which they deemed would be ap-
pealing to the worldly, present day
The board's choice of the Mc-
Guffey Reader met with strong
opposition. Taxpayers threatened
to impeach the school board and
State Superintendent Angus Roth-
well- warned that state aid,
amounting to about $10,000, could
be withheld.
by the board was to cover with
brown tape religious passages
which critics pointed to as a vio-
lation of the separation of church
and state. The poor grammar and
misspelling in the readers was
considered superfluous I light of
its other advantages. Tae chair-
man of the board, Dennis Beula,
said, "McGuffey teaches the basic
morals of Americanism - honor
your parents, be honest, love ani-
Another member of the school
board, John Pleiffer, declared
"McGuffey builds' recognition of
the heroic, the elevated, the pa-
triotic strength on which our
country is based. f we had had
McGuf fey's in our schools we nev-
to the
Sportsmanship .. .
To the Editor:
[HAD HOPED that Bump El-
liott's rude encounter with
Woody Hayes after the game on
TV last Saturday went unnoticed
but apparently it didn't. Four dif-
ferent people (no Ohio State
grads) have brought this up at
the office this Monday morning.
It's bad enough to be on the
losing side, but to have the coach
show the world what bad losers we
can be is appalling. I hope Elliot
sees fit to apoligize to Hayes.
--Roy Seppala,'62
To the Editor:
Miss Judith Oppenhieim fr
an excellent analysis of what is all
too often the plight of the fresh-
man. I would add, however, an
aspect of the freshman's dillusion
which she ommitted. An entering
freshman expects his university
to be a miniature of society either
as it is or as it should be. I, and

I hope most others, feel that the
University should strive to be an
ideal community.
We should all, therefore, be
shocked at the lack of democracy
at the University today. The stu-
dent is not considered to be an
individual with certain unalien-
able rights but part of a controlled
mass. Legislation is enacted with-
out regard to those affected by
that legislation e.g. the recent
Residence Halls Board of Gov-
ernor's decision.
The original concept of the uni-
versity included a student deter-
mined curriculum. At the Uni-
versity the student's part in de-
ciding what courses are to be
offered or what distribution re-
quirements should be is purely
WHAT IS MOST disturbing is
that the University does not feel
beholden to the United States
Constitution where students are
concerned. Freedom to hear what-
ever one wishes is implied by free-
dom of speech and both are violat-
ed by such things as speaker bans.
The right of due process of law
is denied to students who are un-
able to have counsel or have wit-
nesses testify on their behalf in
front of University judicial bodies.

er would have had the defections
we had in Korea."
The dispute had gone far be-
yond questions of phonetics or
word recognition, The board went
on to plan an entire American-
ism program featuring a course
in American history for seventh
and eighth graders, community
seminars, pupils' patriotic page-
ants and a permanent display in
the school of "good history
books" that "tell the American
* * *
ped the self-described educational
and patriotic organization, "In-
dependence Hall" of Chicago. It
offered financial support to the
school and the four board mem-
bers if state aid was withdrawn.
Sentiments of the townspeople
were split. A business man who
took sides found his store boycot-
ted by dissenters, and a minister
who spoke in favor of the Mc-
Guffey Readers preached to a
considerably diminished congrega-
tion the next Sunday.
In the face of such reaction,
compromises; were made. The
board conceded toemake the M-
Guffey Readers, strong in Prot-
estant morality and 19th Cen-
tury patriotism, a supplemental
text rather than the basic reader
for the school year, and State S
perintendent Rothwell withdrew
his threat of discontinuipg school
not completely died down. The
dispute seems to be one facet of
a growing concern with reading
Last month seven bpeciallsts
published reports under the title
"Tomorrow's Illiterates: The State
of Reading Instruction Today.
The report charges that at least
35 per cent of American young-
sters are seriously retarded in
reading and that an additional 40
per cent are not reading as wel
as they might. Another attack on
the "Look-Say" method lies in the
recently published book, "What
Ivan.Knows that Johnny Doesn't."'
The attacks seem to center on
the point that American children
are incapable of reading perti-
nent, vital material due to a lack
of, vacabulary. The lack of suffi-
cient vocabulary is attributed to
the word recognition method. Al-
though the two methods cannot
always be clearly separated (the
phonetic method uses some word
recognition and vice versa) advo-
cates of the phonetic method
would have phonics introduced
earlier and much more extensive-
learning to read primarily through
word recognition suffers by the
comparatively small number of
words possible for him to memor-
ize. He also becomes the victim
of confusion. When recognizing
the word "moon," by the clue "two
little eyes," the words "boon,"
"loon," and "soon" all become con-
fused with it. This necessitates
limiting the number of *ords used
in readers to a few "safe" words.
In the 1930's when word rec-
ognition was being championed,
its proponents had a good case
against current readers. Children
wereoften reading wordseand sen-
tences which had no meaning for
them. Word recognition seemed
to offer a solution to this in mak-
ing the material more understand-
able and thereby interesting to
the reader.
Advocates of the system wished
to teach children to first "see"
words and then break them into
letters and syllables. The vital
second step, however, came to be
left out or carried out ineffective-
Children are bound to a nar-
row range of reading material.
As shown in the book "What Ivan

Knows that Johnny Doesn't,"
American children here fall be-
hind Russian children who are
quickly introduced to really good
literature and educational ma-
terial after having gained a good
grasp ofrreading skill through
The Russian language necessi-
tates the use of phonics in learn-
ing to read due to the complexly
structured alphabet of the lan-
guage. English remains more
amenable to differing techniques.
Moreover, individual students have
been observed to adapt to one
or the other system more quick-
teaching children to read in Eng-
lish could very well be used to
advantage. Any method which
will help to make reading more
interesting or easy for children
certainly is worthy of being em-
ployed. But if the teacher is to
instill a love of reading, there must
be the long range goal of a large
vocabulary enabling young stu-
dents to read beyond the basic
readers. A possible advantage
must not be turned into a disad-
vantage by ignoring or subjugat-
ina this aoa. 1


xingin e It supported the freedom rides,
n Johnson but urged a cooling off period
sue before when the decisive crisis developed.
)rt of prag- Kennedy favors the politically ac-
aracterized ceptable gradualist approach in
h to civil integration.
Claiming, as did Eisenhower,
he current that he has enough power to ef-
ed its in- feet civil rights action adminis-
f areas of tratively, Kennedy failed to pre-
wer, aside sent any new major civil rights
id little in proposals to Congress this year
le did pro- and did not support such bills in-
legislation troduced by Congressmen inde-
commission pendent of White House activities.
in Defense Actually, the desire to use presi-
mer Vice- dential political power is limited
Mixon. by practical considerations. The
straionsetSouth controls major committee
tration set chairmanships in both houses of
by a num- Congress. Southern Democrats, not
SSpeking particularly favorable to the wel-
s frowned fare programs of either Eisen-
lei forhower or Kennedy, could cement
aeibly - a coalition with northern Repub-
licans against welfare legislation,
if the administration presses civil
This difficulty is illustrated by
ers Defense Secretary Robert McNa-
mara's speech at a segregated din-
PORTS, a ner in Atlanta Veterans Day. Or-
till stage a dinarily, he would follow adminis-
his month tration policy of not attending
f military such functions, but Southerners
Richard Russell and Carl Vinson
o start on head the armed forces committees
romances, in Congress. Antagonizing them
ars appear would hamper the Kennedy mili-
fe. tary program, so McNamara was
--P.D.S. obliged to go to the testimonial
No president is willing to sac,-
T N rifice the success of a many sided
legislative program .for the sake
of a single issue. As long as South-
erners are the dominant influence
,onia Moun- in Congress, presidential action
,ral Science and influence will be limited to
'man, F. S. serve his entire legislative pro-

Let Then
REE TIMES A WEEK the women of Mary
Markley Hall and several other dormitories
ire exposed to the "gracious living" of a sit-
own dinner.
This gruesome procedure at Markley is far
rom "gracious," but despite constant com-
faint from the majority of women it appears
hat "sit-downs" are here to stay whether they
ke it or not.
'Last week, over half of one house in Markley
igned a plea (petitions requesting changes are
liscouraged in the women's residence halls)
sking that at least a decent meal be served if
women have to waste more than an hour on
FHIS STATEMENT was prompted by a meal
last Sunday when there were several tables
Editorial Staff '
City Editor Editorial Director
;URAN PARRELL ................ Personnel Director

iEat Cake

of women that had to wait 55 minutes before
being served, substitute main course and vege-
tables which were still frozen.
The women waited half an hour for the
main course, chicken. They were then told'
that they could not have the chicken because
the kitchen had run out of vegetables. The meat
and potatoes could not be served without the
vegetables, although it was agreed that the
women could have their dessert before dinner
if they wished.
Half an hour after receiving their cake, the
main course was finally served-no longer
chicken, but shrimp. They were lucky. If they
hadn't asked for their cake when they did they
would have gotten ice cream. 'By the time din-
ner was over the kitchen hadrun out of cake
SIMILAR INCIDENTS occur every year. Every
year "requests" for better organization of
"sit-downs," or preferably the abolition of the
whole ordeal, returns. Every year these sugges-
tions are turned, over to councils and commit-
tees and somehow always seem to die there.
The administrative communication channels
in the women's residence halls are clogged up.
Apparently, no one actually knows who has
lU, -4U 4- +. ..m..r h .i._r' n :n° sr


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sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
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before 2 p.mn., two days preceding
General Notices
The Final Installment payment for
Fall Semester fees is due and payable
at the Cashier's Office, on or before
November 29.

east Portion of the Patag
tains, Santa Cruz Count
Thurs., Nov. 30, 2045 Nati
Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chair

Mathematical Statistics seminar:
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics will
meet Fri., Dec. 1 at 4 p.m. in 3201
Angell Hall. Prof. M. H. Belz, Univer-
sity of Melbourne, Australia, will speak
on "Crew Scheduling for Air Line
Operations." Please note the change in
date. All interested are invited.
On Fri., Dec. 1, the following school
will be at the Bureau to interview,

court decisions, federal enforce-
ment, nor federal influence alone
can dominate and carry out civil
rights. Each is limited. Court pro-
cedures make obtaining civil rights
cumbersome and slow. The Justice
Department is hampered by in-
adequate laws which limit their
effectivenn sFinallv the ni~i -

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