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September 12, 1961 - Image 50

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-12

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Hears Cases
Of Students
(Continued from Page 1)

WCBN Offers Varied Radio Listening

here that cases regarding the be-
havior of its own members are de-
cided by council.
Members of these councils vary
in number and are either elected
or appointed. In most cases, too,
the house resident adviser or a
staff member sits in on council
meeting although he is not to in-
fluence the decisions.
The Aquadrangle judiciaries are
composed of members from all the
houses in the quad. These coun-
cils deal with offenses which ap-
ply to the quad as a unit, although
each quadrangle has its own dif-
ferentiation as to which offenses
these are. They also deal with
cases appealed from house judici-
The women's judic structure is
very similar, on the lower levels.'
Here again, each house within the
larger dormitories have their own
house judic. Here again, also, the
method of selection varies from
house to house.
In these larger houses, the dor-
mitory has its own judic. These
houses include Mary Markley and
Alice Lloyd. These dorm councils
serve as appellate courts for-de-
cisions made in house councils.
The decisions effected by these
councils are determined by the
particular action and each case
receives its own review. In many
quadrangle cases, fines are im-
posed. In women's cases, added
late minutes and nights of social
probation are also used as punish-

"You're tuned to the finest in
college radio . .. WCBN."
That familiar station break is
heard regularly on Ann Arbor's
most unique radio station, WCBN,
which is completely owned and
operated by'University students.
The station has three studios,
one in each of the men's quad-
rangles, and also broadcasts to
women's dorms: Mary Markley,
Victor Vaughan, Couzens, Alice
Lloyd, Mosher, Jordan and Stock-
well halls.
WCBN's staff of nearly 150 per-
sons is made up of both men and
women students, many of whom
are freshmen. This fall, the sta-
tion again will be seeking dozens
of interested students to serve as
announcers, engineers, advertising
salesmen and copy writers.
Set Auditions
Announcing auditions will be
held in South Quadrangle studios
during orientation and registration
week, while engineering auditions
will be held in any of the three
studios. Advertising salesmen and
copy writers should sign up in the
station's offices in the Student Ac-
tivities Bldg.
WCBN broadcasts at 650 kilo-
cycles for 24 hours each day, of-
fering news, sports and musical
programs from pop hits to jazz to
In addition, coverage of special
events includes broadcasts of all
Michigan football games; all home
and some away basketball games;
hockey; band, orchestra and glee
club concerts; other important
campus events; and special lec-
tures and debates.
Through agreements with De-
troit commercial stations, WCBN

lii 1l

presents the World Series, speeches
of national significance and an
all-night music program. All pro-
grams broadcast by the University
FM station, WUOM, are also
available to WCBN.
National wire services supply the
station with state, national and
world news, and local soirces pro-
vide complete campus and Ann
Arbor coverage.
A typical broadcast day begins
at 6:30 a.m. with programming of
music, news and sports rebroad-
cast directly from a local com-
mercial station. At '9 a.n., WCBN's
own staff begins its day with three
hours of background and study
Noon Show
From noon to 1 p.m. is the
"Noon Show," which plays popu-
lar hits. Background and study
music is again featured from 1 to
4 p.m., with more popular music
from 4 to 6 p.m.
The remainder of the evening
programming consists of show
tunes, jazz and study music Until
11 p.m. ' A two-hour program of
classical music .ends the day for
the WCBN staff.
WCBN alsohas eight newscasts
daily, including two 15- minute
roundups at '7 and 11 p.m. A daily
five-minute editorial or news com-
mentary is broadcast at 7:15 p.m.
Complete sports news is presented
at 7:20 and 11:15 p.m.
Advertisers Pay
Revenue to operate the station
is obtained from both local and
national arvertisers. S t u d e n t s
serving as local advertising sales-
men are the only paid staff mem-
bers, receiving a commission on
their sales.
Income, over $4,000 last year,
goes to meet expenses of the sta-
tion, including contracts with rec-
ord companies, new equipment,
maintenance of present equipment
and expansion.
The station was started in 1947
as a West Quadrangle activity. In
1949 a similar station was begun
in East Quadrangle. They soon
formed a network, and were joined
by a South Quadrangle station in
In 1957, expansion of coverage
was made to all women's residence
halls. Last year, Mary Markley was
added. Most of the technicalequip-
ment, including transmitters, am-
plifiers and remote units, was built
by staff engineers.
Last year the network of three
separate stations was dissolved by
the Inter-Quadrangle Council, the
student government body for
men's residence halls. One cen-
tralized station, with three studios,
was formed.
Baroque Trio
Unique Group
The University has among its
many concert groups, the Baroque
The trio is believed to be unique
among American universities in
that it specializes in composition
written between 1600 and 1750,
the latter date being the death of
The+ Baroque trio presents a
concert in Ann Arbor each semes-
ter and plays engagements
throughout the state.

YOU'RE ON!-The engineer points to the announcer to signal
that she is on the air and that the record has finished. Utilizing
both student announcers and engineers gives men and women
an opportunity to gain broadcasting experience on WCBN.
SchlashipAd 7Top
$1 MllonAnnually


We carry high quality yarns

in all

weights ,and colors.

The majority of

hand knitting yarns are imported. We

have yarns from

Scotl nd,

France ,

About one million dollars in
scholarship aid was given to Uni-
versity students' last year, Ivan
Parker, Assistant Dean of Men,
announced recently..
In addition to this, he said, an-
other million was loaned to Uni-
versity students.
Parker divided scholarship op-
portunities into three categories.
The first, ',he noted, are those
given to. entering students, award-
ed by May 1 of the semester pre-
ceding entrance.
The other two, Parker said,
those given by various schools and
colleges and the general under-
graduate scholarships, 'are award-
ed to students already attending
the University.
Application for these must be
made around the end of first se-
mester in residence. A "B" aver-
age, Parker conimen ted, is the
practical cutoff point for consid-
eration because of the great com-
petition,, .
Need, Parker said, is a prime
consideration. About one in four
applicants receive grant's, he ex-
The scholarship awards, which
are announced in May, June and
July, are outlined in the booklet,
"University Scholarships, Fellow-
ships and Prizes," available from
the Office of Student Affairs.,
- In this booklet, the "University.
explains just-'what aid is offered,
and the qualifications a student
should have in order to apply for
aid. A wide variety of such aid is
available to different students.
Loans Available,
In addition to scholarships, stu-
dents may receive University aid

Denmark, Sweden, Tibet and Italy as
well as domestic yarns. Also pattern
books from all the leading yarn com-

Art Availal


in the form of loans, Pa
University loans, at three
cent interest, usually totaling
der six hundred dollars payab]
the end of the semester, are
plied for at the offices of
deans of men and women.
In addition to this source, Pa
er said, the National Defense I
cation students receive first pI
ity, with scientists, mathen
cians and modern foreign langu
students second; and general,
dents third.

panies and

a full line of


For Students
Every semester, students are
able toa rent prints of the paint-
ings _of well-known artists over at
the Student Activities Buliding.
The selection ranges from Ren-
aissance works through Expres-
sionist paintings. The prints are
exhibited, on the walls of the thirdI
floor -of the SAB. Students are able
to choose prints from those on
This service is sponsored by the
University. It began on donations
from outside soruces, but today
there is a fund which has been es-
tablished over the years for its con-
tinuance. The first donation was
contributed' by the J. L. Hudson
Co. 13 years ago.
Approximately 300 people bor-
row prints each semester. The,
rental cost for one semester varies
from 25 cents to $1.25 depending
upon the value of the print.



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T H.E QUARRY INC. welcomes Students to Ann Arbor

Our COSMETIC DEPARTMENT features many treatment & We also take pride in our PHOTOGRAPHIC STORE which
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two experienced cosmeticians to serve you. Gift wrapping finishing of all kinds. We have many fines of camera equip-

is available at no extra charge.
We have a complete line of SUNDRY SUPPLIES. Whatever
your sumrner needs may be,'we will be glad to be of service
to you.w

ment (exclusive with us) and three photographic experts
who can help you with any problem in photography.
* We believe we ore offering you the most complete PRE-
SCRIPTION SERVICE in Washtenaw county. This includes
eight registered pharmacists to care for all your drug needs.

r*IfVU. N r r ffE1 a B r a'*'-'1

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