See Page 4
Possible snow flurries
tonight and tomorrow.
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Size, Nature Set
Operation of OSA's
The size and nature of a college are determining factors in oper-
ating an office of student affairs, three student personnel adminis-
trators indicated this weekend.
The trio-all participants in the "Aims of Education" conference
sponsored by the United States National Student Association-repre-
sented a small, denominational college, an urban commuter institution,
and a cosmopolitan, -highly selected university.
Brother Mark explained. that St. Mary's, with 700 resident men,
is experiencing "growing pains" in developing an effective relation-
ship with the students outside the classroom.
* Give More Room
A member of the Christian Brothers order, which undertook
responsibility for the Winona, Minn. college recently, Brother Mark
did see a general tendency to give the men "more room" for respon-
sible action.
"The administration encourages pressure by the students to get
things changed," the assistant dean of men said, pointing to a stu-
dent government proposal, now under consideration, which would set
up questionnaires for course evaluations.,
The University of Chicago, though ,scredited- with the greatest
freedom of student opinion, delegates very few powers to students,
Ruth O. McCarn, a retired member of the student affairs office there,
Mrs. McCarn-who ended a long association with Chicago this
June-said the student government had nothing to say about matters
of discipline or curriculum changes.
"The university is not indifferent to student nonclassroom needs,
but deliberately states that 'We think this is our business'."
Since more than half of Chicago's 6,000 students have their
bachelor's degree, the accent on campus is strongly focused on study.
"The fundamental characteristic about our students is that they come
to learn," Mrs. McCarn said.,
Select Faculty
To integrate the nonacademic affairs with the rest of the uni-
versity, members of the student affairs office are selected from the
regular faculty.
Basic policies of Roosevelt University are set up by the faculty
senate and implemented by a student-faculty Student Activities Board.
A statement of..general policy and the names of the officers are all
that are necessary for a group to gain recognition as a student or-
Judicial violations are usually restricted to conduct with the one
large building which is the single university structure. "The rules are
permissively administrated," George Watson, dean of students, said.
Non-Vlolence Appears
Out o Place Nowadays'
"The one thing that seems most out of place in today's world,
is non-violence,". said David McReynolds at the Voice Forum last
McReynolds, executive secretary of the War Resistors League, is
a contributor to "Progressive" and "Liberation" 'Magazines.
"We have finally reached that point where we can annihilate our
enemy--and this causes much joy," McReynolds stated.
The twice-arrested socialist propounded the theory that violence
dehumanizes people. "It was once possible to tangibly hate your ene-
At Border
BERLIN (MP)-Hundreds of angry
West Berliners battled with West
German police restraining them
from actions against the East
German Red regime last night
along the hated Communist wall.
A battle involving tear gas and
water cannon then developed be-
tween East and West police.
During the intramural West
German fracas, East German bor-
der guards turned water cannon
and teargas on the demonstra-
tors, most of whom were. young-
Police FightBack
West police retaliated by hurling
some 200 tear gas grenades at the
The West police, after hurling
tear gas grenades at the Com-
munists, hustled the crowd of
youngsters back to safety.
The incidents came when an of-
ficially approved West Berlin pro-
test march boiled over. Police es-
timated some 20,000 people took
part in a torchlight procession to
a memorial to German unity, a
safe distance from the wall.
Form Columns
But afterwards thousands broke
away, shouting: "To the wall,"
and formed up in newhcolumns
heading for the Brandenburg Gate.
West police reinforcements were
called out and managed to divert
most of them to side streets. They
had to use nightsticks to drive
about 1,000 - mostly students-
from the approach to the gate.
Another determined group of
about 400 managed to reach the
wall at Wilhelmstrasse, where the
tear gas battle followed.
Convert Wall
The tumult erupted while Com-
munist labor battalions worked
IQC 's
The University is "well
average" in fringe benefits
vides for its faculty, but h
ground compared to otherc
and universities in the la
or five years, Vice-Presider
Dean of Faculties Marvinb
Like industry, the fringe 1
a university pays its facull
assumed greater importa
competition for faculty am
stitutions, he says.
"The University is con
trying to keep abreasti
area," he declares.
Still High
The University which r
raised its contribution from
10 per cent toward faculty
ment annuities, is still abov
age in this field although
schools are now paying the
sum. Niehuss listed Indian
due, and Princeton as some
major schools now providi
full amount to its faculty.
Faculty housing is anotb
panding area of fringe benefits.
Some universities, like Princeton
i above and Amherst, offer housing at low
as lrost rates. Others have faculty housing
1g and a few aid faculty in meeting
coueges the down payment and mortgage
'nt and of a home.
Niehuss The University provides no per-
manent housing for faculty, but
maintains temporary housing in
benefits the married couples housing for
ty have this purpose.
nce in Thought of It
gong in-
It has, however, thought of pro-
ttlviding such housing. At one time
stany the University was considering
in this plans for converting an estate near
Dexter which Was given to the
University into faculty housing,
ecently Niehuss says.
five to "Building faculty housing creates
retire- many problems. It is. difficult to do
e aver- and know what the faculty wants,"
several he commented.
entire "It would be all right when there
a, Pur- is no housing available, but when
of the there is some there is criticism
ng the from those not in such housing,"
he adds.
her ex- The University makes loans to
Fringe Benefits
assist faculty in the buying of
homes. However, they do not have
much better interest rates than
commercial loans, Niehuss says.
"The loans come from University
investment funds and the admin-
istration have an obligation to
protect these funds," he declares.
Vice - President in Charge of
Business and Finance Wilbur K.
Pierpont and the Faculty Com-
mittee on Staff Excellence are con-
sidering a suggestion having the
University guarantee fully housing
loans to faculty.
in t
American Communists
Fail To Meet Deadline
Asks Changes
For Reserves
BOSTON (JP)- Reservists called
to active duty during the Berlin
crisis should be released and re-
placed by draftees, Maj. Gen.
Michael J. Galvin, commanding
officer of the 94th Infantry Reserve
Division said yesterday.
"The crisis is over," Galvin de-
Galvin also urged immediate "de-
alert" of National Guard divisions
in Massachusetts and Pennsylvania
which have been on an "alert"
status for the past -two months.
The divisions are the 26th in
Massachusetts and the 28th in
Galvin made his comments to a
Massachusetts House Committee
studying legislation for activated
national guardsmen and reservists.
Galvin's comments came a few
days after Maj. Gen. William H.
Harrison called for lifting the
alert of the 26th Division.
'my; however, pushing a button-
doesn't even represent this psy-
chotic factor in humans."
Objector Strikes Out
The conscientious o b j e c t o r
struck out against Herman Kahn.
He briefly stated Kahn's "Coun-
try A-Country B" Theory: coun-
try A is made up of industrial
centers, B contains the areas sur-
rounding the cities which will sur-
vive a nuclear attack.
After the bombs drop, country
B will come to the aid of country
A, and within 30 years, American
society will be back on the right
track. (This will also help solve
the population, slum and traffic
Sees Fallacy
McReynolds sees a fallacy in
Kahn's theory in that "society is
a delicate organism; you can't
take out one third of the people
and then put it back together
again." For example, the first
thing that happens after a hur-
ricane or floods have devastated
an area is systematic looting. In
many cases, it is necessary to call
in the National Guard.
feverishly for the second straight WASHINGTON (;P) - The .Justice Department is prepared to rega
night to convert the 25-mile-long prosecute United States Communists for refusal to register but it 'I
wall dividing the city eto a tank- held the door open right up to the last minute to give the Reds asse
proof concrete and steel barrier every chance to change their minds. neg
The Comunt e sue The registration deadline was midnight last night and the party out
its first explanation for the puz, notified the government last week it would not comply with the reco
zling new buildup which began I
Sunday night. The interior minis- registration requirements of the Internal Security Act of 1950. Sta
But a department spokesman said personnel guarding,the de-
try, in a statement issued by the repc
official news agency ADN, said partment's main entrance and all-night switchboard had been alerted got
it was to increase security. in case of an eleventh-hour filing of the registration documents by the
any party representative. The spokesman also noted the possibility sioi
that the registration documents-
Rockefeller might be mailed. He said they DORM DISCIPLINE:
would be considered within the
( H lp L001 deadline if envelopes bore a pre-
midnight postmark."
In a registered letter received B riton B
For Lost Son Friday, the party said its officers
would not register the organiza-
SAN FRANCISCO (/P) - New tion or supply the personnel. fi-
York's Gov. Nelson Rockefeller left nancial and other information :e-
yesterday for Dutch New Guinea quired by the act. figh
with the encouraging message that The letter said the officers based the
his missing son, Michael,might be their "declinations" on their con- cra
found. stitutional right "not to incrimi- A
President John F. Kennedy of- nate themselves." The uns gned ics
fered every possible assistance in letter bore the Communist Party sity
locating the governor's 23-year-old seal clay
son, who had been on an anthro- Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy adv
pology expedition. Dutch officials said the department rejected the = Qua
in the Hague reported earlier that party's claim of privilege under "
companion had been res- the Fifth Amendment. He indieat-
cued in the remote jungle area. ed the department would proceed min
Rockefeller, pale and shaken, to prosecute the party if it failed free
arrived in San Francisco from New to meet the registration deadline.
York Sunday night and took off at
9:11 a.m. yesterday on a Pan The Internal Security Act re- "
American jet for Honolulu and quires also that the party list the and
Tokyo on the first stages of his locations of its printing equip- to
hurried journey. He planned to ment and label its literature and A
charter an amphibious plane in broadcasts as Communist-origi- fici
Tokyo for the flight to New nated. ing
Guinea's South Coast. Upon failure of the organizat'on dres
It was there that Rockefeller's to register by the deadline, its e
youngest son last was seen floating officers must register individually "
on two jerry cans after he and his by Nov. 30. . .for
companion, R. S. Wassing, 34, were Their failure to do so would re- JAMES ARROWSMITH tior
forced to abandon a small native quire every member to register by .. criticizes quads as
craft. Dec. 20.as
idians Ask
'eace Talks
xoduced a resolution last night
the United Nations' main poli-
al committee aimed at breaking
deadlock between the United
tes and the Soviet Union over
umption of disarmamen nego-
V. K. Krishna Menon, Indian
ense minister, urged the com-
tee to approve a resolution urg-
the two big powers to reach
eement on the composition of
negotiating body "which both
y and the rest of tne world can
ard as satisfactory"
he resolution would have the
embly express hope that the
otiations will be started with-
delgy "and lead to an agreed
ommendation to the assembly."
t would also ask the United
tes and the Soviet Union "to
ort on the results of such ne-
Uations to the assembly before
conclusion of the 16th ses-
attles Bur
one James Arrowsmith "is
ting a personal war against
University housing bureau-
cy," he says.
krrowsmith, a graduate econom-
student, came to the Univer-
from London this fall and
ims that "blatant, dishonest
ertising" lured him into East
The quads are run under total-
rian rules," he says. "The ad-
nistration has no conception of
edom, truth or hygiene,
Blame Falls
The bureaucrats-the staff men
housemothers-are especially
blame," he contends.
Vrowsmith feels that these of-
als are not justified in enforc-
such rulings as the current
ss regulations and closing hours
rely because this is their job.
They are morally responsible
either changing the regula-
ns or getting out," he says.
The University should be run'
mnuch as possible by professors
"appear under tne sponsorsnip ozfiesPa
~iJPdL UU~ L1~ ~jJ'J1.~1 ~Cites Plan
the Political Issues Club. He added that 'the University
has planned a coeducational resi-
dence hall-Bursley Hall to be lo-
cated on North Campus - that
will aid the problem.
The Board, at its October meet-
eau crats ing, set-up a committee to study
the possibility of co-educational
dormitories both within future
he asers. "tu.and present facilities.
and students," he asserts. "Stu- pean of Women Deborah Ba-
dent unions in Europe are not con, while opposing Moch's pro-
puppet bodies like Student Govern- posal, said thatsshe thoustr
contr Council. They are actually in would be good if men's residence
cont o Shalls held open houses on Sundays
NAoSystem Bad and women were at that time al-
Yet, Arrowsmith recognizes that lowed to use their meal tickets to
no one system is entirely fault- d t their alc s
less or entirely bad. "In England dine with their dates.
there are no good physical facili- Rea Against
ties such as the Student Activities Dean of Men Walter B. Rea, who
Building, so one might say they also voted against the IQC rec-
don't have much to control," he ommendation, suggested that "this
claims. is one aspect of the much larger
While European institutions may issue of the student's relation to
not interfere with students' per- the University.
sonal lives, Arrowsmith admits He added that he felt it would
that "they don't take so much in- be better, before taking any action
terest in the majority of students on a proposal like this, to wait for
either." the recommendations of the Of-
The British educational system fice of Student Affairs Study Com-
fails to provide for the large num- mittee, which is presently engaged
bers of technologists and admin- in evaluating the philosophy of
istrators, he says. "Instead it turns the residence halls.
out an elite of scientists and in- Moch broadcast a ten minute
tellectuals." talk over the residence halls ra-
In addition no positive attempt dio network WCBN to explain to
is madesto help foreign students, the residents the variousireasons
She notes. for the failure of the motion.
Dual Objectives
tions to its permanent foundations as well as solutions to contem-
porary problems must be considered, the fourth group concluded.
The extremes of quality and quantity, general and vocational
training, and "terminal" and "university" education are prime areas
for questioning, the group's reporter, Elizabeth McCue of the College
of St. Elizabeth, said.
The discussions about "Contemporary Education in America"
echoed Prof. Kaufman's call for a university which would both "insure
that society's vital needs are met capably and responsibly and make
sure that no individual leaves it without having a thoroughly well-
developed idea of what it is to lead the examined life."
Reality Gap
There is likely to be a gap between the ideal and the real, and
one of the aims of education, Green said, should be to make the in-
dividual "want to narrow that gap."
Provision for free tuition to fac-
ulty children or benefits for edu-
cating them at other institutions
is a fringe benefit which is im-
portant in faculty , competition
among institutions, Niehuss says.
A number of private universities
such as Princeton and Stanford
offer this benefit to their faculty.
"The University has discussed
this. Some faculty members are
anxious to have it; but others are
critical of paying benefits on the
basis of fertility," he explains.
Attempted Affiliation
A number of years ago the Uni-
versity attempted to affiliate with
a tuition exchange set up by a
number of private colleges for ex-
changing tuitions of faculty mem-
ber's children attendingnthe vari-
ous institutions. The University
bid was rejected as its low tuition
rates did not make it worthwhile
for it to be allied with the eastern
The University provides low cost
group insurance, Blue Cross,and
other medical and health insur-,
ance to faculty.
Niehuss stresses that there are
a number of improvements that
can be made in fringe benefits if
there ever was money available for
PIC Sets Speech
By Hayden, Haber
Two former student leaders at
the University will discuss "The
Revolution in the South' at 7:30
p.m. today in Rm. 3R-S of the
Michigan Union. Thomas E. Hay-
den, editor of the Daily last year,
and Al Haber, past member of the
student Government Council will
or%"oa 11"ar ha ~t~enrhinf
Moch Casts
Only Ballot
For Passage
rSuggest Increased
Open-Open Houses
For Weekend Period
The Residence Halls Board of
Governors yesterday rejected In-
terquadrangle Council's recom-
mendation to allow women visitors
in men's rooms.
Only IQC President Thomas
Moch, '62E, voting in favor of the
motion, Board members later ex-
pressed interest in increasing the
amount of informal coeducational
social contact in the residence
Prof. Donald Eschman of the
geology department and one of
the four faculty board members
said in debate that women guest
policy allowing visitors from noon
until one-half hour before women
must return to their dormitories as
"educationally unsound."
Notes Disturbance
Prof. Eschman noted the dis-
turbances that might be created
to the academic atmosphere of
the quads.
He suggested that increasing the
number of open-open houses on
weekend, which require staff su-
pervision and open doors, might
provide a more satisfactory sys-
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs, James A. Lewis cited "the
concern" of University President
Harlan H. Hatcher and the Re-
gents over the lack of informal co-
educational contact in the resi-
dence halls.
Conference Discusses Educationl's
Higher education has a dual objective: to provide technical train-
ing for individuals who will fill certain 'social slots' in society and
to advance the growth of the individual's intellectual capacities.,
This was the general consensus reached by participants in the
'Aims of Education' conference sponsored by the United States Na-
tional Student Association this weekend. Undergraduate and gradu-
ate students, faculty members and administrators from 53 different
American colleges, heard speeches, listened to panels and spent long
hours in discussion at Wingspread, a sprawling Racine, Wisconsin
home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Spurred on by Prof. Peter Rempel's opening address which urged
that asking questions was important than finding answers to abol-
ish the queries, the participants appeared more concerned with pos-
ing problems than forcing compromise agreements in the four dis-
former USNSA national officer now on the economics faculty at
Yale University, pointed to a need for universities "to make the
autonomous decision be relevant."
Related Autonomy
The institutions of higher education must be allowed to operate
on their own, but they should consider themselves in relation to the
rest of society, he said.
Ideally, the university should present everything of intellectual
importance, his group felt. Realizing a need to establish priorities on
what can be taught in any one institution, the group saw the "autono-
mous decision to be relevant" as having importance in making such
decisions on curriculum.
The university has a pragmatic function to continue itself and
replenish the state as well as striving to accustom its students "to
the idea of thinking," a second discussion group, led by Neil Johnston,
I m