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November 18, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-18

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Stiffen 'Big Ten' Rules
For Athletic Eligibility,
Michigan Board Votes




Souvanna's Turnabout
Sets Hope for Accord
VIENTIANE, Laos (P)-An abrupt turnabout by neutralist Prince
Souvanna Phouma yesterday rekindled hope of heading off a renewal
of full-scale fighting in this Communist-threatened Asian kingdom.
The 60-year-old Souvanna, premier designate of a new coalition
government, dropped his demand that the country's three feuding
princes meet in the rebel-controlled Plaine des Jarres.
Talks Later
Instead, he agreed to talks later this month in Vientiane,; seat of
the present pro-Western royal government. The military chief of the

. from silo

royal government, Gen. Phoumi
Nosavan, said the new proposal
"has completely transformed the
atmosphere" and that he hoped
for "most happy results."
No Word
There was no immediate word
that the leader of the pro-Com-
munist Pathet Lao, Prince Sou-
phanouvong, also would come to
Vientiane for the talks. But it was
assumed he approved, since he
maintains headquarters with Sou-
I vanna, his half-brother, on the
Plaine des Jarres.
The three-nation truce commis-
sion for Laos warned last week
that a new civil war might break
out unless the three squabbling
princes reached quick agreement
on a government of national unity.
Soviets Ask
Finn Parley
Union is demanding military con-
sultations with Finland as soon as
possible, the Finnish government
disclosed last night.
Moscow claims West German
military moves in the Baltic Sea
are responsible.
The Soviet demand for speed
was disclosed on the return of
Ambassador Euro A. Wuori from,
Wuori met Thursday with Soviet
Deputy Foreign Minister Vassily
Kuznetsov, who gave him "alarm-
ing news" that the Russians said
made thesupposed Western Ger-
man threat seem worse than on
Oct. 30, when Moscow first began
exerting pressure on Finland by'
asking for consultations.1
The government -said Kuznetsov
asked for speed in getting the1
talks started because of a "direct1
threat to the security of the Soviet;
Union and Finland."1
The Finnish government has1
been playing for time hoping to
avoid talks with Moscow on joint
defense measures. Until now the
Russians had not pressed the mat-1
Billing Office
Tells Problem
Although not all students paid
the first installment of the tuition
by the Oct. 2 deadline, no one has3
yet been asked to leave the Uni-
versity, the Student Billing Office
said yesterday.
There were extenuating circum-
stances in each of the cases and so'
each needed to be reviewed separ-
In some cases the persons in-
volved were foreign students whose
embassies were holding up the
funds. Some payments have been
made since Oct. 2, and others are
still coming in.

Back 'Need'
For Athletes
Approve Rose Bowl,
Reject Compulsory
Round-Robin Card
Sports Editor
The Board in Control of Inter-
collegiate Athletics last night
voted to approve upgrading of
Western Conference academic eli-
gibility standards, reaffirmed its
stand favoring retention of the
"need" factor in aid and rejected
the compulsory football round-
robin schedule.
The Board also repeated its ap-
proval of renewal of the confer-
ence Rose Bowl pact.
These questions will al come up
for review at the Big Ten meeting
Dec. 7 in Chicago.
The Rose Bowl renewal, up-
graded eligibility rules and aban-
donment of the "need" factor were
all approved at the Conference's
May meeting, but under Big Ten
procedures objection by 2ne or
more schools within 60 days after
passage forces reconsideration at
the next meeting.
Freshman Eligibility
One important eligibility move
would require a freshman athlete
to carry a 1.7 grade point average
for his freshman year in order
to be eligible for varsity compe-
tition. It would change the pres-
ent rule which requires only 24
hours completed and no delin-
quency (failure), with no qualia-
tive standard.
The Board also favored a pro-
posal requiring prospective varsity
athletes to establish a 1.7 "cho-
lastic predictability rating" in or-
der to become eligible for financial
aid. This 1.7 figure was arrived
at through an 18-month study of
500 male studnts at each of the
10 conference institutions. Results
of the study were made known to
conference faculty representatives
more than a year ago.
The study was based on fresh-
man class standings compared
with results of the College En-
trance Examination Board tests
and the College Aptitude Test,
both of which were administerel
before students entered school. A
1.7 predictability rating was found
to be the minimum score on the,
two tests which would reasonably
ensure passing college work. ,
Require Tests
If this predictability rating sys-
tem is aproved by the -Conference,
the CEEB or CAT examinations
would be required at all schools
in order for athletes to qualify for;
aid. Present conference rulings al-
low aid if the prospective athlete,
is in the upper two-thirds of his
graluating high school'class and
has been accepted for admittance
by the individual university.
Neither of these changes would
materially affect Michigan since
it is operating on standards sub-
stantially higher than this, Ath-
letic Director H. O. (Fritz) Crislert
said last night.J
The changes would, however, up-
grade the Conference requirementsI
as a whole.-
In another major recommenda-
tion, the Board favored changingi
the eligibility rule by allowing an
athlete one delinquency if heI
See ROSE BOWL, Page 6 1

Associate Sports Editor
No TV cameras will dot the
Stadium press box this afternoon
and no Bowl Committees will ob-
serve the action with eyes on
New Year's glamour-Big Tent
standings have finalized that.
Instead, two good football
teams, Michigan and Iowa, will
do battle with memories of what
could have been and a hope for~
last-hour salvation. Kickoff time
is 1:30 p.m. and some 62,000 die-
hard fans are expected to witness
he game in chilly weather under
overcast skies.
Chance for Record
For the Wolverines, the game
offers possibilities for their best
record since 1956 and a three-
game win streak for the first time,
since the 1956-57 teams put to-1
gether six in a row over two sea-
sons. A victory would also give
Bump Elliott his best record in
his three-year tenure as Michigan
head coach.

For Iowa Coach Jerry Burns,
this is a big one. As successor to
Forest Exashevski, he was sup-
posed to produce one of the best
teams in Hawkeye history, and
there have been some good ones.
Four weeks into the season, the
forecasts looked good, but injuries
began to take their toll. First Pur-

due, then Ohio State, and last
week Minnesota ground out vic-
tories and Iowa has become "just
another football team."
Its vaunted running attack dis-
appeared with injuries to back-
field stars Larry Ferguson and
Wilburn Hollis, and the passing
game which devastated Wisconsin
has turned into an interception

New Budget
Calls for Boost
Of $187 Million
Governor John B. Swainson an-
nounced yesterday that a oudget
of $605 million has been requested
for the 1962-63 year by state
The request calls for an increase
of $187 million over last year and
represents approximately one-half
the entire state budget for the
coming fiscal year..
The total budget requests were
compiled by State. Controler2 Ira
Polley from individual agencies.
If the state follows tradition,
agency requests will be drastically
cut by the Governor when he pre-
sents his budget proposal to the
Legislature in January.
Tradition also indicates that
Swainson's request will further be
reduced by the Legislature.
Of the current request. approx-
imately $615 million is earmarked
for educational purposes. This
figune includes $217.4 million of a
general funds appropriation.
In the current fiscal year, the
general fund appropriation grant-
ed by the Legislature was $418
million, of which $109 million went
to state colleges and universities.
Other requested increases in-
clude $107 million for mental
health, up $31 million from the
current appropriation, and $105
million for social welfare, an in-
crease of $19 million.
Polley said that $132 million
more is requested for new build-
ing and remodeling of existing
state structures.

J }

menace. Fumbles have also haunt-
ed the Hawkeyes.
Six times, alert Minnesota line-
men and backs stole the Hawkeye
football-three on fumbles and
three more on pass interceptions.
The week before, it was Ohio
State's Tom Perdue who romped
55 yds. to score with an Iowa
fumble. At Lafayette, the mud

-Daly-Bruce Taylor
IT DIDN'T TEAR-Michigan halfback Dave Raimey is being tackled by a herd of Duke Blue Devils.
Raimey and teammate Bennie McRae will try to use their breakaway talents to subdue the chal-
lenging Iowa Hawkeyes this afternoon at Michigan Stadium.
SGC Pln.Marks Anniveorsary

Military Calls
M isleI es t
Total Success
Minuteman missile sprang from
an underground pit yesterday and
streaked 3,000 miles in a major
success which gave the United
States a big boost toward push-
button war capability.
This was the first successful
firing of the missile from the steel
and concrete hole-similar to those
which will enable operational
Minutemen to survive a nuclear
attack and strike a retaliatory
Verifies Confidence
Brig. Gen. Sam Phillips, Air
Force Minuteman program direc-
tor, described the shot as "totally
successful. It completely verifies
our confidence in the Minuteman
The first attempt to fire the
missile from a silo failed last
August when the vehicle exploded
r after clearing the hole. The fail-
ure raised some doubt whether the
weapon would meet its combat-
ready deadline of next summer.
Back on Schedule
But this success put the prograrr
back on schedule, and Phillips
said the test-firing tempo will ac-
celerate sharply.
When Minuteman is operational,
the Ail- Force plans the biggest
missile buildup in this nation-s
history. The first three 50-missile
squadrons will be buried on the
Montana prairie near Malmstrom
Air Force Base. A total of 600
Minutemen is planned by 1964.
with defense officials considering
an eventual force of 2,500.
rein till

'62 'U' Budget
Still in .Doubt
University officials say they are
still in the dark on what the state
administration is going to do with
their $45.8 million budget request
for next year.
University President H arlan
Hatcher told the Regents yester-
day that he met with state budget
officials Monday but received "no
indication of what form their rec-
ommendations may take." He said
he tried to explain the University's
needs and "express our hope."

The Student Government Coun-
cil plan is marking its second an-
niversary this month.
Approved in its present form by
the Regents on Nov. 21, 1959, the
revised SGC plan differs frogs its
predecessor primarily in the sub-
stitution of the eight man Com-
mittee on Referral for a seven
man Board in Review.
The plan was formulated at the
request of the Regents who called
for elimination of "ambiguities"
in the old Council set-up after
the Sigma Kappa sorority dispute
in 1958.
'Vote To Withdraw
The Council had voted to with-
draw recognition from Sigma Kap-
pa, but the Board in Review re-
versed the decision. When SGC
asked the Regents to reconsider
the case, they refused, saying the
conflict resulted from the am-
biguities in the plan.
Under the new plan, final veto
power of Council action rests solely
with the vice-president for stu-
dent affairs. The Committee on
Referral may be called to meet
either when the vice-president
contemplates such a veto or when
four or more members of the
committee believe that an action
taken by the Council might in-
volve jurisdictional questions, pro-
cedural irregularities or irrespon-
sible action.
In this instance, the committee
may recommend action to the vice-
president for student affairs, but!
may not dictate it. The vice-
president is free to do as he' sees
fit in regard to the issue.
Not Convened
Except for organizational and
structural meetings, the Commit-
tee has not convened since the new
plan went into effect.
The Regents requested a special
clarification committee to form-
ulate the new plan and this was,
submitted to SOC forddiscussion
so that the final draft was a coin-
bination of committee and SGC
Prof. Charles F. Lehman of the
educational school who chaired
the clarification committee, be-
lieves that the Council has notl

and "dropsy" habit combined to
beat the Hawks.
"We're not that bad a football
team," Burns insists, "we're due
for some breaks."
Elliott Hopeful
Elliott, who has seen his team
either feast or famine on the
"breaks" hopes that the day isn't
today, for when the Wolverines
have been fortunate, his team has
won. When the ball hasn't bounc-
ed right, Michigan has lost.
opposition fumbles keyed the
early season routs of UCLA and
Army and provided the winning
two points against Purdue. Mich-
igan fumbles were expensive
against Michigan State and Min-
nesota. A last minute bobble at
Minneapolis killed any Wolverine
hopes of Big Ten and post-season
Barring an uneven split in the
'MSU Plan s
For School
Get Approval
Trustees Create
Biology Institute
an eye on a pre-medical training
program, the Michigan State Uni-
verity Board of Trustees created
an Institute of Biological Sciences
The institute is designed to pro-
vide the two years of post-graduate
education needed by medical stu-
dents before they can start clinical
studies, spokesmen said.
Graduate students would be able
to fill third-year vacancies in med-
ical schools, they said.
Kellogg Gull Lake
. MSU President John A. Hannah
told the board-meeting at the
university's Kellogg Gull Lake Bio-
logical Station near Battle Creek-
that two substantial grants to help
finance the project are being nego-
tiated. Funds will be available both
for building and organization.
Dr. Richard U. Byerrum, assist-
ant provost and professor of bio-
chemistry, has been named acting
director of the institute which swill
be activated by Dec. 1.
He has been director of a faculty
committee finalizing an MSU plan
to bring all medical and biological
studies under one program. The
board approved a preliminary
committee report last year outlin-
ing national medical education
needs and MSU's role in helping
meet them.
Filled to Capacity
The greatest need, the report
showed, was in pre-clinical train-
ing facilities. These were filled to
capacity, while there were 700-800
vacancies in third-year level medi-
cal programs. It amounted to a
bottleneck, the study said.
Implementation of the medical
program may take two or three
years, the board said.
,The board also named Prof. Clif-
ford E. Erickson, dean of -the MSU
education college to succeed Paul
A. Miller as provost.

fully utilized the potential grant-
ed it in the new plan.
One of its greatest weaknesses,
he says, is the diffusion of SGC
responsibility to recognize and
withdraw recognition from stu-
dent organizations.
Final Decision
Establishment of a Committee;
on Membership Selection in Stu-
dent Organizations, he says, was
simply a means of putting off a
clear and final decision regarding
discrimination by sororities and
He believes the Council itself
should examine the issue and then
test whether its plan will be up-
held should it decide that with-
T irrell Raps
'U' Relations
With Public
"There is no plan for carefully
planned, year-round contacts
within the state to 'sell' the Uni-
versity," Jack Tirrell,'51, secretary'
of the Alumni Association said
In an editorial in the Michigan
Alumnus, Tirrell criticized the lack
of decisiveness and action by the
University in the public-relations
He said that there are "hundreds
of loyal, willing and devoted alum-
ni" who are willing to assist in this
task, but who need a plan of action
in order to be effective.
Blind Pressure
Tirrell said he favors a "grass-
roots support program" by the
alumni which would extend "far
beyond a legislative lobby." He en-
visioned "an educated group who
make' contacts" and emphasized
that it should not be a "blind
pressure" organization.
Tirrell cited the achievements of
other Big Ten schools in public
He said that "these are the types
of universities in our area that are
making offers to our faculty, meet-
ing and surpassing our salary
scales, and giving evidence of be-
ing institutions of the future since
they have direction and are mov-

drawal of recognition from such a
group is in order.
Prof. Lehman would like to see
SGC set a deadline for fraternity
and sorority submission of mem-
bership clauses and interpretations
of them to the Office of the Vice-
President for Student Affairs or
take some other definite action to
assert its authority in the field
of recognition and contest wth
the administration if necessary.
Powerful Ally
They would probably get con-
siderable support from the faculty
as well as from the student body'
he says, expessing regret at the
fact that SGC "frequently fails
to recognize the faculty as a pow-
erful ally."
The Committee on Referral is
composed of two students not cur-
rently members of Council, one
member of n iversity administra-
tion not a member of the staff of
the Office of the Dean of Men or
the Office of the Dean of Women,
one school or college administra-
tor, three faculty members and
one alumnus.

Conference Convenes
On Aims of Education
Associate City Editor
Special To The Daily
RACINE-Students and educators from across the nation gathered
here yesterday for a weekend conference on "The Aims of Education."'
United States National Student Association is the sponsor.
Prof. Peter R. Rempel, director of general studies at Washington
State University, and Prof. Arnold Kaufman of the philosophy de-
partment kicked off the three-day session of seminars, speeches and
panel discussions by considering ,

Williams Recites on Diverse Subjects

The John Barton Wolgamot Society yesterday presented Jona-
than Williams, reading from Charles Olson ("the world's largest poet:
5' 9") and from his own works.
Williams is a poet and publisher.I
Williams, who claims to publish the most beautiful books in the
world, read "Two Ways To Seduce a Medusa" and other pieces which

respectively, the "aims of educa-
tion" and "contemporary educa-
tion in America."
Bringing up examples from his
experiences on the Ann Arbor
campus, Prof. Kaufman outlined
his "ideal conception" of higher
education. He envisioned the uni-
versity as having two prime aims:

the values brought to college by
a student are necessarily wrong or
should be, changed.
Hedurged the student to "de-
mand a good education" from
their universities and to "act re-
sponsibly" in trying to get one.
Prof. Rempel called for greater
emphasis on movement in educa-

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