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November 17, 1961 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-17

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Nube Sees Dominican Crisis

Director Cites Culture's Role

be effective) the misery they have
been suffering for 30 years.
'Second Class' Trujillo
When Trujillo first came to
power in the 1930's through a
steady advance in the ranks of the
National Guard, he was a mem-
ber of the "second class."
No member of the "second class"
can become part of the "first
class" because this socio-economic
standing is gained only by in-
heritance. The new general was
denied access to "first class' clubs.
This setback enraged Trujillo,
and after gaining foremost power,
he proceeded to abolish all "first
class" clubs.
Different Clubs
These were replaced, however,
by new clubs whose membership
was composed of whomever Tru-
jillo appointed.
"It wasn't enough for him to
have money, he had to dominate
the entire country," Nube said.
As an example, Trujillo at one
time owned the only shoe factory
in the Dominican Republic. The
national assembly then passed a
law requiring everyone to wear
When he was assasinated, a
power void was left which can
never be replaced, he declared.
Mild Sanction
In order to encourage democratic
processes in the aftermath, the;
OAS slapped "mild" economic re-
strictions on the Dominicans.
He viewed with distrust the cur-
rent OAS relaxations of this eco-
nomic sanction against Domini-
can Republic. Behind the move1
was United States ambassador to1
the OAS DeLesseps Morrison.
Friend of Trujillo
While Morrison was mayor of
New Orleans, he had two streets
named after Trujillo, and he also
has business holdings in the Latin
American country, Nube said. E
But if a strong embargo were
enacted, the remnants of the old
regime would leave, and the "manyE
good people who didn't die" whoz
are in exile could return to pro-t
perly run the country.1
Nube said that the future of ther
Dominicans after this would be
a case for psychologists, and nott
him, to predict.1
However, he did point out thatc
Cuba, with a powerful radio, hasS
a large influence in Latin Ameri-
can countries.

SHELTERS-Engineers and architects discuss fallout shelters
at a University Extension Service class.
'U' Conducts Program
On Fallout Shelter Sites

"The more we achieve mutual
international understanding
through the exchange of perform-
ing arts, the more difficult it will
be for us to drop atomic bombs,"
Prof. Robert C. Schnitzer, Execu-
tive Director of the University of
Michigan Theatre, said yesterday.
Speaking on "The Performing
Arts as Weapons of Diplomacy,"
Schnitzer cited the President's
Special International Program for
Cultural Presentations, under the
State Department's auspices, or-
ganized in 1954.
This little-known government
program "utilizes the performing
arts for propaganda in its best
sense," Schnitzer stressed. Com-
munists have long used their arts
very effectively, he pointed out.
Chosen To Screen
The American National Theatre
and Academy was chosen to screen
attractions to be sent abroad to
show something of America other
than soft drinks and movies.
Schnitzer was selected as manager
and established panels of experts
in music, dance and drama to aid
in the screening process. Approved
attractions were then submitted
to the State Department for final
selection in accordance with the
small amount of funds appropriat-
ed by Congress for the program.
"Thus, the project demonstrated

that performing arts can be sub-
sidized by the government without
government intervention in artistic
judgement," Schnitzer noted.
Cultural Influeince
The influence of cultural ex-
change on the United States "im-
age" was demonstrated during the
Cypriot riots when Greek students
demolished the American Informa-
tion Center. When Dizzy Gillespie
came to Greece the next day, the
same students carried him on their
Most of the performers in the
Choral Union Series have travelled
abroad under this program as has
the University's Stanley Quartet.
The Russian tour of the University
Symphony Band was part of the
same project. Other groups in-
cluded the Wayne State Theatre
and the drama organization of
the Florida School of Agriculture
and Mining.
Headed by Hayes
The Theatre Guild American
Repertory Company headed by
Helen Hayes, produced "Skin of
Our Teeth," "The Glass Menag-
erie," and "The Miracle Worker"
in Europe and South America.
Results of the project have shown
themselves in excellent reviews in
Poland, the Congo, Ethiopia, In-
donesia, and many other coun-
tries. "American embassy officials
have said, 'We will live for two

Architects and engineers are be-
ing trained to determine suitable
fallout shelter sites in existing
structures under a University Ex-
tention Service program.
The two week course, taught by
faculty from the architecture and
engineering colleges and the medi-
cal school, teaches how to conduct
surveys for shelter space.
"This is part of President John
F. Kennedy's program of surveying
public buildings within 30 minutes
walking time from any concen-
tration of population for fallout
shelters," Prof. Herold Himes, of
the architecture college explained.
Means and standards for deter-
mining capacity, fallout protection
factors, and habitability after nu-
clear attack are being considered
by approximately 35 architects and
engineers who attend each of the
seven sessions.
The course also discusses the
effects of nuclear weapons, the
nature of radio-active fallout and
the different characteristics of up-
per atmosphere and radio-active
materials on the ground.
In addition to Prof. Himes, Prof.
Glen Mastin, Martin Gaines, and
Robert Kindig, of the architecture
college, Arthur J. Solari, Prof. Ed-
ward A. Carr, of the medical
school, Joseph Price, of the In-
stitute of Environmental Health

and Prof. Joseph R. Akerman of
the Mechanical Engineering de-
partment are also instructors in
this program.
The architects and engineers.
are sent to the course by the De-
fense Department and the Office
of Civilian Defense Mobilization
and will receive certificates noting
their training from these organi-
zations, he said.

years on this event,'" Schnitzer
Not all experiences were pleas-
ant, however. Many reporters ask-
ed about the treatment of Negroes
in America and other "touchy"
subjects. "We answered frankly
that we pare working to improve
the situation as quickly and pain-
lessly as possible.
Dizzy Answers
"Dizzy Gillespie, who toured
with a mixedwhite-Negro band,
said, when asked about United
States Negroes, 'Man, look at the
band, and I'm the boss!' " Marian
Anderson commented, "I am an
artist and I work with my voice.
If I can help through my voice
to increase understanding, that is
what I want to do."
Citing examples of positive com-
munication, Schnitzer commented
that when one orchestra went to
Japan, "4000 Japanese students
lined up at the concert hall 24
hours before the box office open-
ed, and during the night the
members of the orchestra stayed
up to talk with them.
Part of Travelling
Learning was very much a part
of the travelling experience. "We
found great cultural advances in
other countries. Yugoslavian thea-
tre, for example, is as fine as
anything here. And everywhere,
government subsidized theatre is
flourishing. Productions like
"Becket" that we consider safe
only off-Broadway, are on the
main stage," Schnitzer noted.
Tours such as those of the Len-
ingradKirov Ballet and the Mois-
eyev Dancers in the United States
are "very effective propaganda for
us. Performers see that every
worker in Detroit has his own car.
and that American audiences will
come to them."
Over a seven-year period, the
program sent 3,500 American per-
forming artists to 105 different
countries in 135 different projects.
Mrs. Kenneth Boulding
7:30. P.M..TODAY
Congregational Disciples
E & R Campus Ministry

Vatsyayan Relates Modern Hindi Poetry.

SGC Approves Committee
To Study Judiciary Councils

A motion to establish a judi-
ciary study committee, introduced
by Sharon Jeffrey, '63, and Thom-
as Brown, '63, at Wednesday's
Student Government C o u n c i 1
meeting was passed.
The Council is to establish a
committee to study the following
judicial councils: Joint Judiciary,
Women's Judiciary, Women's Pan-
el, Interfraternity Council Exec-
utive Committee, the three quad-
rangle judiciaries, women's dormi-
tories judiciaries and quadrangle
house judiciaries.
Replacing the present SGC Joint
Judiciary Study Committee, this
new committee will look into the
area of procedural and substan-
tive due process granted to those
brought before any judiciary coun-
cil because of alleged violations
of University regulations.
Mandate Investigation
It is further mandated to in-
vestigate the theoretical and ac-
tual relationship of the judiciary
councils to the Dean of Men's
and Dean of Women's Office, the
Subcommittee on Discipline, Com-
mittee on Student Conduct and
other administrative personnel in-
volved with student conduct.
The minutes of the former Joint
Judiciary Study Committee shall
be released to the SGC Commit-
tee on the University.
Daily Editor John Roberts, '62,
introduced a motion for SGC to
mandate its Committee on Stu-
dent Concerns to study the con-
stitutional status of higher edu-
cation in Michigan and to bring
back to the Council specific pro-
posals for consideration.
This motion was passed as a
substitute for a similar motion
introduced by Steven Stockmeyer,
Voice Application
The application of Voice Poli-
tical Party for permanent recog-
nition was refused.
However, a motion by Council
President Richard Nohl, '62BAd,
to extend temporary recognition

to Voice for one month was pass-
The motion states that Voice is
recommended to refer the mat-
ter to the Committee on Student
Activities and that Article 3 (per-
taining to membership) of its
constitution be clarified with re-
spect to the meaning of the "prin-
ciples" of Voice.
Appropriate Funds
The Council passed a motion
introduced by Administrative Vice-
President John Martin, '62, to ap-
propriate $200 from General
'Council funds for the purpose of
publishing a 16-page general in-
formation booklet on SGC.
This project shall be supervis-
ed by the Public Relations Direc-
tor. This motion mandates the ad-
ministrative vice-president to re-
port on the progress of the book-
let and get final approval of its
form and content from the Coun-
cil before printing it.
A motion to calendar the East
Quadrangle "Snowflake Ball" on
Dec. 9 as an open event was de-
feated. SGC cannot grant approv-
al for an open event in recogniz-
ed housing units.
Final Report
The 1961 Homecoming final re-
port was submitted and showed a
total'loss of $460.17 on the Home-
coming Dance. The Council pass-
ed a motion by Brian Glick, '62,
to refer the question of SGC's
sponsorship of Homecoming Week-
end to the Committee on Student
A letter from Edward Garvy,
United States National Student
Association president, informed
SGC that it would be impossible
to raise the subscription price of
"Current" magazine.
Hanson told the Council that
the Michigan Technic has agreed
to assume responsibility for their
special issue supporting Richard
G'Sell, '64E, for SGC election. He
added that he did not consider
the Technic issue a violation of

"In the 1920's, something new
come into Hindi poetry. As a re-
sult of foreign ideas, India found
herself looking for a new national
self image. The new poetry is go-
ing to the individual, concentrat-
ing on description, often showing
great poignance," S. H. Vatsyayan,
Indian writer, said last night.
"The tradition of poetry in In-
dia has been oral. Poems were
composed and passed down by
memory from generation to gen-
eration. In this way, both the lit-
erature itself and definite reading
styles have been preserved," he ex-
These reading styles have lim-
ited the growth'of new styles of
writing because the poem is con-
ditioned by its reading. This has
also tended to make poetry so-
cial, in that it was read to groups.
Inferior Poetry
"Thus, some inferior poetry has
gained undeserved recognition be-
cause of the poet's appearance or
voice," Vatsyayan noted.
"Certain themes and motifs
have tended to prevail because
poets wanted to prove that they
could handle a certain theme bet-
ter than a previous poet, rather
than starting something new. Nar-
rative, didactic, and heroic forms
have been consistently prominent
in almost all Indian languages,"
he said.
Vatsyayan pointed out stylistic
examples, including Sanskrit in-
vocations, obeisance to a teach-
er, and the epic proper.
At the beginning of the 20th
century, narrative and didactic
forms kept up with the times by
emphasizing different characters
in the old stories.
"Certain specific reading forms
are used for delicate content, oth-
ers for epic or heroic content.
The court poets of the 18th cen-
Poet To Read
Own Writing
Noted Poet Jonathon Williams
will read his own poetry at 4:15
p.m. today in Rm. 3-S of the
Williams, editor of the Jargon
Press, will read from hs new book
"High-Coups and Southern-Fried
Dada." The reading is sponsored
by the John Barton Wolgamot
Kilman To Speak
On Action, Change
Prof. Herbert C. Kilman of Har-
vard University will present a
psychology colloquium on "The In-
duction of Action and Attitude
Change" at 4:15 p.m. today in
Aud. B.

tury were limited in content and
style," he added.
But modern poets have managed
to rewrite the epics introducing
contemporary ideas, without fac-
ing the accusation of anachron-
The new poets have also tended
to return to the simple life in
close contact with nature. In the
1920's, English education was well
established in colleges.
Hindi poetry of this time tend-
Alumni Fund
To Establish
The Harlan Hatcher Professor-
ship in the Humanities will bring
to the campus each year an au-
thority in one of the humanities
to serve as a visiting member of
the faculty.
Selection of the person to fill
the post will be left in the hands
of the president with funds for
the professorship being drawn
from the Development Council's
Alumni Fund.
Regent' Eugene B. Powers,
speaking for the Regents at a
dinner in President Hatcher's
honor, noted that the award "will
enable President Hatcher to par-
ticipate in a highly important
facet of departmental activity on
our campus.
"We feel that this professorship
will provide an opportunity for
the President, working in con-
junction with the academic de-
partments, to bring to Michigan
men and women of renown who
will further enhance the Univer-
sity's reputation and programs.
"The visitors will not be re-
stricted to the campus alone; it
is our hope that they will travel
throughout the state, sharing
their knowledge with numerous
other groups. This award also will
serve to still further promote
President Hatcher's strong' intel-
lectual leadership on our cam-
pus," he said.
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I4tu ique de k/k
Des New Lost City Ramblers, musiciens par excellence,
seront ici Saturday, Nov. 18, demain (tomorrow), a I'
Armory, 223 E. Ann. Les Billets coutent 6.25 NF ($1.25).
Ils seront vendus a La Disc Shop, Record Center, Union,
et a l'entree. Mon Dieu! Voici l'occasion d'entendre trois
musiciens les plus magnifiques et doues. Ne manquez pas
de ce concert superlatif.

We are now
NO 2-5414

ed to be mystical. English teach-
ers used Hindi narrative form to
translate many -English poems.
"The new image of India is ex-
pressed in the 'Mother India' con-
cept, something like a mother
goddess in a militant image, but
soon superseded by the image of
the 'mother as a teacher," Vat-
syayan said.
"Indian poetry also shows a new
presentation of man, in which va-
riety among 'men is not wrong,
but something valuable."




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