See Page 4
C jl 4r
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Windy tonight,
Colder timorrow
Moch Views Motion
On Women in Quads
Inter-Quadrangle Council last night moved to include freshmen
women in its recommendation to allow women students in men's
quadrangle rooms.
IQC President Thomas Moch, '62E, predicted a "not too bright"
prospect for any revision of rules regarding women guests.
Lying behind the inclusion of freshmen women, Moch cited the
"unenforceable nature" of a ruling which would exclude them, since 55
per cent of the quadrangle residents are freshmen.
Moch noted that the flurry of letters to the editor appearing in
many Michigan newspapers and pressure from alumni might serve as
reasons for the probable rejection of any proposal allowing women
students in men's residence hall rooms.
Original Proposal
The original proposal, passed by IQC at its Nov. 2 meeting, calls
for allowing non-freshmen women visitors in the quadrangle rooms
from noon until one-half hour. before women's closing.I
It provides that each house may decide by a two-thirds vote what
visiting privileges it wishes to extend within the general limitations of:
the IQC motion.
"The groups most violently opposed have spoken loudest while th
people in favor have not been saying anything," Moch commented.
Assistant Dean of Men in charge of Residence Halls John Hale
refused to give his personal opinion of the motion or an estimate of
its chances of passing the Board of Governors.
Three Weeks Ago
Three weeks ago, when the motion was originally proposed, Hale
had said that he thought it was "basically good."
The Board of Governors will consider the recommendation, as
amended last night, at its meeting Monday.]
IQC also voted to delete the words "open-open" from the motion
in order to clarify that "it is not the intent of the resolution that
women should be permitted in the men's rooms only on an open door
basis. Consideration of the problems of noise and lack of personal
privacy have led to the belief that an open door policy is unworkablet
and undesirable" he said.
Letters Writtenc
Letters to the editor in the Ann Arbor News have attacked theE
proposal as being conductive to the lowering of moral standards.r
One writer noted that women in men's rooms would make students
more amenable to Communism by breaking down their "moral fiber."
Thus far, Huber, Kelsey, Green, Scott, Strauss, Wenley, Adams,9
Frederick, Gomberg, Allen-Rumsey, Taylor and Hinsdale Houses havec
held referendums which approved the proposal.a
"The Board of Governors could never consider this proposal on itst
merits after all this public pressure," Moch noted.C
"With so much pressure it would be difficult for them to pass itf
without hurting the name of the University."1
Industrial Unions Demand
Jurisdictional Dispute Pang
WASHINGTON (M)-Industrial unions demanded yesterday thata
the AFL-CIO establish a foolproof system backed by the courts for
settling wars between rival labor organizations. a
The industrial unions acted by overwhelming convention vote I
after Walter Reuther, president of the Auto Workers Union andt
head of the AFL-CIO's industrial union department, said inter-union
battling is "eating the guts" out of organized labor's ability to carry
on trade union aims.
Outlines Plan
In a series of five resolutions the industrial unions outlined theirt
continuing troubles with AFL-CIO building trades or craft unions and
'proposed stiff new solutions. Theyr
I said the AFL-CIO conventionT
PotFailSmeeting next month at Miami9
should not adjourn until the pro-
P n posed new disputes-settlementt
To Stop Talk. procedures are adopted.
"A house divided cannot standI
forever," Reuther warned. "We say
DETROIT {M) - Herbert AP- to the building trades we are notc
theker spoke at Wayne State Uni- looking for a fight, but we are not c
versity yesterday despite previous about to play dead."n
protests. Reuther was asked whether theA
Aptheker's talk was screened by industrial unions which made up
university officials in advance. the former CIO might pull out of
He spoke in the Wayne State the AFL-CIO if the industrial un-a
University lecture hall on "The ion proposals were rejected. He
Negro in the American Civil War." said he wasn't prepared "to cross
The Columbia University h. anyhypotheticalbridges."
Panhellenic Studies
Senior Apartments
The special Panhelenic Study Committee made its report to
the President's Council on the effects of the possibility of affiliated
senior women being allowed to live in apartments, yesterday.
The Committee enumerated the supposed personal advantages
for a senior woman when living in an apartment. The areas dis-
cussed included increased economy, independence, better study
opportunities, more private living arrangements, more flexible social
arrangements, and increased responsibility.
The committee thought these alleged advantages did not offer
all the possibilities they purport when analyzed more deeply. The
sorority system as a whole would
Asks Caution;
Warns Against Forcing
U.tS. Beliefs on Others
.. African tour
gain n
A lar
Hart Views be nec
the pre;
Africa, U.S. alth
ej e eall the
R ltionshi yfilled fo
Relationsh due to
"You go to Africa with your tee wa:
fingers crossed," Sen. Philip A. move of
Hart (D-Mich) said in a surprise detrime
appearance before an Economics mainter
101 class yesterday. the ent
"You don't know whether the .Therefo
West or the East is out ahead as recomm
far as African attitude is con- mittee
cerned until you get there." policy t
Hart has just returned from a in thel
30-day African junket with Sen. Mond
Albert Gore (D-Tenn) and Sen. meeting
Maureen Neuberger (D-Ore). lenic w:
Good, Bad Points policy. r
Hart noted that Americans have lation t
good and bad points in the Afri- individu
cans' minds. "Africans are most house i
affectionate toward the people of corded.
io advantage if its senior
rs should move out, the
tee said. Many disadvan-
however, were seen.
ger total membership would
,essary from an economic
nt and would create less
e a house. Because "given
sent size of sororities here,
rooms in, a house must be
r it to function efficiently."
lack of senior leadership,
seniors being reluctant to
house offices, would de-
he houses of an influence
s "indespensible.'"
conclusion of the commit-
s, "that if senior women
ut of the house, it would be
ntal both to the practical
nance of the house and to
ire membership as well.
re, it is the unanimous
endation of the study com-
that Panhellenic adopt a
hat senior women remain
ay evening at chapter
s the members of Panhel-
ill vote on adopting this
The count will be a tabu-
of all the eligible votes as
ual votes rather than a
majority vote, being re-
the United States than to their
colonial allies. They like Ameri-
cans and they realize we foughti
for our freedom too, but we 1everla of
laid claim to a foot of African
proper ty." O L b
He said that the African leaders
had mainly been educated in West-
ern mission schools and this af- B
fected their attitude. "An African By LAURA W
is a deeply spiritual person, with "Pressure groups
deep convictions about ultimate fluential in the Unit
goals and responsibility." I in England," Prof.
He noted however that our alli- of Exeter College, C
ance with the African colonial sity said last night.
powers worked against us at times, He told the Po
and he was often asked why the Graduate Roundtat
United States "wasn't doing more sure groups are o
to straighten out Portugal. when curbed. In Eng
Angolans Flee is restricted basicall
"That's a real problem. 150,000 ish system of gove
Angolans have fled to the Congo. he called "a cabine
Now they're a rugged people; it tempered by electi
wasn't bad weather that drove years" with Parli
them out," he said. merely "a rubber-st
The Senators said that the Af- The government
ricans also look with alarm on the complete responsib
United States' segregation. "We've concessions made
got to handhold on the last ves- groups, while in the
tiges of racism here at home. We're no one body can beI
a self-righteous, preaching coun- ly responsible for
try, but it sounds tinny when they thus giving the lob)
look at us." wider area of influei
Postcard Incident British administr
The embarrassing postcard in- ments are more tig
cident involving the Nigerian peace than their American
corpsman occurred right in the such as the independ
middle of Hart's recent trip to commissions. This 1
Africa. Yet he noticed "the same control gives pressu
friendly reaction and feeling be- more freedom.
fore and after. She did not speak The American Ci
an untruth, and after the first more open to infiuer
shock the Africans knew it," he land's because of t
said. system, which prevei
"Americans have no idea, or un- opment of a corps of
derstanding of, the tremendous lic servants such as
power of the Peace Corps. It is land.
Judged with enormous hopes by He maintained, ho,
the Africans," Hart noted. enhancing the pow
Dunes Park Bilt pressure groups m
Hart defended the introduction democratic process.
of his bill to convert part of the groups are often
Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes area aligned with democr2
nto a national park. The effect of their
He noted that a 1957 survey by obscures the true nF
he Interior Department revealed tics which is "how
hat there were only 12 remaning cake should be divi
pots along America's coastline of This propaganda cre
"sufficient untouched beauty to sion of no class stru
warrant preservation. I was grati- plements the belief
led to learn that three were in parties serve nation
Michigan.' upperclass interests.
are more in-'
ed States than
Norman Hunt
Oxford Univer-
litical Science
ble that pres-
oeneficial only
gland, lobbying
.y by the Brit-
rnment which
et dictatorship
ons every five
ament being'
amp body."
must accept'
bility for all
to pressure
United States
held complete-
any decision,
byists a much
rative depart-
htly controlled
ent regulatory
ooser political
re groups here
ivil Service is
rnce than Eng-
the patronage
nts thedevel-
)f devoted pub-
exists in Eng-
wever, that by
ver of wealth,
ay serve the
Right wing
more closely
atic procedure.
r propaganda
ature of poli-
the national
ded," he said.
eates the illu-
ggles and im-
that political
al rather than
Panel Views
Asia Trends
In Polities
Foreign students from four
Asian countries took turns last
night in evaluating the crucial
political trends in their home
Grace Pena, '62, of the Philip-
pines, said that the primary func-
tion of her country is to provide a
model of democracy for the
emerging nations of the area. A
homogenous culture and United
States economic aid have been
factors in Philippine prosperity,
she said, thus enabling the coun-
try to give a "meaningful sense
of direction."
Colonial Struggle
A student from Indonesia, Soe
Tandyo, Grad, declared that the
framework of his country is bas-
ed upon the struggle against co-
lonialism anywhere, just as the
United States traditional Ameri-
can attitude is based on distrust'
of authority. Thus Indonesia has
turned from Western liberal de-
mocracy to a "guided democra-
cy" of economic socialism.
Luong Ky, Grad, said the prin-
cipal crises in his home country,
Viet Nam, are the threat of Com-
munist terrorist tactics and the
infringement by President Ngo
Diem of political liberties as a
result of this threat.
Praseuth Hou, Grad, said the
neutrality of Cambodia is based
on a military nature only. After
the many wars in his country, he
explained, Cambodia must take
care not to - antagonize either of
the great powers into a 'pretext7
for intervention.
Overseas Chinese1
Prof. Eliezer B. Ayal of the eco-
nomics department, who moder-
ated the panel, said that one of
the most publicized problems of
southeastern Asia, the importance
of the overseas Chinese population
in the non-Communist countries,
has at times been exaggerated.
Most of these Chinese are busi-
nessmen, he said, and do not wisht
to see. the Communists overrun
the area.
Union Board1
Turns Down
Open Meetings
The Union Board of Directors
last night adopted a majority re-I
port by the Open Meeting Com-
mittee which provided for the
board meetings to remain closed.
The report, which notes the
"great importance of conveying
information . . . to the public,"
does not feel that open meetings
would be successful in this task.
The presence of a reporter, pro-
vision for invitation of concerned1
persons, and channels for com-
plaints combine to constitute "su-1
ficient" communications.-
The minority report, filled by
board member Michael Olinick,
63, not only recommended the
adoption of open meetings, but
also urged the creation of ex-
officio members, greater report
distribution, group invitations, and
policy debates by candidates for
election to the Union Board. While
the report was rejected, the sen-
ior officers pledged further con-
sideration of its recommendations.
The Union Board also approved
seven recommended house rules
changes proposed by the House
Committee. These changes were
made to "update the regulations
to deal with existing conditins."
-Daily-Archie Sader.
CHALLENGE-Students and faculty discuss fall-out shelters at
a roundtable seminar last night sponsored by Challenge.
Caene Semnnar Vews
G hi
Ethcs of Fallout Shelters'
It is necessary to look at the question of the reality of a
fundamental moral and social obligation to protect the public and
insure a social framework which would survive in the event of
a nuclear war, Prof. Arnold Kaufman of the philosophy department
said last night.
Prof. Kaufman moderated a Challenge seminar on "The Ethics
of Fallout Shelters." The seminar dealt with the problems which
face the United States if the ^
nation and its citizens continue
to build shelters.
"If the United States develops
a large-scale shelter program, the
opposition will ask why we are
engaged in this activity. The people
believe that the probability of nu-
clear war- is very high."
Taking a stand opposing the
building of fallout shelters, Judith
Cook, '63, said that four major
forces must be considered when
the shelter-question arises.
"Shelters generate a false sense
of security by making people be-
lieve this is a protection - but
after a war, when they come out;
of their holes, what will happen?"
Miss Cook said.
A program of building increases
feelings of the inevitability of
war. Such a philosophy could be
used for propaganda purposes by
the Communists in non-aligned
nations, she continued.
"They still have not solved the
problem of sanitation or air in
the shelters. After two or three
weeks in a shelter, conditions
could grow very bad," Miss Cook
And, if there is an attack, how
can people reconcile their Chris-
tian ethics of selflessness when:
someone who is not in a shelter,
but is alive, asks to be let in.
Claim State News
Condones Bias
student at Michigan State Uni-
versity charged yesterday that the
university housing office and the
student paper discriminated when
he was turned down on a rented
Tax Plan s
"If all other groups were to
forego the securing of earmarked
funds, we think that the schools
would also forego them; if not;
then we shall still demand the
earmarking," Albert Johnson, su-
perintendent of the Willow Run
Public Schools and president of
the Washtenaw County School Ad-
ministrators Association, said last
Johnson, participating in a pan-
el-discussion held by the WCSAA
at the County Bldg., added that
"the earmarkings are still not
enough, however, and this places
the burden .of securing funds on
the local units, bringing the prob-
lem of tax-rate limitations."
Acquisition Difficult
He revealed that the present 15,
mill ceiling on property taxes
makes it very difficult for the
schools to acquire sufficient
"There has been some favor-
able talk about increasing the
ceiling to 20 mills with 12 mills
going to local school units," he
added, noting that there might be
some difficulty in getting such a
plan enacted, however.
Become Scapegoats
"Schools are hesitant to go to
the public for extra millage be-
cause when this is done, a micro-
scope is turned on the schools and
programs of years long past are
reviewed and scrutinized.
Says Urging
Hurts Nation
Asks Negotiations
On 'Danger Spots'
SEATTLE (a)--President John
F. Kennedy yesterday cautioned
extremists that encouraging war
or surrender 'does the nation a
disservice-that the United States
must be willing to negotiate Cold
War issues from a stature of
Kennedy also declared Ameri-
cans must realize they cannot
force their beliefs on the rest of
the world.
While this country "will never
negotiate freedom, it must be pre-
pared to find out whether its vi-
tal interests may be preserved
honorably in peace," Kennedy
told 11,000 intent listeners at the
University of Washington.
With its vital interests-clearly
marked in Germany and other
danger spots, Kennedy said-"we
have nothing to fear from nego-
tiations at the appropriate time
and nothing to gain by refusing
them." -
Kennedy deleted a passage of
his prepared text in which he as-
serted the United States is "de-
termined to prevent certain na-
tions from adopting neutrality
and to prevent certain others from
abandoning It.
"We find some who call them-
selves neutrals who are friends
and sympathetic to us, and others
who call themselves neutrals who
are unremittingly hostile to us."
Aides said later the President
would stand by the speech as ac-
tually delivered. They contended,
neither the original nor substi-
tuted lines signified a change in
U.S. policy, that the administra-
tion has always sought to keep
allies from turning neutral, and
neutrals from sliding into the
Communist Bloc.
Kennedy said diplomacy and
defense are not substitutes for one
another, but essential companions.
Negotiations within carefully de-
fined limits are likely to succeed.
SGC Requests
Optional Ways
Of Evaluation
Disapproving in form and pro-
cedure the present non-academic
evaluations used in women's res-
dence halls, Student Government
Council Wednesday night passed
a' motion calling for an .optional.
non-academic evaluation proced-
The resolution, introduced by
Brian Glick, '62, states that stu-
dents should have the option of'
asking members of the faculty or
administration for written eval-
uations which would be kept with
their records and used for recom-
mendations to other universities r
or prospective employers
The faculty or administrators
who fill out the non-structured
forms should, according to the
motion, know the student outside
of the classroom.
a recognized expert on the sub .
ject. I Settle Dispute
Aside from students and schol- Reuther called on the building
ars, present were reporters, pho- trades to join in settling up a
tographers, FBI men, state police workable disputes-settlement sys-
and Detroit police representatives 4tem that, he said, could end la-
and observers from such organi- bor's internal wars. Then, he said
zations as the Daughters of Amer- all of organized labor's resources
ican Revolution. could be devoted to organizing
Aptheker has been called a millions of new workers and to
Communist by the House Un- reshaping America's economic and
American Activities Committee. social future.
Wayne's Independent Socialist "We have a big job to do for
Club invited Aptheker to speak an; America," Reuther said, "but we
last week a group started protest- can't do it if we are constantly
ing. being torn apart from the inside."1
Meader Slams 'Left-wing Crackpots'
Lurie Views Israeli Problems
ments "as they are under closer
scrutiny of the people themselves
than arestate or federal gov-
Meader praised those Republican
Congressmen who "we e not afraid
of voting against label legislation
just because it might be unpopu-
been part of an existing organiza-
tion but no, that wouldn't have
been dramatic enough."
Meader saw the next session of
Congress as "giving another whirl
at the measures not passed in the
last session, although I frankly
thinkr the honeymooAn is ve.
Characterizing life in Israel
with the statement that "there's
never a dull moment," Ted Lurie,
editor of the Jerusalem Post, told
a Hillel audience of his country's
problems last night.
In a talk entitled "A Land Flow-
of Israelis who had difficulty com-
prehending the Jewish people
without a state or an army with
which to defend itself.
The trial also served as a uni-
fying force for the new Israeli
citizens who come from more than
90 different national, social and
even reigious backgrounds.TUni-