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November 16, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-16

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t 16, 961



'Shoebox' Translates Talk


Associated Press Science Writer
NEW YORK-Using a mirco-
phone, a young engineer yester-
day spoke to a machine.
He gave it a series of num-
bers, and asked the machine to
add them up. Clicking along mer-
rily with flashing lights, it came
up with the correct answer.
Size of Shoebox
The machine, called "shoebox"
because it's only about that size,
can recognize 16 separate English
words -- the 10 digits from 0
through 9, and six verbal com-

mands such as "plus," "minus,"7
or "total." Connected with an
adding machine, it can carry out
arithmetical problems.
The device was demonstrated
yesterday by the Advanced Sys-
tems Development Division of In-
ternational Business Machines
Corp., with William C. Dersch, a
principal engineer in its construc-
tion, giving it the verbal com-
Different System
"Shoebox" uses a different sys-
tem of recognizing spoken words

than do other machines which
have been designed to recognize
words, IBM officials said. This
principle is khown technically as
phase information, derived from
physical and mathematical analy-
sis of sounds.
Plans for Future
All such possibilities are still
far in the future.
Unlike other experimental ma-
chines designed to recognize
spoken words, Dersch explained,
"shoebox" uses only 31 transistors
or other elements to do its work.

Williams Voices Views
On State's Future Plans
Former Governor G. Mennen Williams Tuesday told a Constitu-
tional Convention his thoughts on the office of governor and other
problems facing Michigan.
He urged that the governor's term be extended to four years
and asked that the present system of individual constitutional boards
for the three major institutions of higher learning, the University,
Michigan State University and Wayne State University, be continued.
Co-ordinating Board
However, he also added that a co-ordinating board be worked out.
"I would suggest consideration of a constitutional provision re-
quiring submission of a budget mutually agreed upon by the various
boards," he said. Williams also advocates semi-annual meetings of
tall the boards with the governor.

Tension Rises as Deadline Approaches
nerves is heating up as Sunday's The deadline, based on the Su- newspaper, said yesterday that
deadline approaches for the Coin- preme Court's Oct. 9 refusal to der terms of what it called "
munist Party of the United States reconsider its decision upholding most fantastic law ever enact
to register with the government. provisions of the Subversive Ac- the leaders of the Commu
t1_11._cIa__ _1 i l _ tT _ r

U.S., Russia Clash on Disarmament Talks;
Sharp Debate Reduces Chance of Accord

United States and the Soviet Un-
ion yesterday expressed willing-'
ness to resume disarmament talks
as soon as possible, but clashed
once more on the makeup of a
negotiating body.
Moreover, the sharpness of
speeches by United States Am-
bassador Adlai E. Stevenson and
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Valerian A. Zorin, opening dis-
armament debate in the Assem-

bly's main political committee cast
doubt on chances for agreement
in the near future. '
Zorin wound up his opening
speech by handing Stevenson a
draft resolution that he said both
countries should sponsor.
Negotiating Body
It would create a negotiating
body divided equally among West-
ern, Communist and neutral na-
itons, and fix June, 1962, as a
deadline for reaching agreement

on a draft treaty for general and
complete disarmament.
At that time the United Na-
tions General Assembly would be
called into special session to take
action on the treaty.
Stevenson 'departed from his
prepared text to denounce Zor-
in's speech as "misleading and
frequently abusive." He said he
wished the speech had produced
"something new and some encour-
agement for real disarmament."
Gives 'Hope
"I earnestly hope that on exam-
ination the draft resolution which
he has presented to me just now
will give us some greater hope
than his speech portends," he add-
Later Zorin accused Stevenson
of trying to exploit the Soviet po-
sition on resuming nuclear weap-
ons tests.
ThesUnited States delegate re-
p 1 i e d that Zorin's remarks
.Builds Lead
MANILA (A') - Vice-President
Diosados Macapagal, talking like
a winner, took an apparently in-
surmountable lead in the decisive
phase of the Philippine presiden-
tial election today. His support-
ers claimed victory was already as-
"We made it," declared Mac-
apagal as late returns failed to
give the expected boost to his
opponent, President Carlos P.
Garcia of the ruling Nacionalista
OXFORD (W) - The Oxford
University student magazine Is-
is yesterday denounced as
"spinsterly and prudish" the ex-
pulsion of a girl undergraduate
found in bed with a man in her
"In or out of Oxford, girls
will be girls," it said.
The magazine asserted in an
editorial that the expulsion ap-
peared to be part of "a seem-
ingly deliberate campaign by
the women's colleges to tight-
en their hold on their inmates."
Said Isis: "Is it possible that
the colleges feel they are acting
in place of their charges' par-
ents, but was home life ever
like that?"

amounted to "one of the crudest
lessons in hypocrisy I have ever
listened to." He said to Zorin:
"Let's cut out this rhetoric and
let's get down to the business of
our meeting here."
Details on Plan
Zorin devoted the bulk of his
speech to a detailed exposition of
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev's plan for general and com-
plete disarmament.
He said the Soviet Union fav-
ored control over disarmament
and not "control over arma-
ments." He accused the Western
powers of coming up with "mealy-
mouthed proposals" aimed at
blocking Khrushchev's plan.

They would have mutual power of
recommendation but not decision.
Legislative Selection
He urged that the auditor gen-
eral be selected by the Legisla-
ture, and that the Senate's right
to-approve the governor's appoint-
ments be retained.
Williams also asked for a fairly
apportioned Legislature. "If it is
fairly and equally apportioned, the
people will have confidence in it
and expect from it the same
strength and help they now ex-
pect from a state-wide elected
Ultimate Element
This is indeed the ultimate ele-
ment of balance-equal respect
and confidence from the source
of all authority in a democracy-
the people, Williams said.
Williams said the, number of
state agencies should be reduced
from the present 120 to a consti-
tutional limit of 20. He also de-
nounced spring elections as being
detrimental to good government.

Sow Doubt'De
Vice-President Lyndon B. John- since
son made his first trip to Michi- curit
gan Tuesday warning against Th
superpatriots who have become orgai
unwitting allies of. the Commu- Depa
nists. struc
He spoke, at the Ford Auditor- and
ium in Detroit, highlighting the bers,
two-day Democratic White House and
Regional Conference. catio
Johnson spoke of America's To
greatness and military superiority vowe
over Russian and of President than
John F. Kennedy's domestic pro-
gram. Th
Sowing Doubt
He issued a warning against
Americans who are duped by the
Communists strategy of sowing
"doubt and disunity."
The only path for a Commu-
nist triumph over the free world,
he said, is that of sowing "seeds
of discord . . . arraying brother
against brother, class against
class, race against race so as to
transform America from a fortress
of freedom to a house divided
against itself."
Referring to the John Birch So-
ciety, Johnson said: "We have
throughout the land today Ameri-
cans who, in the very name of
freedom, are arguing the people to
distrust their own selected lead.
ers, their long-cherished institu-
"'These are the people who
scream that the judiciary is biased
and that its decisions ought not
to be obeyed," he said.
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world News Roundup

NO ACCORD-United States Ambassador to United Nations Adlai
E. Stevenson (right) and Soviet delegate Valerian A. Zorin an-
nounced that they were not in agreement on the composition of
a test ban talkconference.

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By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The foreign
ministers of the United States,
Britain, France, and West Ger-
many probably will meet in Paris
nex month, the State Department
announced yesterday to discuss
"problems of common interest."
* * *
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy yesterday appointed
a 23-member cormittee on youth
employment to help more than a
million young job seekers find
* * *
ed States accused Russia yester-
day of trying "to project the troi-
ka into outer space." A United
Staest spokesman made he com-
ment in charging that Russia
had switched its position in in-
sisting that the 24-nation com-
mittee on outer space be made up
on the three-headed troika prin-
BASE-The 35th rocket in the
Discoverer Satellite Series shot
aloft yesterday for another try at
perfecting a way to recover pack-
ages from space.

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CARSON CITY - The Atomic
Energy Commission may explode
a five kiloton nuclear bomb un-
derground on -a norhern Nevada
earthquake belt next year, Gov.
Grant Sawyer of Nevada said yes-
KANSAS CITY-A Nigerian ed-
ucator yesterday asked the Unit-
ed States to help African univer-
sities, but with restrain and re-
spect for African goals.
ed Nations General Assembly
yesterday called on France to rec-
ognize the grievances of thousands
of imprisoned Algerians and thus
bring an end to their hunger
NEW YORK -- Sharp profit
taking cut back some of the stock
market's best gains Wednesday
and the list closed mixed. The As-
siated Press's 30 industrial's aver-
age was up 1.4, 15 rails down .6, 15
utilities down .2, and 65 stocks up
two-day service
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