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November 08, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-08

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Seventy-Second Year
Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth will Prevail"

Editorial Avoided Issues

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Committee of One Million:
Spokesmen of Inaccuracy

E VIEW of the' Committee of One Mil-
lion Against the Admission of Red China
o the United Nations, as represented on cam-
us by Col. W. Bruce Pierne, Ret., would be
aughable except for one fact-it is also the.
diew of too many' Americans.
According to the Colonel, Mao Tse-Tung,
Mead of the Communist party in China, "digs
ap the bones of the ancestors because he is
lfraid of them." While not wanting to slight
he powers of the ancestors it does appear
trange that a man who is not afraid of Soviet
ussia, and would pull his representative out
f, the 22nd Party Congress over ideological
lifferences would'be frightened of a few bones
vhlch have been rotting in the ground for
Sod knows how many years.
Col. Pierne also condemns Mao for using
abor to grow opium poppies. He claimed that
he dope traffic. from Red China is spread
hroughout the free world and- makes it easier
or the Communists to take over. What he
eglected to mention is that in Laos the' sole
icctgpation of the Meo tribesmen, who are
he best fighters of the right-wing army we
upport, is the growing of the opium poppies.
the reason they are fighting for the right-
Wingers is that the other side wants either to
abolish this or at least Out a tax on the ac-
rued profits.
If Col. Pierne's assertion is true one won-
fers why we haven't retaliated by doping up
he people in the Communist countries and
aking them over; Since the dope from Laos
,so is sold on the free world market it seems
Go indicate that the -people in Communist
ountries don't take dope, something the Unit-
dStates is trying to get its population to do.
NOTHER ONE of Col. Pierne's steing pre-
dictions is that the "liberation of the main-
and is not far ahead." This lie has been com-
ng out of anti-Red China groups since thi
.949 revolution and the prospects are just as
lismal now as they were then. By saying that
'the United States must help logistically-tha'
s with the transport, training and supply
problems of the Nationalists," the Colonel
eems to assume that the liberators will be the
Nationalists on Formosa.
After the Bi
1N THE BATTLE to remove the fraternity--
sorority bias clauses, the University stands
ar behind the other major institutions of
higher learning in the $tate, Michigan State
ind Wayne State universities.
Both the' other schools have set deadlines
or the removaleof such clauses from affiliate
onstitutions. The University's Student Gov-
rnment Council, on the other hand, can't
nake up its mind to ask for a deadline on the
iling of statements about membership selec-
ion in the 60-odd Greek letter groups on this
Too many people regard the elimination of'
e bias clause a a prime victory in the fight
o end discrimination. Once the clauses are
lne-or the less obnoxious "local autonomy"
s granted-those who cheer with the flush
if triumph have a 'right only to feeble cries.
Fheir victory Is but a hollow one.
out of their charter, fraternity and sorority
nembers will be safe from SGC tampering un-
ess something goes wrong on another campus.
Under the present system of operation, the
>nly way a fraternity has been shown to ac-
ually practice bias-though claiming not too
--has been when one local chapter pledged a
nember of an "unacceptable" minority group
and subsequently lost its charter from the
ational. This is the way Sigma Kappa was
anged; this is the way Alpha Tau Omega
Ould disappear.
Once the nationals find they are losing
ocals all over the place because some of their
nembers want to choose members on an in-
ividual basis of merit, pressures from the
national will grind grudgingly to a final halt.
This will leave local chapters that want to
iscriminate free to do so, though the national
rotherhood will contain men whose race or
'eligon is a. peculiar anathema to them.-
Since the benefits of a fraternity are ex-

?erienced during the undergraduate days with
a particular group living in a particular resi-
ence, the existence of an "unacceptable,
rother in New York or New Mexico will not
other the Michigan man too much..
SGC - or the new form of student govern-
nent that will replace it - do to combat fra-
ernity discrimination?
Editorial Staff

The Colonel must be smart enough militarily
to know that an army of 600,000 men (the num-
ber of men in the Nationalist Chinese armed.
services), cannot liberate a country with 650
million people without very substantial help
from within the Communist army. Recent"
events in Tibet and reports from Western visi-
tors tend to reveal no possibility for mass de-
fections from the Red forces. Question: who
would they be fighting for if they switched
sides? Answer: the same people tley threw
out in 1949.
tee of One Million, the powerful China lobby
in Washington, and certain segments of the
American press, Red China has come to be
equated with Hell in the minds of many Ameri-
cans. These same people have been told that
God, in the form of Chiang Kai-Shek, will soon
take the Devil on in battle and defeat him,
bringing China back to the "good" side.
Aside from the fact that this represents a
head-in-the-sand position, this type of think-
ing could lead to an extremely serious conse-
quence. Red China is going to be admitted to
the United Nations-this will be dictated by
the facts of international politics. When this
happens, a public clamor will arise to take the
United States out of the UN; a clamor started
and directed by the Committee of One Mil-
lion, the powerful China lobby in Washington,
and certain segments of the American press.
If their efforts are successful it would ef-
fectively kill the UN. Such a situation would
greatly increase, the chances of nuclear war
by leaving the great powers with no alternative
:ther than unilateral action if a crisis affect-
ing their interests arises.
ernment to give the American people the
facts about the China situation. That it is not
doing this is bad enough; but.;to let groups
characterized by wishful thinking and dream-
ing handle the job alone is even worse. De-
spite all his campaign concentration on new
direction, President Kennedy is in the same
old rut that President Eisenhower was stuck in.

To the Editor:
A COMMENT on the handicaps
in last Sunday's Daily: I can-
not see any justification for that
piece except on most flimsy
grounds. What is one to believe
about the stand taken by the edi-
If the purpose of the editorial
was to inform readers with a dis-
niterested discussion of the candi-
dates, why not leave the final de-
cision open. Why not present only
judgments as per the criteria
printed? If this was the intent
of the editors, they failed their
readers in going too far. 'Is the
student to form a responsible
judgment or be a Daily bettor?
All right, give the editors the ben-
efit, this was not their purpose.
* * *
THEN they weren't trying to be
disinterested. Look at what ap-
pears upon this tack. Not one com-
ment on stands taken by the can-
didates; not 'one word on plat-
forms; not one word on relevant
issues. Only the mock virgin-white
list of ,criteria.
What is the matter here? The
usually verbose Daily can't find
any issue to sew a yellow star to,
any issue for the salvation of the
student population? This is a
shock! But what of the wasted
space that could better have gone
to embrace candidates for spe-
cific "imagination and resource-
fulness" proffered?
You are only interested in good
government. Who Isn't? But what
of a tyrannous unanimity you
would have enforced, editors of
the Daily? How can you-justify an
election after that article. The
conclusion is foregone. The stu-
dent body needs but to act-not
So this is all there is to student
government. It has only to carry
out projects that everyone is in
agreement with. But we pay an
administration for this. Only per-
haps its the unanimity that's
lacking. But not according to the
Daily. I'll never swallow that
stuff, ediors, I'll never 'swallow
that .. .
-Allen Blauroch, '63
To the Editor:
IN THE CONTEXT of 'all current
trends in the role of the Amer-
ican student, controversy over
whether or not SGC should deal
with off-campus issues is sense-
less. All over the country, students
are demonstrating an increased
political awareness and activity,
and students here are no excep-
Students are becoming more and
more conscious of their part as
citizens of a larger society then
their university. They are seek-
ing more and better means of ex-
pressing their new interests, and
they are takingpositive action on
their new convictions.
Certainly, they seek greater ef-
fectiveness in expressingtheir
feelings to the world and greater
weight to show behind their words.
The most significant expression of
opinion is that of the largest pos-
sible body of students. Thus, SOC
is the only possible organization
campus to thus represent student
* * *
represents a cross-section of stu-
dent opinion depends on the
choices of candidates made by the
Rare Honor
OUND in a campus mailbox:
"Dear Woodrow Wilson Nomi-
I have learned with pleasure that
you have been nominated for con-

sideration as a Woodrow Wilson
Fellow. While your election will
depend on many factors yet to be
examined, I regardtitaas a signal
honor for you that at least one
member of the academic com-
munity believes in you . "
* * *
The last student, to be believed
in by a faculty member was a
1947 graduate in geology.

student body. If these are non-
representative, the student body is
to blame and should bear with
the SGC they have and not de-
nude it of power. SGC should not
be penalized for the student body's
Most likely, however, SGC does
represent the articulate segment
of the student body who expound
the views SGC would represent.
The large inarticulate majority
probably did not vote in SGC elec-
tions anyhow.
If this group then claims that
its views do not coincide with or
contradict those of SOC ;it has
no legitimate gripe. Their not vot-
ing and not making public their
views are tacit approval of the
articulate students' ideas, whether
so ntended or not.'
As a matter of fact, SGC has
long been expressing campus opin-
ion on off-campus issues. To re-
voke this power would be an
anachronism, a step backward
blindly opposing every modern
.current on American campuses. It
would then leave a great and tra-
ditionally vocal university sudden-
ly gagged.
OF COURSE SGC should deal
with off-campus issues. Granted
that it has a responsibility to con-
sider them from a fully informed
position and in the light of ,the
views of its electorate. Granted
that the views it emerges with are
at best those of a majority of
students and are not unanimous.
This, however, is implicit in any
democratic process.
Certainly off-campus issues are
of direct concern to the students.
American prestige in the non-
white world or disarmament di-
rectly concern every person in this
country. Granted also, SGC should
be committed to expressing its.
views in as effective a form as
possible. In the last analysis, how-
ever, this expression is essential
and inescapable.
-Susan Adelman, '62
Assembly Poll...
To the Editor:
concerning my desire to ascer-
tain the opinion of the women
students whom I represent is the
best critical editorial which has
been written about Assembly in
the past two or three years. For
the first time that I can remem-
ber, an editorial contains, some
positive suggestions for reaching a
goal which the writer considers
both desirable and attainable.
Miss Silverman, however, should
have made some attempt to find
out whether Assembly was obtain-
ing student opinion on the subject
of coeducational housing. Had she
either asked an executive board
member or been present at the
workshop and ADC meetings
where this was discussed, she
would have learned that this sub-
ject falls within the province of
the Assembly Association Housing
Committee which has already be-
gun consideration of coeducation-
al housing and will obtain Assem-
bly opinion on the subject.
FURTHERMORE, I do not be-
lieve that it is my responsibility
to personally conduct surveys to
ascertain student opinion on every
subject which affects Assembly.
The ADC representatives have
been told that this topic is under
consideration and it is one of the
duties of their office to encour-
age their houses to discuss the
subject and report the consensus
of opinion to ADC.
Assembly is an organization
composed of nearly 4,00 women.
Those who represent these women
attempt to determine their opin-
ions whenever possible, but the

Small Service
nomics 411:
"The economic disturbances fol-
lowing 1929 merely served to
heighten interest in these rob-
-lems and especially in the role of
money in our economic life..."
* * *
Some depressions just never get
off the ground.

responsibility of each woman to
express her opinion is at least as
great as the responsibility of the
representatives to ascertain what
this opinion, if any, is.
In the future, I suggest that
Miss Silverman be absolutely cer-
tain that her assumptions are
In this case, she was wrong in
believing that Assembly was doing
nothing to obtain student opinion
on coeducational housing.
-Sally Jo Sawyer, President'
Assembly Association
China Committee. .
To the Editor:
IN ATTENDANCE at a meeting
about the China situation last
Sunday evening, I discovered that
the U.S. has not been idle in the
cold war propaganda effort.
Four films sponsored by the
Committee of One Million (Against
the Admission of Communist
China to the UN) were shown
about our "democratic" Formosan
allies and atrocities of the Chinese
Communist regime.
Its complete bias and slant
against our enemies in such an un-
academic fashion made me some-
what envious of the commenta-
tor's ability to tsee this important
international issue in such a black
and white contrast.
* * *
AS AN EXAMPLE of the distor-
tion of facts the narrator alluded
to an invasion of Quemoy in 1958
that in reality never took place
but didn't deter Colonel Pierne
from claiming 40,000 Communist
Certainly the distinguished com-
mittee of sponsors, all at the top
of their respective fields, have
never seen these films that they
supposedly are endorsing.
-,Richard Main, '62

The New 'Generation'
THIS FALL "Generation" begins its second decade. And the amaz-
ing fact is that the current issue is as fresh as that first one
in the spring of. 1950. Then, the editors prefaced their edition with
a belief that Generation's function was to incorporate in one publi-
cation the artistic achievements of students in all the arts. They
concluded by expressing the hope that such a magazine might have
an assured place in the intellectual life of the University.
Today's issue' has an editorial column again. In it, Roger
Reynolds states the "operational axiom: a University arts magazine
should act as a stimulant." He goes on to justify inclusiveness,
specifically the printing of the score of a flute sonata. That first
issue contained the words and music of a song.
To round out its coverage of the arts, Generation includes some
meticulously reproduced (thanks to Michigan Graphics) photographs
and drawings. I particularly liked the two illustrations by Sam Scott.
FINAILY, there are the literary works. Two stories have been
printed. Especially satisfying is Carl Oglesby's "The Glass Man's
Bracelet." Oglesby has learned to handle words; his story is vivid
and suggestive, tense with excitement. The structure is firm, spare,
but the guts are there, too.
The poems are more numerous. Much is promising, and a great
deal is of a truly high quality. The technical proficiency is especially
distinctive. Young poets ,have learned well In the academic setting.
There are bits of rare beauty,,in all the poems. And insights galore.
What more is'a poem supposed to do?
FOR THE CONNOISSEUR there is a delightful bit by Nobel prize-
winning poet, Quasimodo, rendered into English by X. J. Kennedy.
But for the ordinary man there is sustenance, too, in the poems of
Konstantinos Lardos, Norman Linville and Patricia 'Hooper. There
are Hopwood winners galore. Reading these poems, so full of insight
one can understand their success. One is caught in the webs they
spin, these promising young poets, Suzanne Gary and Tony Stone-
Which to choose, the longer, more ambitious pieces of Miss Hooper
or Mr. Lardos with their shifting, carefully handled points of view,
their skillful handling of various meters and poetic forms, or the
shorter works, brief, shining bits that flash and sink into the mind
and heart,
T IS A PLEASURE to be a witness to Generation's continuing
appeal. The magazine remains agile and young, bright and provo-
cative. It wears its years with grace.
-Marvin Feleln.i
English Department


China Film Distorts Situation


as Clause...

The probable next step is the outlawing of
the one man "blackball," the veto by which
an individual can turn away from his chapter
anyone he wants to for any reason, announced
or not, he chooses.
To enforce this rule, SGC would have to
station objective monitors at each hash session
to make sure one man couldIn't veto another,
that all pledges were picked by the good old
democratic method of majority rules. Even
if each house adopts this scheme of selecting
members, monitors would' still be necessary to
make sure debate on prospective members does
not center around ay of the' six criteria the
Regents say can not be used..
Such a move is necessary if the Council
wants to ensure that the Regents bylaw pro-
hibiting discrimination is not violated. Unless,
of course, the Council and the University adopt
a different conception of the role of student
organizations in the campus community, a
conception which should have underlined all
the past action and which is essential if dis-
crimination Is ever going to end.
THE ROLE of the University is to maximize
the growth of individuals by allowing them
the highest level of opportunity to use its
facilities. Academic freedom is enshrined be-
cause it allows the student to expose himself
to whatever ideas and thoughts he wants, and
to work out from this dialogue an understand-
ing of life.
Thus, all facets of the University should be
open to all members of the community. If a
student is interested in a particular course of
study it ought to be his right to elect it.
If he seeks to work on The Daily, the Union
or on measuring the speed of an electron, the
University should make every effort to help
Studgnt organizations, in particular, should
not -have the power to set up requirements
blocking members of certain groups from join-
ing them.
With such a concept in ,mind, SGC would
have to ban all fraternities and sororities
from this campus, since one of the essential
characteristics of affiliate living is the chance
to choose the group that will be allowed to
spend its leisure moments together for the
next few years. If the University seeks to end
discrimination it can only do so by eliminating
all selection processes.
FRATERNITY and sorority houses should be
taken over by the University, and turned
into small residences perhaps co-ops, which
would be open to all students. If the demand
exceeds the supply (which is possible with a
fixed number of beds) priority for admissions
in.tn F 0iven hnn usnlid ba abhed hv the

Daily Staff Writer
THE FILM begins with Adolph
Hitler inciting a mob, switches'
to Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev pounding his shoe on
the desk at the United Nations,
shifts to a meeting between Red
Chinese dictator Mao Tse-Tung,
and Khrushchev.
The narrator reminds us that
like the Nazis, the Communists
cannot be ignored and that ad-
mission of Communist China to
the UN is not in the best interests
of the West. And finally the title
flashes on the screen: "Red Chin-
ese Outlaw."
FOLLOWING hot on the heels
of "Operation Abolition," this
propaganda film avoids some of
Abolition's pitfalls. We are told
the film 'was made by the Com-
mittee of 'One Million Against the
(Continued from Page 2)
Brunswick, Corp., Chicago, Ill. -- Lo-
cation of work: Throughout U. S. Feb.
& June grads-Men-with degree in any
field of Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for
positions in R&DProduction, Design,
Marketing & Sales. Must have U.S. cit-
.Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance
Co. - Location of work: Detroit. Feb.,
June & Aug. grads-Men-with degree
any field for Insurance Sales. U. S.
Proctor & Gamble Co. Overseas Manu-
facturing Div. - Location of Work:
Overseas companies of Proctor & Gam-
ble. Citizens of areas of operations only
who wish to return to their native
countries to work. Men with degrees
In Chem. or Liberal Arts for positions
in Adv., Foreign Trade, Prod., Pur-
chasing, Sales Promotion & Traffic.
Men with degrees in Bus. Ad. for
Acctg., Finance, Marketing, Prod. Mgmt.
Purchasing & Traffic positions. Stu-
dents from many countries are eligible
for. the positions above.
Wed., Nov. 15 3
Housing and Home Finance Agency,
Washington, D.C. - Location of Work:
New York, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Chi-
cago, Fort Worth, San Francisco & San
Juan, P.R. Feb. June & Aug. grads
both Men and Women. BS or MS iri
Civil Engrg., or Architecture for City
(Continued on Page 5)

Admission of Red China to the
United Nations.
We see a list of the steering
committee which includes Sen.
Paul H. Douglass (D-Ill), Sen..
Kenneth B. Keating (R-NY), Rep.
Walter H. Judd (R-Minn) and
Rep. Francis E. Walters (D-Pa).
And at the end of the film a list
of credits appears with special
thanks to the Departments of
State and Defense.,
BUT IT USES the glorious tech-
nique of "Abolition," several cQnl-
gressmen are interviewed and tell
,the audience about the evils of
admitting Red China into the
United Nations. Rep..Judd tells us
that Red China should be kept out
of the UN because it violated the
Charter by attacking Korea and
through threats of force and ag-
gression. "It. is not a matter of
emotion but of fact," he said.
Yet a good deal of the film is
devoted to the "facts" of the dope,
trade in which Red China In-
dulges. We see riot scenes and are
told that the riots against Vice"
President Richard Nixon in South
r America, the riots in Japan and
the atrocities in the Congo were,
due to Chinese dope. And just for
good measure we see. pictures of
Fidel Castro and listen in on a
congressional committee hearing
which unconvincingly attempts to
tie in the Red Chinese dope with
Cuban dope.
* * *
flaws. One outstanding example
shows Indian Prime' Minister Jaw-
aharlal Nehru shaking hands with
Mao Tse-Tung. The narrator,
Lowell Thomas, rtells us that the
neutrals are half-friend, half-ene-
my and are a great danger to the,
United States. The argument is
in the "those who are not with us
are automatically against us"
Coming as it does in the middle
of this propaganda venture, the
neutrals and their world are sum-
marily disposed of in a few feet of
film and a non-sequitor argu-

ANOTHER SCENE of interest
showed Chinese "slave labor" run-
ning through the' snow drawing
something (we never see what it
is) while the narrator drones on
about slave labor driving out free
labor and slave labor products un-
dermining free enterprise. The
argument runs very fast, espe-
cially with those slave laborers
running from left to right across
the screen. The use of. this eco-r
nomic appeals is also, falacious.
The Chinese Communist conduct
trade with the West, notably
Great Britain, without UN mem-
bership and the West traded with
the Soviet Union during the 1920's
without officialy recognition. of
the Bolshevik government. One
wonders what slave labor product
outside of the dope trade is un-
dermining free labor and enter-
prise. There is o use for 'twenty
men pulling ropes through the
snow in the economy of the Unit-
ed States. If °our economy is as
strong as we believe it to be, then
we have nothing to fear from
trade with 'Red China or can find
world markets without selling to
Red China. In either case, the
'problems of slave labor do not
enter the picture.
The grand finale includes for-
mer President Theodore Roose-
velt in the midst of a "bully"
speech. The narratorrconveniently
quotes the speech for us and says
that it was given in 1900 (before
the Chinese 'Revolution of 1911 or
1948 or even the Bolshevik Revo-
lution in 1917). And then there is
the, appeal to keep Red China out
of the UN and the American flag
winds up the film.
* * -* /
FILMS of this sort accomplish
only one thing. They bring a con-
troversial subject into public de-
bate. They seldom put their points
across fully and promote criticism
rather than intelligent debate. The
films are one-sided, make rash
generalizations and present a
strong emotional appeal to the
There are many intelligent aN
guments against admission of Red
China besides the overplayed dope



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