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November 03, 1961 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-03

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(Continued from Page 4)
Valenti has had to reschedule the re-
cital set for Wed., Nov. 8, 8:30 p.m., in
lackham Lecture Hall. The new date
set is Wed., Feb. 14.
The following student sponsored social
events are approved for the coming
weekend. Social chairmen are remind-
ed that requests for approval for so-
cial events are due in the Office of
the Student Affairs not later than 12
noon on the Tuesday prior to the
NOV. 3-
Alpha Phi Alpha, Dance; Chicago,
House, Date Party; Delta Upsilon &
Alpha Phi, Exchange Dinner; Hayden
House, 4th Floor Party; Men's Glee
Club, Glee Club Dance; Theta Chi,
Dinner & Dance.
NOV. 4-
Alpha Chi Sigma, Post Glee Club Par-
ty; Alpha Epsilon Phi, Fall Party; Al-

SJJ c. m.v un.% s.: x fR ,.wflN,,.}'.+ . df i...tiI. .":. r2.trI 7. s r

pha Epsilon Pi, Party; Alpha Gamma
Delta, Fathers' Weekend; Anderson
House, Informal Party; Cooley House,
Record Dance; Delta Kappa Epsilon,
Parents' Weekend Party; Delta Sigma
Delta, Dance; Delta Theta Phi, Open
House; Delta Theta Phi, Hi-F Party;
Delta Uusilon, Dads' Weekend; Kappa
Delta, Dads' Weekend; Nu Sigma Nu,
Dance; Phi Alpha Kappa, Post-Football
Party; Phi Sigma Delta, Party;
Phi Sigma Kappa, Dance; Scott House,
Sock Hop; Strauss, Ratskeller; Tau Del-
ta Phi, Late Party; Tau Epsilon Phi,,
Party-Parents' Weekend; Trigon, Rec-
ord Dance; Zeta Beta Tau, Party; Zeta
Psi, Band Dance.
NOV. 5-
Henderson House, Open -Open House.
The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra
will be heard tonight at 8:30 in Hill
Aud|, in the fourth concert in the
Chbral Union Series. Herbert von Kar-
ajan will conduct this concert, in the
following program: Symphony No. 4 in
E minor (Brahms); Prelude a l'apres-
midi d'un faune (Debussy); and Tod
und Verklarung, Op. 24 (Richard
Standing room only may be purchased
at the offices of the Uiiversity Musi-
cal Society throughout the day until
4:45; and after 7:00 p.m. preceding the
concert, at the Hill Aud. box office.
All-Campus Lecture: Dr. Wolfgang
Stresemann, General Manager of the
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, will
speak on the Berlin crisis, "Berlin:
Tale of a City," Fri., Nov. 3, 4:15,p.m.,
Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Li-
Tung-Sol Electric, Inc., Newark, N.J.
-Openings in Engineering positions
for: Research Scientist & Engineers
(Process, Test, Tigbe Develop., Mech., &
Project). Also opening in Sales posi-
tions for Salesman with BA & 4-5 yrs.
sales exper. to distributor accounts.'

"' . .


Newman Club Dance
TONIGHT at 8:30
331 Thompson

Caldwell Funeral Home, Garden City,
Mich.-Opening for man to take charge
of office work. Preferably married.
Ability to compose & type necessary
correspondence; organize & carry out
considerable variety of detailed work
in connection with service arrange-
Wisconsin Civil Service-Case Super-
visor of Vocational Rehabilitation to
work with emotionally ill at Hospital
for Mental Diseases in Milwaukee. BA
with major courses in vocational educ.,
guidance, personnel or social work & 3
yrs. professional exper. Or MA supple-
mented by field training. Apply by No-
vember 8 for written exam.
Oakland County Drain Commission-
er, Pontiac, Mich.-Two Civil Engnrs.
with experience in the design of storm
or sanitary sewer systems.
The Children's Hospital, Columbus,
Ohio - Purchasing Agent-man with
general basic knowledge of business or
hospital business who is capable of
cleveloping a purchasing program in all
Hoover Ball & Bearing Co., Uniloy
Div., Saline, Mich.-Research & Devel-
opment Engnr. with BS or MS in Engrg.
or Physics. Exper. desirable but not
essential. Must have good mechanical
bkgd. & knowledge of plastics. Also
Engnr. (Part-time or short term) for
experimental work on machines. Engrg.
Please call General Div., Bureau of
Appts., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544 for fur-
ther information.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 SAB: Monday thru
Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til
5 pum.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Jack Lardie, at
NO 3-1511 ext. 3553.
Students. desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-Busboy, 11:00-2:00, five days per
week, also Sat.:& Sun.
2-Salesmen to sell college sportswear
for men.
3-Salesmen, sel china & silverware,
commission basis.
--Several salesmen to sell magazines.
1-Engineerng student, must be at
least a junior, background in ra-
3-Waitresses, 12-2:00 p.m., Monday
thru Friday.
2-Fountain sales work, 4-10:30 p.m., 5
days per week; four hours on Sat-
1-Waitress, Friday & Saturday eve-
nings, 12 noon-8:00 p.m. Sunday.
Summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at its Meeting of
November 1, 1961
Approved: Minutes of previous meet-
Adopted: That Student Government
Council send three delegates to Nw
York in connection with Nehru's visit
to the United States. One delegate shall
be the Council President, financed by
$50.00 from General Council Funds and
$50.00 from the Office of the Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs. The other
delegates shall be a Council member
at large chosen by the Council Execu-
tive Committee and a specialist in In-
ternational Relations chosen by the
Political Science department, if that
department will so choose, these dele-
gates to be financed from the Student
Government Council Delhi Fund now
in excess of $200.00, which is not in
operation at this date.
Postponed: Consideration of a mo-
tion that the Council National Student
Association Coordinator assume the role
of campus distributor for Current mag-
azine and organize a subscription drive
on campus.
Adopted: Student Government Coun-
cil shall request from the following
persons and groups all\existing reports
and information concerning the Office
of Student Affairs fo use by the Com-
mittee on the University in its study
of that office: Vica-President Lewis, the
Faculty Sub-Committee on Student Re-
lations, the existing Study Committee
for the Office of Student Affairs, and
students previously and presently in-
volver on these committees.
Referred: (Back to Committee on the
University) To adopt Sharon Jeffrey as
a member of the Steering Committee
for the Conference on the University.
Received: Report from the Manager
of the Student Book Exchange.

Communion Breakfast
November 5 54c
After .^:3 Mass
"Catholic Social Action on Campus"




ED., NOV.8 -8:00 P.M.
TICKETS, 1.50 - 2.50 - 3.50=- all seats reserved
On sale at THE BUD-MOR AGCY, 1103 S. University


Nov. 10 11-
8 & 10 P.M.


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