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November 02, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-02

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Viet Nam Begins Offense


Viet Cong

US. History t
Supports Aid
TOs .
ToFar East
By The Associated Press
There is ample precedent and a
considerable backlog of successful
experience to support an Ameri-
can decision to deploy sone mili-
tary force in Southeast Asia as
a deterrent against "stepped-up
Communist attack.
One question in Washington is
whether such a deterrent, under
all the circumstances,- can be
made believable, without suffer-
ing the political disadvantages of
a direct, advance nuclear commit-
Years ago the United States
agreed to keep American forces
in Europe in order to make it
clear that direct aggression there
would mean the immediate in-
volvement of the United States.
That was before the United States
became so heavily extended. Lack-
ing knowledge of enemy intent, it
can only be said that during the
life of < this American presence
there has been no attack.
Similar Group
The case of Lebanon has sim-
ilarities, but also differences.
There was a rebellion in Lebanon
at a time when the Middle East
was in ferment following the death
of King Faisal of Iraq and during
a critical passage between Jordan
and Egypt.
. America and Britain considered
it vital to shore up these govern-
ments lest there be produced a pro-
gressive fall of stable governments
with . Communists taking over.
Britain sent paratroopers to Jor-
dan and the U.S. Marines in Leb-
anon established an American
military presence in the whole
Middle East. No critical trouble

Ball Asks Si
For Open-"1
WASHINGTON (P)-The John F. Kenn
itself last night to a foreign economic p
trading" for the -whole non-Communist w
States business and industrial leaders to
action and economic changes necessary tor
In a speech reported approved by Pre
retary of State George W. Ball proposed a
ism-"to open the doors and windows of ou
tion we must face in world markets."
And he forecast:
Two Great Marke
"What we may well see emerge is the
per cent of the total free world exports of

Riot Marks
ALGIERS (') - Scores of dem-
onstrators were killed and wounded
yesterday as Algerians rallied by
the thousands in wild demon-
strations on the seventh anniver-
sary of the outbreak of the re-
bellion against France.
By official count, 86 were dead
and more than 130 hurt.rUnoffi-
cial reports said the final toll
might be much higher.
The war, which has claimed at
least 200,000 lives, thus entered its
Eighth year with peace hopes
marred by terrorism, racial hatred,
revolutionary passion and fresh
Most of the dead and wounded
were counted in clashes with po-.
lice and troops at small towns and
in raids by uniformed nationalist.
commandos on army posts, mostly
in eastern Algeria.
Authorities said casualties on
the French side were three dead
and 16 wounded.

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Laos Claims,
rip ortMeos Block
Srading Rebel Capital
Red China Says Asia'
iedy administration pledged O
olicy of "open competitive O Verge of War ,
world. It called on United SAIGON, South Viet Nam (O)-
support the congressional Government troops were reported
make the policy work. on the offensive yesterday in the
sident Kennedy, Undersec- Communist stronghold where they,
repudiation of protection- suffered a sharp setback last Sep-;
ir economy to the competi- tember.
Informed sources said 100 Com-
munist Viet Cong rebels were kill-
90 ed in the new fighting.
concentration of nearly 90 (In neighboring Laos, anti-
industrial products in two Communist Meo tribesmen loyal
'inustialprouct intwoto the right-wing Vientiane gov-
kommon markets-the Coi- ement were reported to have cut
larket of Europe consisting off the pro-Communist rebel head-
300 million people and an quarters town of Xieng Khouang
undetermined number of from the Plaine Des Jarres air-
and the common market of field. Reports of new Laos fighting'
nited States consisting of came as representatives of east
Ilion people and 50 states." and west declaied the peace of all
undersecretary for Eco- southeast Asia is threatened.)
Affairs, spoke in an address Jungle Base
ed for the national foreign The new South Vietnamese gov-
lonvention in New York. ernment operation is in the jungle
ssailed "defeatism" among and rubberland province of Phuoc
smen about competing with Thanh, about 60 miles north of
producers. To assist them Saigon, informants said. Com-
)png rthheturopean munist guerrilla forces raided and
n Mrket headlinisrtese occupied the Phuoc Thanh pro-
roposals theentatn, vincial capital in September in
ly will present to the next an action that demoralized the
of Congress: forces of pro-Western President
Assist Transfer Ngo Dinh Diem.
The federal government In London, Ambassador Ngo
I be empowered to provide Dinh Luyen of South Viet Nam
nce to sustain and facili- told British Foreign Secretary
the transfer of labor and Lord Home Communist pressures
from industries "which against his country are mounting,
stand up to foreign com- but that the government is still
a" into other areas of pro- in control of the situation.
In Geneva, Chang Han-Fu, the
the President should have Red Chinese delegate, told the
ity to negotiate tariff cuts 14-nation Laos conference the
duce trade restrictions with whole Southeast Asia area is on
ropean Economic Commu- the verge of erupting into war.
achieve "much broader and He said the situation has been
mbitious bargains on behalf worsened in Laos and Southeast
ted States industry." Asia as a whole by what he termed
ials said Ball meant the ad- "the stepped-up intervention of
ation wants Congress to certain members" of the Southeast
a much broader tariff cut- Asia 'Treaty Organization.
thority for the President
the United States trade Accuses U.S.
ents act expires in mid- Chang said there would be no
sense in concluding an agreement
the proposed new legisla- on Laos if the United States sends
must also establish a basis troops to South Viet Nam. The
ntinuing an open trading United States, however, is under-
with nations other than stood not be contemplating such
in the Common Market. a move at this time.
'described the three points Chang Han-Fu also assailed
inimum specifications" for Thailand, a SEATO member,
olicy in foreign trade. He which has accused Cambodia of
would not for the moment allowing Communist guerrillas to
ut "the form and substance use Cambodia as a base for opera-
authority which the Presi- tions against neighboring coun-
ill require, tries.

May End
UN Head
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion voiced optimism yesterday
that they were near agreement on
naming an acting UN secretary-
general in place of the late Dag
UN diplomats believed the six-
weeks-old deadlock would be re-
solved before the end of the week.
The optimism centered in a new
compromise plan set forth by the
United States and Britain to break
the stalemate over how many prin-
cipal advisers the new chief should
have. The plan was to leave it to
U.S. Ambassador Adlai E. Stev-
enson and British Minister of
State Joseph B. Godder issued
statements on it through spokes-
men, after Stevenson had told
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Valerian A. Zorin about it.
Emerging froip a 1 -hour con-
ference with Stevenson, Zorin told
reporters "I think we are near an
agreement-on a very reasonable
basis." Stevenson's spokesman de-
lared "we are optimistic."
Diplomatic sources said the Se-
curity Council might meet Friday
morning to recommend U Thant
of Burma for interim secretary-
general up to April 1963, the end
of Hammarskjold's five-year term.
They said the General Assembly
then might meet that afternoon
to appoint U Thant to the post-
and hear his statement as to how
many under secretaries he would
name as principal advisers, which
regions he would pick them from
and how he aimed to work with
tpem "in a spirit of mutual un-
Viet Nai Asks
For Troops
NEW YORK () - U.S. Gen.
Maxwell Taylor is bringing back
to Washington a request from
South Viet Nam President Ngo
Dinh Diem that American combat
units be sent to his country, New
York Herald Tribune Columnist
Joseph Alsop reported from Sai-
gon yesterday.
The request for U.S. troops
"was made with the utmost re-
luctance," Alsop wrote.,
"Both President Ngo Dinh Diem
and his brother and chief adviser,
state councillor Ngo Dinh Niu, are
personally convinced that the dis-
advantages of the arrival of
American combat units on Viet-
namese soil at least balance the

-AP wirephoto
BOMB FALLOUT-The map traces the path of the radioactive fallout from Russia's Oct. 30 nuclear
bomb. The Weather Bureau said the debris-laden cloud went over the Kamchatka Peninsula in Si-
beria yesterday. Today it will be over the Aleutian Islands and Alaska. The U.S. is considering ex-
ploding a nuclear bomb underground in Nevada in the near future.
Neutron Bomb Trial Set for Nevada

WASHINGTON 0P) - The first
tentative experiments to try out
the theory of a neutron bomb, to
kill men but leave everything else
U.S., Soviets
Re'ect A-Ban

untouched, may be made in Neva-
da underground test caverns.
When preliminary field research
might start or whether it had be-
gun was a tightly held official
government secret yesterday.
But the theory of an "N-bomb"
seemed to suggest strongly that
the first effort would be to find
out whether the nuclear reaction,
in actual test, would be like that
worked out by slide rule, com-

UNITED NATIONS (R) - Both puters and the projection of nu-
the United States and the Soviet clear physics facts.
bloc yesterday rejected a strong- No Shock
ly-supported proposal calling for The idea is that a precisely
a new United._ Nations voluntary harnessed nuclear detonation can
moratorium on nuclear bomb test- be made to produce a burst of
ing. intense radiation by high-speed,
U.S. Delegate Arthur Dean told deep-penetration lethal neutrons
the General Assembly's main 103- -without also creating the in-
nation political committee that thet
United States cannot support the Bo r oSzd
resolution sponsored by India and J
five other non-aligned countries Threatened Strike
because such a moratorium "is
bound to be ineffective." WASHINGTON (R) - President
Dean declared that in event of John F. Kennedy yesterday order-
its approval the United States re- ed creation of an emergency board
serves the rights to take whatever to investigate a dispute between,
steps it "deems necessary or ap- Trans World Airlines and the Air'
propriate in its own defense and Line Pilots Association.
the defense of the free world." His action automatically delay-
Without a treaty setting up in- ed for 60 days a strike which had
spection machinery, he said, there been scheduled for 11:59 p.m. to-
would be no assurance that the day.
moratorium was being observed. The dispute involves principal-
He pointed to the current Soviet ly working rules and conditions on
tests which he said were planned' Jet flights. The airline serves 53
in violation of the previous volun- cities in 23 states, plus 18 cities
tary ban. in Europe, Asia and Africa.

tense shock, heat effects and ra-
dioactive contamination of pres-.
ent bombs.
Various papers and comments
by non-governmental and former
government, experts during the
past several years have suggested
that such neutrons could pene-
trate steel armor and even several
feet of concrete. Soviet nuclear
physicists have speculated simi-
Officials from the White House
down declined to comment on
reports published by the New
York Daily News and the New
York Journal-American that the
neutron bomb project has high
priority in the current United
States tests.
Saying that work on the project
had gone as far as it could go
without testing when the mora-
torium on tests began in late
1958, Dodd said in a statement:
"The neutron bomb would not
only be a far more effective battle-
field weapon than any now avail-
able to .us, it would provide us
with the most effective anti-
missile warhead nuclear technol-
ogy is today capable of producing."
Should Explore
In a statement issued in Provi-
dence, R. I., Sen. John O. Pastore
(D-R) said the United States
should explore fully development
of the neutron bomb and an anti-
missile. He said both operations
would require tests in the atmos-

[World News Roundup'
By The Associated Press of the huge tomb in Red Square
HAKONA, Japan-Secretary of testify that the old Bolshevik,
State Dean Rusk opened the first now reviled as a murderer of thou-
conference'of the United States- sands, had shared the hallowed
Japan Committee on Trade and mausoleum with V. I. Lenin,
Economic Affairs yesterday with founder of the modern Soviet
a call for cooperation in aiding state.
underdeveloped nations. *
*' - NEW YORK-The stock mar-
CAPE CANAVERAL9 - A blue ket yesterday began November
Scout Rocket zig-zagged out of with a continuation of cross-cur-
control and was blown uprby the rents, resulting in a mifed pattern
*range safety officer yesterday 30 of' trading. Standard and Poor's
seconds after it blasted off in an 500 Index closed up .11, with 425
attempt to orbit a satellite to test industrials up .12, 25 rails off .01,
the United States' worldwide and 50 utilities up .15.
man-in-space tracking network.
An official of the National
Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
- tration said the failure will not
delay plans to orbit a chimpanzee
later this month. The chimp shot
is the last scheduled Project Mer-
cury launching before an effort to
orbit an astronaut, hopefully in
December or January.
GUATEMALA-Hurricane Hat-
tie, with roaring top winds of 200
m.p.h., ruined 40 per cent of Be-
lize, capital of British Honduras,
and killed at {least 11 persons in


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w.I ....w...~wr.

that colony and in the neighbor- Gibbs-trained college women are first
ing republics of Honduras and in line in the job market and for future
Guatemala, rescue workers re- advancement. Special Course for Col-
ported yesterday. lege women-8 months. Write College
* * * Dean for GIBBS GIRLS AT WORK.
MOSCOW-Josef Stalin, once
the unchallenged leader of world K AT H A RINME G[IBBS
Communism, was relegated to the SECRETARIAL
ranks yesterday in a simple grave BOSTON 16, MASS. . 21 Marlborough Street
with the bare epitaph: J. V. Stal- NEW YORK 17, N. Y. . . 230 Park Avenue
in,187-293.MONTCL.AIR, N. J.. . 33 Plymouth Street,
Only some marksothePROVIDENCE 6, R. I. . . 155 Angell Street
Only some marks on the floor ,
Treat Yourself to the Best
Originally Priced at 34.75
NOW,$1 9

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Ste " ... *
p..- '.,IiIM
#5l r


J: 1
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11, i

SEND UP A FLARE ... Miss Pat comes to the rescue
with red fpr fall fashion. There's an easy fit . . .
an easy flare to these woolen separates. The red-red
jersey overblouse, worn with a red and white check
box pleat skirt, has a bateau neckline and welted
seaming. Miss Pat repeats the seaming and the
neckline for you in an easy flared jumper that's red
as Hot Pepper.

average campus on Saturday night you would see students planning a hunger
')Tastrike and smoking Luckies, ironing their Sunday suits and smoking Luckies,



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