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November 01, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-11-01

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Seventy-First Year
ere Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevai"W
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"The Grip's Wrong! .. Watch Your Left Arm!.. Look At
The Ball! .. Widen Your Stance!.. Bend Your Knees!"

LCAa i I 3 1 V i rLr eiUJ A oI.:
Women To Demonstra
For Peace, Test Ban

Y, NOVEMBER 1,1961


Security from Universities
Smothers Artistie Creativity

defenses, participants in last weekend's Es-
quire Symposium methodically picked apart
the university's relation to the creative writer.
The criticism flowed down two justifiable
channels: the inconsequential nature of crea-
tive writing courses and the stultifying effect
of the academic community on the sensitive
ABOUT THE BEST thing you can say about
writing courses-and the symposium par-
ticipants all said it-is that they are harmless.
They have never (as limited statistics show)
ruined a potentially good author or probed
hidden depths of ability in shoddy ones.
With an intelligent and experienced teacher,
a student can learn some of the techniques
of writing, particularly in the field of drama,
and, to a lesser extent, in poetry. He -also
stands a good chance to have, a play pro-
duced by the local speech department and can
leave his alma mater with a list of the "right"
editors and agents to contact safely tucked
inside the beribboned diploma.
RECOGNIZING the limitations of such
courses, universities usually resort to the
use of "practice in the writing of . . . " to
describe their offerings in this field when
they get around to penning the usually-exciting
course descripitions for their catalogues.
Creative writing courses have an optimum
effect only when they promote and encourage
the talent of a young writer with clearly recog-
nized potential. His teacher here must be an
editor, not another writer, someone along the
lines of Wolfe's editor Perkins, who can devote
selfless time and energy to improving another's
~ Too often, however, a university will hire
an author with a large public audience or
whose work has met high critical acclaim,
scratch his name in the frosted glass of an
office door, and slip him a couple of writing
Devotion of one's own energy to the better-
ment of another's words is an anathema to
most serious writers. The drive which leads
men to pour out thousands of words they
long to see between dust jackets is probably*
one Freud would explain along the lines of
an ego manifestation.
This kind of drive would not permit a writer
to consider another's work more important
than his own.
The more serious problem of the writer and
the university, however, is the academic ten-
dency to smother the artist in security and
, the local National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People, is doing anything
to advance the colored people.
The latest glaring incident of their in-
dolence came up at the last meeting of the
Ann Arbor Human Relations Commission. The
conduct of the group was' presumptuous, dis-
courteous, and quite possessive. Their conver-
sation would have made the casual observer
believe that the HRC had been set up simply
to serve the interest of the NAACP.
Specifically, IRC member Rev. Lewis pro-
posed the formation of a citizens' group com-
posed of representatives of local service groups
and other organizations, including the NAACP.
The objective of this committee would be to
further and aid the HRC in its work of al-
leviating discrimination. It goes without say-
ing that those members who would compose
the citizens' committee would be willing to
work on the matter of alleviating discrimina-
tion and anxious to do something about it.
AN NAACP SPOKESMAN haughtily doubted
whether his group could participate on a
committee, "where we would be outnumbered."
Of all the narrow-minded, inconsiderate, short-
sighted, and downright thankless remarks, that
one takes first prize. Presumably the NAACP
would gladly aid in any effort which has as
its aim the eradication 'of discrimination. But
the NAACP chose instead to prejudge a group
which has not yet been formed.

Editorial Staff

complacency and eliminate the ranking hon-
esty from his work. An enormous opportunity
for protection is offered by the colleges. But
underwriting the poet or novelist with a sound
financial base and providing him an office
in which to retreat cuts him off from reality
and, thus, weakens his work.
MORE THAN ANYTHING else, an author
needs time and the university perhaps
would provide him with this essential. As
educational costs rise and budgets remain
fixed, however, it becomes increasingly dif-
ficult for a University to sponsor a poet or
playwright-in-residence whose sole duty is
to do as he pleases, divorced of the necessity
to teach so many students how to count iambic
pentameter or give lectures explaining the
meaning of his published cadences.
At the Symposium Nelson Algren claimed
that the university "depoetizes and journalizes"
the writer. He pointed to Carl Sandburg whose
formal schooling was minimal, but who wrote
the most poetic biography of Lincoln. Trapped
in a university community, Sandburg might
have written just another story 'of Lincoln,
accurate in every detail, but lacking the
rhythm and color of the Pulitzer Prize vol-
Algren also pointed out that most of Amer-
ica's literary geniuses had Tittle formal edu-
cation. For every Whitman, Twain or Dreiser
there is only the rarity of a Henry James. One
reason for this is that people who go to
college have little time to read anything be-
yond their texts and are generally unaware
of what Western civilization' has produced.
Those writers who have missed out on a
formal education often act on the incentive
to read continuously and have a working
knowledge of the develpment of man's thought
through the past 2,500 years.
BECAUSE WRITING is essentially a lonely
Job and writers are so highly individualis-
tic, it is stepping on treacherous ground to
offer general statements about what they can
do or where they can work. Past experience
and the present structure of universities, how-
ever, shows that creative authors do not create
other creative authors nor can they benefit
from .university residence unless they have
complete freedom.
Outside of offering money (bequeathed by
alumni) for good unpublished manuscripts,
the universities have done little for the Ameri-
can writer. There is no reason to believe they
ever will.
ances Nothing
The only way the NAACP could possibly
have been outnumbered on the citizens' com-
mittee would be on the basis' of race, an ir-
relevant criterion by NAACP's own standards.
It is somewhat difficult to understand the
remark. It was narrow-minded, for it assumed,
since the group would not be predominantly
Negro, that NAACP interests would be "out-
numbered" It was inconsiderate, since it re-
jected an honest effort to help NAACP interest
without even being tested. It was short-
sighted, since it failed to see the possibilities
of this citizen's group (racial betterment by
private effort), and it was thankless, since it
rejected an honest attempt to something con-
structive about, racial discrimination.
I am told that the sum and substance of the
NAACP remark was that they considered the
committee suggestion just a stall, and they
wanted action. In that case, they should have
said so.
IT WOULD SEEM that the NAACP is not
interested in contributing anything helpful
beyond an initial gesture; they'd rather just~
sit and yell.
And their yelling is that of a rebuked child.
They submitted a proposed housing ordinance
to 'the HRC earlier this year. It was, in that
form, unacceptable-the reasons have not been
disclosed. I assume it was too aggressive to win
approval of the City Council.
So instead of rising to the occasion and

improving upon Rev. Lewis' suggestion for a
citizens' committee, which could conceivably
be of value, they choose to reject it and lam-
bast the commission for doing nothing about
their original ordinance, which was dead and
BUT TO TOP IT ALL OFF, they demanded
(not requested) that a housing ordinance
be submitted to the Common Council imme-
diatelyt if not sooner, "even though we know
the Council will not accept."
In short they were quite demanding when
it came to someone doing something for them,
but they were quite reluctant when it came to
doing something for themselves.
It would be difficult to say that the NAACP

The Growth of the Colletive Brain

Daily Staff Writer
IST, ISR, MHRI-The University
is becoming almost as bad as
the federal government.
The multiplication of little, au-
tonomous University centers is not
merely administrative shenani-
gans, but indicates instead a ma-
jor structural change in the or-
ganization of academics at the.
University and elsewhere in the
In the years since World War II
the boundaries of the old aca-
demic disciplines have become
more and more blurry. Social

psychology, Far Eastern studies,
communication sciences-all these
are new fields, and they all draw
on personnel from several of the
older academic areas.
parent at the university parti-
cularly in the social sciences and
humanities, probably because of
the immense Institute of Science
and Technology which gets the
money which might otherwise be
devoted to smaller units.
But the physical sciences, too,
have shared in the development
of interdisciplinary groups fo-
cused on, problems rather than


New Road to Reality

Daily Staff Writer
nally be on the road to a more
realistic policy towards the Afri-
can nations.
This possibility has been implied
in the speeches of Assistant Sec-
retary for African Affairs G. Men-
nen Williams following his latest
trip to that continent.
Williams'said that the challenge
to U. S. foreign policy was more
than in, the lending of economic
assistance. U. S. policy must "in-
volve the wholehearted commit-
ment to the burning desires of Af-
rican people for self-determina-
tion and independence; for dignity
and equality," he said.
* * *
been made before, but somehow
our actions have never followed
them. In 1958, when France held a
referendum in her overseas ter-
ritories to give them the choice
of complete independence or lim-
ited autonomy within the French
Community, the nation of Guinea
was the only one to choose the
former. France immediately can-
celled all aid and halted all trade
between the two countries.
The leader of Guinea, S6kou
Toure, appealed to the U. S. for
aid, but as we were reluctant to
offend France we withheld it. Hav-
ing no place to go, Mr. Toure ap-
pealed to the Soviet bloc. Guinea
was immediately branded a Com-
munist satellite by the West when
that appeal was accepted.
to cite. Again for fear of offending
France, the U., S. refused to es-
tablish any contact with the Al-
gerian rebels until Williams him-
self talked to their representatives
on his latest trip. France is still
using some American arms, which
were supposed to be used against
the Russians in a full scale war,
to suppress the Algerians.
Another NATO ally, Portugal,
is doing the same thing with re-
gard to rebels in her colony in
A decision to help Ghana in the
building of a large dam on the
Volta river is being held in abey-
ance pending the report of a com-
mission sent by President Kennedy
to examine Ghana's recent in-
ternal shift to the left.
" We did not support Patrice Lu-
mumba, who was the legally
elected Prime Minister of the Con-
go with most, of the Conoglese

occupied with the threat of Com-
munism." The possibility of Af-
rica going Communist is not as
great as some people fear.
This becomes apparent when
one stops to examine a few facts.
Most of the new African states
waged some sort of poltiical
struggle to gain their indepen-
dence and ' in most cases their
present leaders were in the van-
guard of their struggles. They are
very jealous of their indepen-
dence and have not gained it
merely to switch from one set of
white masters to another.
Furthermore, some of these
leaders have plans for possible
federations between their country
and others with themselves in
control, plans which would be im-
possible were they to go Com-
These countries are also not go-
ing to accept the change of posi-
tion from big fish in the neutralist
pond to little .,fish' in the Com-
munist ocean.
* * *
subject are heartening, all the
more so because his trip and his
speech were cleared by the State.
Department. A new policy designed
to suport the independence of the
still-colonized areas as well as
giving understanding to the as-
pirations of those nations which
have just recently received their
freedom would be living up to that
message of the American revolu-
tion we have been hearing se
much about from Washington
lately. The Communists would be
one of the few groups who would
not welcome it.
(Continued from Page 2)
Wrobleski will discuss a paper by D.
G. Champernowne on "Sampling Theory
in Autoregressive Sequences" in 3201
Angell Hall.
Applied Mathematics seminar: Prof.
B. R. Seth, U.S. Army Research Cen-
ter, University of Wisconsin, will speak
on "Asymptotic Phenomenon in Finite
Deformation," Thurs., Nov. 2, at 4:00
p.m. in 311 West Engineering.
Refreshments in 274 West Engineer-
ing at 3:30 p.m.
of Appointments--Seniors & grad stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3544 for inter-
view annointments with the following:

techniques. The Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology abounds
with little institutes, centers and
laboratories for this and that.
The new system provides a
double identification for many
faculty members and garduate
students-one with the depart-
ment, one with the institute or
center. The departmental organ-
ization is based essentially on tech-
niques or study-how the work is
done; the institute one, on the
problems considered rather than
the method used.
For example, it is possible to
study communication through
mathematics, philosophy, electri-
cal engineering and physiology,
and representatives of all these
disciplines will be found in the
cybernetics and communication
science centers across the coun-
WHAT DOES IT all mean?
To a great extent, the new sys-
tem an be seen as a solution to
the problem of the growth of
knowledge. It used to be that one
man, with' a little application,
could learn all there was to know
about any problem he got interest-
ed in-today, it would, take several
So instead of Gauss-mathema-
tician, astronomer, theoretical
and experimental physicist-four
men get together to work on the
problems which cut into these
areas. Even then, they don't get
as far as Gauss-mostly because it
would take too much time to com-
municate thoroughly with each
Since neither men's brains nor
there lifetimes are growing with
their backlog of information and
there are no great new inovations
in education allowing faster, more
complete learning, a group of in
terested men get together and
try to pool their brains and edu-
To some extent, it works. Not
too well, but better than anything
else yet attempted. Perhaps even-
tually, a method will be found
for true sharing of knowledge, but
as of now, the center for X seems
the best solution.
OF COURSE, there Is also an
extremely praEticalaspect to the
formation of centers-money rolls
in to them so much faster than
to separate individuals.
Foundations like financing
groups of good men formed to
study something much more, than
giving grants to individuals study-
ing it-even if the individuals are
working at the same university
and very likelyin close communi-
Nongood thing comes without its
drawbacks, however. The insti-
tute system has two great ones:
1) It takes extremely good
scholars away from the job of
bettering their techniques of study
into application of them. Instead
of creating new mathematics, the
mathematician is finding new uses
for old. Useful, yes, but not what
his job was.
2) The proliferation of new units
in an academic community adds
to the administrative cost. - in
varying amounts. No matter how
strictly the creation of new build-
ings and the staffing of new of-
fices is regulated, there is some
overlap-and some extra cost. In
an era of scarce money-suffered
thoeno he +e ntre wmrld thie

To the Editor:
E INVITE the women of Ann
Arbor to join housewives all
over the United States who are
in a spontaneous and unorganized
way bearing public witness in their
local communities on Wednesday,
November 1, to their concern for
the cessation of nuclear testing by
all nations and for the initiation
of positive steps to get the Peace
Race underway.
A few of us in Ann Arbor, acting
as concerned women and under
no organizational sponsorship, pro-'
pose to stand for an hour from
noon to 1 p.m. outside the County
Court House in downtown Ann
Arbor under the banner "Peace is
the Only Shelter."
-, , .
THERE WILL BE no demon-
stration and no speeches, but an
hour of silent meditation to let
our community know that we do
not accept the present policies of
preparation for total destruction,
with its corollary policy of pre-
paring shelters that will not shel-
If you cannot or do not choose
to express yourself in this way,
you can as an American woman
demonstrate your vital concern by
discussing what you as a citizen
can do with your neighbors over
coffee, take the hour and write
td Pres. Kennedy, at the White
House, Senator Philip Hart, Sen-
ate Office Bldg., or Rep. George
Meader, House Office Bldg., Wash-
ington, D. C., call you clergyman
or some local official to express
your concern, or spend time in
prayer and mediatation in your
church. ;.
Let us support and reinforce all
those who are striving against
terrific odds to achieve world law
and a just and enforceable peace.
-Mrs. Kenneth Boulding
Flaws in 'Splendor'.. ..
To the Editor:
IF "flaws only magnify master-
pieces," as Mr. Milan Stitt
claims in his 'review of William
Inge's Splendor in the Grass, "an
uncompromising modern inter-
pretation of Wordsworth's Ode:
Intimations of Immortality," then
Mr. Stitt's review is more magni-
fied than anything Wordsworth
could have ever written.
We hardly see what is so un-
compromising about this film, nor
do we think that the butchering
of great poetry can be justified by
calling it a "modern Interpreta-
tion." The movie compromised
Wordsworth's Ode by putting it
into an absurd context,, and, by
clinging to the poem as a means
of appearing philosophic in. tone,
merely sucks all life and meaning
from it.
Yet, Mr Stitt seems to feel that
Wordsworth's lines have been
skillfully condensed (Kansas -
style) into those stirring, yet
"simple" words of the main char-
acter, "'You just gotta take what
.* ..
MR. STITT continues that the
"advice from a mother," "iron
shots from a doctor," and "empty
words from a minister," are "trag-
ically beautiful in their, simplici-
ty." But how can anyone think
they are anything more than trag-
ically trite in their stereotypy?
Stitt amazingly manages to jus-
tify the abundance of such stereo-
types by calling them "abstrac-
tions of ideas." He feels that
Inge marvelously remained faith-
ful to Wordsworth's poem by in-
geniously placing "flaws" 'in the
movie, so that it would not sur-
pass the quality of Wordsworth's

poem, since, as Mr. Stitt states:
"It has been said that there are
flaws in 'Intinations of Immor-
The Edward R. Murrow-type
psychiatrist, the frustrated medi-
cal student who just couldn't cut
into his first patient and is now
pounding wood, the hero's Freudi-
an attack of pneumonia on the
basketball court, the heroine's
masterful but drawn-out attempt
to drown herself," her final stole
final acceptance of her situation
after being readjusted by psycho-
logical guidance, and thehero's
finally finding the true path of
life in farming and returning to
.the earth, etc., It well into the sort
of shallow, pseudo-psychological
themes at which the movie tedi-
ously pounds.
-Sherman Silber, N63
Howard Kleckner, '63
'Trial' and Error...
To the Editor:
DO NOT wish to quarrel with
the very kind review which the
local production of Messrs. Fine &
Greene's The Trial received, but
-a few words should, I feel, be said
about this adaptation.
In spite of its dramatic title,
Kafka's work is very much a nov-
el, and thus, very much not a
play. This fact was already
brought out clearly by such' great-
ly superior attempts at dramati-
zation as the ones by A. Gide and
J. L. Barrault (of The Trial), and
by M. Brod (of The Castle); it was
devastatingly confirmed by the
present effort.
For the subtlety of the work
does not lie so much in what the
characters actually do or say, as
in the tantalizingly ambiguous
manner in which the author pre-
sents them to his reader. A rath-
er gauche narrator in the play is
no substitute for this all impor-
tant dimension.
. * 4. 4
I HAVE ,no explanation for the
curious fact (proudly reported in
the notes) that 'the present ver-
sion ran for a hundred perform-
ances in New York, but I venture
to say that this was not because
of Fine & Greene, but in spite of
them. They seem to me to have
successfully combined being com-
mercial and amateurish. Their
guiding principle evidently was
that all pages are created equal
before God and the bewildered
The result of this ill-conceived
piety towards the text is that the
relatively inconsequential scenes
(i.e. the ones-withFraulein Mon-
tag, the bank client, everi the
laundress) appear long and bor-
ing, while the important ones (es-
pecially with the painter, the ad-
vocate, the priest) are shrunk
beyond all recognition to the un-
derstandable confusion dnd frus-
tration of the audience.
Particularly the central scene,
in the cathedral-ini the novel the
one where all the apparent non-
sense suddenly comes into focus
and becomes sense-was scandal-
ously and irresponsibly distorted.
Except for the pocketbook of
Messrs."Fine & Greene, I cannot
see what interests could possibly
be served by performing such a
specimen of parasitic slander.
For those who were as disap-
pointed at what they saw as I,
there is good news: Kafka's novel
is still in print. For those who
thought that in going to the ply
they had "done their afka," the
news is less good: what they have
"done" is, at best, Fine & Greene.
-Prof. Ingo Seidler
Dept. of German


Orgvanist Draws
'Appreciative Audience'
JNTERNATIONAILY-FAMOUS organ virtuoso Alexander Schreiner,
on campus for the past few days, climaxed his visit last night with
a recital in Hill Aud. The size of his audience revealed that local
organ recitals are gradually becoming more popular and appreciated.
Schreiner surprised many be his sure technique and choice of
clear colors, not always present in performers of his generation.
'The p'ogram began with the Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C
rmajor. After the pedal cadenza, which contained a few minor in-
accuracies, Schreiner continued with a choice of stops in which one
manual tended to over-dominate the other.
It is apparent that Schreiner is used to more resonant acoustics,
since the articulation in the Adagio seemed choppy on the Hill Aud.
instrument. The fugue was brilliant' and exciting. Listeners expecting
an historically accurate performance, ,'however, were unhappy by
the use of swell shutters and the crescendo pedal, devices which
Bach did not have in the organs he played.
* * * ,*
MENDELSSOHN'S ORGAN SONATAS have not been played
as often recently as they have in the past, possibly because they
are in the tradition of the piano sonata of his day, rather than in
a polyphonic style more suited to the organ. Schreiner has said that
Mendelssohn, whose pedal technique was lacking, wrote for the
organ in such a manner that the left hand was always free to
take over difficult pedal passages.
The impressive performance of the Sonata in F minor, however,
showed that the organ sonatas tends, to be under-rated.
Schreiner was perhaps best in his playing of four fantasy pieces
by Louis Vierne. The first two were, quiet and impressionistic, and the
performer employed some of the infinite variety of colors which
are inherent in the organ. The third, "Water Nymphs," had running
namcca.rp +hrenifhn+ which were remarkably' ell-ex..cuted.rThe "Card-.


City Editor

Editorial Director

SUSAN FARRELL ....... ........ Personnel Director
FAITH WEINSTEIN ............... Magazine Editor
MICHAEL BURNS .................... Sports Editor
PAT GOLDEN ................ Associate City Editor
RICHARD OSTLING ...... Associate Editorial Director
DAVID ANDREWS..........Associat EdSports Editor
CLIFF MARKS ..............Associate Sports Editor
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CHARLES JUDGE, Business Manager

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