L'Pr AtrIlt-gan Ualty-
"I Can't Hear A Thing"
Civilian Peace Needed
To End Halocaust
Seventy-First Year
here Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
DAY, OCTOBER 31, 1961
The Qrgle Conference:
Te Role of Wonen and Rules
'HE SECOND Interquadrangle Council con-
ference faced a problem: how to make the
iadrangles more livable. Using as their theme
['he Perfect House," the conference's objec-
ve, was to deal with the regimentation and
e- lack of possibilities for individuality in
ie Quads.
The incoming freshman is faced with a
orass of rules and regulations that inhibit
m in many respects. He cannot drink in his
om He cannot, as is to be expected in a
'oup-living situation, have scope for his in-
vidual tastes. Even simple things like the
lume of his record player and. the noise,
vel of an ordinary conversation are severely
In the face of these restrictions, the move
allow non-freshmen women in the quad
oms would be an almost revolutionary change
the direction of freedom and individual
cision. There is no reason to believe that this
11 lead to the moral depravity and academic
cline of the residents. Whatever minimal di-
rsion from studies girls in the room might
use would be made up by the increased
easantness and geniality of quadrangle life.
The immoral situations which might come
are no greater a problem than those which
Lght arise because of the University's allow-
g women in men's apartments. Besides, to
ce facts frankly, where there's a will there's
way--and the University-owned arboretum.
'HE ONE DEFECT of the recommendation
i. that it does not go far enough. The rule
restricted to non-freshmen women. And,'
ice 50 per cent of the quadrangle residents are
eshmen, they will receive little or no benefit
om the change. At the same time they are
e group that most needs the experience of
dividual choice. They are the group that is-
will become--most disenchanted with the
e of the quads. And they are the group that,
cause of the freshmen residence rule, is
ider the arbitrary compulsion to be in the
The rule to allow women in the quad rooms
should be expanded to include freshmen women
and instituted immediately. There is no reason
for delay or to wait for basic philosophy to be
reformulated in the rewriting of the Michigan
House Plan or by the Office of Student Affairs
Study Commit ee.
Normal channels of change should not
break down simply because outside forces are
at work. The Residence Halls Board of Gover-
nors should put the new rule into effect at its
next meeting-minor adjustments and changes
can be made from experience.
IN OTHER AREAS, the'conference took a step,
backwards. Specifically, the delegates sanc-
tioned the compulsion that is the cause of most
of the discontent in the quads. They endorsed
the rule compelling freshmen to live in the
quads. The usual justification was the rather
flimsy "High school seniors are not qualified
to make the choice."
Associate Dean of the literary college and
member of theOSA committee James H. Rob-
ertson suggested that elimination of the rule
might be a "quicker move toward maturity by
moving up the point of decision-making," bat
the delegates endorsed the rule without con-
sidering the basic issue of whether the Uni-
versity has the right to make decisions for the
Further, they 'did' not explain. why an ex-
ceptionally independent student or one who is
already familiar with the University should be
forced to live in the quadrangles.
Certainly the overwhelming majority of
freshmen would continue to live in the dormi-
tories. And they would be better adjusted to
Quad living if they did not feel compelled.
The Quadrangle conference took a step for-
ward on the principle of individual responsibil-
ity; but by not recognizing this basic principle
they took a half-step backward at the same
To the Editor:
international crime and out-
law war for the individuals of
the nations. This can be accomp-
lished by electing representatives
into the United Nations and grant-
ing them the authority to outlaw
war on an individual basis. The in-
dividual may establish his basic
international rights and achieve
international recognition.
Individual responsibility for
crime is a principle used within
all nations of the world. As a prin-
ciple, it is universal. It can un-
doubtedly succeed if it is applied
under international law. It places
the individual in a position to
exercise his morality and virtually
prevent war.
A POWERFUL international
army capable of subduing the lar-
ger national states is neither de-
sirable nor ' attainable., Individual
responsibility for the crime of war
is the only universally acceptable
means capable of breaking up the
extremely dangerous concentra-
tions of power found in the na-
tional states. A modest interna-,
tional police force based on in-
dlvidual responsibility for war
provides a solid basis for collec-
tive civilian security and disarm-
ament including atomic weapons.
A start for civilian peace has
to be made. It cannot be achieved
unless; the individual is recognized
internationally among at least a
majority of the larger nations.
Both communism and capitalism
gain expression through the power.
of the state. Anything which in-
hibits that power can curtail their
future expansion and prevent the
world from being divided 'into,
communistic and capitalistic pow-
er camps based on fear,,
The primary purpose of law is
not to prevent: or punish crime.
It is to place the responsibility for
crime upon the individual.This
,give the individual free choice
and frees the vast majority from
crimes against their conscience.
Where laws are not established,{
gang rule usually prevails. Under
these circumstances the individual
must either go along with the
gang or tolerate crime. The prin-
ciple of individual responsibility
under law frees the individual
from gang crimes such as robbery
and murder.
-George F. Larsen
Malibu, Calif.
A Tale . ,.
To the Editor:
strange barbarian world, there
were two great nations at peace
with each other. These nations
were situated on opposite sides of
their world and separated by two
large oceans. Also in this bar-
barous world were clustered about
the loge nations, smaller nations.
And these nations had, after many
years of wars, formed a Union of
From then on, all grievances
were brought to the Union to
be arbitrated. At last there was
a way other than war to decide
right and wrong. One of the two
great nations had been right for
many years as it had- won many
wars defending itself. The other
great nation had not always been
right as it had to have help in
winning its wars which, by the
way, it had started. But in the
interest of peace, its faults could
be overlooked.
On one day, the not always
right nation would announce that
it now had a nuclear bomb cap-
able of destroying a large city.
The next day, the always right
nation would announce that the
very same bomb 'had been in its
arsenal for several years and that
it had built even larger ones.
THEN ONE DAY, the not al-
ways right nation announced that
it would test its biggest bombs.
The always right nation protested,
saying that the radioactive fall-
out was endangering innocent
people, but to no avail. The Union
could do nothing. And the fallout
came and spread its insidious rays
over the always right nation. It
spread over. the cities and farms,
into the water and food, into the
very ground.
It was the time of peace. To de-
fend was right; to attack was
wrong. The always right nation
was not being attacked; so it could
not defend. The not always right
nation was not wrong, it was right.
The- rays spread and covered and
destroyed the always right nation
that had been wrong in the end,
for it had been attacked, but did
not defend.
-Michael L. Boucher, '64
Sweden's Semi-Socialism
HRC: Public Interlopers
ORTUNATELY, the Ann Arbor Human Re-
lations Commission finds itself among the
ore ineffective organizations around.
Composed of ten members, the commission
as established a few years back by the City
ouncil, pu'portedly to investigate and recom-
end remedies for discriminatory practices in"
nn Arbor.
To say that it has done nothing is putting
mildly; to say they should have been doing
mething is highly questionable.
should even allow the creation of a body
bich would deal in the harassment of citi-,
ns and taxpayers. Thus their inactivity may
a blessing in disguise. One fails to see why
ie city should be taking part in the discrim-
ation business. When a man sets out to buy
rent, he must hazard the danger that a
ospectIve landlord will not care to rent to him
for no concrete ,reason.
The HRC is currently engaged in studying
ays to integrate private housing-a task some-
at out of the city's line.
One must return to the frayed refrain that
,cial feelings cannot be legislated. Certainly a
ty does not have the right to interfere in the
nting of an apartment or dwelling, just be-
fuse the landlord doesn't want to have a Ne-
o tenant. Certainly that is the landlord's
erogative, however unfair and unjust it may
JUT THE COMMISSION'S action in the mat-
ter of housing discrimination, such as it is,
atters little, for HRC has failed miserably
its task. There may still be every bit as much
scrimination in Ann Arbor, and possibly
ore as a result of the publicity.
However, one suspects that this ineffective-
ess was not unplanned or unhoped for by the
ty Council. Never too keen on the idea of a
uman relations group in the first place, I
ether imagine the Council little cares if the
ummission stews along or dies. And since HRC,
s a public group, has no business prying into
rivate affairs, the citizens of Ann Arbor prob-
bly don't care what happens to it either.
RC MEETINGS are typical of its useless-
ness. At the last meeting, those who attend-
I were subjected to two hours of drivil, trivia,'
and rehash. A floor fight almost broke out
about who was or wasn't going to a confer-
ence of human relations commissioners in
Battle Creek, even though no one had to go.
Much discussion went into the preparations for
a guest speaker at the next meeting. Long-
standing committee reports were stumbled
through or glossed over as committee mem-
bers were either absent or totally unprepared.
Rev. Henry Lewis offered a suggestion that
a citizen's goup be formed from the service
clubs and other similar organizations to aid
the commission, and that's an old retread.
Citizen's commissions have proven themselves
totally useless in the past--they rarely accom-
plish anything more than a lot of talk and
wasted time. And even the most aggressive
citizen's group can move only as fast as itsy
slowest member, since it is not an official
body. But, whenever there's a job to be done,
someone invariably suggests a citizens' com-
mittee. They make good scapegoats for inac-
Then an argument arose over the proper
wording of a resolution to present at the
Battle Creek meeting, and when they finally
brought the argument to a vote, the amend-
ment that had caused the.ruckus couldn't even
get a second.
Finally each member discussed the great
amount of time he must devote to his own
profession, one and all admired the efforts of
the commission's secretary, whom I suspect does
all the work, and they threw the meeting
open to comments from the audience, which
were hysterical in their redundant triviality.
THE LOCAL NAACP denounced the commis-
sion for postponing the presentation of a
proposed fair housing ordinance to the City
Council. James Seder once again got out his
complaint about discrimination against for-
eign students in housing. Then each individual
NAACP member (at least a dozen) got up to
echo the sentiments of their spokesman-that
HRC wasn't doing a proper job.
If the HRC's delegated purpose is proper,
their complaints were well taken. Indeed, if
HRC were functioning properly, it would be
advising the City Council on discrimination
and submitting recommendations. Needless to
say, they haven't done that. But should they?
If HRQ, abandons its campaign to eliminate
discrimination in housing, where else can they
go? No place, and that is exactly where HRC
should go. Only if there were discrimination
in publically-owned facilities, could such a
group function in a constitutional manner.
an open forum for the most vocal part of
the Negro population in the city. Anything
they don't like they bring before the HRC and
tab it discrimination, whether it is or not,
and they howl when the commission does
Daily Staff Writer
SWEDEN is a country which
toes the line of neutrality while
enjoying the highest standard of
living, levying the highest taxes
in Europe and attracting both the
criticism and acclaim of East and
Under the guidance of the So-
cial Democrats and their Premier,
Tage Erlander, Sweden is a mix-
ture of a welfare-capitalistic-
democratic state. So too continue
this country's controversial stan-
dards* of morality and high sui-
cide rate.
The summation of Sweden's dis-
tinguishing political and social
elements have caused confusion
in the minds of some Americans.
Forlner President Eisenhower's
comment on July 28, 1961: "The
experiment of almost complete
paternalism of a fairly friendly
European country" which has
adopted socialism, has brought-,a
sharp increase in suicides, "more
than twice our drunkenness and
a lack of moderation discernable
on all sides." By general con-
sensus of the New York Times re-
porters and Swedish officials, the
country referred to was Sweden,
and the facts alluded to were er-
4. *
from Marxism, since the state
does not control industrial output
or goods. In fact 90 per cent of
the country's economy is in pri-
vate hands.
The government does, however,
provide extensive social services
such as an old age pension which
pays the retired worker 60 per
cent of the highest lifetime wage,
maternity benefits, free care in
hospital wards, payment of one
half the cost of medicine over
sixty cents, three fourths of doc-
tor's fees, free school lunches and
books, university tuition, rent re-
bates for large families and spe-
cial allowances to re-locate the
* * *
IN ORDER to pay for all these
services, a total of fourteen per
cent of the net national income
is set aside through collection of
taxes, payments from local gov-
ernments and payments made by
individuals and employers for in-
surance. This means that out of
every $52 earned by a married
man, $10.30 goes to the welfare
program. Yet, in contrast to the
government's public services, Swe-
dish Federation of Trade Unions
which has ninety per cent of all
industrial workers in its ranks
and the Swedish Employers Con-
federations handle most all man-
agement-labor disputes. This elim-
inates the need for government
intervention in settling strikes. A
labor court has. also been set up
which has absolute arbitrating
power and car} act on disputes
over existing contracts without ap-
THERE IS NO apparent factual
basis for the comparison between
the high suicide rate and Swedish
The 1957 figures show Sweden
with the sixth highest rate of 19.9
per one hundred thousand popu-
lation, Japan first with 24 and the
United States with ten.
However, Norway which is sim-
ilar to Sweden both geographically
and culturally, has a lower rate
than either the U.S. or Sweden.,
Since our own social security cov-
erage was started, our rate drop-
ped frof 15.5 in 1946 to 10 in 1957.,
Thus no correlation between so-
cialism's security and suicide can
be drawn.
* * V
dard of morality of this country
centers around the unusual rate
of illegitimate children born each
year (of 107,168 births, 10,350
were illegitimate, 13,628 were born
within the first five months of.
This is not a reflection of the
socialistic factor of the govern-
ment, but perhaps of the weak
religious element of the culture.
Although practically all Swedes
belong to the Established Church
of Sweden, only about three per
cent attend services regularly.
* * *
SWEDEN HAS all but wiped out
illiteracy, its government spon-
sors some 65,000 study circles for
students and adults beside a lec-
ture program. Socialism has not
stifled the individual's creativity
nor recognition of greatness as
shown by Sweden's yearly presen-
tation of the Nobel prizes.
Perhaps part of the confusion
surrounding Sweden's political,.
economic and social structure
should be cleared up and a few
falacious statements discarded in
the process.
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_____ ..
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Preliminary Examinations in English:
Applicants for the Ph.D. in English
who expect to take the preliminary
examinations this summer are re-
quested to leave their names with Dr.
Ogden, 1609 Haven Hall. The examina-
tions will be given as follows: English
Literature, 1550-1660, Tues., Nov. 14,
1:30 to 4:30 p.m.; English and Ameri-
can Literature, 1660-1790, Sat., Nov. 18,
9 a.m. to 12 m.; 1790-1870, Tues., Nov.
21, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.; and 1870-1950, Sat.,
Nov. 25, 9 a.m. to 12 m. The Tuesday
evaminations will be given in Room
171, Business Admin. Bldg; the Satur-
day examinations will be given in Room
1412, Mason Hall.
Freshmen Nursing: Students will
make out election cards before second
semester courses in Room M4118, SNB,
on the following dates: Thurs., Nov. 2,
8.12 a.m., 1-3 p.m.; Fri., Nov. 3, 8-12
a.m.,_ 1-5 p.m.
University Impounding Program:
1) Bicycles parked illegally on side-
walks, on lawns, under canopies, or
blocking building exits will be im-
2) Bicycles on University property
which do not bear a current (1962)
Ann Arbor License will be impounded.
3) Bicycles stored (left over 48 hours)
in classroom areas will ;be impounded.
During vacations be sure your bi-
cycle is stored at your own Ann Arbor
Impounded bicycles will be stored' in
the University Storage Building (No.
97 on the Central Campus map) lo-
cated on East Washington St. between
Fletcher and Forest Aves. Bicycles will
be released at specified times upon
presentation of your Bicycle Registra-
tion Card and payment of the $3.00
service fee. Owners of properly licensed
bicycles are notified soon after they,
are impounded and must reclaim them
within thirty days. A storage charge of
ten. cents (10c) per day will be charged
for the next sixty days, after the total
of ninety days, the bicycles will be
sold at public auction. For further
information, contact Office of the Vice-
President for Student Affairs, 1524 Ad-
min. Bldg. (663-1511 Ext. 3146).
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors who
will be on the campus this week on
the dates indicated.
Program arrangements are being made
by the International Center: Mrs. Clif-
ford R. Miller.1
Dr. Adriano Vilanova, Dean, School.
of Dentistry, University of El Salvador,
San Salvador, El Salvador, Oct. 27-
Nov. 5.
Shozo Shinohara,, Asst. Professor;
member of the Students' Affairs Comm.
of Hokkaido University, Shapporo, Ja-
pan, Oct. 28-Nov. 5.
Yuzaburo Kuramoto. Asst. Dean of
Students; Director of the Clark Memor-
ial Student Union, Hokkaido .Universi-
ty, ShapporoJapan, Oct.e28-Nov. 5.L,
Ahmad Aliabadi,. Professor' of Law,
Univ. of Teheran, Teheran, Iran, Oct.
29-Nov. 1.-
Moriji Sagara, Professor of Psycholo-
gy, Dept. of Letters, University of To-'
kyo, Tokyo, Japan. Oct. 30-Nov. 4.
Tamaddon Farzaneh, Dean of the
Faculty of Science, University of Shir-
az, Shiraz, Iran, Nov. 1-2.,
(Mrs.) Maria Rose de Perez (accom-
panied by her husband), Volunteer with
the Social Service Dept. of the LICEO
BAUZA; volunteer medical records
clerk; President of the PTA of Uru-
guayan-American School of Montevideo,
Montevideo, Uruguay, Nov. 1-11.
Cristeto Rivera, Industrial Safety En-
gineer, Health and Safety Division, Bu-
reau of Standards, Manila, Philippines,
Nov. 2.
Prajuab Rawiwattanawonge, Dept. of
Public Welfare, Gov't. of Thailand,
Secretary of the Coordination Comm.
for the Welfare of Opium Addicts,
Bangkok, Thailand, Nov. 3.
V. R. Narla, Member of Parliament;
Playwright. India, Nov. 6.
Events Wednesday
Lecture on Language Learning: Prof.
Waldo Sweet will speak on "Program-
med Learning for Foreign Languages"
on Wed., Nov. 1 at 8:00 p.m. in 3003
North University Bldg.
sociology Colloquium: "Patterns and
Problems in Social Mobility" will be
discussed by James Morgan, Dep't. of
Economics and Institute for Social Re-
search, on Wed., Nov. 1 at 4:15 p.m.
in the East Conference Room, Rackham
Automatic Programming and Numer-
ical Analysis Seminar: "Method of Giv-
ens for Calculating Eigenvalues and
Eigenvectors of Symmetric Matrices,"
by R. C. F. Bartels on Wed., Nov. 1 at
4:00 p.m. in 246 West Engineering.
Botanical Seminar: Dr. Ara G. Paul,
College of Pharmacy, will speak on "Er-
got and Ergot Alkaloids" on Wed., Nov.
1 at 4:15 p.m. in 1139 Natural Science
Bldg. Tea at 4:00 p.m.
Anatomy Seminar: Wed., Nov. 1, 4
p.m., 2501 East Medical Bldg. Dr.-A.
Barry will speak on the "Development
of the Hepatic Circulation in Human
Federal Service Entrance Exam (-FSEE)
Nov. 18--
Applications for the FSEE & Man-
agement. Internship Exams available
at Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB, for all
upperclassmen wishingto take the
(Continued on Page 5)
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