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October 31, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-31

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Citizens Pay Higher State Taxe

Acro si
Meets Reds.
About Berlin
dor Llewellyn Thompson had a
meeting at the Soviet Foreign
Ministry in Moscow Sunday on the
explosive situation along the East-
West border in Berlin, top-rank-
ing officials reported yesterday.
This was the second Kremlin
conference in 48 hours on this is-
sue. Thompson this time called
on V. V. Kuznetsov, first deputy
foreign minister. On Friday, he
saw Foreign Minister Andrei A.
State Department spokesman
Lincoln White, reporting on the
Sunday discussions, said he did
not know whether it was Thomp-
son himself or one of his aides
who called at the foreign minis-
try. He said the discussions were
on "identification procedures on
the governmental level."
The problem of "identification
procedures" last week brought
American and Russian tanks to
the Fredrichstrasse crossing point,
the only one open to allied per-
sonnel in the divided city.
on Friday, Thompson protest-
ed against East German requests
that, U.S. officials in civilian
clothes should identify themselves
when coming to East Berlin. Gro-
myko answered with a counter-
protest against U.S. armed es-
corts accompanying American civ-
ilian officials entering the city's
Soviet sector.
White said the Fridaycconfer-
ence was "initia, and called It
The second conference was in-
itiated by Thompson.
Soviet Union
Urges Finland
Tio J0i, Pact
MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet Un-
ion yesterday called on Finland
to take joint defense measures to
protect both countries against
West Germany and its North At-
lantic Treaty Organization allies.
Foreign Minister Andrei Gro-
myko handed Finnish Ambassador
Eero Vuori a note urging that con-
sultations begin at once because of
what he called a growing 'West
German threat to use the Baltic
Sea as a jumpoff place for war.
The request appeared to be a
first step toward bringing Fin-
land in line with the Warsaw Pact
military bloc and quite possibly
for .establishment of Soviet air,
naval and ground bases there.
The Soviet'note also included
in its chages of military threats
the other Scandinavian countries,
with which Finland has strong
historic, cultural and economic
The note accused Norway and
Denmark of being involved in
plotting with West, Germany, and
it lashed out against what it term-
ed leading circles of Sweden.
South African
Ouster Urged

African nations and Iraq last
night called for UN ;Security
Council discussion that could lead
to expulsion of South Africa from
the United Nations because of its
white supremacy policies.
A resolution citing South Afri-
ca's refusal to alter its apartheid
policy as grounds for the action
was accompanied with a recom-
mendation that countries of the
world cut diplomatic relations,
shipping and air links and a trade
Ghana initiated the move. Oth-
er sponsors are the Congo (Leo-
poldville),- Guinea, Iraq, Libya,
Mall, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Su-
dan and the United Arab Repub-
The resolution was drafted for
the UNAssembly Special Political
Committee now in its second week
of debate on South Africa's apart-
heid policies.


-AP Wirephoto
WATCH IN BERLIN-Two United States military policemen
stand alert in a sandbagged position at Berlin's. Friedrich-
strasse checkpoint. Soviet tanks on the other side of the border
stayed holed up in the ruins of an 'East Berlin palace and all
was quiet.

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press if the Organization of American
ATHENS-Premier Constantine States lifts its economic and poli-
Caramanlis and his ruling right- tical sanctions against the Do-
ist party yesterday rolled up the minican Republic.
greatest popular vote in modern Trujillo said this was the pledge
Greek history and captured a solid he made .in a letter to the OAS.
parliamentary majority for an- He said it was not an offer to
other four years. abandon the country if the hem-,
Caramanlis' National Radical ispheric restrictions were lifted,'
Union (ERE) won almost exactly which he said was the wrong in-
half of Sunday's record vote and terpretation some had given to the
169 seats in the 300-seat, one- letter.
house parliament. * * *
The rest of the vote and seats DETROIT - A Federal Grand
(107) went to the Union of the Jury yesterday indicted a Teams-
Center, a coalition of middle-of- ters Local Union official and a
the-road parties. trucking firm operator on charges

Soviets PoseL
No ObstaclesL
To Operation
Soldiers Travel Road
From West Berlin
BERLIN (P) - United Statest
trucks and jeeps carrying armedc
soldiers in battle dress movedt
across Soviet-occupied territory
from Berlin to West Germany
yesterday without Russian inter-I
The convoys may have been anz
American probe of Russian inten-
tions in the inflamed Berlin crisis.
But the United States command
in Berlin 'said the troops were
headed back to West Germany in
a routine replacement operation.
West Berlin border police saidc
it was highly unusual for Ameri-
can troops to travel the 110-mileI
autobahn from Berlin to West
Germany in battle-ready array,
with camotiflage nets over their
steel helmets.
The movement of United States
troops followed incidents Sunday
and early yesterday in which So-
viet officers turned back United
States Army military assistance
vehicles entering the express high-
way from Berlin. Three were
halted, the last shortly after mid-'
The vehicles are unarmed and
provide help for American trav-
elers who have car or other trou-
ble on the Autobahn.
Attention shifted to the high-
way linking West Berlin with the
outside world as efforts to solve
the tense border-crossing dispute
within Berlin itself were taken
over by Washington.
The United States, it was re-
ported there, may agree to Amer-
ican civilian officials showing
identification to East German po
lice, if Soviet citizens show theirs
in West Berlin.
It was American insistence that
United States government civil-
ians not show their identification
to the East Germans that brought
United States and Soviet tanks
muzzle to muzzle in Berlin last
Nixon To Back
NEW YORK OP)--Former Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon said
yesterday he will support Gov.
Nelson A. Rockefeller if the lat-
ter is the Republican nominee for
president in 1964.
As for himself, Nixon repeated
that he does not intend to be a
candidate three years hence.
When asked if he would support
Rockefeller as- GOP candidate in
the next election, Nixon replied:
"I certainly will."

NEW YORK ()-The 1961 state
legislatures tapped their constitu-
ents for nearly $1 billion a year
in new or increased state taxes,
Tax Foundation, Inc., said yester-
They tlus pushed the combined
total of state revenues, excludingE
unemployment insurance levies, to
a rate of about $21 billion per year,
up threefold from fiscal 1948.
Among 60 major tax law changes
enacted this year in 33 states, the
most noteworthy were the personal
income tax imposed in West Vir-
ginia and the state sales and use
tax voted by the Texas legislature.
West Virginia became the first
state, the Foundation said, to
adopt an income tax since 1937
when Maryland and Colorado went
to this levy. Alaska started taxing
citizen incomes in 1949, but was
then a territory.
Income Tax
West Virginia, which previously
had an income tax but abandoned
it after six years in 1941, set a
rate of six per cent of federal in-
come tax liability.
Texas became the 35th state to
impose a levy on sales, providing
a 2 per cent rate calculated to
yield $320 million a biennium. Pre-
scription drugs, food and certain
clothing items were exempted.
New Jersey enacted an emer-
gency transportation tax levied on
income of commuters'between New
Jersey and New York at rates to
match the New York income tax.
Foundation Survey
The Foundation's survey showed
that rates of existing income taxes
were increased by Alaska, Dela-
ware and New Mexico, lowered in'
California, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa,
New York, North Dakota and
South Carolina and revised both
upward and downward by Minne-
Locals Pass
Ford Pact
DETROIT (P)-The rank and
file membership of the United
Auto Workers Union at Ford Motor
Co. has overwhelmingly ratified
the new Ford-UAW contract, the
Union informed the company yes-
The three-year agreement covers
120,000 Ford hourly workers. The
UAW said all but two of the 57
local unions ratification votes had
approved the agreement.
Meanwhile the UAW reported
progress in their efforts with
Chrysler to hammer out a new
three-year contract.
Both agreed major problems re-
mained to be worked out and they
continued into the night after
taking an afternoon break. A top
union'spokesman said he antici-
pated a long meeting.
They are working under what
amounts to a union threat to strike
Thursday if no new contract is
wrapped up by then.
Major national issues still unre-
solved are Chrysler's demand for
a reduction in the number of
Union representatives who draw
company pay while processing
grievances and handling other
Union business in the plants, and
the Union's demand that Chrysler
relax its work standards (job



However, most changes, had nar-
rower impact.
Robert W. French, Foundation
president, predicted states will find
it harder and harder to "patch"
existing revenue structures, and
concluded there are fewer and
fewer ways to put off major deci-
sions on expenditures and taxes.
Smokers and autoists were hit
by many changes.

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The survey showed 16 states in-
creased cigarette tax rates by from
one to four cents a pack, 15
boosted drivers' license or car
registration fees and five hiked
state gasoline taxes one or two
cents a gallon.
Cigarette taxes reached the 8
cents a pack level in five states.
Existing sales and use taxes
came in for widespread surgery.

Four states-Connecticut, Illinc
Utah and West Virginia - i
creased rates, and 10 states broa
ened the tax base.
French foresees increasing pre
sures for additional state revenu
mostly as the result of fast-gro
ing populations, continued urba
ization and a rising living stands
associated with a higher level
government expenditures.

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* * *
BELGRADE-Reports reaching
here last night from Tirana said
Albania has called up 120,000 re-
The reports said the molibiza-
tion involved reservists born be-
tween 1935 and 1942.
* * *
ACCRA, Ghana - President
Kwame Nkrumah tightened his
grip on Ghana yesterday with1
passage through parliament of al
bill setting up special courts which
can mete out the death -penalty
for political offenses.
The new courts 'are to be made
up of three judges appointed per-.
sonally by the president. There
will be no jury and no right of
* * *
Rafael L. Trujillo, Jr. said yes-
terday he has pledged to resign
"irrecovably" as armed forces chief

of violating the Taft-Hartley Act
The teamsters man accepted
nearly $9,000 in illegal payments
from the trucking executive, the
grand jury said."
Indicted were Rolland B. Mc-
Master, secretary - treasurer of
Teamster President James R. Hof-
fa's home Detroit Local No. 299,'
and William F. Wolff Sr., presi-
dent of the Youngstown Cartage
Co. of Youngstown, Ohio.
is studying the possibility of ex-
panding the $306 million Civil De-
fense Program with aids to citi-
zens building shelters.
A spokesman said that a broad-
ening of the National Shelter Pro-
gram could include federal subsi-
dies to builders installing shel-
ters in new structures and to own-
ers who make changes in existing
buildings to provide for fall-out

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