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October 29, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-29

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Seventy-First Yea?
re Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
ruth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The JMichigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
F or the editors. This miust be noted in all reprints.

'Challenge' Fights
Apathy, Not Publicity

McComb Issues Avoided

Y, OCTOBER 29, 1961


Public Relations Phobia

Should Not Aff eet U' Policies

DM MANY contemporary novels and ma-
ies, "public relations" has taken on some
of mystical status as an omnipotent, omni-
It factor in the formation of public opin-
Unfortunately, here at the University and
There, many administrators llave come to
pt this distorted image. And so, in addi-
to the legitimate functions of public re-
rns, as served by.the University Press Serv-
and the Office of University Relations,
e has been a consistently growing concern
brictly educational matters about the ef-
that any change might have on the alum-
he Legislature, the citizenry or any one
number of assorted pressure groups.
is the reason, for example, that many Uni-
ty officials refuse to take public stands
early all crucial public questions, or why
University might have second thoughts
t allowing the removal of recognition from
aternity or sorority.
y as intellectually dishonest have not
y asked the question of how much good
outlook has done for the University.
tually; the answer is little or none. In
of legitimate lobbying efforts and all the
ions that 'have not been taken, the Uni-
ty has not had an adequate budget for
s. There is little evidencef to show that.

either formal or informal efforts have made
any impression on the august deliberations in
AS FOR THE ALUMNI, the University has
done more to please them, and received less
in return, than with any other group. Their
children receive special preference on Univer-
sity admission. They receive special considera-
tion on football tickets. And it can be reason-
ably assumed that one of the major reasons
that a fraternity or sorority expulsion might
be reversed would be an effort not to scare
the affiliate alums.
And what have they given in return? Last
year, they contributed under $500,000, a mere
pittance compared to the University's needs
and what they could afford. It is true that
alumni have donated over half the physical
plant of the University; but one is hard put to
name any major alumni contributions since
IF LITTLE CAN BE SAID for the alumni, even
less can be said for the public as a whole.
There is no evidence that because mother is
sure that daughter is safely in her dormitory
after midnight, she will go out and demand
her local state senator to appropriate an extra
million to the cause.
THE POINT is there is a dichotomy between
the legitimate and the weak-minded type of
public relations. Legitimate public relations at-
tempts to mediate between the University and
the remainder of society by interpreting to
the public what the University is. The weak-
minded sort attempts to make the University
palatable by altering the University and its
functions to fit what it conceives as the pop-
ular mentality.
And, overall, neither of these types seems to
have been spectacularly successful although the.
former has a meaningful place in the Univer-
sity community.
If the second, the illegitimate and meaning-
less kind of "public relations" thinking pre-
vails, the University will almost certainly de-
cline. For, it is this approach that is char.
acteristic not of the pursuit of excellence but
of the pursuit of approval. And the overt pursuit
of public approval is often the .pursuit of con-
spicuous mediocrity.,

To the Editor:
NTHE interest of editorial ac-
curacy, we should like to pre-
sent some facts relevant to Miss
Bleier's editorial on the Challenge
Challenge has not only publi-
cized its seminars through the
Daily and postcards, but also at
our Sunday meetings. Where was
Miss Bleier when the announce-
ments were made?
If, as Miss Bleier asserts, people
are too busy to attend seminars,
will publicity make them less
busy? Furthermore, Challenge in-
vites all those at the Sunday
meetings to sign up for our mail-
ing list. The "select few" to whom
Miss Bleier refers are those who
can write their names-legibly-.
on our seminar lists or come to
the seminars. If students do not
have th einterest to be on the
mailing list, then evidently they
do not have the interest in the
We think that the reason for
"this apathy" is not as obvious as
Miss Bleier suggests. It is clear
that our publicity is adequate. We
are sincerely concerned that more
people have not shown interest
in one of the most pressing prob-
lems df the day.
* *
IT SHOULD also be noted that
this is the first semester that
Challenge has held seminars on a
large scale. The seminars are not
as vital to the program as Miss
Bleier implies. They are meant to
complement the major focus of
the program which is the Sun-
day meeting. The seminars are in-
tended to be small discussions in
which individual views may be
freely exchanged.
We do not consider our semi-
nars a total success because of
the lack of interest shown in them.
Neither are we convinced that
they have been a failure. Miss
Bleier's analysis was superficial
,nd misinformed. We welcome con-
structive criticism of our program.
We also welcome any and all to
sign the list at our Sunday meet-
ings or at our office (2522 SAB)
and, regardless, to attend our
--Lawrence Meyer
Spokesman for Challenge
--Barbara Gans
Chairman, Seminar Committee
YD's-and Voice *
To the Editor:'
[ WISH to call the attention of
the entire campus to a very
serious matter which has arisen
in connection with the coming
SGC elections. A full-page edi-
torial in the "Young Dem Date-
line" for October .4 states in
part: " We want the best pos-
sible .people to 'be elected to SGC,
and to this end we as a club are
supporting the Voice political
party candidates . . . This election
gives liberal YD's the chance to
express their preference for other
Democrats (for all the Voice can-
didates are from our party) and
to help wrest the control of SGC
from the conservative element on
Some questions must be asked:
What valid criteria for judging
SGC qualifications automatically
equates "best possible people"
with "other Democrats"? If there
are 'candidates who are not run-
ning on the Voice ticket, yet who
are Democrats also, why do they
not receive the same support of
their 'brother' Democrats?

Does the YD group ask all Re-,
publicans and Independents to
vote against Voice in order to "ex-.
press their preference" for other!
Finally, what sort of intelli-!
gent, unbiased, reasonable judg-
ment is the YD leadership asking
its members to make in voting for
Voice on the basis of the criteria
given? ,
-Sohn Allen '62I
ISA Purpose . ..
To the Editor:
MR.,STORCH'S contention thatI
the International Students'
Association has failed to fulfill a
(mythical) responsbility to the
campus in cancelling the Syrian
discussion reveals an unawareness
or an ignorance of the function'
of that organization. ISA is not a
political group designed to pre-
sent to the campus questions f a
controversial nature.
Its purpose is to create a sense'
of fellowship, a mutual under-
standing and respect for differ-
ing customs and ways of life of
members, Americans and foreign
students. The means which are'
implemented to attain this end,
be they political discussions, ath-
letic programs, or social events,
are subservient to the goal. When
they do not contribute to the at-
tainment of that goal, they should
not be executed. The strong op-
position of the Arab club to the
proposed discussion precludes the
possibility of the discussion be-
ing in conformity with the aims
of the ISA.'
-Jack Maer '62
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
city of Michigan for which The'
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent 3n TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Woodrow Wilson Fellowships: The
deadline for nominations by members'
of the faculty is October 3. Letters
postmarked October 31 will be accept-
ed. They should include the local ad-
dresses of the students nominated, and
should be sent to Deas Richard Armi-
tage, The Graduate School, Ohio State
University, 164 west 19th Ave., Colum-
bus, Ohio..
Seniors:College of 'L. S. & A., and
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Music, and Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniors for February
graduation have been posted on the
bulletin board in the first foor, lobby,
Admin Bldg. Any changes therefrom
should .be requested of the Recorder
at Office of Registration and Records,
window Number A, 113 Admin. Bldg.,
School of Music Honors Program: Ap-
plications now are being received for
the second semester, 1962. Forms are
available in the School of Music Of-
fice, Lane Hall. Deadline for receipt
of applications, and supprting state-
ments, by the Honors Council, Wed.,
Nov. 15.
Engineering Seniors and Graduate
Students: The 1962 College Pacement
Annual, official occupational directory
of the College lacement Assns., is
now available free to seniors and grad-
uate students at the Engineering Place-
ment Service, 128-H West Engrg. Bldg.
Freshmen Nursing: Students will
make out election cards before second
semester courses in Room M4118, SNB,
on the following dates: Thurs., Nov. 2,
8-12 a.m., 1-3 p.m.; Fri., Nov. 3, 8-12
a.m, 1-5 p.m.
(Continued on Page 5) ,

Daily Staff Writer
W ITH A MORASS of uninform-
ed debate on legal technicali-
ties, semantic trifles and methods
of action, the real issues of the
McComb situation seldom came
to the surface at Student Govern-
ment Council Wednesday night.
Much concern was expressed
over the fact that detailed knowl-
edge of specific cases of violence
and injustice were not at hand.
But the purpose of the SGC com-
munications is not to give their
recipients a legal education nor to
inform them of the situation. The
aim of messages from the Coun-
cil, rather, can be only to influ-
ence men who know the sittia-
tibn and are capable of exercis-
ing their powers to live up to their
obligations and take action."
S* *
AN EXAMPLE which the Coun-
cil debated at length is that of
Brenda Travis, now in jail for
participating in a pray-in in Mc-
Comb. By itself, the present charge
(violation of probation) she faces
may be technically legitimate. But
the original charge on which it is
based ("breach of the peace" for
participating in a sit-in) and the
discriminatory laws which are the
general bases for that charge are
legally and morally wrong. A good
stone atop a bad pyramid doesn't
make it a sound structure.
Arthur Rosenbaum observed
that SGC letters to key figures
in national affairs are "hollow
gestures," generally ineffectual.
The absence of even anacknowl-
edgement of the recent Council
telegram to Attorney - General
Kennedy would seem to prove this
But what more can SGC do?
To take other,'more direct action
costs money, =and last week the
Council decided against using its
funds to aid the Student Non-
violent Coordinating Committee's
work in McComb."
Following the rationale that one
small telegram is a "hollow ges-
ture" perhaps each University
student should not bother with
the hollow gesture of casting his
one small vote in the SGC elec-
meandering debate, Council mem-,
ber David Croysdale made a final
attempt to scuttle the whole af-
fair by submitting an inane mo-
tion: that EGC send a telegram to
the Attorney-General of the Unit-
ed States asking SNCC, in effect,
to protest for human rights in a
way that won't make their ene-
mies too angry.
Fortunately, the effect of the
motion was just the opposite. The
Council woke up, defeated the
Croysdale measure, and rapidly
agreed upon well-constructed mes-
sages to be sent to Robert Ken-
nedy and Mississippi Governor
Ross Barnett.
Thus SGC proved that it is pos-
sible for the body to act efficient-
ly and intelligently when in agree-
ment on the central issue of a mo-
tion. It came precariously close to
demonstrating that extended de-
bate over the details of such a
motion can destroy this accord
and its benefits.
By Niehuss?
The budget is like a black balloon.
It keeps going up but you can't
see through it."

It's the Law in Mississippi:

State Constitution, Section 11:
"The right of the people peace-
ably to assemble and petition
the government on any subjiect
shall not be impaired."
August 30, 1961-Three Burg-
lund Negro High School stu-
dents arrested for participating
in sit-in at McComb, Mississippi
bus station.
October 4-114 persons ar-
rested for nonviolent march to
and pray-in at McComb City
* * *
State Constitution, Section 'l:
" nor shall any law be passed
in derogation of the paramount
allegiance of the citizens of this
state to the government of the
United States.".
Section 207 , -- "Separate
schools shall be maintained for
children of the white and col-
ored races."
U.S. Supreme Court, May 17,
1954 - .Racial segregation in
public schools ruled unconsti-
U.S. Supreme Court, May 31,
1955--Public school desegrega-
tion shall proceed "with all de-
liberate speed ... all provisions
of federal, state or local law
'requiring or permitting such
discrimination must yield to
this principle."
* * *
State Constitution, Section
244: ".'.. every elector shall .. .
be able to read any section of
the Constitution of this State;
or he shall be able to under-
stand the same when read to
him, or give a reasonable in-
terpretation thereof."
A Negro with a master's de-
gree in political science was
failed on a registration test.,

State Constitution, Section 14:
"No person shall be deprived of
life, liberty or property, except
by due process of law."
Section 2087.5 of the Missis-
sippi Code allow s an arrest if
the arresting officer feels that
a person's presence may lead, to
a breach of the peace. This law
has been interpreted in instruc-
tions to juries that if the ar-
rested person's presence would
lead to breach of peace by per-
sons other than the defendant,
the defendant must be found
not guilty.
And yet over 300 freedom
riders have been arrested on
this charge and are now being
tried~ on a two-a-day basis. be-
fore. all-white juries in segre-
gated courtrooms. The prosecu-
tions are based on the interpre-
tation of section 2087.5 which
the jury instructions have al-
ready ruled irrelevant. Convict-
ing decision from the juiries are
based on the same interpreta-
* * *
State Constitution, Section 29:
"Excessive' bail shall not be re-
quired . ."
Bail on three student sit-in
participants now held in Mc-
Cpmb: $10,000.
Mississippi Governor Ross
Barnett, Mississippi Attorney-
General Patterson, and the
Jackson District Attorney all
threatened to revoke the Mis-
sissippi credentials of a Con-
necticut bonding company if it
put up bail for a single Freedom
State Constitution, Section
123: "The Governor shall see
that- the laws are faithfully



O DER to explain exact procedures for
fire detection and prevention within the
ident halls, business staff members spoke
Alice Lloyd residents at house meetings
t week.
Chey' announced that dooars which had con-
ted houses within the hall and had pre
usly been locked to foster intra-house so-
lization are now unlocked.
Che change was made because it. has just
ne to the attention of the business office,
t these doors can serve as fire exits..
Sow many more fires are needed to prove=
,t preventing inter-house relationships is
as important as providing extra fire exits
the safety of the residents?

Demonstatiao of Idiocy

6IS IS A' PROTEST to certain Detroiters
who were at the Friday evening performance
the Leningrad Kirov Ballet.
These people. didn't attend the performance;.
her, they put on a little show of their own
front of the Masonic Temple where the
let was being held.
)istributing pamphlets which purported to
iw a direct link between the dancers and
ing, waving American flags and carrying
ters which proclaimed "Better Dead than
:" and "Cultural Exchanges are Fronts for
nmunist Espionage," they showed the un-
tunate aspect of the right of free speech,
.t inane people can express ignorant opin-

Demonstrations of this type fan only lead to
a further straining of the tenuous bond be-
tween America and the Soviet Union. What is
needed is more cultural exchanges for a better
knowledge of the people whom so many Amer-
icans hate without even understanding.
It was an insult to the intelligence of Ameri-
cans, but more important, it was an insult to
the superb dancers of the Kirov Ballet who.
have travelled so many miles only to demon-
strate the purity of their artistic technique,
the grace and beauty of their dancing, and
whom, I am sure, have neither the time nor
the inclination for espionage.

India"s Ravi Shanakar.
Rhythm, Improvisation
(y E CHARACTERISTIC of our age is an increasing awareness of
the diversity of culture. Musical proof of this can be seen when
Ravi Shankar and his associates appear ip Rackham Auditorium Mon-
day at 8:30; At that moment, one of the great art musics of India will
be heard by an audience largely trained to hear a different music
tradition. There. was a time when such an audience would view all
non-Euro-American art music as iprimitive or exotic. Expanding knowl-
edge and a contracting world no longer make this possible yet. the
Western listener may legitimately ask, "How do I listen to this music?
What do I listen for in it?"
The first thing to note is that this is an art of improvisation. The
two vital factors upon which the improvisation s based are the "raga"
and the "tala." A raga is defined as a melody-type. It contains all the
notes to be used somewhat in the manner of a scale in the West. In
addition, however, special ornaments and turns of the melody are also
part of the raga. Such ideas exist in a less sophisticated form in certain
Euro-American art musics, but they have never been as specific as those
in Indian music. One point of continuitiy between Indian ,and European
music is the relation of mood, time of day, and ethical qualities in the
raga and the so-called happy-sad concept of the western mnajor-minor
scales. The point of contact. for these ideas is ancient Greece but the
direction of greatest development is towards the East.
* * 4
TATLA IS THE BASIC RHYTHM conceit of Indian music. The word
is found in gothic European music but it never developed to the extent
found in India. In brief, a talais ,a rhythmic pattern. It may be of
almost any length. Through extensive training the Indian musicians
are able to keep track of these unitg so thatthe end of the musical idea
will coincide with the end of the tala. When the tala is 9, 13, or 55 beats
long this becomes quite an accomplishment. '
Compositions usually begin with an alap, an introduction in which
the player tries to reveal the basic mood and melodic characteristics
of the raga. A drone is played throughout the piece .which establishes
the pitch center of the raga against which the improviser can work.
When the proper mood seems settled, the tala is begun by the drummer
and the great musicdi adventure is under way. The School of Music and
the Center for Southeast Asia Studies are providing an opportunity
this evening for the sensitive listener to experience this adventure first
" -Prof. William P. Maim
School of Music
TPherpiendoTrof Inge:
P recise, Tru thful


Space Demands Co-operation

"If You Don't Want The Kid Harmed, Come
To Cemetery Hill, And ..."

HE PROTESTS with which some astronom-
ers have greeted the United States' intended
th-girdling belt of copper fibers dramatical-
illustrate the need for an international con-
ition governing space research.
There seems to be little technical reason for
icern that the fibers will interfere with,
her radio or visual astronomical studies. In-
ad, Project West Ford scientists, who hope
use the belt for 'experimental radio trans-
ssion, say they expect to have a good deal of
uble locating it 'even with the special equip-
nt they have developed for the purpose.
Extensive and well-publicized studies by the
tional Academy of Sciences and the presi-
ntial Science Advisory Committee have giv-
reassurance on every technical objection that
s been raised by the protesting astronomers.
eir concern thus seems to be based more on
;picion that the United States does- not have
eir welfare 'at heart than it is on informed
entific analysis.
HIS SUSPICION, which the best American
efforts have been unable to allay, probably
uld never have arisen if the project were
ng carried out under international auspices.
How timely then is the United States' seven-
int program calling for action to establish
ch international supervision! It was an-
unced October 22 by Assistant Secretary of
ate Harlan Cleveland..
thie 4irhinn ?ailt

Its proposals, to be presented to the United
Nations General Assembly, would apply the UN
Charter in space and put celestial bodies be-
yond the claims of any one nation's sovereign-
ty. They call for a special space unit in the UN
Secretariat and for international registration
of all manmade space objects. They also urge
an international weather and communications
satellite program.
THE UN'S permanent space committee, which
should have been making progress toward
international regulation of space, has been hung
up by Soviet obstructionism since its appoint-
ment in 1959. The proposals put forth by Mr.
Cleveland offer a way around this road block.
If fully implemented, they would do much to
discourage the use of space for military ad-
ventures. But, what may be more urgent, they
would prevent an unco-ordinated development
and peaceful uses of space that might greatly
impair the potential of this valuable resource.
THE STIR AROUSED by West Ford is mild
compared to the potential 'dismay of one.
day finding that the unco-ordinated growth of
space uses with their attendent electronics had'
really usurped someone's traditional use of
part of the radio frequency spectrum. To pro-
tect radio astronomy and communications in
general, a firm international allocation of fre-
quencies for space purposes is needed.
The proposals would not replace existing
machinery for making this allocation. But they
would take space research out of the realm of
nationalist competition and make it a joint

WILLIAM INGE'S Splendor ii the Grass Is a great motion picture.
In spite of the fact that the country's finest director and a com-
petent cast are also involved in the movie, the picture is essentially
William Inge's, for he takes William Wordsworth's "Ode: Intimations
of Immortality" and gives it an uncompromising modern interpre-
Elia Kazan utilizes his medium effectively. The screen juxtaposi-
tion of Dini with the girl who is crushing the "glory in the flower,"
while Dmini tries to explain the meaning of Wordsworth's lines, is
brilliant. The use of detail (such as the repulsively abundant dinner
Dini's mother prepares for her) . is always significant and never
merely "mood-setting." The filming is unpretentious and often un-
imaginative, but when Mr. Kazan does film a conversation by
watching parents' feet swing to the time of their rocking chairs
it is meaningful action.
It is difficult to believe that the Natalie Wood who is so good
as Dini could be the same girl who has been so bad in her recerut
efforts. Warren Beatty presents a definitive portrayal of Bud, and
the supporting cast is excellent even when asked to draw a character-
ization from an abstraction of an idea--as Bud's father must do.
* * * *
IT HAS BEEN SAID, that there are flaws in "Intimations of
Immortality,"' and, if this is true,r William Inge has been faithful
to his inspiration. Dini says, "I'll do anything for you, Bud!" too
often. Mr. Inge has used strikingly similar characters before, but
na,,a..cn nra11


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