Quad alks
The second Inter-Quadrangle Council Conference on the "Perfect
House" reached agreement on three major issues yesterday.
The seven three-hour discussion groups concluded:
1) That the one-year requirement for freshmen to live in the
quadrangles ought to be retained.
2) A general consensus in favor of the recent IQC resolution ask-
ing permission for women to enter men's quadrangle rooms within
certain time limits and contingent upon a two-thirds approval by the
individual houses.
Student Government
3) That student government should play a large, if not all pervad-
ing, role in formulating regulations within the quads..
Additionally, the conference attended by approximately 90 quad-
rangle residents, student government members, faculty members and
administrators-including several members of the Office of Student-
Affairs Study Committee-discussed questions regarding:
Dress regulatons, the judiciary system, apathy among quad resi-
dents, the role of the staff in the residence halls, what type of physi-
cal structure is ideally suited for a residence hall, and the implications
of the planned full-year University calendar for the quadrangles.
Support Fresh mafl es
Support for the one-year residence requirement came in discus- IQC President Thomas Moch, '62E, said, "It's a question of ma-
slion of a question posed by James H. Robertson, associate dean of the jority rule versus minority rights."
literary college and a member of the OSA study committee. Noting such problems as roommates who may not wish the dis-
He asked if removal of the rule would provide a "quicker move turbance of female visitors, whether or not residents would be re-
toward maturity by moving up the point of decision-making?" quired to leave their doors open during such visits, noise, and the
One participant said, "High school seniors are not mature enough possible burden of staff supervision, several participants in different
to make the decision. They need orientation to Ann Arbor and the discussion groups suggested that the new policy, if put into effect,
University." may be restricted to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings.
Committee Study 'Sit Down and Talk'
sDennis Moore, '63, West Quad president, said that he felt the new
Robertson saidthat he and the committee had been questioning regulation would provide, "a place where you can take your date and
whether the requirement was based on "sound reasoning or was simply just sit down privately and talk." Citing the lack of such opportunities
a rationalization" for a rule designed to keep the quadrangles full. for quadrangle residents, he added that he saw no moral problems
Another comment on the residence rule was that the quadrangles arising from it.
provide an introduction to campus social life and norms and an "There are at least 30 residents on the floor plus staff. Besides,
experience in group living that according to the Michigan House Plan doors if closed would still probably have to be unlocked."
is a necessary part of University life. ADC Interested
Wenley House Resident Advisor Hanley Norment said, "Assem-
Divided Opinion bly Dormitory Council is extremely interested in the motion.
On the recent IQC motion to allow women visitors in the quad- "If men pass the motion to allow women in their rooms, women
rangles, opinion was favorable but divided on specific rules and means may allow them in their hall. It may be a means for more open-open
of safeguarding privacy. houses for the women."
Purdue..... 9 Ohio State ... 30 Michigan State 35 Northwestern 12 So. California 14 Duke...... 17 Texas . ...... 34
Iowa ...,... 0 Wisconsin .. .21 Indiana .... 0 Notre Dame ..I10Ilinois..... 1 No.CarolinaSt.6 Rice ... 7
NOT FOR 'U' - Jf
,, See Page 4 '" ot
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
VAT.. V 7?i t n O2+ r
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Refuses Legislature Session
To Prevent 'Freedom Ride'
BALTIMORE (A ) - Maryland's
Gov. J. Millard Tawes sternly ad-
vised leaders of a scheduled "free-
dom ride" demonstration yester-
day that he will not yield to their
ultimatum and "the people of this
state are going to resent'' it.
The governor spoke out in re-
sponse to a statement earlier this
week that the Nov. 11 demonstra-
tion along Route 40 (a national
highway) would be ca celled only
if the Maryland Legislature was
called into special session before-
hand to consider a statewide law
against restaurant discrimination.
'Three Back
Federal Aid
The bugaboo of federal control
through federal aid to education
is a false issue, three education
school professors agreed yesterday.
Prof. Stanley Diamond, Prof.
Claude Eggertsen and Prof. Charles
Lehmann analyzed the pros and
cons of federal aid. at , .high
schooldebate conference prior to
the afternoon debate on the sub-
ject. The analyses came out over-
whelmingly for federal aid.
Points brought up in refutation
of the control-through-aid theory
included statements that poverty
controls education more than af-
fiuence and that control, even if
federal officials could exercise it,
would still be in the hands.. of a
representative Congress.
Political Issues
Prof. Diamond pointed out that
the crucial issues in federal aid
were now primarily political ones
of Negro versus white and paro-
chial versus public schooling.
Arguments for aid included:
1) Consistent nationwide quality
of education is important because
of the tremendous mobility (one
out of five families move each{
year) of the population,
2) Possibilities for state aid are
limited under present tax struc-
tures and the schools are faced
with large shortages in many;
"In effect, they have offered me
and members of the General As-
sembly an alternative," the gov-
ernor stated.
"Call a special session in No-
vember or face the consequences.
Under no circumstances can the'
governor of Maryland or the Gen-
eral Assembly yield to such an ul-
The governor's sepond state-
ment directed to the Congress of
Racial Equality (CORE) on the
planned Veterans' Day demon-
stration was distributed in ad-
vance of another incident in which
five Negroes were refused food in
a Route 40 restaurant.
Arrest Five
Five members of the National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People were arrested
A.rab :league
Accepts ~ Syria
CAIRO (JP)-Newly independent
Syria was readmitted to the Arab
League yesterday. The action came
a month after Syria broke away
from its union with Egypt - in
President Gamal Nasser's United
Arab Republic.
All but the Iraqi delegation at-;
tended a special meeting of the
11-nation League that approved
Syria's readmission application.-
Syria was readmitted to the
United Nations Oct. 13.1
Friday night at a diner outside
of Baltimore.
In New York, where CORE offi-
cials from seven states and the
District of .Columbia were meet-
ing to plan the Nov. 11 demon-
stration, a spokesman said CORE
had giyer the governor "not an
ultimatum but rather a statement
of position."
"CORE wants the restaurants
desegregated, either through vol-
untary action by the owners or
through compliance with state
law," the spokesman said.
'Disrupt Situation'
"The entrance of the freedom
riders can serve no other purpose
but disrupt an already delicate
situation," Tawes stated.
Representatives of the State De-
partment, with the announced
support of President John F.
Kennedy, have been trying for
weeks to quietly convince owners
of restaurants on Route 40 to dis-
continue discrimination.
The highway is often used by
Negro diplomats travelling be-
tween New York and Washington.
Say U.S. Requests.
European Buildup
LONDON (P-Informed sources
said last night that the Unitei
States has urged West Germany,
Britain and France to meet the
Soviet buildup in Berlin with the
greatest increase of military power
in western Europe ever seen in
-AP Wirephoto
CHARGEI-Minnesota captain John Mulvena charges over line to stop Michigan halfback Bennie
McRae after a 3-yard gain in Minnesota's 23-20 homecoming victory.
Vidal Leads AttackonNovels
Participants in the Esquire Sym-
posium spent yesterday afternoon
bemoaning the condition of the
novel in contemporary American
literature, with only a brief inter-
ruption to ascertain the fate of the
Wolverine footballers.
Novelist Gore Vidal led the at-
tack by branding today's literature'
as a "barbarous vomiting of words"
HUAC Stand Draws Fire
Associate City Editor
Reaction in the auto-manufac-
turing city of Flint is mounting
against Flint Junior College's re-
cent stand against the House
Committee on Un-American Ac-
This is the report of members
of the Flint JC student govern-
Flint JC was the first'college in
the country to unanimously pass
the United States National Stu-
dent Association's resolution favor-
ing the abolition of HUAC, Gary
Scott, student government mem-
ber-at-large said yesterday in Ann
The action sparked an exchange
of letters in Flint area papers,
including one extremely long one
understood that Lewis planned to 'Oklahoma Daily, said ,that the
remain in Flint and attempt to bulk of the student government
arouse anti-USNSA sentiment at favored USNSA, but voted in ac-
the school. cordance with the campus prefer-
Lewis is currently on a nation- ence, as shown by the referendum.
wide speaking tour both endorsing At Oklahoma the referendum
HUAC and opposing USNSA. He was a straw vote, not binding on
was not available for comment the Senate. Student body presi-
yesterday. dent Jerry Gamble, who person-
Scott said Flint JC's student ally favored the USNSA alliance,
springing from meglomaniac au- sponse from Vance Bourjaily.
thors living in a world where crea- "How can we do anything but
tion and destruction are out of take fiction seriously? I'm sure
balance and serving a decreasing I'll be telling my children stories
audience. as we wait in our fallout shelter
Vidal-who pointed out that he for the bombs to come."
has not written a novel in eight Taking issue with Vidal's com-
years -- said that authors are- ment that the novel's audience is
formed in the first half dozen shrinking, Styron said that the
years of life. audience for prose fiction has
Inane Speech' never been larger. He gave the
"Most of"the writers of my example of Russia in the 19th cen-
generation come from homes of tury where the novel had its hey-
minimal conversation and too few dey in a nation which was mostly
books. With a child's ear attuned illiterate.
to inane speech, his later work as Boujailly defended his earlier
a novelist will forever be limited." claim that the rise of paperback
All persons who are born are book sales proved that there is a
essentially prisoners of their age serious audience for literature in
of history, Vidal said, and each the United States.
man must know the prison and his No Reading
jailers. "The beginnng of art, how- While Vidal said that the pub-
ever, come with the use of imagi- lic was "consuming, not reading
nation in striving to know the the paperbacks" and "indulging
world beyond the bars." secret vices from one lurid cover to
New Prison another," Bourjailly expressed his
The prison facing today's author belief that the books were being
has never existed before, since read and read seriously.
human life in its entirety can now Vidal counterattacked by saying
come to a man-made end by nu- the number of letters received by
clear weapons, he said. authors from the paperbook audi-
"The threat of the world's end ence was much lower than the fig-
has silenced many sensitive writers ure from the hard cover pur-
and made the others uneasy." chasers. "this lack of dialogue in-
William Styron - whose first dicates, to me at least,. that the
novel won the Prix de Rome of books are not taken seriously."
the Academy of Arts and Science-
agreed with Vidal that the quality
of present day life has hurt the Bomb lFallout
novel. The key factor, however, is
not the possibility of annihilation Travels
he said, but the fact that the East
Is It Needed?
Prof. Diamond suggested that.
the issue be attacked on the ques-
tion of whether United States edu-
cation needs federal aid rather
than the objections to it and then
Prof. Eggertsen pointed out the
nation has not only seen the need
but had been offering federal aid
since 1875.
government will stand firm on its
HUAC position, and is very much
in favor of USNSA. "The only way
our position could change is by
a campus referendum. The ad-
ministration could exert consider-'
able pressure, but they cannot of-
ficially reverse our decision."
The JC's administration appears
to favor student government in-
terest in national issues, Scott
had urged the senate to follow the
campus poll results.
He further suggested "that the
college recall those senators whoj
vote to stay in NSA."
Anti-USNSA sentiment at Ok-
lahoma began last spring. "Lewis
was on campus in the spring to
speak on 'Operation Abolition,' but
I don't know of any connection
between the two events," Lupton