AY, CICTOBER_28,1961
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For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phaone NO 2-4786
from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M.
' r- . - - --a.'- ---a «-r a Y%...4. a Yih~ snicT i fnt Tot b A... «.. is ... .....-ar ?R_ C dnme 1A + SummednO t
(continued rrom Page 4)
sissippi asking him to 1) guarantee pro-
tection to everyone in the state, 2) to
uphold the right of citizens of all races
to assemble in non-violent protest,
and 3) to insure that eighteen stu-
dents who go on trial Moriday in Pike
County, Mississippi, receive fair and
just treatment.
That copies of such telegrams be sent
to the Student Non-Violent Coordinat-
ing Committee in Atlanta, Georgia, and
the Michigan Christian Leadership
Conference in Detroit, Michigan.
Postponed: Consideration of motion
on Women's Residence Halls Confiden-
tial Evaluations, in order to invite a
member of the staff of the Office of
the Dean of Women to discuss the
matter with the body next week.
Postponed:. Consideration of amend-
ments to Council Operating Procedures
relating to conditions under which roll
call votes, proxy votes and absentee
ballots will be taken.
Federal Service Entrance Exam.
(FSEE): Nov. 18--
Applications for the FSEE & Man-
agement Internship Exams available at
Bureau of Appts., 3200 SAB, for all up-
perclassmen wishing to take the exam
to qualify for careers in Federal Serv-
ice. Applications must be submitted
prior to Nov. 2 in order to take the
written test in Ann Arbor, Nov. 18. Ca-
reer opportunities exist in many fields
with various T.L'. govt.. vept. er, n-
cies. These Exams, offered only 4 times
a year, will not be given again until
after Christmas.
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for the 1961-1962
school year.
Blleville, Mich.-Open Now - 11th
grade Hist.
Ferndale, Mich. - Kdg.; Elem. (All
grades); Art-All open Jan. 29, 1962.
Jr. HS Library-open Dec. 1, 1961.
Flint, Mich.-HS Engl.-open Dec. 1,
Luddington, Mich. (Mason County)--
Open now-Diagnostician, Speech Ther.,
Visiting Teacher, Ment. Retard. (Type
"C"), Phys. Handi.
North Plainfield, N.J.-Dir. of Audio-
Visual Educ.-Open now.
Manhasset, N.Y.-Open in Feb. 192-
HS Math, English.
North Tonawanda, N.Y.-Soc. Stud.
(grade 8)-open noaw.
Far additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB,
NO 3-1511, Ext. 2547.
Summer Placement Service will open
Nov. 1: There are jobs for married cou-'
ples, nurses, foreign students, & stu-
dents. Anybody on campus can come
in. Open every day from 1:30 to 5:00 &
all day Friday. 212 SAB.f
City of New York, Board of Education
is holding competitive exams during
Christmas week for all those interest-
ed in summer work for the recreation
dept. of the N.Y.C. School System.
Deadline of applications for these exams
is nuvemaer z. -o ~ summe
Placement for further information.
Los Alamos Scientific Lab-Represen-
tative will interview: a.m. Physics Dept.,
p.m. Chem. Dept., & Nov. 3 in Sch. of
Engrg. Summer employment opportu-
nities for Physicists, Engnrs., Chemists,
& Metallurgists.
New England Mutual Life Insurance
Co., Boston, Mass.-John A. Curtis will
interview from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon &
from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. at 212 SAB. Soph-
omores & juniors may apply. Math ma-
jors-those interested in administration
Connecticut Civil Service -- Highway
Geologist for grad with major courses
in Geology & 2 yrs. exper. in field
work in Geol. Need not be Conn. resi-
dent. Closing date for filing applica-
tions: Nov. 8."
Italian Trade Commissioner, Chicago,
111.-Opening for Trade Analyst with
degree in Bus. Ad. & some exper. with
American or Italian business firms,
Must read & write Italian & English
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Chi-
cago Operations Office, Argonne, Il.-
Positions as follows: Attorney, Reactor
Safeguards Engnr., Safety & Fire Pro-
tection Engnr. and Reactor Engnrs.
Veterans Admin-istration Hospital,
Ann Arbor-WOMEN for Nursing As-
sistants. Must have at least 1 yr. exper.
in Federal hospital. Apply by Nov. 8
for written exam.
Lawrence-Leiter & Co., -Kansas City,
Mo.-Client firm wants trainees to be-
come District Sales Managers. Degree
in Business or Liberal Arts; age 28-40;
& preferably married. Prefer some ex-
per. in managing salesmen & in retail
Crowell-Collier Publishing Co., NYC
-Immed. openings for several Staff
Writers, Assoc. Editors, Copy Editors
& 1 Senior Area Editor for encyclo-
pedia project. BA or MA Social Sciences
plus editorial exper. desired. Will also
consider Jan. '62 grads, men or women.
NOTE: Interviews may be arranged on
campus if enough candidates apply.
Please call Bureua of Appts., Gen-
eral Div., 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544 for fur-
ther information.
'he following part-time jobs ire
available. Applications for these jabs
can. be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 SAB, Monday thru
Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til
5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring stu-
dents for part-time or full-time tem-
porary work, should contact Jack Lar-
die, NO 3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-Busboy, 11:00-2:00, five days per
week, also Sat. & Sun.
2-Salesmen to sell college sportswear
for men.
3-Salesmen, sell china & silverware,
cbmmission basis.
-Several salesmen to sell magazines.
1--Engineering student, muZst be at
least a junior, background in ra-
4-Meal jobs.
2-Full-time Clerks.
2--Full-time salesladies for women's
apparel shop, experienced.
3-Waitresses, 12-2:00 p.m., Monday
thru Friday.
1-Waitress, Tues., Thurs., Fri., even-
ings, 10 p.m.-12 midnight.
2-Fountain sales work, 4-10:30 p.m., 5
days per week, four hours on Sat-
1-Waitress, Friday & Saturday eve.
nings, 12 noon-8:00 p.m. Sunday.
2-Full-time clerks.
Gfrl Watcher's Guide
Presented by Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes
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$are"Backed 8eechbamb
ia about stand=ards? i
Advanced students of girl watching never waste eyeball
effort watching girls who are not beautiful. Standards
must be kept high.
But how do we judge whether a girl is worth watch.
ing? Although many strict academicians will shudder at
our aesthetics, we must insist that a girl is beautiful if
she is beautiful to you. (That's the beauty of girl watch.
S- - - - - - - - - . .
ing. Every girl is beautiful to someone!) Far example,
many observers have pointed out that the Bare-Backed
Beachbomb (see above) has a weak chin.
Yet none of these keen-eyed experts would deny that
she is indeed an attractive specimen. And, speaking pf
standards, don't forget to keep your smoking standards
high. Smoke Pall Mall!
3 - x1 .. 1 ' II.1