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October 28, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-28

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1V' SAY.f.s
See Page 4


Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

VYA1 -VViT 1t_ ee -

vOE. .IAAII, INo. 36









Grants T o Provide
Science Equipment
The National Science Foundation yesterday announced a new pro-
gram of grants to help meet the needs of many undergraduate schools
for modern science instruction equipment.
Prof. Dugald E. S. Brown, chairman of the zoology department,
believesthe program to be a "very important one." If we are going to
do our Job, we haye to modernize every year and must keep up with
r L _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ .




Khrushchev Claims


-- :,,

-Daily-Ed Langs
DRIVING FORWARD-Halfback Bennie McRae, here dodging
Purdue defenders will have tough running against Minnesota.
Big Te ponents
Both Need Victory
Associate Sports Editor
The Little Brown Jug, king of gridiron trophies, goes on the
block this afternoon in Minneapolis..
Minnesota, current possessor of the Jug, has set a squad, or
maybe a division, of ROTC cadets to guard it.
The cadets will stand against any Michigan raiders who might
try to take the hallowed trophy before 60 minutes of football have
been played between the Golden Gophers and Michigan's Wolver-
Apparently, Minnesota - and the cadets - haven't heard of the
little regard traditional rival Michigan had for Army three weeks
Despite the extra Minnesota preparations, the game is rated
as a tossup.
And despite what the Minnesota army may think, there's more
at stake this afternoon than that prized Jug. A loss for either team

en House
Questio ning
Notes Issu.es
Student Government Council
candidates interpreted their plat-
forms and views in response to
questions from Daily staff mem-
bers at the Daily open house
Thursday evening in the Michi-
gan Union ballroom.
The candidates attended the
open house at two separate ses-
sions in groups of seven.
Thomas Brown, '63BAd, empha-
sized the importance of student
representation on committees
forming University regulations. He
cited the fact that there were no
student members on the Office of
Student Affairs.Committee until
after it was already organized and
said students must strive for bet-
ter representation in the future.
Student Store
Douglas DZahn, '62, wants the
Council to investigate the possi-
bility of a student-run school sup-
ply store..
When he was informed that
such studies had already been
conducted and that the Regents
had refused to support a book-
store, Dahn said he felt the study
should be conducted again with
particular attention paid to a stu-
dent sponsored bookstore at Wayne
State University. - ,
World Problems
Joseph Feldman, '64, was asked
to explain his statement that SGC
is not a forum for debate and
discussion on world problems.
He said all students ought per-
sonally to take an interest in such
issues, but the Council should fo-
cus its attention on areas where
it can take constructive action.
Richard G'sell, '63E, emphasiz-
ed the importance of increased
communication between SGC and
the campus. He suggested print-
ing of Council minutes on the
front page of The Daily and in-
See SGC, Page 2
State Receires
For Budget
The University has officially
transmitted its budget request for
some $45.8 million next year to
the state Department of Admin-
istration's budget division, Vice-
President and Dean of Faculties
Marvin L. Niehuss said yesterday.
The request, passed by the Re-
gents at their October meeting,
was sent without the large docu-
ment of explanation which the
University usually sends with it,
he said.

the contemporary scene. We can't
keep using equipment that is 50
years old or even five years old, he
said last night.
"The National Science Founda-
tion expects you to have a strong
program which is proceeding in
the direction science is going. The
zoology department is looking in-
to it, but there must be consider-
able study and discussion with the
NSF. Thus it may take several
years before results are forthcom-

SU.OS. Protest
Hits German

D --
Pan hel Vot e
"What we are working for is
the opportuniy to offer to 'the
rushee 24 equal and basically
similar units," Assistant Dean of
Women' Elizabeth Leslie said yes-
Mrs. Leslie thus expressed ap-
proval of the recently passed
Panhellenic Association ruling
which says, "Parnhellenic disap-
proves of the setting of grade
requirements above those set by
the University for rushees and
urges their elimination."
"I want to stress that Panhel is
not interested in passing legisla-
tion to govern the houses, as they
still retain their right to set higher
requirements. Panhel is not dic-
tating to the houses. We are just,
concerned with taking care of an'
awkward, unequal arrangement,"
Mrs. Leslie said.
Grade restrictions beyond 2.0
don't make for a more intellectual
or academically successful house.'
Those without restrictions often
do better on their overall house'
averages than houses with greater'
restrictions, she said.

spells almost certain doom in the
Conference title chase. A tie isn't
much good either.
Technically the Gophers - who
play seven conference games this
year -- wouldn't be dead as many
teams have won with a single loss.
But, with Michigan State's jug-
gernaut invading Minneapolis next
Saturday and a trip to Iowa the
week after, who's to argue.
For the Wolverines, a defeat
ends it. Michigan State adminis-
tered the first beating two weeks
ago and, though Michigan re-
bounded against Purdue last week,
no team with two losses and a
six-game Big Ten schedule has
ever won.
On paper it boils down to a
match between Michigan's ad-
mittedly superior speed and Min-
nesota's powerful line with the
added attraction of a possible
aerial dual between quarterbacks
Dave Glinka and Sandy Stephens.
The Wolverines found for the
first time in three years last week
that fleet halback Bennie McRae
can catch a pass and exploited the
weapon for 144 yds. and a touch-
down. Minnesota, however, dis-
covered that Stephens could throw
See 'GOPHERS, Page 6


Non-Government Funds
Prof. David M. Denisson, chair-
man of the physics department,
explained that the funds provided
by NSF would have to be match-
ed by non-governmental funds.
"The physics department has not
investigated this yet, and there-
fore we don't know whether we
will use this aid." When the new
physics - astronomy building is
completed during the 1962-63 aca-
demic year, however, "there is a
good possibility that wewill need
new instruction equipment"
In the first year the NSF pro-
gram calls for total grants of $5
million with each university eligi-
ble for a maximum of $150,000.
Aid to High Schools
.Prior to this program most gov-
ernment aid for science education
has gone to secondary schools and
graduate schools. The government
now thinks that undergraduate
education in science has developed
into the weakest link in the edu-
cational chain.
The need for better instruction-
al equipment was cited in a recent
foundation survey of 747 collegiate'
departments of biology, chemis-
try, engineering and physics.
To Establish
ACLU Chapter
In Ann Arbor
Local members of the American
Civil Liberties Union have taken
the first steps toward establishing
an Ann Arbor chapter.
A temporary steering commit-
tee elected at an initial organiza-
tional meeting Wednesday night
will meet tomorrow to set up a
structure for the group and draft
bylaws. It will also represent the
new chapter on the state board
of directors.
The local chapter will join ones
in Detroit and Lansing to bolster
the Michigan branch of the ACLU,
committee member Prof. Wesley
Maurer said yesterday. Prof.
Maurer, who heads the journal-
ism department, is a member of
the national ACLU board.
"The ACLU's function is to serve
as a permanent service guarding
the rights and constitutional li-
berties of all citizens," he said.
In the past, the national ACLU
committee has opposed the for-
mation of a great number of lo-
cal chapters. This policy has been
changed, primarily because the
national has too many cases, re-
ferred to it, Prof. Maurer expain-
"The national committee wants
to be able to select cases it feels
it can follow through all the way
in the courts, ases where it can
act effectively."
Members of the steering com-
mittee include Professors Spen-
cer Kimball of the law school
and James Morgan of the eco-
nomics department; Mrs. Arthur
Carr, attorney Clan Crawford, Jr.,
Detroit News cartoonist Arthur
Poinier, Mrs. Fred Poole and
Lawrencee Prkken. nwner of

Premier Says Russia
Stronger than U.S.
In Nuclear Weapons
MOSCOW (IP)-Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev accused the West-
ern powers yesterday of threaten-
ing war over' Berlin even though,
he said, the Soviet nuclear weap-
ons arsenal is stronger than the
Insisting he wants only peace,
however, the premier told the 22nd
Soviet Communist Party Congress
the Soviet Union would never try
to dictate its will to other na-
He reiterated he would not in-
sist on' a Dec. 31 deadline for a
showdown on Berlin. But he
warned a German settlement can-
not wait indefinitely anid the 'West
must show willingness to nego-
Thompson Protests
Khrushchev's speech came a
few hours after United States
Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson
had protested to the Moscow For-
eign Office against East German
interference with movement of
civilian garbed American officials
into East Berlin.
Thompson promptly got a pro-
test in -return from Foreign Min-
ister Andrei Gromyko, who said
United States troops in West Ber-
lin, by driving jeep loads of sol-
diers through the walled barrier
into East Berlin, were creating a
dangerous situation.
In discussing the Berlin crisis,
Khrushchev said United States
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
talked of a "position of strength
policy" while President John F.
Kennedy was "faced with the ard-
uouis task" of overhauling the So-
viet Union in the field . of nu-
clear weapons.
Forced to Resume Tests
The Soviet Union was forced to
resume nuclear tests "in the face
of direct threats and the danger
of a war," the premier asserted.
In Washington State Depart-
ment Press Officer Lincoln White
ridiculed as "preposterous" the
claim that Russia had to resume
nuclear testing because of actions
of the Western powers.

Tank Vigil Lasts Through Nigi

Authors Scrutinize American Literatui

Baez Strives for Free Rein
"A performer should give himself free rein in interpreting a folka
song, as long as he feels that he is making it better and more beautiful,"-
young folk singer Joan Baez said last night.:
She performed a full selection of folk songs at Ann Arbor High
School in a style which she has made distinctively her own.
She stressed, however, that groups or singers who change songs
She stressed w v g p g g g4 . ::;::v :

"The age of writing which be-
'gan after World War I, and which
is now in its middle period, is as
rich. a .period as the novel in Eng-
lish has ever known," Vance Bour-
jaily said last night.
.Bourjaily, author. of "Confes-
sions of a Spent Youth" and Wih
liam Styron, author of "Set This
House on Fire," spoke on "The
Role of the Writer in America" at
the first meeting of the Esquire
Styron cited the "national love-
wish" as indicative of the failure
of our culture to produce adequate
heroic symbols of good and evil
in much American fiction.
Bourjaily agreed with Dorothy
Parker's statement that "the role
of the writer is to write and stop
putting on pretensions about be-
ing a writer."
Writer's Role

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