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October 27, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-27

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t 19&u ad9
Seventy-First Year,
Will Prevail"

Autumn Haze

Readers Deprived
Of 'Right to Know'

printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'.OCTOBER 27, 1961


'Challenge' from Within:
Failure of Seminars

JLLENGE HAS SET high goals for itself.
rivate groups and the University have
ed funds to the program. Prominent
ers have addressed Challenge audiences.
rty members and other informed persons
been carefully selected to lead Challenge,
dl yet Challenge has failed to create an
:t on the campus in proportion to the
y and time which have been put into the
e greatest problem facing Challenge is
the threat of nuclear attack nor the
ction of civil liberties-the lecture and
iar series faces a "challenge" from within..
E PROGRAM, initiated at the University
st fall, was specifically designed as a
ination lecture and seminar series. The.
p felt that lectures alone would not serve
urpose, and a schedule of seminars was
p to supplement "addresses by principal
the end of each principal address, at-
d by approximately 100 students and
ty members, the organization has left
for a question-and-answer period. In-
b at this time is readily shown, and the
,n is generally a lively one. Presumably
would think that this enthusiasm would
fest itself in equally enlightening seminars
gnate topics.
was the goal of the Challenge program
icourage participants to frame key ques-
on critical topics of our time and discuss
* at seminars held on Tuesday and Thurs-
evenings following the main speeches on
ays. Unfortunately, this part of the Chal-

lenge program has not succeeded, and without.
it the series has no purpose.
Yet, attendance at the seminars rarely ex-
ceeds ten. And those who seemed interested
and ready to voice their opinions at the larger
programs quickly lose interest or are too
busy with other things to 'be able to attend.
THE REASON for this -apathy is obvious.
Challenge, itself, has not seen fit to give
adequate publicity to the seminars.
If Challenge intends to achieve its goals, it
will have to re-organize its Program now. Per-
haps the seminars should be eliminated en-
tirely and be made a part of the principal
If not, the week night series needs a total-
Leaders of the organization feel that sem-
inars wil be most successful if they are at-
tended by the "select few" who are genuinely
interested. The only publicity these programs
get is through The Daily, and post cards which
are sent out to a limited mailing list of stu-
dents who have requested they be notified.
It is clear that this system does not work,
IF CHALLENGE if going to serve a useful
purpose at the University some serious eval-
uation is necessary. If the organization believes
that, student participation in the series is
essential to its success, the seminar program
must be given thoughtful consideration.
Without success in this aspect of the pro-
gram, Challenge is neglecting its most im-
mediate goal. And unless it solves these in-
ternal problema, it cannot successfully look to
the greater issues of our times.

To the Editor:
ONCE AGAIN The Daily, exer-
cising the much-abused fran-
chise of so-called "editorial free-
dom," has deprived its readers of
their right to know. With what
has become customary in its ap-
proach - so-called "liberalism,"
"progressivism," and the like --
The Daily has disregarded the
dictates of taste and of propriety,
and in a spirit of over-ambitious
modernization, has most cruelly
and unthinkingly seen fit to omit
a long-standing campus tradition,
one deaf to the hearts of all who
have trod these hallowed halls.
Last Sunday, groping up to the
nadir of mediocrity, The Daily w
failed to print the Slippery Rock
score in its traditional place of
honor above the masthead.
-Mason Wyzun, Jr., '60
Dean Bacon..
To the Editor:
I HAVE JUST READ another in
The Daily's. tradition of front
page editorials. On trial this time
was Dean dof Women Deborah Ba-.r
con. The indictment is dated
September. 30; it is _time that a
voice is raised in her defense.
Dean Bacon cannot be charged.
justly with "the stifling of in-
dividual expression." As a member'
and officer of Student Govern-
ment Council several years ago,
I had the pleasure of knowing and
working with Miss Bacon. We dis-
agreed on occasion, but her open-
minded intellectual integrity was
something which was a challenge
to those who had contact with
her. From my observations, Dean
Bacon stimulated, not stifled, in-
dividual expression.
* * *
ALTHOUGH the student sup-
port which she enjoys may not be
as vocal as Then Daily's journal-
istic columns, I would wager that
this support hasbeen and is more
widespread than ;that.. given to
The Daily. Lesser persons often
have decried those with stronger
and more versatile minds, but
charges of "paternalism" "an'
never diminish Dean Bacon's im-;
mense contributions to the Michi-
gan community.-
The maximization of individual
responsibility and opportunity is
more likely to come from a Dean
Bacon than from the collective
and conforming security of an
editorial signed by "The Senior
-Lewis A. Engman, '57

Missiles Will Add Tension

US Face+EE


THEN GREAT BRITAIN decided to apply
for full , membership in the European
onomic Community, knoWn as the Common
irket, she set in motion a chain of events
ich will involve the whole non-Communist
rld. In the coming months, during the next
sion of Congress, we shall have to re-
amine our economic- foreign policy. As-
ning always that there is no war, the issue
I be how far and in what way we should'
rk with what will then be the greatest
ding community on earth.
The original Common Market, which was
inded in 1957, consisted of six Western
ropean nations: France, West Germany,
ly, The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxem-
irg. They have prospered greatly, and last
nmer Great Britain decided to apply for
1 membership on the understanding that the
al interests of the Commonwealth countries
ild in one way and another be safeguarded.
eat Britain has 'now been followed by Den-
rk, Ireland and Norway, and most recently
the three classic European neutrals, Swit-
-land, Sweden and Austria. The neutrals
ve agreed to apply jointly for associate
mbership. An associate member, presumably,
uld participate in the internal free trade
hin the Common Market; it would, how-
r, keep away from the political association
.ich looks, as yet quite vaguely, 'towards
ne kind of confederation. Before long, there
.1 come to be a working arrangement em-
acing all the nineteen European countries
ich belonged to the first European organ-
tion for economic cooperation, the OEEC.
HESE DEVELOPMENTS, which stem origin-
ally from the Marshall Plan, have always had
e warm approval of the American govern-
nt. We have worked for a strong, prosperous
d united European community which would
a mainstay of Western civilization. Now,
the British negotiations in regard to the
erests of the Commonwealth are successful,
ere will exist what since 1948 we have always
nted to see. Then we shall find that we
ve to live with and trade with and negotiate
th an economic and indeed political bloc.
ich will in a few years have a common tariff
ainst all the rest of the world and free
ode internally among its members. It is
and to become also i great political power
the world, and necessarily, indeed by delib-
ate purpose, it will have many of the at-
butes of a new great World power.
This new community will have within it
0 million people. It will not only be the
rgest trading unit in the world but its
onomic and financial power will be virtually=
ual to ours.
'HE ECONOMIC and financial pre-eminence
of the United States originated in the First
orld War. It grew even greater during the
cond World War when almost all of Europe
is occupied and prostrated.
R..J tha c.i. r.'14-,". Amw rn'.. n w .. 1iD'flI in

devising ways in which we and the Europeans
can use our resources-to accomplish better the
tasks we have jointly in the world. In 'recent
years, the' economic growth of the nations
of the Common Market has been faster than
that of the United States. Britain's growth
has been slower. But her coming participation
in a larger and less sheltered market will
provide the discipline of wider competition and
the stimulus of Europe's economic boom..In
Prime Minister Macmillan's- words, Britain
will be entering a "bracing cold shower, not
a relaxing Turkish bath."._
Spurred by the enormous economic expan-r
sion of the Common Market, trade has pros-
pered not only within the Common Market
countries but between them and the rest of
the world. The so-called "trade-diverting" ef-
fects of the new tarriff arrangements have
proved to be negligible. Although the growth
of trade among the nations of the Common
Market has been greater than the gr'owth of
imports from outside their bloc, the entire
world has benefited from the economic growth
of Western Europe.
SO FAR, THEN, the growth of a major free
trade area has not endangered our com-
mercial interests or our larger stake in the
prosperity and unity of the Western society.
But we cannot assume that this will continue
unless we make a careful adaptation of our
trade policies to this changing world. The
parallel between our position and that of Brit-
ain before her decision to join the Common
Market is not precise. But it is instructive.
In recent years, the gap between the Con-
tinent and the United Kingdom grew wider
because within its own protected market
Britain was isolated from the booming econ-
omy of the Western Continent. We cannot
afford to let a similar gap open up between
the United States and the great new and en-
larged trading community. The economic con-
sequences for us, but especially for Latin
America and Japan, would be grim. The po-
litical consequences of our economic alien-
ation from the rest of the Western alliance
would be still worse.
IN PRACTICAL TERMS, this means that we
shall have to reverse the protectionist trend
of the past few years and set out on a deter-
mined and unambiguously liberal trade course.
As part of this effort, we must devise new
procedures for negotiating reductions ofd
tariffs exacted on our exports. Before World
War II, the United States trade agreements
were negotiated on a bilateral basis. That
method was changed to suit our postwar ob-
jective of increasing multilateral world trade,,
and for the past fourteen years we have con-
ducted multilateral-negotiations through what
is called the" GATT'.
Now, as we enter an era of increased and
f'eer world trade, we shall have to discard
the cumbersome system of negotiating tariff
reductions on an item-by-item basis. The

Daily Staff Writer
'T HIS COUNTRY'S recent reiter-
ation of its intention to supply;
West Germany with missiles to
deliver nuclear warheads can only
have the effect of increasing the
tension over the Berlin crisis and
further alienating the peoples of
,Eastern Europe and Russia,
Admittedly the present plan is
not as bad as a proposal advo-
cated in some quarters, which sug-
gests that the West Germans be
supplied with the warheads in ad-
dition to the means of delivery.
Under the present policy, at least
the warheads will remain under
the control of the United States.
* *
possibility that Red China may
acquire nuclear capability is well
known. Eastern Europeans and
Russians have the same attitude
with respect to Germany. Distrust,
suspicion and even fear towards
the Germans are emotions held in
common by all the countries of
Eastern Europe and Russia.
These feelings stem mainly from
German actions during the two
World Wars, and are reinforced
by repeated West German claims
to part of her territory given to
Poland after World War II and
West German rearmament.
* * *
THESE FEELINGS, to a lesser
extent, are shared by people in
some Western countries. This was
made obvious by the recent uproar
over Germany negotiations with
representatives of Franco's gov-,
ernment' for training space in
Spain, and the British Labor
Party's adoption of a resolution
asking the withdrawal of German
troops now training in Wales.
Critics of this view will argue
that West Germany is too firmly
committed to integration with the
West to be dangerous by herself.
However, the Free Democratic
Party, which has just formed a
coalition government with Aden-
auer's Christian Democratic Part
contains a number of neutralists

who would like to see Germany
take a more independent line.
They also tried, although un-
successfully, to force the resigna-
tion of West German Foreign
Minister Heinrich von Brentano,
who is one of those chiefly re-
sponsible for this same integra-
* * *
Times, one of the delivery systems
considered for German use is the
Pershing missile which has a
range of 500 miles. A missile with
this range is primarily an offen-
sive weapon. What German troops
fighting within the context of a
defensively orientated NATO would
need with such equipment is hard
to see.
Further, if the need for such
a strike ever did arise it would
be just as militarily effective to
use an American or British mis-
sile capped with the same nation's
nuclear warhead, or ground sup-
ported aircraft designed for just
such a mission.
* * *
THE SAME conditions apply to
West German need for short-
range nuclear capability. As of
now, the United States has no
publicly announced plans for pull-
ing troops out of Europe. These
troops' are equipped with tactical
nuclear missiles of varying ranges,
as are British troops. These could
effectively provide the defensive
nuclear firepower needed by West
German troops, as could the al-
ready mentioned ground support
President Kennedy supposedly
has recognized the worry in East-
ern Europe and Russia over the,
possibility that the West Germans
will be given atomic capability.
In his latest speech before the
United Nations he said:
"We recognize the Soviet Un-
ion's historical concernabout their
security in central and Eastern
Europe, after a series of ravaging
invasions. And we believe arrange-
ments can be worked out which
will help to meet those concerns

and make it possible for both
security and freedom to exist in
this troubled area."
* * *
BEFORE "security and freedom"
can exist "in this troubled area,"
distrust and suspicion must be re-
moved. In the light of past his-
tory this will be an enormously
difficult step. A United States
decision against giving West Ger-
many nuclear delivery systems
would be an effective step in that

New Fragmentation
In Soviet Bloc

Domesticity ..
To the Editor:
THE LETTER published in The
Daily of Oct. 24, signed by four
graduate students with Arab
names was quite disturbing. It ap-
pears from that letter that these
four students and the other mem-
bers of the Arab Club consider it
their right to dictate to the stu-
dent organizations on campus
what they should or should not
discuss, and what speakers they
are to engage. This 'they base on
an equally preposterous claim that
the renewal of Syrian indepen-
dence is a "domestic Arab" affair.
It is precisely this contention that
deserves discussion: is there such
a thing as "an Arab?" who is to
determine what areas are to be
included in the nonexistant "Arab
homeland?" etc.
It is particularly disturbing that
the ISA had let itself be intim-
idated into cancelling the pro-
jected panelon Syria. The argu-
ment that the ISA does not want
to antagonize anyone is ua-
cepatable since such an apprroacht
would practically' eliminate any
discussion. I am at a loss to un-
derstand in what way was the pro-
jected discussion on Syria dif-
ferent from other topics discussed
previously and since, e.g. Algeria,
which the, French claim to be an
internal affair; South Africa, also
a domestic affair; Cuba, surely
domestic; Congo; . Berlin; the
problem of the American Negro,
definitely an American domestic
affair; etc. Why are the feelings
of Frenchinen, Cubans and South-
ern whites of less significance than
those of the members of the Arab
I believe that the members of
the Arab Club did a gross dis-
service to themselves. Their be-
'havior demonstrated that they
stillhave much to learnabout tol-
erance, democracy .and freedom o'
speech. They .demonstrated some-
thing akin to a persecution com-
plex. Above all, they lost an op-
portunity to explain the develop-
nzents themselves. Therefore, we
have no other ,recourse but to'
believe the new leaders of Syria
who tell us that they freed them-
selves from Egyptian tyranny-
hardly a domestic matter.
-Joseph A. Lopez, Grad.
To the Editor:
FE~ED THE UGLI add to its
many problems? It is bad
enough that you have to get there
by six-thirty to get a seat be-
cause half of them have been
reserved during the afternoon. I
believe that groups send represen-
tatives over in the afternoon to
reserve a section as if they were
buying block tickets to a concert.
Speaking of music, just what
are they attempting to accomplish
with their evening concerts. As
far. as I could see nobody ap-
preciated it. About all the music
does is drown out the noise of
those who are talking around you.
I thought the library was a place
to study. If the ULGI Wants to
go all out they can play rock
and roll on the first floor, folk
music on the second, classical on
the third, ballads on the fourth
and leave the basement quiet for
those who want to talk.
-Michael Levitt,'6Z
To the Editor:
talks about anything but peace.
It's enough to turn a strong man's
stomach. Not a weak one's, maybe,
but a strong one's. If only in the,
interests of perspective, I feel
another side should be expounded.
It's national policy which de-
termines whether there will be

war or peace and the main factor
in this connection is power or
dominance. Every nation-state has
some dominance over someone
somewhere. Even little Mali could
severly discomfit stronger Nigeria
merely by diverting the Niger
river, causing flood or drought.
Mali's total possible dominance,
though, is limited. The United
States, on the other hand, has a
great variety of possible domin-
Further, it must be realized that
the present situation between
nation-states is anarchic. Among
other things, this means that if
a state decides on a certain goal
this aim cannot be compared to
an absolute world standard of
agreed-on right or wrong. Hence,
an objective is right or wrong only
in relation to the state's own stan-
* * *
together we find that if a state
has an international objective, the.
only thing which can prevent it
from attaining this goal is a rela-
five lack of dominance. But the
United States has the greatest
relative dominance in the world!
Therefore, whatever our national
policy is, it can be effected. This
'canbe made even stronger by as-
serting that it is our duty to shape

Daily Staff writer
cold peace is that everywhere
and at all times the West is being
mauled by a huge Communist dra-
gon and that in the years to
come if the United States dissolves
from within and disintegrates
from without, it will dissolve and
disintegrate because of the ap-

but a

of a single monolithic ma-
recent events plainly in-
that this "bloc" is suf-
from problems of fragmen-
which make it anything
united threat. Yugoslavia

takes a firm neutral stand in the
East-West conflict-she called a
conference of nonaligned nations
and held it at her capital. In
Poland, the Catholic Church
openly defies the Communists, and
in Hungary, bitterness remains.
But the disunity of Communism
is most glaring at the moment in
the China-Soviet dispute over Al-
* * *
demned the Albanian Communist
party leadership for its Stalinism,

"perversion" and cult of the per-
sonality - the personality being
dictator Gen. Enver Hoxha.
Albanian party chiefs responded
by accusing Khrushchev of anti-
Marxist actions and of attempting
to wreck what unity the inter-
national Communist movement
still has. ';
'By publicly attacking the Al-
banian Workers' party," the Al-
banians charged, "Nikita S.
Khrushchev has in effect started
an open attack against the unity
of the international Communist
and workers' movements, against
the, unity of the Socialist camp.
For this anti-Marxist act and all
the consequences that may ensue
from it, Nikita S. Khrushchev
bears the full responsibility."
* * *
ing 'Albania in the dispute, and
President Ho Chi Minh of North
Vietnam and Premier Kim Il Sung
of North Korea have refused to
join Khrushchev in condemning
the Albanian leadership.
Communist China's economic
and military experts have been re-.
placing experts pulled out' from
Albania by the Soviet Union and
the East European Communist
nations. The experts are helping
Albania with her new Five-Year
Plan. In addition, Communist
China, despite her own severe;
economic troubles, is delivering.
$123 million in aid to 'Albania.
This is equal to all the credits
given to Albania by the Soviet-
bloc countries during the previous
Five-Year Plan.
* * *
ALBANIANS feel Yugoslavia is
more of an enemy than the Soviet
Union. When Yugoslavia broke
with the Moscow Communists in
1948, it left Albania the only mem-
ber of the Soviet bloc without a
land link to another member of
the bloc.
The debris of anti-Moscowism in'
Albania came to shore last fall
when General Hoxha reportedly
accused Khrushchev of revision-
ism, the worst of all Communist
party offenses. Khrushchev re-
portedly was outraged and de-
manded an apology, which he did
not get. This year Gen. Hoxha

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notiees
The Student Locator Service (NO 5-
4491)will be discontinued as of 6:00
p.m., Fri., Oct. 27.
The SGC Cinema Guild Board an-
nounces petitioning for sponsorship of
movies, by campus organizations. Inter-
viewing will be held in 3529 SAB on
Sat., Ocet. 28, 9-12 a.m. and 2-5 p.m.
Petitions, due Fri. afternoon, may be
obtained on the first floor, SAB.

OCT. 27-
Alpha Delta Pi & Sigma Kappa, Barn
Dance; Delta Gamma, Pinafore Party;
Hunt House, Record Dance; Society of
Les Voyageurs, Halloween Party; Psi
Upsilon, Party.
OCT. 28--
Alpha Tau Omega, Party; Beta Theta
Pi, Record Dance; Chicago House, Date
Party; Delta Tau Delta, Party; Delta
Upsilon, Record Party; Lloyd House,
Halloween Party; Phi Epsilon Pi, Party;.
Phi Gamma Delta-Phi Kappa Psi, Band
Dance; Psi Upsilon, Party; Theta Xi,
Rock & Roll Party; ,Zeta Psi, Record
OCT. 29-
Couzens Hail, Open-Open House; Phi
Delta Phi, Open House.
Events Friday
Navy Day Luncheon: In commemora-
tion and celebration of Navy Day 1961,
a Navy Day luncheon will be held at
the Michigan League, Michigan room

John- F. Muehl, speaker. 10:45 a.m.'
Aud. A.
Esquire Symposium: "The Role of the
Writer in America," Rackham Lecture
Hall, 3:00 p.m. Public invited.
Prof. K. Kuratowski, University of
Warsaw, will present the second and.
third of a series of lectures on "Duality'
Theorems Between Cohomotopy Groups
and Integer-valued Measures" in' 2037
Angela Hall at 10 a.m. on Sat., Oct. 28
and in 2037 Angell Hall at 10 a.m. on
Sat., Nov. 4.
Astronomical Colloquium: Sat., Oct.
28. 2:00 p.m., McMath-Hulbert Observa-
tory. Dr. C. E. Fichtel, Nuclear Emulsion
Group NASA-Goddard Space Flight
Center; will speak on "Solar Cosmic
Rays Observed at Fort Churchill Dur-
ing the 1960 November Events."

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