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October 21, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-21

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom






Pu rdue




Highly-Rated Team
To Meet Wolverines
First Match in Nine Years To Show
Boilermakers' Fullbacks, Passing
Associate Sports Editor
Homecoming finds Michigan at the crossroads.
The Wolverines' future in the Big Ten race will be on the line as
the rugged Purdue Boilermakers provide the opposition at 1:30 today
at the Michigan Stadium.
This will be the first time in nine years the two teams have met.
Purdue will open its Big Ten season, after polishing off two re-
spectable opponents and losing a heart-breaker to nationally-ranked
Notre Dame, 22-20.
Hope To Bounce Back
Michigan will be hoping to bounce back from a 28-0 loss last
week to number one-ranled Michigan State. The pollsters still thought









.. , ambushed
May Give,
State Post
To Farnum
LANSING-Michigan will get a
new auditor general next week,
Gov. John B. Swainson's office
At least half a dozen candidates
are under consideration for the
job left vacant when Otis M.
Smith resigned to accept an ap-
pointment to the state supreme
Top contender is BillIe S. Far-
num, Deputy Democratic State
Chairman and former Deputy Sec-
retary of State. Both Detroit
daily newspapers said flatly that
the former United Atuo Workers
international representative would
get .the appointment.
Swainson said Thursday night
that he had not decided on a suc-
cessor for Smith. He was hunting
pheasant in Huron county yester-
day and was unavailable for fur-
ther comment.
Other potential candidates for
the job include Richard Vander-
veen, Grand Rapids lawyer who
was an unsuccessful candidate for
the Democratic nomination for
lieutenant governor last year;
William Reamon, Grand Rapids
attorney who has been a candidate
for congress in the fifth district;
Richard Austin, Detroit delegate
to the conctitution convention,
and William Burgett of Lansing,
the acting auditor general.
Hicks, Radock,
Mohler Picked
For Positions
Special To The Daily
DEARBORN-The. Regents ap-
proved three new appointments at
their meeting yesterday.

*enough of Michigan to rank them
15th on the basis of impressive
wins over UCLA and Army. Pur-
due is given th 14th ,national
Past Wolverine elevens have
shown that they can come back
from crushing defeats as witness
the 1958 team which beat Min-
nesota, 20-19, after. losing to
Northwestern by an unbelievable
55-24 score the week before. And
coincidentally, the rebound came,
on Homecoming that year.
Added Incentive
In fact, the Wolverines have gone
two Homecomings without a vic-
tory and this should be added in-
centive. But the Boilermakers, led
by their sophomore quarterback,
Ron DiGravio, boast triumphs over
Washington and Miami (O).
DiGravio is a fine passer (16
for 30) but he can run, too,. as
his 89 yds. puts him second, only
to pile-driving fullback Roy Walk-
er. Walker, the other sparkplug in
the Lafayette squad's backfield,
has churned 196 yds. in three
games for better than four yds.
average per carry. Second string
fullback Gene Donaldson gives the
Boilermakers added punch, with
a total of 81 yds.
Elliott Worried
Michigan Coach Bump Elliott
is worried about the one-two
punch of powerful fullbacks and
an effective passing attack. Since
Michigan has shown a minor de-
ficiency in covering the air lanes
against Army and Michigan State,
the latter is of special concern. A
total of 10 different receivers have
caught aerials from DiGravio or
his capable understudy, Gary Ho-
Elliott also pointed out that the
Boilermakers have always had a
tough interior line which should
test the highly regarded Wolver-
ine forward wall.
Averages 213-Lbs.
Purdue's line averages only 213
lbs., 10 lbs. less than Michigan's.
However, Michigan State's line
was lighter last week. Statistics
can be deceiving, which is the rea-
son why scouts warned Michigan
linemen to disregard comparative
Both teams have injury prob-
lems. Purdue's first three right
halfbacks are sidelined with the
possible exception of Dave Miller,
an announced starter, who will+
likely se^ some action. He has the
highest rushing average on the1
See WOLVERINES, Page 6 f

May Face
New Purge
MOSCOW (R)-A flood of con-
demnations directed at old line
Stalinists poured out in the 22nd
Soviet Party Congress yesterday
indicating possible preparations
for new purges.
East German Communist boss
Walter Ulbricht also got in some
shots at his favorite target, West
Germany, assailing it as "the main
seat of war danger" and reiterat-
ing Communist demands for an
all-German peace treaty.
Meanwhile, portraits of Ul-
bricht rapidly disappeared from
public places in East Berlin, pos-
sibly as a reaction to Khrush-
chev's attack on the "personality
cult" or possibly indicating that
as a result of Khrushchev's offers
to ease tension over Berlin, the
East German leader is on his way
Major targets of the session's
parade of speakers were the top
conspirators in the 1957 plot to
unseat Premier- Khrushchev-for-
mer premier and foreign minister
V. M. Molotov, former premier
Georgi M. Malenkov, ex-deputy
premier Lazar M. Kaganovich and
former president Klementi ,Voro-
The old Bolsheviks have been
forced into relative obscurity but
the tone of the denunciations sug-
gested worse times may be ahead
for them.
Soviet Deputy Premier Anastas
K. Mikoyan declared that "during
the (Stalinist) period of the cult
of personality, those people would
have been liquidated by means they
well know."
"We liquidated their ideology,"
Mikoyan said. "We did not liqui-
date them physically. This was in
conformity with Leninist princi-
Mikoyan and other speakers al-
so lashed out at Albanian party
boss Enver Hoxha-accused by
Premier Khrushchev as practicing
Stalinist repressions, but defend-
ed by Red China's Chou En-lai as
a brother, in an ideological rift
opened up at the Congress.
Mikoyan accused the Albanian
leadership of "departing from the
internationalist (Communist) po-
sitions and sliding to national po-
Chou and Khrushchev indicat-
ed to congress delegates that the
dispute had not affected their per-1
sonal relations. Following an in-
termission, the two strolled to-1
gether to the rostrum and witness-1
es said they were talking amiably.

Special To The Daily
DEARBORN - The University's
two-year-old Dearborn Center was
dedicated yesterday at ceremonies
held on the central mall of the
spacious 205-acre campus.
The eight Regents and the two
Regents-Elect participated in the
dedication which took place before
their October meeting.
In the principal address, Presi-
dent Walter C. Langsam of the
University of Cincinnati, which
has over 50 years experience in
the field of cooperative education,
lauded the center's co-op program.
"The simultaneous presence on
the campus of the traditional pro-
gram in the liberal arts and the
co-op programs in engineering and
business administration makes
possible the tempering of each by
the other and the provision of a
rounded course for all students,"
Langsam pointed out.
The co-op plan provides for
participants to alternate their
class work with on-the-job train-
ing by trimesters.
Langsam explained that this
system "makes higher education
both possible for and attractive to
many able young people who would
not otherwise go to college.
"The chance to earn while learn-
ing and the practical aspects of
the program have a special appeal
to young men and women who
have great academic talent, but
whose families have had no college
Following the center's dedica-
tion, a second ceremony was held
to dedicate the tall gnarled bronze
sculpture presented to the center

by the engineering class of '24-
the class in which Vice-President
Stirton, the center's director, was
The statue was created by Prof.
Thomas F. McClure of the archi-
tecture and design college.
Enrollment at Dearborn Center
has increased tenfold since it
opened in the fall of 1959, from a
UN Nearing
Congo Treaty.
In Cease-Fire
United Nations Secretariat has
specifically endorsed the govern-
ment of Premier Cyrille Adoula in
a new clause inserted in the Ka-
tanga-United Nations cease-fire
now in the last stages of ratifica-
tion in New York, diplomatic in-
formants said yesterday.
UN sources expect announce-
ment of the final ratification to-
The final version is reliably re-
ported to contain several new
clauses referring to the UN man-
date of Feb. 21, including recog-
nition of the Leopoldville govern-
ment as the legal government of
all the Congo-including separa-
tist Katanga.
President Moise Tshombe of Ka-
tanga has held up the exchange
of prisoners taken in the week of
fighting last month until the sec-
retariat's ratification is complet-

pilot group of some 30 students to
the 335 juniors and seniors now
However, officials note that the
center is in fact serving nearly
twice this number since many
students are absent from the cam-
pus this term working on indus-
trial and business assignments
with major firms.
In addition, the center provides
graduate training for the 850 per-
sons who attend evening classes.
The $10 million campus pro-
vides more than adequate facili-
ties for this relatively small stu-
dent body-"We planned for the
future," Stirton explained.
Officials figure the campus,
without expansion of the plant,
could have an enrollment of some
2,700 -- one-third full time, and
one-third off-campus at any spe-
cific time on work assignments.
This would divide the student
body equally among the three de-
partments-the literary college
section, the business administra-
tion section and the engineering
Funds for the creation of the
center and the land on which it is
built came from the Ford Motor
Co. and the Ford Foundation four
years ago. The land is part of
Henry Ford's original estate,
Fair Lane.
A representative of Ford was
present at the meeting, as were
representatives of the architect-
ural -firm which designed the
campus buildings which Stirton
praised as both pleasing and func-

PROCESSIONAL-The Regents, the faculty of Dearborn Center and several distinguished guests
march to the platform before the dedication ceremonies at the center yesterday.
U' Officials Dedicate Dearborn Center

Torches, Bonfire, Light Beat Purdue' Pep Rally
A torch-light parade began last night's pep rally and a huge
:.. -"bonfire ended it. Throughout the spirit was "Michigan, beat Purdue?"
. -: The pep rally crowd yelled loud enough for Coach Chalmers
"Bump" Elliott and team until the echoes from the Intramural Bldg.
were almost as loud as the cheers themselves.
Chief highlight of the evening was, however, the "Yell-Like-Hell"
contest. Eleven housing units competed, yelling for Michigan with
their original cheers. Winners of the event will be announced at to-
morrow night's dance.
Sounds Theme
Rev. Fred E. Luchs of the First Congregational Church, main
speaker of the evening, sounded the theme of the weekend when he
declared, "we'll be going along on the highway at 100 miles an hour
while they'll be behind, honking to get ahead."
Traditional show stoppers, the Friars were called back three
times for their humorous renditions of "Peanuts," "Blue Moon," and
"The Tom Cat."

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