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October 14, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-14

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'We Don't Service Trucks, But We'l
Give You Parking Space"

At the Ca


Seventy-First Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.





oad to Suicide

Mississippi forced me to miss most of this,
week's Student Government Council meeting.
It's too bad, for I'm told that the ,morass
of insult and injury that developed has had
an important result - after years of self-
congratulation, $GC is finally getting fed
up with itself.
When SGC was first put together, its archi-
tects had high hopes for Its future. SGC was
Officially Recognized by the Regents. It was
equipped with an impressive array of powers
and responsibilities. One of these, its control
over student organizations, was unmatched
by any other student government in the coun-
try. True, a veto power remained in the hands
of the administration, but SGC after 1959
could count on the support of a Committee
on Referral which was stacked with pro--
student government members.
BUT THE DREAM of the Founding Fathers
has never materialized, and part of the'
trouble is their fault. Fundamental weaknesses
were built into SGC. In the first place, it was
saddled with petty administrative tasks, such
as calendaring which exhaust the Council's,
time and energies. More importantly, seven
ex-officios were made voting members of SGC.
The logic of that move is- not obvious.
Perhaps the ex-officios were added because
they were regarded as a kind of aristocracy,
and SGC a kind of Council of the Estates. If
so, the University of Michigan is about the
only place on earth where the aristocracy
hasn't been shunted into a powerless "upper
house" or ousted from government altogether.
Or perhaps it wasn't the aristocracy, but
the interests and organizations themselves
that needed representing-sort of like having
delegates from General Motors and Kleenex
in -the U. S. Senate. After all, SGC has a.
budget only one-tenth that of The Daily and
one-hundredth that of the Union, and could
hardly carry much weight without represen-
tation from organizations more powerful than
itself. If this was the intention, SGC cannot
appropriately be called, a council of the aris-
tocracy. It is, instead, rather more compar-
able to a fascist state.
THE PRESENCE of ex-officios as full vot-
ing members greatly limits the council--
in some instances they may actually hurt it.
All editors of The :Daily do not necessarily
make effective council members. Presidents
of IQC almost never do. And no matter h'w
ineffective they are, they cannot be voted
In addition, any ex-officio worth his salt has
primary allegiance to his own organization.
Even if he maintains strict impaitiality in
his voting (a dubious assumption), he is never
impartial in the division of his time and
interests. For most ex-offcios, SGC is a not-
particularly-enjoyable chore, one of the nui-

sance responsibilities which goes with their
jobs. Almost half of the council is thus
inherently opposed to any move to take on more,
work or meet more frequently, both necessary
if SGC , is to expand its sphere of effective
So part of what's wrong with SGC can be
traced to its structure. A much more im-
portant source is the members themselves and
the habits they are developing.
and Mary Wheeler quit the council, they
left a leadership vacuum which has yet to
be filled. None of the remaining "liberals"
have been able to take their place. And the
logical leaders of council - the officers -
aren't inspiring anyone. Richard Nohl, with
his mellifluous voice, makes his President's
report sound like a beer commercial. Per
Hanson regards SGC as a mildly-diverting toy.
John Martin is too busy Repressing Rage to
contribute much. And William Gleason's chief
talent is his skill at deserting sinking ships.
Leaderless, the Council has taken actions
which are unintelligent and unfair. My per-
sonal respect for SGC was, already drooping
because of last spring's effort to reprimand
The Daily. It died with a shudder two weeks.
ago "when the Council refused to appoint
Sharon Jeffrey and Robert Ross to its vacant
positions because they were too "controversial."
This week SGC sank to new'depths. Its Com-
mittee on Membership selection-hardly a
radical group-had recommended a time limit
for the filing of statements by fraternities
and sororities. The committee needed more
information so it could stop thrashing Alpha
Tau Omega, which was getting to be tiresome,
and shift its attention to, other organizations.
But the council refused. In an atmosphere
saturated with terms like "education," "pa-
tience,", and "good faith," it voted to send
still another letter, weakly worded and ex-
travagantly sympathetic, to the recalcitrant
organizations. The letter said that SGC does
not wish to set a time limit, but "feels it may
have to" if the statements are not filed soon.
This, of course, is a bald lie. SGC, as presently
constituted, would never take strong action
against the fraternity system and everyone
on Washtenaw Avenue knows it.
As MUCH as by its actions, SGC is dis-
gracing itself by its conduct. Petty bicker-
ing and peevishness pervade every meeting.
Motions are railroaded through. Debate is
suppressed or curtained by parliamentary tac-
tics. No one listens to anyone else. Often
friendly enough to one another outside the
council room, the members become grim, re-
lentless opponents around the table.
SGC is dying. Over a period of years, its
serious institutional defects might have proved
fatal anyway. But if it dies now, it will have
ad Letter'
menting the procedures that are necessary for.
After Vice-President Lewis has strongly--
and rightfully-admonished both fraternity
and sorority presidents to file the needed in-
formation, one would expect much stronger,
action on the part of SGC. The letter should
not simply serve as a reminder; affiliates have
been reminded several times already.
THE WORDING of the Council's motion
ranges from circumlocution to mendacity.
For example, the motion states "that the
Council feels it is to the advantage of the
groups in question to clarify their positions
and to dispel, inaccurate images of their
membership selection policies by submitting
Of course, this may simply be regarded as
a pleasantry. For, if ther are actually many
affiliate groups with questionable membership
policies, it will be to anything but their ad-
vantage to clarify them. And, assuming that
fraternities and sororities not having bias
clauses submit their statements, it will clarify
nothing to anybody but the Membership com-
mittee members for the information will stop

Or take the Council's contention that it
"hopes and assumes. that the groups involved
will submit the required statements on their
own initiative." Why? Approximately ten
months have passed since SGC originally ap-
proved the membership selection ruling. It
seems that with that long an interval, any-
one who was willing to submit a statement
on his own initiative 'would have done so
long ,ago.
T IS PROBABLE that many groups are
hesitant about turning in their statements
because as yet there exists no public know-

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THE RUSSIAN-MADE Othello is one of the offerings in the United
States Cultural Exchange program. This is a program which was
formulated early in 1958, and since "Othell" was made In 1955, the
Russian film-makers cannot be accused of making the picture merely
to dazzle an American audience with scenic effects. The color camera
work, the rich costumes, the lighting effects and the vastness of the
background are brilliant in their own right, but they severely over
shadow and stifle the play. You become so involved in the spectacle
that the actors often seem to be intruders who have wandered into
all this lavishness. The filming is undeniably beautiful, but there
are pitfalls in using such an approach to Shakespeare. It is a style
which is more reminiscent of Wagnerian opera than the economy
and simplicity of the Elizabethan stage.
Fortunately, the director did not try to Impose a pseudo-
psychological point of view upon the play which would have forced
the actors into being ludicrous in the middle of all this majesty.
** * *
HE ALLOWS OTHELLO full reign in expressing the jealousy
of a middle-aged man who suspects his youthful wife of infidelity.
Iago is plainly and simply a man seeking revenge upon a superior
who has treated him unjustly. Desdemona is naive, loving and incap-
able of doing any of the things of which she is accused. The inter**
pretations are broad and clearly defined, so that the breast-beating
of Othello is not quite as repulsive as it would be given other con-
ditions' of over-all interpretation.
The score of Aram Khatcbaturian is well suited to the film
since it combines a flavor of medieval power and simplicity with
the embellishments of the nineteenth century.
Since the picture makes its strongest impact visually, It is
difficult to understand why they decided to dub in English voices.
Not that the voices are inadequate,' they are quite good, but the
.problem of matching -sound with the lip movements of the actors
was a distraction which was unnecessary,
The original Russian dialogue with English subtitles would have
been much more satisfactory.
-Richard Burke
At the Michigan-'The Hustler'
R OBERT ROSSEN'S The Hustler is a fine movie in the tradition
of On the Waterfront and Marty. The acting is unmarred by
such current trends as bad writing or photographing-or the appear-
ance of a rock and roll star, in a minor roll.
Paul Newman has been unfortunately associated with so many
young-executive-going-places flicks that one might forget that he
is one of today's major' acting talents. But, Mr. Newman's character-
ization of Fast Eddie, the hardened poolroom hustler "looking for
an excuse to lose," is so gentle and frank that It goes deeper than
female tear-ducts in -audience reaction-it brutally digs into social
intelligence begging for recognition as a human being.
Piper Laurie was right: she is an actress. Hollywood will most
likely admit its mistake when the Academy Award nominations are
George C. Scott and Myron McCormick present definitive char-
acterizations from a world so unreal that in less capable hands they
would ge unbelievable. Jackie Gleason overc&mes the handicap of
being associated with low-comedy by creating (without dramatically
significant lines) a real person from the abstraction which he plays.
S* * *
ROBERT ROSSEN, producer, director and co-author, will cer-
tainly be a welcome addition to the list of the few living creative
motion-picture geniuses.-His constant use of detail and expert motion-
picture techniques makes punctuatiol of a scene with a single slow
tear almost unbearable in intensity.
Mr. Rossen unfortunately under-paced a few scenes which are
particularly painful for the audience after enjoying the. remarkable
sequence in which tension is sustained throughout a twenty-minute
pool game-without even an elementary explanation of how the
game is played. Apparently, he wanted to create reality by having
the characters occasionally muffle their lines, but he breaks .the
excellent illusion of. reality already achieved by causing half of
the audience to whisper, "What did she (Piper Laurie is the biggest
offender) say?"
Inspite' of these small' short-comings, The Hustlers is a motion
picture with which future realistic film-ventures into the human
tragedy will be compared.
-Milan Stitt

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Sen. Fulbright: True Conservative

SGC's 'De4

14 FAILING to set a definite deadline for the
submission of reports to its membership
committee, Student Government Council has
failed to. follow the commitment implicir in
its original motion dealing with affiliate bias.
If SGC sincerely expects unwarranted bias
among fraternities and sororities can be
eliminated, then the Council must aid in imple-
THE CHEERING CROWDS at today's big
game will hardly remember that just one
year ago on October 14, women's hours were
extended to 2 a.m. and over 10,000 students
cheered wildly in front of the Michigan Union.
That night, John F. Kennedy called upon
University students "to comprehend the nature
of the situation facing America today and
offer themselves to the cause of the United
Not only students, but faculty members and'
hundreds of private citizens have heeded to the
President's call. Today, just one year later,
55 volunteers have completed their first week
of Peace Corps training at the University.
T HE PEACE CORPS volunteers, who will
leave for Thailand in January to devote
two years of service to the Corps, spent 60
hours in seminars and lectures this week.
Most of them- will be unable to attend to-
day's game because of the difficult project
before them. While 103,000 fans pack into the
Michigan Stadium, the Peace Corps volun-
teers will spend the afternoon studying the
Thai language, culture and political institu-
In this quiet and devoted manner, whether
o. not thpvAr ae of " i+ +tpv will hp nam_

SEN. FULBRIGHT has now be-
gun to run for re-election, and
al1 the signs indicate that over
and above the local issues in Ar-
kansas,the campaign will be of
great interest to the nation as
a whole. For an important part
of the opposition to the Senator
comes from outside of Arkansas.
It comes from radical right ex-
tremists like Sen. Goldwater
among" the Republicans and Sen.
Thurmond among the Demorats
It is highly significant and very
interesting indeed that they have
chosen to do battle not with a
man of the left, but with as gen-
uine a conservative in the great
tradition of conservatism as exists
in our public life today.
Thus the Arkansas senatorial
campaign will bring a confronta-
tion between traditional American
conservatism and a wholly new
phenomenon, a radical reaction
sailing under the flag of conserva-
tism. This reactionary radicalism
has as little relation to conserva-
tism as the so-called peoples' de-
mocracies beyond the Iron Cur-
tain have to democracy.
THE TRUE Conservatives of
whom the greatest in this century
is Churchill, are indissolubly at
one with the constitutional sources
of the nation's life. For them the
nation is a living thing which
grows and changes, and they think
of themselves as participating in
this growth and change. Because
they themselves are so secure and
certain about what is essential and
fundamental, the most intelligent
conservatives are liberal in tem-
per and progressive in policy.
Sen. Fulbright is that kind of
conservative, and so he is stand-
ing challenge to the reactionary
radicals who are in revolt against
all the main developments of the
twentieth century.
* * *
sequences of modern science and
technology which have brought
into being a concentration of
masses of people uprooted from
their ancestral ways of life. These
radical reactionaries are against
the welfare state which provides
these urban masses with some of
that personal security which their
ancestors in the country made in
their communities. And they are
against the regulation of this
enormously complex economy,
though without regulation it would
churn itself up into crisis and
The reactionary radicals, who
would like to repeal the twentieth
century, are, so they tell us, vio-
lently opposed to Communism. But
Communism also belongs to the
twentieth century and these re-
actionary radicals do not under-
stand it and do not know how to
resist it. Thus they do not want
the alliances with which we have
contained Communism in Europe
at the armistice lines of World
War II.
They are, against foreign aid
which is used to help new coun-
tries and weak countries help
themselves without succumbing to

Their responsibility in foreign.
affairs is such that if the Presi-
dent did for the country what they
say he ought, to be doing, there.
would be going on at one and the
same time another Korean War in
Southeast Asia, a: somewhat small-
er Algerian war in Cuba, and a
thermo-nuclear war about Berlin.
* * * -
SEN. FULBRIGHT, with .the
authority and with the intimate
knowledge' that come to him as
chairman of the Foreign Relations:
Committee of the Senate, has stood
firmly against such irresponsi-
ble nonsense. The nation is great-
ly in his debt. The role he plays
in Washington is an indispensable
role. There is no one else who is
so powerful and also so wise, and
if- there were any 'question of
removing him from public life, it
would be a national calamity.
Not only has ,he been the bra-v

/ JamacaGos It Alone

Associated Press Feature Writer
SECESSION is becoming a trou.
blesome word on the interna-
tional scene.
In recent months, Katanga
province has tried to secede from
the Congo, Syria has broken off
from the United Arab Republic,
and Jamaica has split away from
the fledgling West: Indies Federa-
Jamaica's decision to go it
alone passed almost unnoticed
last month, a strange develop-
ment since it's only 500, miles
from Miami and 100 miles from
Castro's Cuba.
Jamaica is best known for cal-t
ypso, strong black rum, tourists
and the 17th Century pirate, Sir
Henry Morgan.
It's less known for its deposits
of bauxite, the parent ore of stra-
tegic aluminum, and the "First
Africa Corps," a terrorist group
that seeks the .return of all Ne-
groes to Africa. The island covers
4,411 square miles and supports
1,630,000 people.
FROM APRIL 22, 1958 until last
month Jamaica was the key but
lukewarm member of the West
Indies Federation, a sprawling cpl-
lection of 13 British island col-
onies due for independence in
Th le other major Islands are:
Antigua, Barbados, Dominica, Gre-
nada, Montserrat, St. Christopher,
Nevis (birthplace df American pa-
triot Alexander Hamilton), An-
guilla, St. Lucia, St.Vincent, Trin-
idad and Tobago.
In a referendum Sept. 19, Ja-
maica voted, 251,935 to 216,400,
to quit, stripping the federation of
56 per cent of fits population and
most of its economic wealth.
* * *
JAMAICAN politics are best ex-
plained in terms of. personalities.
Two men dominate Jamaica po-
litically-Chief Minister Norman

est and wisest of advisers. He is
also the most far-seeing and con-
structive. It has been said of him
all too often that he has been right
too soon. 'That is a great compli-
ment. -In our democracy .some-
body who is listened to must be
right before it is popular to be.
He was, I think, the first Ameri-
can public man who realized that:
if Western Europe was to co-exist
with the Soviet Union, it would
have to unite. And he is the first
responsible American statesman
to be saying that the necessary
counterweight to the development
of the Communist power is a muph
closer political and economic in-
tegration of the Western World.-
THE DECISION must be niade
by the voters of Arkansas. But
what 1s at stake is important to
the whole nation.
fc) 1961 New York Herald Tribune, Inc.


. :....... . --a=

soldier of fortune who likes to be
called "Good Old Busta." His
trademark is a head of bushy white
hair; his power rests with the poor
and uneducated.
* * *

Bustamente, with his popular
appeal to the Jamaican masses
and a jail record (1940-41) foi.
1 e a d i n g demonstrations and
strikes, would seem to be a natur-

RIGHT NOW, Jamaicans are
getting ready to negotiate for
their independence. Independence
day has not yet been set but it
will be sometime in 1962. Talks
with the British this winter will

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