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October 12, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-12

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lMfr izrn


Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

. Dispatches


Tr ops



-AP Wirephoto
S .HAYDEN BEATEN-Former Daily Editor Thomas Hayden, '61,
shields himself from the attack of Carl Hayes in downtown Mc-
Comb, Miss., yesterday, where the assailant dragged him from his
car and beat him as he was waiting for a stop light to change.
White Mississippian.
Strie s Cuts Hayen
, - Editor
Former Daily Editor Thomas Hayden, '61, and Paul Potter, an
officer of the National Student Association, were dragged from their
car and beaten yesterday in McComb, Miss., as they drove beside. a
protest march of high school students.
Neither was seriously injured.
Police Turn Off
A police car which had been accfmpanying them to City Hall re-
portedly turned off and disappeared' just before the incident. Hayden
said that Chief of Police George Guy later advised them that his
_______________________ dpartment "couldn't protect out-
eside agitators, especially whites."
~(The Associated Press reported
that the admitted assailant was
k Carl Hayes, a McComb plumber,
who was arrested by police a few
Student Government Council hours after the beating. Hayes
last night voted to send the fol- claimed that Hayden had tried to
lowing teeba rto eAttorney run him down and had cursed
General Robr Kenned.):

Today, former Michigafi Daily
Editor Thomas Hayden, '61, and
United States National Student
Association National Affairs
Vice-President Paul Potter were
beaten by a mob in McComb,
Miss. - -
This latest act is typical of
the lawlessness and violence in
McComb in the past weeks. Lo-
cal law enforcement authorities
no longer maintain order-.
We strongly urge: that the
federal government take imme-,
diate action within its power to
restore law and order in Mc-
Comb. .
Home Claims
W est 'Reached'
Soviet Union
BRIGHTON, England (P)-For-
elgn Secretary Lord David Home
said yesterday the Western powers
seem to have gotten across to the
Soviet Union a warning that they
}will fight to maintain their access
to Berlin, though this could lead to
nuclear war.
Speaking of discussions!I with
Soviet Foreign Minister AndreiA.
+Gromyko, Lord Home told the an-
nual conference of the British Con-
servative PNrty at. this seaside
."I think that we succeeded in
convincing Gromyko that situation
must not be .allowed to arise. ~
Gromyko returned home to re-
pot to' Premier Nikita S. Khuh
chev on i ak wtWeer
D.ennedan (P)r-iTe Ministedr
Alin andrera questin.e olrd
Mscedow d newse th taks cn
clne to go ithetai.sp t

Two Suffer
Hayden and Potter suffered only
slight facial bruises and cuts.
Photographers and newsmen in
the car behind them rushed up
and apparently frightened off the
assailant, Hayden said. Persons in
the large mob which observed the
beating yelled, "Beat the hell out
of thm an "Teyr wite i
sin, bu they're ngger-lovers."in
Some witnesses told police that
there was no beating and that
Hayden had fallen on his face as
he jumped from the car. Hayden
and Potter filed assault and bat-
tery charges at ityo Hal
The beating came after nearly
one hundred students had march-
ed out of Burgland Negro High
School after rejecting official de-
mands that they sign statements
pledging non-participation in fur-
ther racial protests.
Last week. 11ig students were
temporarily suspended for a walk-
out which ended in mass arrests.
Potter and Hayden arrived in
McComb Tuesday to observe de-
velopments in the civil rights
struggle over voter registration and
Negro direct action. In their role
as "neutral reporters," they in-
terviewed white officials and
leaders of the Student Non-violent
Coordinating Committee.
Hayden Charges
In Jackson last night Hayden
-charged that his phone had been
tapped and that police were t hus
Negro leaders.
At 1:00 p.m. yesterday Hayden
Highto waikt anyagin whc
policeen. ade rereetaie o
the Sovresgnte omsonvere-
alwating at th hig scool
The poehinspActelod the ie-

Move Gets
Motion Passes
On Membership
Motions approving quadrangle
confidential reports and letters
t0 affiliated groups which have
not yet submitted ' membership
selection information to the Office
of Student Affairs passed Student
Government Council last night.
The motionh on confidenta r-
these reports by the quad educa-
tional staff in their present form.
It says that these reports should
be used solely sfor .purposes of
re-admitting students to the quads
and should be destroyed as soon
as this purpose has been fulfilled.
See Evaluations
A proposed substitute motion by
Kenneth McEldowney, '62, was
defeated. It stipulated that stu-
dents should be allowed to see
their own evaluations and calling
for elimination from the form of
such topics as "personal appear-
ance," "courtesy and considera-
tion" and the student's attitude
and adjustment toward the Uni-
versity. '
The motion, proposed by Inter-
Quadrangle Council President
Thomas Moch, '62, passed 9-6 in
a roll call vote.
A motion by Women's League
President Bea Nemlaha, '62, and
Brian Glick, '62, was passed un-
animously. It directs the Council
president to send a letter to all
fraternities and sororities which
have not complied with the ruling
ofDc. 7 sd1960 to submi to th
fairs the membership selection
clauses of their constitutions
along with their interpretations
of these clauses and any other
written or unwritten agreements
pertaining to membership selec-
Time Limit .
The letter reminds the affiliated
organizations that 'the Committee
on Membership Selection in Stu-
dent Organizations has requested
a Dec. 1 time limit .after 'which
groups not submitting the re-
quired material will be penalized.
It expresses Council recognition7
of the committee's urgent need of
these statements and says the body
"feels it will be forced" to set a
time limit and disciplinary penal-
ties if they are not submitted
"within a reasonable period."

Kennedy Sees Time
Defense Expeniditures Elimiinate
All Chances for Buidget Surplus
WASHINGTON (]P-Ten thousand more men-regular ar-
my and newly mobilized air national guard units-were or-
deredi to Europe yesterday to boost United States military
strength in that crisis-clutched area,
The Defense Department announced that Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara, with President John F. Kenne-
dy's approval, had taken the new action to strengthen com-
bat forces on guard against possible aggression by the Com-
Deployment Starts Immediately
The deployment "will start immediately," the Pentagon
said. Then it added more specifically that the Third Armored
Calvary Regiment would move~
to Europe "at an early date"con e i n
and other elements of the air
national guard, which already
have been ordered to federal~o r i
service effective next Satur
day, would begin heading fo' ilnrlu e
Europe on Nov. 1.
President Kennedy said in yes-
terday's news conference the LANSING (JP)-Delegates to the
world is In "a period of maximum Constitutional Convention voted
hazard" and no easy solution to yesterday to allow committees to
the Berlin crisis is In sight, hold secret meetings-but only if
In a domestic field, the Presi- authorized by the convention It-
dent told a news conference that self.
hopes for a $3-billion surplus in The rule was adopted by vic
the Treasury this year-and for vte afte reetio of a ae
a tax cut-have been wiped out; men whiche wol hfae reurd
because of seps tosrengthen te that all committee 'meetings be
national defense, public Theamendment was re-

-AP wirephoto
'DANGEROUS TIME'-Presldent John F. Kennedy, discussing thes Berlin crisis, declared yester-
day, "we happen t0 live in the most dangerous time of the history of the human race."
UN enurs outh Afrca

United Nations General Assembly
in an unprecedented action yes-
terday censured South Africa for
a policy speech delivered by For-
eign Minister Eric Louw.
By a vote of 67 to 1 with 20
abstentions the Assembly held the
Council Voes
'Executive Council voted 24 to 2
yesterday to give separate AFL-
CIO charters to local union re-
Teamsters Union.
The counci seered clear hw
ever, of e shng a siged ria
T~eamsers Unon in th eera-
Although avoiding this step the
action taken in extending a wel-
come to defecting units of Hoff a's
union is the most drastic step
taken so far in the four-year feud
between the AFL-CIO and Hoff a's
organization. Hoff a is president
of the Teamsters Union.
Sen .John L. McClellan (D-Ark)
called on AFL-CIO leaders to
establish a rival Teamsters Union
so that groups seeking to abandon
Hoffa's organization would have a
place to go.

speech "offensive, fictitious and
The United States, Britain and
France were among nine nations
listed as not participating in the
vote. Three countries were absent
in the 100-nation assembly.
Emotional Debate
'The vote capped an emotion-
packed debate set off by a speech
by Louw denounced by delegates
of black African nations as in-
sulting to their governments.
Afterward Louw told a reporter
he would notify his government
on the action and await instruc-
tons. There was immediate specu-
so far as to withdraw from the
United Nations.
He charged that the move was
the result of a prearranged cam-
paign by African nations "about
which we had been forewarned."
At the height of the debate
Ambassador Seyni Loum of Sene-
gal announced his country would
mnove today for expulsion of South
Africa from the United Nations.
In his speech Louw defended
his country's racial segregation
Liberian Ambassador Henry
Ford Cooper formally proposed the
censure of South Africa.
Demand Withdrawn
He did so after withdrawing a
demand that Louw's entire speech
be expunged from the assembly's

Louw declared the censure mo-
tion was out of order and should
be considered in the Assembly's
special political committee, which
is handling the perennial issue of
racial segregation in South Africa.
As for expunging his speech,
Louw said that would be applying
a double standard-one for minor-
ity groups, another for multi-
nation groups.
DALLAS (JP) - Speaker of the
House Sam Rayburn, stricken with
inlcurable cancer, regained con-
sciousness yesterday and showed
improvement in a bout with pneu-
Dr. Robert F. Short, Jr., Ray-
buri's chief physician, and Baylor
Hospital, issued this medical bulle-
"Rayburn remains critically ill
but now replies to questions and
generally shows improvement. His
pulse and blood pressure are with-
in normal limits. His temperature
is dropping, and this afternoon it
has approached normal. He shows
signs of responding to treatment.
Antibiotics and positive pressure
are being continued."

Balanced Budget
He said he hopes next year's
budget can be balanced and that
a tax boost will be avoided. But
he said there pould be further un-
expected defense spending.
The dlyent yannounceent
rival at a European port of the
first 500 of the 40,000 men who
are being sent to West Germany
to bring the Seventh United
States Army up to full combat
effectiveness. The Seventh Army
consists of five divisions, plus
smaller units equivalent to the
strength of another division. The
regiment ordered over Is in addi-
tion to the 40,000 troops.
Shortly after the Pentagon an-
nouncement, a reporter at Ken-
nedy's news conference noted that
there has been criticism that
United States leaders have not
fully convinced the Soviet rulers
that the United States is determ-
ined to meet force with force in
Whatever Resources
Kennedy said "we have indicat-
ed that we will meet our com-
mitments with whatever resources
are necessary to meet them." He
ticked off a series of specific
actios th admnistration has

jectd 41100-
An amendment to the rule de-
dlared that any witness who Is
subpoenaed ,to appear before a
committee shall have the right to
be represented by counsel of his
Oponents of the suggestion that
all meetings be open without ex-
ception argued that there might
might be slandered in public wth-
out justification.
Ann Donnelly (R -Highland
Park) contended that the only
reason the public should not be
informed of the convention'sde-
liberations was to protect indii-
ual rights.
The delegates turned down a
move by Eugene G. Wanger (R-
Lansing) to declare news media
representatives "full partners" in
the convention, 'and to conduct a
secret ballot among the delegates
at the end of the deliberations on
whether the press had been fair
and accurate in Its coverage.
In a poll taken earlier this year,
120 of the delegates to the con-
vention signified they supported
fully mopen coveton and21 did
not answer.
eSome ofthse ansering, how-

Kau per Reviews Parochial School Aid
As Supreme Court Decisions have stated, limited federal aid to
parochial schools appears to be constitutional, Prof. Paul G. Kauper
of the Law School declared yesterday.
Speaking on "Constitutional Law: Today's Vital Issues," Prof
Kauper said that President John F. Kennedy, in basing his belief
that aid to parochial schools is unconstitutional on Justice Hugo
Black's opinion in the Everson case, is looking at the court decision
too narrowly.
Black Opinion

Justice Black, in that case, said that, although a state may
help parents in transporting their children t6 parochial schools,
the state could not aid religion or use tax funds to support religious
"The separation of church and state is a question of degree,"
Prof. Kauper noted. "The problem cannot be solved with a broad
brush approach. Complete separation has no foundation in American

MSUDrped wit Crepe
Reports from East Lansing confirmed rumors that'a plan
to flood Michigan State University with maize and blue crepe

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