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October 03, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-03

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Fair and warmer tomorrow,
diminishing winds.

VOL. LXXII, No. 14




ADC Moves To Abandon
Non-Academic Evaluation

Haft ~k-I






Assembly Dormitory Council
yesterday passed a 'motion sup-
porting the permanent discontinu-
ance of non-academic evaluations
in women's residence halls.
The motion followed two at-
tempts to pass legislation limiting,
but retaining, the present forms.
The first of these motions, vetoed
last week, asked that the 'evalua-
tions be allowed only if women in
the halls could read them before
they were filed with the Dean of
The second motion called for
the removal of paragraphs five
and six of .the evaluations, which

concern appearance and social and
emotional adjustment. It was ve-
toed on the grounds that without
these segments of the forms, the
evaluations would serve little pur-
The forms are filled out by resi-
dent directors and/or counselors
in both residence halls and sorority
houses. The main question wlh,ich
was raised at the ADC meeting
was whether or not a housemother
is capable of estimating the ma-
turity and social acceptance of
over 100 women.
A committee of five Assembly

representatives has been estab-
lished to investigate the theoreti-
cal duties of housemothers and
counselors. It will then attempt' to
decide if they fulfill their obliga-
tions and are qualified to evaluate
objectively specific and personal
questipns about residence hall and
sorority members.
.The committee will also seek to
learn if it would be possible for
the women in a particu-lar resi-
dence hall to evaluate their resi-
dent directors in much the same
way, as evaluations of teaching
fellows were made last year.

Must Re


JLk~.~/ ~

'Cloudy though




--AP Wirephoto
ALL IS CALM--A Syrian army tank and jeep guard a building in Damascus as Syrian revolution-
aries seized control of this northern segmient of the now collapsed United Arab Republic.
Syria To Adopt Neutral Policy

Problems of Faculty
Enrollment, Facilities
Face 'U' in Future
"Outlook -- somewhat
was University President Harlan
Hatcher's message on the state
of the University last night.
But the institution is still
"strong and viable," he told the
University Senate.
On the major problems 6f fi-
nancing which underlies many of
the University's problems, Presi-
dent Hatcher spoke of "strong
talk among the legislators to 'hold
the line' rather than 'see the
needs'." ,
However, state officials have a
"growing recognition that the ap-
propriations made last year were
inadequate and hurt the univer-
sities," he said. ,
'Out of the Trough'
The University is "beginning to
edout emphasizing tha "e must
not mark time again as we did
last year."'
Many problems are not unique
to the University, however much
they may be felt, he noted, point-
world, not only in Michigan high-
er education.
Increasing enrollments and the
need for more -graduate training
create problems of capacity In
And nowhere is ther an institu
tion that is properly fnanced,
nor one that has any prospect of
being properly financed.
Cites Other Problems
Problems of providing qualified
teachers and faculty, adequate
facilities and space, new adminis-.
trative methods to deal with in-
creased size, 'and research and
development programs for gov-
'ernments rounded out his list of
world-wide problems in whose
light those of the University must
be viewed.
But, taking a long-range view,
the University trend has been
"sensational,'" and P r e s i d e n t
Hatcher expressed his certainty
that "we will continue to make
more progress."
As to faculty losses, he said
that the University "has lost good
and great men-but we have also'
gained good and great men and
promising young men, and the
value of this exchange is not yet

By The Associated Press
DAMASCUS - Revolutionary
Premier Mamoun Kuzbari declared
yesterday his government will lead
Syria on a path of nonalignment
between East and West and he
will step out of office within four
L At a news conference Kuzbari
ruled 'out any possibility of some-'
sort of continuing fedleration with
Egypt in the United Arab R1epub-
lic and said Syria now regards

Egypt in the same light as any
other Arab country.
Syria also has applied for mem-
br si of th Arabe League, Zuz-
bitterly opposed ,by Cairo.
Official notification of the
emergence of the new i'epublic
also was .given foreign consuls
here, and Kuzbari said he is hope-
ful that an increasing number of
recognitions will be granted.

U.S. To Stand Firm
Against Communism
LAS VEGAS (/P)-Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson told the
world's neutrals last night the United States is not going to be swerved
by their fears from its firm stand against communism. '
Johso sad'in seeh peared 'for a Democratic rally that
this country is "not going' to yield to the blying andi the uteng
of communism" in Berlin, other world trouble spots or inteUie
Nations. He added: "And we are not going to yield to those who have
i been stampeded by the bullying
Y T A*'1 and blus' tering of om m unism .
IU A Labels "We are not going to accept the
verdict of those who would equate
the morality of breaking the
Protest GroAUp atomic test truce with the morality
11 d of purely defensive measures aft-
Red-Controlled erthat truce is broken.
"We are not going to acquiesce
WASHIGTON(/P)The ousein the novel theory that we are
Committee on Un-American Ac- smhw'raigtepae f
tivities yesterday denounced as the world community because we
Communist - controlled a group seek to rally good neighbors
formed to protest a Supreme Court against an arrogant bully.
ruling that upheld the Inpternal "Let those who follow this
Security Act-but it got no help philosophay search their conscience
from its main witness. to explain their charge that the
The witness, Joseph Brandt of policeman who prevents an as-
New York City, invoked the Fifth sault is equally guilty with the
Amendment 60 times in refusing thug. We are not going to move
to answer committee questioning. from our course or alter our Inor-
Brandt several times called the al purposes."
questions "tricky and loaded" and
accused the committee of "trying
to place me in the position of Sn &uQsts Plan
smearing individuals, and this I .
will take no part in." For' Idun
The committee opened an inves- i~ ~ Ofu
tigation, which continues today,
into the Nationial Assembly for CHICAGO (AP) - The United
Democratic Rights. The group was States government yesterday filed
formed to rally protest against a suggested plan .for disposal of
the Supreme Court decision of more than $3 billion worth of
last June 5. General Motors Corp. stock by the
_____ -- du Pont interests.
Datti ni - O -an The plan seemed to agree with

-Daiy-Larry vanica
DISTINGUISHED FACULTY MEMBERS-President Harlan H. Hatcher and Ivan W. Parker, assistant dean of men, are shown with the
five recipients of Distinguished Faculty Awards: (from left) Prof. William D. Revelli, Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, Prof. D. Maynard Phelps,
President Hatcher, Prof. John C. Kohl, Prof. Albert H. Marckwardt, and Parker.
'U' Bestows .Honors on Faculty Members

'Kuzbari said~ a letter sent to
the United Nations Saturday was
a formal application for member-
ship in - the name of the Syrian
Arab Republic
The United States State Depart-
ment reported that the break-way
regime has asked for diplomatic
recognition, but the United States
government was in no hurry to
give it
Washington policymakers be-
lieved there would be much to
lose and little to gain by setting
up formal diplomatic relations
now with the new master's of Da-
State Department press officer
Joseph W. Reap said he did not
know when a decision might be
reached on the Syrian request. It
arrived in Washington Sunday
trugh the American consu gen-'
In Beirut about 500 young men
demonstrated last night in support
of Nasser. They shouted "lotig live
the United Arab Republic," "down
with separatist movements in the
Arab world."

honored yesterday fobrst h e ire
achievement and service to the
University. ..
F 1 v e received Distinguished
Achievement Awards, consisting of
a certificate and $1,000 apiece.
NEWARK GP)-The parents of
eight Negro school children start-
ed legal proceedings ini Federal
court yesterday to compel the
Newark Board of Education to
cease alleged segregation prac-
The parents attempted to have
their children transferred from a
predominantly Negro to a predom-
inantly white school earlier yes-
terday, but were told they would
have to fill out formal transfer
applications before their requests
would be considered.
Paul Zuber, a lawyer represent-
ing the parents, said he "inter-
preted statements of the school
officials as refusing the trans-
The officials told the parents
that transfers would be approved
only in cases where hardship is
shown, Zuber said.
"We are not alleging hardship,"
he said. "We are alleging racial

Prof. John C. Kohl of the en-
gineering college, director of the
Transportation Institute; Prof.
Albert H. Marckwardt of the Eng-
lish department, acting director of
the English Language Institute;
Prof. Wesley H. Maurer, chair-
man fte journalism depart
ofe Pbusiness administratio
school and Prof. William D. Re-
velli of the music school, direc-
tor of University bands.
These awards, given at the sixthy
annual award presentation, w/ere
financed by the Alumni Fund of
the Development Council.
In 'addition four Distinguished
Service Awards, consisting of a
certificate and $500 apiece, were
presented to four assistant pro-
fessors and instructors.
Receiving these awards were:
Prof. John R. G. Gosling and
Prof. Armnand J. Guarino, both of
the medical school.
The Chicago Alumni Club pro-
vided the money for these awards.

Also honored were Prof. William
C. Kelly of the geology depart-,
ment and Prof. John Mersereau,
Jr., of the Slavic languages and
literatures department.
Asst. Prof. Lawrence B. Sbo-
bodkin,ofh zology departet
who, on May 4,recedved the $750
annual Henry Russel Award, the
highest award given to one of his
rank at the, University, was pre-
sented a certificate in recognition
of- his achievement.
Prof. Kohl was cited for his
authoritative judgment -in traffic
problems, which is sought through-
out the nation; Prof. Marckwardt
was commended for his work in
the fields of English language and
linguistics, "which .have won himn
international respect," and Prof.
Maurer was honored for pioneer-
ing the developniit of a journal-
ism and founding the 'Michigan
Prof. Phelps was cited for his

For Con-Con President
LANSING (IP)-Republican delegates endorsed Stephen S. Nisbet,
former chairman of the 'State Board of Education, as their choice for
the constitutional convention.
Nisbet was selected on the 17th ballot, after supporters of the
two major candidates--American Motors President George Romney
and former State Senator Edward Hutchinson (R-Fennvllle) -
~failed to muster a majority of

work in the field of marketing
and Prof. Revelli was honored for
"his Insistence on quality and hi
extraordinary organizing talent.

Rise in State
up onl about the r cent thi
year, in comparison with a6.6
per cent increases between 1959
and 1960.
Michigan College of Mining and
Technology's enrollment decrease
approximately 13 per cent, the
largest change among the states
Present estimates show a dro
of 415 from 3,165 to 2,750.
Sault Branch
However Michigan Tech's bdranch
at Sault Ste. Marie has Increased
ts students body by' 13 from 487
to 500.
IMichigan Tech's budget de-
Wayne State Unlversitys ein
rollment experienced a dip from
21,534 to- approximately 2,000,
planned by WSU officials to per-
mtoperation withi their 1.
Major rises came at Frris In
siueand Northern Michigan
College where 'enrollments are u
12 per cent. Total enrollments
at Ferris are now estimiated to be
3,660, Northern MichIgan, 350%O
An estimated 100,400. tudent
are presently listed on te rolls o
the state's nine colleges, an ' I-
crease of about 2,780 over lst
year. Appropriations by the legis
rlature rose slightly, too, from
$103.7 million to $109.5 million
MSU Increase
Michigan State University has
announced an increase ofonly
172 plus an additional Increase of
160 at its Oakland branch, giving
it a tostal enrollment of 23,705.
Central Michigan Universityin-
creased its enr'ollment just as
planned ,from 5,038 to approxi-
mately 5,300.- .astiern Michigan
University also rose to approxi
mately 5,300 from 5,121.
Following the general trend,
Western Michigan Universityin
creased by 173 students, giving i
a total enrollment of saproximate-
ly 9,500.
Rulsk Confers
We1 i 1


Good Humor Mian Stays To Sell Goodies
.......**.. Traditionally, the Good Humor
~ ;':::~:.:man pulls up stakes ' on Sept. 30
Siarnd is not seen again until mid-
i N a April.
s i But, this year, due to an excess
i N of ice cream rather than warm
i temperature, Don Van. Arman, a
3 9 familiar figure to lovers of ice
Scream, faithfully remained at his
* post near the Administration Bldg.
? e s until the last chocolate malt goodie
2 6 had been sold.

votes in the GOP caucus.
Selection of Nisbet by Repub-
licans, who hold a 99-45. major-
ity of the convsention seats, is
tantamount to election and makes
the official vote today a mere
Nisbet emerged as the compro-
mise choice of the GOP delegates
after the fortunes of Romney and
Hutchinison see-sawed through the
first 15 ballots. Romney was a
choice of the liberal-moderate
bloc, while Hutchinson was back-
ed by the conservatives.
Asked how he classified him-
self, Nisbet replied.:
%I'd say I'm a moderate. I'm
for a balanced constitution that
will give stature and strength to
the individual sections. ~
Nisbet, a retired baby food man-
ufacturer, said he voted against
calling a constitutional conven-
tion but that since a- majority of
the voters have shown they want
it "I think we should do the very
best we can with it."
Wheni the 15th ballot was counlt-
ed, Nisbet polled a surprising 27
votes, Romney had 26 and Hutch-

Van Arman, who gladly admits
to being the "fattest Good Humor
man in this area," will earn his
living for the 'next month by
collecting unemployment insur-
ance. After this break in his rou-
tine, he will again be driving a
truck until February. But this time
its content will be heating oil.
After a season of hard 'work,
Van Arman will take his leave
with wi fp and nnmih~u with fam -

monomo aamaM M~aMM MEN~on asena nana______________________d i e

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