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October 01, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-01

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AG TIMER-a .a~


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Syrian Revolt Ends

UAR Pact

Katanga Announces
Agreements with UN

By The Associated Press forced after the unsuccessful try
The rupture of the Damascus- by Premier Abdel Karim Kassem
Cairo partnership in the United to annex Kuwait last summer. As
Nations grew more complete yes- Arab nations choose up sides for
terday as all Egyptians were or- and against the Syrians, Kassem
dered out of Syria. n gis h yinKsen
dere outof Sria.may find new allies.
A military communique broad- The Syrian action has height-
cast by Radio Damascus instruct- ened strains inthe Arab league
ed Egyptians, both civilians and and this may be reflected in such
members of the armed forces, to places as the Asia-African bloc
present themselves at military in the United Nations.
headquarters tomorrow for ship- U
ment home. Until now, Nasser has been gen-
Several thousand probably are erally recognized, however re-
affected by this immediate sequel luctantly by some, as the general
to the successful revolt Thursday spokesman for the Arab world.
against President Gamal Abdel Dissolves Army Command
Nasser's administration. With Syrian nationhood reas-
Causes Splits serted, Premier Mamoun Kuz-
Whatever the final result of bari's new civilian regime yester-
the revolt, it has already caused day dissolved the army revolution-
splits in the Arab world that will ary command which boosted him
be a long time healing. to power and raised flags of the
The revolt may also ease the Syrian Arab Republic over gov-
isolation into which Iraq was ernment buildings.

He vowed to give his people a
democratic and socialist life -
based on a stable constitution-
within four months.
That would be by Feb. 1, 1962,
the fourth anniversary of the
merger of Syria and Egypt in the
United Arab Republic.
Syria's role was that of junior
partner from the start. The ar-
my's revoltionary command pro-
claimed its uprising was aimed at
"eliminating tyranny and dicta-
torship and wiping out corruption
and exploitation."
Reiterated Brotherhood Theme
Nevertheless, the old profession
of desire for Arab brotherhood
was reiterated in Damascus and
in some other capitals of the Arab
sphere. Kassem, no friend of Nas-
ser's, called on "our brothers in
Syria and Egypt to stretch their
hands together in peace and loy-

Premier Kuzbari announced the
abolition of censorship at a news
conference Friday night in the
old palace of Muhajerin, which
was the headquarters of Syrian
presidents before birth of the
A soft-spoken, conservative pro-
fessor of civil rights at Damascus
University, Kuzbari pledged a pol-
icy of nonalignment-a policy in
which Nasser has been a world
leader-and adherence to the
United Nations charter.
Urges Cooperation
He urged that all Arab nations
work together "for the achieve-
ment of real Pan-Arab unity on a
basis of freedom and' equality."
Implying that Syria wants re-
turn of its separate' membership
in the Arab League, Kuzbari said
his government is ready to coop-

erate within the framework of
the league charter with other
members of the league. With Egypt
and Syria represented by a joint
UAR membership, the League now
has 11 members.
Dispatches direct from Damas-
cus, accounts from the frontier
and Syrian broadcasts told of a
return to conditions of near nor-
malcy. Damascus banks and busi-
ness houses resumed operations.
An American observer reported
the only shooting in the uprising
came wkhen Syrian troops ap-
proacher the house of Field Mar-
shal Abdel Hakim Amer, Egyptian
chief of the UAR armed forces.
He said one man was believed
killed and an undetermined num-
ber were wounded.
"Few of the ordinary people will
say a word against Nasser," he
reported. "Nasser is still a tough

Kennedy Signs Foreign Aid Measure;
Nkrumah Continues Cabinet Shakeup

Katanga government yesterday
announced a series of agreements
with the United Nations consti-
tuting a. step in bringing the life
of Katanga's war-torn capital
nearer to normal.
A government communique said
UN delegates on the cease-fire
commission had agreed on grad-
ual evacuation from strategic
points they hold in the city, be-
ginning with the Lido swimming
pool and a downtown hospital. It
added that UN technicians are
repairing the central post office,
which is now a United Nations
fortress. It will be opened to the
public once repairs are completed.
The agreement was reached at
a meeting of the cease-fire com-
mission Friday, the government
said. It includes a provision for
normal airline activity to resume
at Elisabethville airport, another
United Nations strong point,
within a short time.
Foreign Minister Evariste Kim-
ba "has obtained an assurance
that the United Nations will not
resume hostilities," the communi-
que added. "Consequently the gov-
ernment asks the population to
keep calm."
No progress was reported to-
ward exchange of prisoners. This
question will be taken up when
the cease-fire commission returns
available for

from an inspection of military po-
sitions in North Katanga.
The chief UN representative in
Katanga, Conor Cruise O'Brien,
said later no formal agreement
had been reached on evacuating
the airfield and the post office
but he expressed hope they could
resume public service under UN
A mixed four-power commission
is being set up to negotiate future
troubles between Katanga and the

Police Curb
LONDON () -- Police arrested
nearly 50 Ban-The-Bomb demon-
strators who tried to squat in the
road yesterday and hold up a
Corydon civil defense recruiting
The demonstrators, young sup-
porters of Lord Bertrand Russell's
Committee of 100 which opposes
nuclear armament, sat down on
the rain-soaked paving in front
of civil defense headquarters and
refused to move. Police dragged
them to trucks.
Lord Russell sent them a tele-
gram of good wishes for their dem-
onstration against what he called
"the callous fraud of civil de-


By The Associated Press v
WASHINGTON - The foreign
aid appropriation bill President
John F; Kennedy signed yesterday
gives him considerably less mon-
ey and authority than he asked
but still provides more than $4
billion for international programs
this year.
The $3.9 million of new money
in the bill was some $800 million
short of the administration re-
ACCRA - President Kwame
Nkrumah, who fired six top gov-
ernment officials three days ago
on grounds they were linked with
SL L 2 3
State St. at N. University

big business, announced further
cabinet shakeups yesterday.
Nkrumah demoted Defense Min-
ister De Graft Dickson and re-
placed Attorney General Geoffrey
Bing with G. C. Mills-Odoi, pres-
ent solicitor general.
NEW YORK--The Cambodian
chief of state, Prince Norodom
Sihanouk, said yesterday hefear-
ed new armed clashes would occur
in his neighboring state of Laos.
"Some countries have placed
obstacles and are seeking special
consideration" f r o m Laotian'
Prince Souvanna Phouma, the
neutralist leader now attempting'
to form a coalition, Sihanouk said.
BERLIN -- The mayors of 23
American cities assured West Ber-
lin yesterday of all-out support
from the American people.

At a city hall ceremony, they
presented to West Berlin Mayor
Willy Brandt telegrams of support
and encouragement. from the may-
ors of 572 other cities throughout
the United States.
ity Leader John W. McCormack
(D-Mass) urged the Defense De-
partment yesterday to train spe-,
cial' military units to fight Coin-
munist guerrilas in undeveloped
* * *

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DIPLOMATIC EXCHANGE-Secretary of State Dean Rusk fin-
ished approximately 13 hours of talk on the Berlin crisis with
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko yesterday in New York.

s; :
-- .....
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RIO DE JANEIRO-The defiant
general who backed Joao Goulart
in Brazil's presidential crisis has
been removed.
Gen. Jose Machado Lopes was
transferred from command of the
3rd Army, stationed in the south
of Brazil, on orders of Prime Min-
ister Tancredo Neves.
* * *
tion's major political opposition
group demanded yesterday that
members of the Trujillo familly in
top military posts be ordered from
the country until constitutional
government is restored.
* * *
IZMIR, Turkey-A leader of
the Justice party and two candi-
dates for parliament in the sched-
uled Oct. 15 election have been
arrested. Police charged them
with impairing the prestige of the
ruling military junta and the state
during the campaign.

Ministers Fail To Reach
Accord on Negotiations


NEW YORK AP)--Secretary of
State Dean Rusk and Soviet For-
eign Minister Andrei Gromyko
concluded their New York talks
on the Berlin crisis yesterday with-
out agreement to start formal ne-
gotiations but with an understand-
ing they will meet again in Wash-
ington next week.
Both men reported after a 42-
hour meeting that the discussions
here have been "useful."
Gromyko, a United States
spokesman said, will probably see
President John F. Kennedy as well
as Rusk when he visits Washing-

314 South State St. NO 5-9141





ton. The day for his Washington
trip is yet to be fixed.
The plan for continuing the
talks in Washington offsets the
fact that in approximately 13
hours of meetings here Rusk and
Gromyko failed to arrive at a for-
mula for detailed negotiations on
a Berlin compromise settlement.
It is still possible, and Western
officials clearly hope, that an ac-
ceptable basis for an East-West
foreign ministers' conference may
yet be developed next week.
In the course of the meetings,
which began 10 days ago,* Rusk
sought to impress on Gromyko
that the Western powers are de-
termined to defend their Berlin
position, to keep their forces in
Berlin, and to preserve their rights
of access to the city even if that
means using force.
May Precipitate War
Some top Western authorities
here now believe that Premier
Nikita Khrushchev is beginning to
understand that if he pushes his
Berlin demands too far he may
precepitate a major war.
At the same time Rusk is under-
stood to have emphasized to Gro-
myko that the United States and
its allies are interested in a com-
promise settlement if a suitable
formula for negotiations can be
The United States secretary and
British Foreign Secretary Lord
Home are thinking in terms of an
East-West foreign ministers' meet-
ing in November or December.'
To Sign Treaty
Khrushchev has declared he will
sign a peace treaty with East Ger-
many this year to give that coun-
try sovereign -control of Berlin's
supply lines from West Germany.
Khrushchev also claims that
once the treaty is in effect the
Western powers must accept the
fact that West Berlin itself is
on Communist East German ter-
Rusk is understood to have em-
phasized to Gromyko that the
Western powers have no intention
of negotiating with East Germany
on their rights to maintain troops
in West Berlin.





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