"Who Are These Guys Mans and Mantle?"
Seventy-First Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Secreey Undesirable
For OSACommittee
" t'
Shifting Tides
In Soviet Union,,
Associated Press News Analyst
PREMIER KHRUSHCHEV'S war of nerves offensive appears to have
reached its climax.
The 22nd Soviet Communist Congress is less than a month off.
Khrushchev seems desperate to present evidence that his leadership
is at once safe, correct and profitable.
The party chief has told the Soviet people the October congress
signals a historic step toward building a base for "Communism."
Some day, he has told them, they will have a society without money,
with abundance for all, with security from war. But building the
, E STUDY COMMITTEE of the Office of
Student Affairs will consider today how
nuch of its deliberations should be made pub-
A decision allowing for a very great deal of
public information is imperative.'
The most compelling reason, and the most
aft-stated, is the immense effect the commit-
ee's actions will have on the University as a
whole, and ,specifically on students, , faculty
nd administration. The committee's recom-
nendations will be considered by the Regents;
he select nature of the committee certainly
inplies that attention will be paid to its delib-
rations, even if all its suggestions aren't ac-
Obviously, the conduct of the Office of Stu-
fent Affairs-or, what will mostly concern the
ommittee, the administration of the functions
iow in the hands of the deans of men'and
vomen as well as housing-most directly affects
tudents. Their non-academic experience at the
Jniversity is markedly molded by the actions
nd atmosphere of the Office of Student Af-
UHE CONDUCT of the office also makes a
difference to the faculty simply because it
ffects the students they teach. Some helpful
>ersonal advice can make the difference as to
whether a student can properly meet his aca-
lemhic responsibilities.
The conduct of student affairs is a signifi-
ant conditioning factor on the total academic
limate of the University.
The administration's professional reputa-
ion, the respect it commands and the weight
ts feelings carry both within and without the
Jniversity depend importantly on a fair, open
tnd humane administration of student affairs.
r'E STAKE of the entire University com-
munity in this matter is so immense that it
s hardly possible to contemplate the commit-
ee's actions being carried out In secret.
But there is no, ironclad assurance that in-
ormation wil be passed on, especially insofar
W the general run of students is conered.
The egistence of the academy should imply
he existence of a democracy. The dialogue of
he classroom, in which all are allowed to
peak, and every argument given its own value
xclusive of source, implies the same thing. It is
model for policy consideration.
its collective conduct, affects every individ-
Ial in the University. They ought to know bow
;ieir uture, and the future of their Univer-
ity, is being determined. They will not know
f the study committee acts in secret.
They will not know enough if they have to
epend on secondary reports of the committee's
Furthermore, students attend the academy to
earn about how they, as citizens, are to govern
hemselves. They will learn only to the extent
hat they all have substantive participation In
letermination of the decisions affecting them.
It is a legitimate abridgement of freedom
f information for the Defense Department to
lassify military secrets. Loss of these might
ndanger the nation's safety. The same cannot
e said of most of the considerations that will
ointo recommendations for restructure of the
)ffice of Student Affairs.
F INDIVIDUALS cannot at least formulate
opinions about their future when they are
nerely citizens of the academy, it, is hard to
ee that they will be prepared to formulate
pinions of the national issues that will affect
hem throughout their lives.
The opportunity to know what is going on,
nd to express their opinions in effective fash-
ns are two requisites for use of the study as
'purely educational process.
Open proceedings can also serve as an earn-
At of good faith on the part of the committee.
he members have continually protested their
asic liberality and willingness to recommend
hange. Students especially have been unable
o totally accept these claims, honest though
hIey may be. The uncertainty can be partially
vercome if the committee publicly evidences
is acting on its avowed liberal aims.
Open proceedings can serve this purpose.
tee can also strike a major blow against the
ather prevalent secrecy in the University com-
nunity. While it is unrealistic to expect that
11 confrontations about all policies be made'
pen, it is unfaithful to the academy's prin-
iples to keep everything of substance quiet...
r to release (or suppress) information through
he fiat of a few administrators and professors.
&h* 4 bwu i4 tI
Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial. Director.
It is surely true that the University's formal'
obligation to student participation-and its
answer to most of these arguments-is met by
inclusion of some SGC members on the com-
mittee. However, on a matter of such immedi-
ate importance to students, the University must
go beyondthe letter of' the law and live up to
its aims of freedom, education and liberality.
Nor can it be argued that the proceedings
ought to be kept quiet because points will be
aired before the committee has taken final ac-
tion. In fact, this is just the point. All com-
mittee actions should be discussed before they
are final. Freedom of information in a democ-
racy implies that the recipients of the infor-
mation be able to use it.
And, it can always be made quite clear the
nature of what the committee is doing, and
how final its reported actions have been.
public may be informed.
Possibly, all meetings of the committee can
be completely opened. But this is impractical.
It is also unfair, because any discussion of
personalities that comes up late in the study
may be best suited to private discussion because.
of the effect publicity would have on the 'per-
sonal reputations of those being discussed.
Anyway, if all forma sessions were public
the committee members would still get together
A much more tenable alternative is to have
many meetings completely opened. It would be
helpful for the campus to hear some of the
discussions the committee will have on the
philosophy of student affairs. This way, the
community will get a feel for the committee's
dynamics and inclinations; it will better be
able to interpret what the committee is doing
because the members will have ceased to be
IF TESTIMONY is to be taken, these hearings
could also be opened, much in the manner of
the congressional investigative committees. This
would let the public in on the data the com-
mittee has discovered.
If the meeting were strongly chaired, it
might even be possible to hold a few open ses,
sions for discussion from the audience (which
would thereby cease to be an audience).
Private meetings might still be held under
this system, though the committee ought to
have an obligation to report much of what goes
on in ,private. Sometimes, the report could
legitimately be formal rather than substantive.
The proceedings can be opened in other ways,
though secondary information is invariably in-
ferior to first hand impressions.
TIE CHAIRMAN might issue written inter-
mediate reports as soon as the committee
finished a discrete part of its enquiry. This
has the disadvantage of being after the fact of
a committee decision.
The chairman might issue oral communi-
ques. SGC members can make open Council
Minutes or transcripts might be provided..
This might approach actual public meetings in
worth, if the records weren't edited to sterility
of tone.
Another action the committee can take to
ensure full public participation and interest is
to publish its full bibliography and working
papers. In this way, the public can reach con-
clusions of its own based on some, facts.
These are a few of the ways-some good,
some not so good-In which the committee
can fulfill its responsibility for open dialogue.
The committee has now to make the corret
City Editor
THE PRESSURES of the intensified cold war
are destroying the cultural exchange pro-
gram between the United States and the So-
viet Union. Last month, the U. S. refused to
complete an arrangement with the Russians
for direct air service between New York and
Moscow, citing the Berlin crisis as its reason.,
Now another major portion of the program
collapses as the U. S. and Russia cancel ex-
change exhibitions among mutual recrimina-
tions of bad faith.
It is unfortunate to see this cultural ex-
change program deteriorate. It had great
potential to prevent war and grave crises
among the two powers. To the average Ameri-
can who has never met a Russian, the Soviet
Union is a country of capitalist-hating brutes.
Likewise, a Russian who knows nothing of
Americans may think the United States a
land of imperialist monsters. Under such con-
ditions of ignorance, war hysteria and fana-
ticism is easil pnerated.In. this day of the
Moderates Activate GOP
foundation alone, he has informed
they, will take 20 years and hard
throughout the USSR in advance
of the Congress is intense. For
example, Pravda says preparatory
meetings to discuss the 20-year
program have been attended by
6,673,000 of the 8 million party
members. About 131/2 million
workers have attended pep talks
on the program and heard 622,-.
000 lectures. Radio and television
beat the drums constantly on the
same theme.
But it still is not enough. Prav-
da, the official central party news-
papers, sharply complains that
there is insufficient 'education of
the workers in the ideological
meaning of the program. It carps
about party functionaries who
"forget to stress the role of labor
in carrying out the program, the
meaning of labor efforts of each
Soviet person in establishing the
base for creating a Communist
* * *
theme that the Soviet people's
material welfare can come only
from their own labor, from rais-
ing productivity of all farms and
factories, from studious applica-
tion to "Communist' morality."
Propagandists, says Pravda,
talk entirely too much about the
idea that building the base for
Communism is a "far-off perspec-
tive," and not enough about the
decisive role of work done today.,
The image of the West as an
enemy 'bent on frustrating the
dream of abundance is being es-
tablished. But fear of war among
the Soviet people is real-perhaps
so real that it can get in the way
of the internal program which the
Kremlin seems to hope will make
the USSR invincible economically
and politically, as well as militar-
To the Editor:
SOME OF US are wondering
more and more about the an-
nual increment of injuries in our
athletic squads, notably football.
When I was in college (now
nearly forty years ago) the major-
ity of the first string were "sixty
minute" players, and I can't re-
member anyone of them being ser-
iously injured. I am told the game
was rougher then and the play-
ers did not have the -benefit of
the protective devices worn to-
day - trainers, doctors, etc.
It appears that this insidious
and inexorable disease "flabby
Americanitis" is taking the meas-
ure of our college athletes.
-Prof. Philip A. Duey
School of Music
The Daily official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building
before 2.p m., two days preceding
Events Tuesday
Graduate Students, expecting to receive
the master's degree in February, 1961,
must have filed a diploma application
in the office of the Graduate School
by October 6. A student will not be
recommended for at degree unless this
application has beenfiled by this date.
(Continued on Page 5)
Daily Staff Writer
THE moderate Republicans hold
the key to the Governor's chair
and a return to executive power
and public confidence for their
The Republicans must not take
their 99-member delegation to the
Constitutional Convention with
the idea of maintaining the status
quo of 1907, or regressing to the
19th Century. Any vote on the re,-
visions on the constitution would
probably be put beforethe voters
at the next state gubernatorial
election in November, 1962. A
Republican would look ridiculous
running on a platform based on a
new constitution which regresses
to 1864 and is expected to take
care of the issues and problems of
the twentieth century.
* *-
BY THIS TIME, some Republi-
cans ,must realize that spending
and taxation is a part of govern-
ment. The moderates realize this
and are willing to spend money
as long as they are sure the money
is going to good use and the tax-
payer is getting his money's worth.
The moderates believe that they
and the Republican party stand
for "the political, social, and eco-
nomic independence of the indi-
vidual." Whereas the "Goldwater"
Republicans insist that individ-
ualism means little or no spend-
ing on social services the moder-
ates say "subject always to the
protection of the essential liber-
ties of the individual, government
can be and must be an affirma-
tive instrument for progress and
social betterment." And by this
they mean spending.
* * *
UNLIKE GROUPS on the far
right of the American political
spectrum, the moderates believe
"Government is not a producing
enterprise. It is a spending enter-
prise and cannot be measured by
normal business standards. The
'profit' or 'loss' sheet in govern-
ment is the standard of service
rendered and whether a full meas-
ure of value is de'ived for each
dollar spent," they state in their
13-point program.
And the moderates have outlin-
ed how they plan to spend money
and what return they plan to gain
for their money.
Meeting in Traverse City late in
August and again in Ann Arbor
during the first weeks of Septem-
ber, eight moderate Republicans
drew up a strategy plan and con-
ferred with other party leaders.
The eight are State Senators John
Fitzgerald, Grand Ledge; Fred-
eric Hilbert, Wayland; Harry Lito-
wich, Benton Harbor; William.
Milliken, Traverse City; Farrell E.
Roberts, Pontiac; Thomas Schwei-
gert, Petoskey; John Stahlin,
Belding; and Stanley Thayer; Ann
THE EIGHT say there has been
a steady shift of power and au-
thority to the federal govern-
ment which saps the strength of
the state and local governments.
Therefore to' build up the state
and put it on a sound basis, the
moderates propose that the state
undergo a complete tax revision,
assume a position of leadership in
studying metropolitandproblems
especially in urban renewal and
slum clearance, plan a revision of
the state penal code, place the
unemployment compensation fund
on a sound financial basis, study
the effectiveness of the mental
health program, and improve aid
to education.
On education spending, the
moderates say that "while a good
education is expensive, a poor ed-
ucation is even more expensive.
Fundamentally, the challenge of
meeting the world-wide social, eco-
nomic and political threat of Com-
munism rests with our American
education system."
** *
SEN. THAYER also explained
earlier this week that the mod-
erates would like to see an ex-
pansion of community colleges to
four year programs which train
skilled workers, who are in demand
on the labor market.
He said that the University was
geared to train graduate students
and other highly educated person-
nel while other colleges are or
should be geared to filling skilled
non-graduate jobs in our society.
Both spheres need more aid to
to avoid last year's nuisance tax
fiasco. Most legislators had prom-
ised the voters that the nuisance
taxes would not be renewed, but
when they got to Lansing they
found that some immediate reme-
dy for the financial situation was
needed. The moderate Republi-
cans began an uphill fight to keep
the nuisance taxes and enable the
state to meet its appropriation
The moderates convinced Sen-
ate Republicans and lacked but
six votes. They worked over a
weekend to obtain these votes
from the Democratic side and had
them Monday morning. But dur-
ing the weekend Republican sup-
port had dwindled.
Meanwhile as the Republicans
lost interest in the retention of
nuisance taxes, the Democrats be-
gan supporting the proposal. But
the moderate Republicans were
left in a\ vise and finally could
not vote with the Democrats in a
losing cause and with the risk
of being labeled political turn-
coats. Finally Gov. Swainson, who
had remained conspicuously un-
decided, came out for the reten-
tion of nuisance takes. But it was
too late.
* * *
THE MODERATES now hope to
return to Lansing with initial
GOP support for their plans and
thus have a sound basis from
which to gather the half-dozen
Democratic votes needed for Sen-
ate approval on some measure for
renewing the nuisance taxes.'
This week Rep. Gilbert Bursley
(R-Ann Arbor) announced that
the legislative taxation committee
heard testimony which indicated
the increased sales tax was bring-
ing in less money for the months
of July and August than last
year. He suggested that the Leg-
islature re-adopt the nuisance
If the moderates can consodi-
date the Republicans by working
through party caucuses and leg-
islative committees, they will ap-
proach the session united and
needing only a few scattered Dem-
ocratic votes which they could
pick up on various issues.
Then if the Republicans, under
moderate leadership, can enact a
legislative program which meets'
the needs of the state, the next
logical step will be to run a man
for governor on this program with
the intention of continuing a pro-
gram of progress. George Romney
of Citizens for Michigan and Rob-
ert P. Griffin of Traverse City
have been suggested as possible
With a sound legislative pro-
gram enacted in January, the ap-
proval of a forward-looking con-
stitution before the voters and a
fairly dynamic leader, the Repub-
licans would probably elect the
next governor of Michigan.
Tarnished Star
Of David",:
EXODUS IS, without doubt, a stunning film. That is to say, it hits
you over the head, over, and over, and over until you are left-
tired-eyed and somewhat blank-minded-in the back of your seat.
This is not to say that the film has no merit. The acting is effort-
ful, and in some cases quite good, the Technicolor is indeed glorious,
and various seas wash over the screen with great beauty. If there is
a little too much emphasis on the travelogue aspects of the Jewish
fight for Israel, there are scenes of incredible beauty. If the emotion
keeps spilling over into really sloppy romance and sentimentality, of
the "I could never leave you now in your time of danger" variety, there
are a few scenes which force some of the heartbreaking courage of,
the post-war Jewish refugees directly on the viewer.
There is one extraordinary scene-where the Jewish refugees on
the ship Exodus are driven to a hunger strike in an attempt to force
the British to let them go to Palestine. The leader of the group-hero
Ari Ben Canaan-tries to force the mothers of children under 13 to
send them back to the detention camp at Cyprus.'
THE MOTHERS REFUSE, saying that they would rather have their
children die in freedom, than life behind barbed wire-and the scene
of their refusal is probably the most moving point in the three and a
half hour production.
The acting is extraordinarily 'uneven. Paul Newman is miserably
cast as tough, romantic young warrior Ari Ben Canaan-he looks and
sounds like a misplaced ad executive. Eva Marie Saint does the best
she can with the part of Kitty Fremont-which isn't much, since Kitty
is probably the most unmotivated annoying creature since the silly
little heroine of "Battle Cry." This is not really the movie's fault-she
was at least as insipid in the book.
The acting surprise of the evening is Sal Mineo-who puts in a
really creditable and pathetic portrayal of embittered Dov Landau.
The film has a message-a forceful, if extremely biased one-and
one the few occasions when it is allowed to seep through, the film be-
comes both moving and exciting.
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