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September 26, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-26

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R d

'Quakers Oppose U.S. Testing



Atom Arms


UAW Calls
Ford Offer
DETROIT (A) - Ford Motor Co.'
today offered the United Auto
Workers .virtually the same eco-
nomic package on which the union1
settled with General Motors Corp,
UAW president Walter P. Reu-
ther conceded Ford's offer follows
broad outlines of the GM settle-
ment, but added "the details are
not satisfactory."
Reuther declined to discuss
specific details with which he was
unhappy, but said "there are sev-
eral things the Ford Motor Co.
can do, ought toddo, and we will
insist they must do."
With final wrappipg. up of a
GM agreement Sunday night, the
union reiterated it expected to
improve on it at Ford, and it has
international, executive board
authority to strike if demands are
not met.
The Ford offer-second in the
big three 1961 negotiations in the
auto industry - came as GM
slowly picked up headway in car
production after a crippling two
weeks strike.
The strike, based on local plant
issues, hit GM in the course of its
bargaining with the union and
closed virtually the entire opera-
tion of the world's biggest manu-
facturing firm, employing 350,000

-AP Wirephoto
PEACE RACE - President John F. Kennedy spoke before the
United Nations General Assembly yesterday and challenged the
Soviet Union to a "peace race" instead of a nuclear arms race.
He also proposed a six-point disarmament plan.
Congressional Leaders
Laud Ken nedy Speech

dent John F. Kennedy's address
before the United Nations won
overwhelming bipartisan praise in
Congress yesterday - particularly
his no-backdown stand on Berlin
and his disarmament plan..
It also received overwhelming
approval from a great majority of

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delegates. But the Soviet Union
and its Communist bloc supporters
refused to say a good word for it.
Sen. Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill),
Senate Minority Leader, called
Kennedy's proposals a "magnifi-
cent hope" of settling world prob-
lems and Sen. Hubert Humphrey
(D-Minn), Assistant Senate Ma-
jority leader, called Kennedy's ad-
dress "the most remarkable and
moving message of any political
leader in the history of our coun-
Western reaction was the most
enthusiastic, but praise came from
leaders of the so-called non-
aligned nations as well.
Troop Orders
- A United Nations official said
yesterday Dag Hammarskjold ap-
proved the recent military opera-
tion against secessionist,.Katanga
and the troop's orders came from
UN headquarters in Leopoldville,
not from the Congo government.
"It would be wrong to assume
that we acted in Katanga without
the approval of the Secretary-
General," Michel Tombelaine told
a news conference. " . . . there
were so many cables at the time
that I could not say who signed
the actual go--ahead."

Dares USSR
To Compete
For Peace
Presents Program
To Freeze Forces
dent John F. Kennedy solemnly
challenged Russia to a "Peace
Race" yesterday and warned the
99 United Nations that unless men
now quickly learn to control their
weapons and their quarrels they
may shortly destroy themselves.
He laid out a six-point disarm-
ament plan, offering to freeze nu-
clear weapons production and pos-
session virtually as soon as in-
ternational controls to prevent
cheating could be organized. He
was challenging the Soviet Union
"not to an arms race but to a
peace race."
Kennedy sought, too, to rally
the :smaller nations of the world
to a campaign to save the UN
from what he considers Soviet
wrecking tactics.
Has Weapons
The president asserted the
United States has "the will and
the weapons" to fight against Red
aggression and in defense of free-
dom. But he pledged himself to
seek a peaceful solution of the
Berlin crisis. He indicated readi-
ness to accept temporarily the
division of Germany between West
and Communist rule.
Kennedy summoned the non-
aligned nations who hold the bal-
ance of power between the Soviet
Union and the allies to reject Rus-
sia's "troika" proposal to replace
the late Dag Hammarskjold with
a three-man board. That would
create anarchy, paralysis and con-
fusion and would "entrench the
cold war in the headquarters of
peace," he said.
Test Ban
The president pressed Russia to
sign with the United States and
Britain immediately a treaty ban-
ning nuclear weapons tests under
international controls. Such a
treaty said Kennedy is "the logical
place to begin" disarmament.
He recommended that all UN
member nations start earmarking
and training forces for a UN
"peace-keeping" force, a kind of
world police force. UN peace-
making machinery also must be
strengthened, the President said,
and the peace-commitments of
the charter should be extended to
outer space before the cold war
gets there.
Luebke Notes

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German Faith
In U.S. Stand
BERLIN (A') -President Hein-
rich Luebke was reported to have
told Gen. Lucius D. Clay yester-
day that the German people have
full confidence in the firmness of
their Western allies on Berlin and
At the same time, informants in
the West German capital of Bonn
said Soviet Premier Nikita
Khrushchev has indicated he may
not rush through his separate
peace treaty with East Germany.
Bonn informants said the So-
viet leader told Belgian foreign
Minister Paul-Henri Spaak in
Moscow lust Tuesday he was not
committed to sign a treaty be-
fore the year runs out.
Bonn officials received this
news with surprise. Khrushchev
previously had stated many times
he would sign such a treaty by
the end of the year.

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n the Know.





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