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September 23, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-23

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"You're Going To Have To Be A Big Man Now"

Seventy-First Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Sellers' New Flick.
Barbs for Everyone
T WO-WAY STRETCH, starring Peter Sellers, is a wonderful farce in
the best British tradition. You can't take it too seriously, or concern
yourself about the moral implications, because this is a world unto
itself. This light diversion takes a poke at prison systems, prison reform,
the British Army, motherhood, and flower gardens.
The cast has a delightful time playing out a fairly complicated plot,
and when it is all over with, nothing much has been said about any-
thing, but for sheer enjoyment, "Two-Way Stretch" is a delightful film.
Peter Sellers, as "Dodger," and his two cellmates are just winding
up a three-year term, in a "modern" prison. The governor is a firm

A 'United Nations'
Needs Red China .

YESTERDAY, the world read that the colos-
sus of the East, Red China, will again seek
membership in the United Nations. Nothing yet
is for certain, a steering committee merely rec-
ommended that the issue be placed before the'
General Assembly for debate. The Assembly
itself must vote to put the issue on the floor
and the Assembly must assent by a two-thirds
majority to the admission of the People's Re-
public into the UN.
For the past 12 years, the American Far
Eastern policy has revolved around an intense
program to keep this from ever occurring. Par-
tially in respect to our despotic ally Chiang
Kai-shek and perhaps to placate the right-wing
of America, the U.S. has resorted to every
means possible including threats to our most
trusted allies to prevent what happened Thurs-
Our policy makers were wise enough to sup-
port the New Zealand proposal which the
committee passed, but our vote would have
made little difference. Fifteen countries in-
cluding the United States voted for the reso-
lution, five abstained, none voted against it:
What is even more significant is that a separ-
ate Soviet resolution was also passed by a 7-3
margin. The proposal's wording would have
shocked an America of the Eisenhower era:
"Restoration of the lawful rights of the
People's Republic of China in the United
The U.S. and ten of its allies meekly ab-
IT IS APPARENT that Red China not only
will be discussed at this session, but that it
will inevitably gain admittance to the "world
governing" body. Our delegate, Charles W.
/Yost, was talking nonsense when he said that
the United States "welcomes the opportunity to
present its views . . ." He knows that his argu-
ments have all been heard too often before and
that no country except the United States and
a handful of others - like the occupational
forces on Formosa-can see any "logic" in
Our UN ambassadors are still clinging (per.
haps less tenaciously) to the old policy, at least
for the moment.

If, when the issue reaches the Assembly, the
U.S. resumes the old stance, it will be com-
batting the prevailing forces of the' day-espe-
cially from the crucial underdeveloped areas
of the world. If our leaders reverse themselves,
their action will be observed back home not as
a tactical retreat but as "backing down" and
the wrath of the Goldwater-Knowland mys-
ticism will fall upon the administration's head
for "being soft on Communism." As far as the
United States is concerned the Red China de-
bate is primarily an American domestic issue,
because That will happen on the Assembly
floor is, perhaps for the first time, complete-
ly out of the hands of the United States.
STRATEGICALLY, at least, a retreat is in
order. Bending to the wind is certainly bet-
ter than being blown over. What is most dis-
tressing is that the issue is looked upon in this
country and in the Soviet Union solely as a
matter of, strategy for gaining control of the
United Nations-an agency to be used as a tool
in the cold war. The Red China issue as well
as the East German question is thought,-of in
the context of a UN participating in interna-
tional strife, rathet than in control of it.
Preventing Red China or East Germany or any
country on earth from participating in world
organization is a blatant disregard for the orig-
inal purpose of the UN. The United Nations is
in no way parallel to a Triple Entente or
True, if we are ever successful in our near-
futile attempt to transform the United Nations
into an arm of the West, we will undoubtedly
strengthen the "western position." But we will
at the same time perpetuate a world struggle
which neither side will ever win, and bear the
onus for destroying the earth's only realistic
hope for survival. Indeed, any of the exaggerat-
ed problems caused for the West by a Red
China in the UN are dwarfed in comparison to
the key issues of the day-issues which in the
real world can never be settled without China's
complete integration in the world's political,
social, and cultural affairs. {
Editorial Director

believer in rehabilitation, and the
sympathy for his charges. He
wakes them up gently in the morn-
ing, enjoys a cup of tea with them,
and even takes their cat for a
morning airing.
Their rehabilitation program is
not all that the governor believes
it is, but he's happy in thinking
that they're busy with their car-
pentry and tailoring, while they
actually are conducting classes in
safe - cracking, and the proper
method of picking pockets.
* * * .
IT BEGINS to look like this
idyllic life will go on forever, but
their old accomplice "Soapy"
Johnson, in the guise of a vicar
arrives with news of a shipment of
diamonds which is much too diffi-
cult a challenge to resist.
The robbery scenes are the high
points of farce and satire in the
film, and they are carried off with
that seriousness of purpose for
which British film criminals are
The robbery is successful and it
begins to look as if the perfect
alibi were flawless. There is a
catch however, and the picture
concludes with a very clever fiual
scene -.
garding "Two Way Stretch." The
sound is poor to begin with, and
the frequent use of British col-
loquialisms and jail slang makes a
few of the scenes somewhat diffi-
cult to enjoy fully.
The second complaint has to do
with the promoters of the film
rather than the film itself. 'The
posters carry a shot of Seller's
girl friend adjusting something or
other, and underneath, it reads
"wickedly funny." This kind of,
promotion is not only deceptive,
but unnecessary. Sellers and com-
pany can make it on their own,
without the added inducements of
-,Richard Burke

warder is a man with boundless
to the
Meaningless? . ?
To the Editor:
cus. You have done something
that has never been done before.
You have chopped to ribbons, a
report that hasn't even been
written yet. I refer to the pro-
posed revision of the Michigan
House Plan which Mr. Hale is re-
writing now.
I agree that a different approach
should be used in revising the
plan. I also agree that there is
a good chance that the report
will prove "meaningless" as you
put it, but I also think that it is
possible that the report will be
a good one.
How can you possibly condemn
a report as "meaningless" before
it is even finished? You can dis-
agree with his methods, his ideas
and his philosophy, but you can-
not criticize his report until after
it is finished. Wake up, Mr. Mar-
-Stanley Lubin, '63E
Moong low
moon belongs to everyone, the
best things in life are free," will
have to be rewritten. The moon
is going to cost $48 billion.
Carroll D. Kearns (R-Pa)


OSA Vote:* A Rubber Stamp?

The Local Parent


In the late Twenties, the University of
Michigan slapped a ban against automobiles
on campus, the horseless carriage having al-
ready become a problen. A Daily editorial con-
demned the action as paternalistic.
For almost as long as coeds have been here,
women's regulations and particularly women's
hours have caused disputes. Critics have labeled
women's hours the greatest infringement on
fundamental rights since the invention of the
pay toilet. They're cited as another gross exam-
ple of paternalism.
The universities are producing people who
accept uncritically whatever they're told, some
claim. Their explanation: paternalism.
Whenever a restriction is imposed or a stu-
dent suspended or a fraternity raided, the
charge of paternalism is sure to' be slung
around. Unfortunately, paternalism (often per-
muted to "parentalism" and also known as
in loco parentis), is one of those concepts more
often attacked than defined.
THIS SUMMER.in Madison, Wisconsin, stu-
dents at the Fourteenth National Student
Congress subjected the doctrine of in loco par-
entis to a sincere (if not exactly 'searching)
scrutiny, passing a Basic Policy Declaration
condemning it and "the educational habits
and practices it justified."
Debate on the declaration was sparse and
perfunctory, but even from this inkling it was
obvious that most delegates had different ideas
about what they were voting on, or no idea at-
all, which probably explains the near unani-
mous vote. It was an important declaration,
visionary and frequently eloquent. But it did
not clear up the confusion over what consti-
tutes paternalism and where, if ever, it is justi-
NOW, ALL MUST AGREE that restrictions of
some sort are necessary in a large commu-
nity, be it urban or academic. Actions which
endanger the society or harm other people
must be prohibited. Such restrictions are not
really paternalistic.
At the other pole, all must reject those re-
strictions which are imposed as a form of pub-
lic relations, to convince the state Legislature
and a vast generalized public that the Univer-
sity of Michigan is, after all, pretty conserva-
It is also possible, though with less unanim-
ity, to oppose restrictions which clearly en-
gender submissiveness, dependence and cow-
mx.Iiie'T rv e mawell hea nnn-naternalistic

because it enables them to escape from a dull
date. And students themselves often complain-
only jokingly, but significantly-that they feel
"obligated" to stick out to the last second those
occasional nights when curfews are extended.
Much nfore debatable is the position which
objects not to specifics but to a tone-a tone
which results when faculty and administra-
tors are automatically acknowledged as .the
moral and intellectual superiors of the students
they teach, These critics are as apt to oppose
the University's protectiveness and frequent
lenience as they are to protest restrictions.
THE CRITICS of paternalism have an ideal-
istic alternative. As the NSA declaration
stated, "The vision toward which we strive is
that of a democratic university in which all
share certain rights of participation in matters
of common concern, and of freedom of inquiry,
association and development, and where pa-
ternalism is replaced by fellowship in the com-
pany of scholars."
Much as I like the language of this quote,
I am not sure that the end sought is achiev-
able. Some paternalism is inherent in a uni-
versity. Students are not business associates or
colleagues of their professors-they are in col-
lege primarily to learn, and to learn by being
taught. This doesn't mean that the teacher and
student cannot engage in two-way communica-
tion-but it does mean that however bright and,
perceptive the student, he will seldom contri-
bute as much as his teacher. The instructional
and primarily one-way nature of the student-
teacher relationship does not mean the stu-
dent need feel intimidated or impotent.
THE MOST VIGOROUS opponents of par-
entalism are inconsistent in their attitude
toward lenience. In theory, they insist that
strict enforcement of the minimum possible
network of regulations eliminates arbitrary ac-
tions and promotes personal character and re-
sponsibility. In practice, they seek incompletes
and extensions as often as the next person. But
even in theory I do not oppose lenience and
the efforts of the University to mitigate penal-
ties incurred elsewhere. If a student is in trou-
ble, I feel the University should do what it can
to help him-even though this may seem to do
violence to his personal integrity, and is neces-
sarily a parental intercession.
Important changes are pending in the Office:
of Student Affairs. Attention will focus on both
the philosophy and efficiency of the present
operation. The question of paternalism will
0--re a m . a mi..,.i

Daily Staff Writer
Council knew what it was do-
ing when it passed its Wednesday
night motion on the Study Com-
mittee on the Office of Student
Affairs, it has taken one of the
strongest and most admirable
stands in its recent history.
It has put the Council on rec-
ord 1) as expressing official dis-
approval of the manner in which
Vice-President f or Student A-
fairs James A. Lewis created the
study committee and made it re-
sponsible solely to himself and 2)
as expressing its intent to delve
into all the issues relevant and, if
necessary, to go on record as dis-
approving the final recommenda-
tions of the study committee.
Other portions of the motion,
SGC's statement that its delegates
to the committee must report back
to the Council in open session, its
recommendations that the findings
of the study committee be re-
viewed by the University Senate
sub-commtitee on Student Rela-
tions and the request that Lewis
make available to the Council the
full report of the Student Rela-
tions committee which prompted
the investigation in the first place,
are of equally crucial significance.
Since Wednesday night, how-
ever, several people have expressed
the opinion that Student Govern-
ment Council did not, in fact,
know what it was doing when it
passed the resolution.
It has been charged that the
motion, was passed "over the
heads" of certain Council mem-
bers who either did not care
enough about thermotion to bother
reading it carefully or who, on
reading it carefully, still failed
to heed the significance of cer-
tain portions of the measure.
* * *
to is the paragraph which reads:
"SGC does not by this action
imply endorsement of the present
arrangement in which the study
committee functions outside the
normal advisory channels of the
University. SGC, in fact, questions
the advisability of this arrange-
ment. By appointing members to
serv'e on the committee the Coun-
cil does not commit itself to sup-
port the committee's final recom-
mendations. SGC recognizes and
shall fulfill its own responsibility
to debate fully all relevant issues,
to initiate proposals, and to re-
view, evaluate and comment upon
the recommendations submitted by
the study committee."
Council, as the body itself is so
fond of pointing out, speaks for
the student body of the University.
When it passes a motion such
as this one, and particularly when
it passes such a motion by unani-
mous decision, is putting on rec-
ord the expression of 25,000 people
who comprise one of the three
major divisions ofhthe Univer-
To say that the majority of the
Council had no notion of what
they were doing is to accuse them
ofah a +.cnnn

topic have appeared in The Daily
several times a week since the an-
nouncement of the study was first
made in May.
-Theoretically, then, the makers
of the motion had the right to
assume that their fellow Council
members were fully cognizant of
the import of the measure they
were supporting. The responsibil-
ity then was completely with the
Council, although the makers of
the motion should have clarified
their position to the Council, if
only as a formality.
* **
pose the Council was not asleep
as some people think it was. In
this case, what will be perhaps
the most significant piece of SGC
legislation of the year was passed
with less debate than was ex-
pended on the purchase of new
chairs for the Council room.
Arthur Rosenbaum asked to have
the two sentences regarding SGC's
doubt about the advisability of the
committee deleted from the mo-
The discussion which followed
was brief, half-hearted and jum-
bled. Rosenbaum protested that
he did not understand the lines.
Union President Paul Carder said
the whole paragraph was unimpor-
tant. Roger Seasonwein said the
statement meant that SGC wants,
and will act to achieve, student
representation in this and any
similar studies.
At no time did either Brian
Glick or Daily Editor John Rob-
erts, the writers of the motion,
explain in great detail the full
implication of their proposal and
ask the Council to discuss and
vote on it as it truly stood. At no
time didl the Council demand that
they did so.
OBVIOUSLY, Glick and Roberts
knew what they were doing. Their
motion was well-thought out, well-
written and expressed the view
point Xhich understanding, a sense
of obligation to the students and
a sense of self-respect should have
compelled the Council to take in
any case. But is this the view
point the Council would have
taken in any case?
The question now is, if the
Council did not know what it was
doing, is it fair to have such a
motion presented as an expres-
sion of student opinion? True the
motion was passed-unanimously.
But if the sentiment it expresses
is not the sentiment the Coun-
cil meant to express, it does not
seem right to interpret it as a
strong expression of unanimous
If the Council did know what
it was doing, there is no justifica-
tion for the absence of a thorough,
searching debate or, if the body
was unanimous, at least a dis-
cussion in which every SGC mem-
ber took part.
This should have been the most
thoroughly discussed motion SGC
has considered in a long time.
* * *
IT IS OF COURSE, less alarm-
ing to believe this' motion was
understoo nna nassed without

OVER THE YEARS I have often
wondered whether Dag Ham-
marskjold belonged to an age that
is passing or to one that is being
born. He was a bold innovator in
world affairs, and he opened up a
future, having carried- further
than it has ever been carried be-
fore the principle of international
action to promote peace.
He was altogether not the mass
man of our times. He could be a
very good friend, but there was a
deep reserve in his character which
few if any can have penetrated. In
the great public world where the
white lights blazed upon him, he
lived an inner life of contempla-
tion and esthetic experience that
had nothing to do with power and
popularity and publicity. His di-
plomacy had a finesse and a court-
liness in the great traditions of
Europe. Never before, and perhaps
never again, has any man used the
intense art of diplomacy for such
unconventional and such novel,
* * *
THE BIGGEST experiment, for
which in the end he gave his life,
was to move the international so-
ciety of the United Nations from
having to choose between a very
difficult police action in Korea
and sole reliance on debate and
verbal expression. He moved the
UN onto the plane of executive
action without large-scale war as
in Korea. This movement from
words to deeds, from general reso-
lutions to intervention, was best
seen during the crisis at Suez, in
Palestine, in Laos, and then in the
enormous, the infinitely difficult
and the infinitely dangerous cri-
sis in the Congo.
I knew Dag Hammarskjold long
enough and well enough, I think,
to understand why he accepted
the risks of opening up new paths
in such wild and uncharted coun-
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
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Detroit Edison scholarships: One De-

try. He was not an innovator be-
cause he had an itch to change
things. He was a political innova-
tor because there was no decent
alternative. He saw no alternative
to intervention by the United Na-
tions in a crisis where there was a
bitter confrontation in the cold
* * *
NO CAUTIOUS and timd man
would have dreamed pf staking
the prestige and perhaps the fu-
ture of the United Nations, as well,
as his personal reputation and his
office, on the attempt to pacify
the Congo. But great as were the
risks of intervention, the risks of
letting events run their course
#ere much greater. If the United
Nations now fails in what Ham--
marskjold inaugurated, the, pros-
pects are that the terrible racial
struggle between Europeans and
Africans will become deeply entan-
gled in the conflict between the
Western powers and the Commu-
nist powers of the Soviet Union
and China.
It was" to avert and to prevent
this fatal entanglementthat Ham-
marskj old dared to use the pow-
ers of the United Nations. The out-
come is as yet .unknown. But what
we do know is that his unprece-
dented innovation in world af-
fairs has run into fearful resis-
tance both in the East and in the
West. Hammarskjold's use of the
UN to isolate and disinfect the
Congo crisis brought on him and
the UN the implacable hatred of
the Soviet government. At the'
same time Hammarskjold did not
have the full support of the West-
ern powers. In Algeria, in Katan-
ga, in Angola, in Rhodesia, and in
South Africa there is bitter resis-
tance to the objectives of the-
United Nations in the Congo.
Those objectives are to protect
the transition from white suprem-
acy, which cannot be continued
much longer, to African self-gov-
ernment, for which the Africans
are so unprepared.
* * *
THERE IS no doubt that in the
administration of the new UN
policy there have been mistakes,
errors of judgment and failures of
personnel. But let us keep it in
mind that the cause of the two-
sided opposition to the UN action
is not the mistakes, which are not
irreparable. The cause of the oppo-
sition from East and West is a de-
termination not to have the UN
succeed in what it is attempting
to do. For if the UN succeeds, there
will not be a Communist govern-
ment in the Congo. That is what

in fact irreplacable. For Aam-
marskjold was made Secretary-
General at a time when the UN
was really no more than a de-
bating society. Except for the po-
lice action in Korea, it passed res-
olutions which aimed at media-
tion and conciliation, but it did
not in any important place com-
mand executive action.
It is easy to say that the world
is not ready for international ac-
tion to establish peace, and it
would be hard to refute such a
statement. Hammarskjold, under
the fearful pressure of circum-
stances, resorted to international
action. With his extraordinary
diplomatic elegance and finesse,
he used successfully international
action at Suez, in Palestine, and
in Laos. As compared with these
the Congo presented a new order
of difficulty, and the outcome, now
that Hammarskjold is dead, is in
the gravest doubt.
* * *
IF THE WORLD is not ready
for what Hammarskjiold felt com-
pelled to try in the Congo, it is
also true, I hate to say, that this
present world is not ready for the
kind of man Hammarskjold was.
He was a Western man in the
highest traditions of political ex,
cellence in the West. Khrushchev
says that Hammarskjold was not
neutral in the Congo, and that
there is no such thing as a neu-
tral man. Hammarskjold was in
fact the embodiment of the nobl-
est Western political achievement
-that' laws can be administered
by judges and civil servants who
have their first allegiance to the
laws, and not to 'their personal,
their class, or even their national
No such political ideal is be-
lieved to be possible or is regard-
ed as tolerable in the' Marxist
world. The ideal is not very well
understood in most of the rest of
the world, and 'there is no use
pretending that such public serv-
ants are not very rare indeed. So
there are times, as now in this
hour of grief and shock, when the
ideal seems to belong to things
that are passing away.
(c) 1961 New York Herald Tribune, Inc.
Old Crow
THERE ARE MORE African am-
bassadors in Washington than
there are desegregated dime-store
lunch counters in the entire do-
main of the ex-Confederacy. It

Dag Hammarskjold

great deliberateness all further
actions of the study committee.
This study is a matter of gravest
concern to every student on this
campus and SGC in dealing with
it must be as fully accountable to
its constituents as it wishes the
faculty and the administration to

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