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September 12, 1961 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-12

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

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Tight Budg et Appropriation Hinders Jxpo


Capital Outlay Sum
Cuts Back Building
Other Institutions Boost Tuition;
Legislature Examines Requests
A lack of state funds will prevent the University from any of
its long-desired expansions this year, although it will not force
drastic cutbacks similar to those at other state institutions.
The rise of less than one-half of one per cent over last year's
state appropriation to the University will prevent increased enroll-
ment, faculty pay raises and the initiation of new programs, Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher has announced.
University expansion will also be held back by the capital outlay
budget passed by the state Legislature, which provides funds only
~i~for the Physics-Astronomy and















Campus Construction Limited Last Year

b. best ... instrument'

1ST Obtains
New Home
The University's Institute of,
Science and Technology entered
its first planning stage in late
1957, Joining the long list of pro-
jects inspired by the launching of
the first Soviet Sputnik.
It was proposed to University
President Harlan Hatcher by
science departments, and is now
members of several University
one of the most rapidly expand-
ing University divisions.
Ground for the new Physics-As-
tronomy Building was broken last
summer, and the familiar short-
cut to the library and South Uni-
versity Avenue is now fenced in
with preparation for construction
of the new facilities.
Plans are also underway for a
new structure to house the Insti-
tute's administrative staff on
North Campus. Offices are now in
East Engineering and at Willow
Another new Institute addition
to the campus, the $1.1 million
cyclotron laboratory on North
Campus will house a new cyclotron
which the University will receive
from the government.
Ralph A. Sawyer, who in 1950
became the University's first Vice-
President for Research, estimates
that construction and installation
of the new $1.8 million cyclotron
will take another year and a half.
He says the cyclotron will be
"the best high precision instru-
See IST, Page 3

Institute of Science and Technolo-
gy Buildings where construction
is already in progress.
Faculty Salaries First
The University's highest prior-
ity fo 'rany increase from last
year's budget was for faculty sal-
ary increases -- intended primar-
ily to keep the University in its
advantageous position in the com-
petitive academic market.
But the hike of only $147,000 to
$35.4 million, $8.5 million less than
the Regents requested and $1.7
million less than Gov. John B.
Swainson recommended, is just
barely sufficient to allow for com-
mitments made during the year.
And the solution suggested by
many legislators, a tuition boost,
dents, was turned down emphati-
primarily for out-of-state stu-
cally by the administration and
the Regents.
Pointing out that last year's fee
hike had already made the Uni-
versity's out-of-state tuition the
highest in .the Big Ten and one
of the highest in the nation, Presi-
dent Hatcher said that this source
of added revenue was no longer
available to the University if it
wished to maintain present stan-
'U' Not Hit Hardest
But the University, at least, was
not forced into the situations of
several of the other state institu-
tions, all of whom suffered the
same type of budget treatment at
the hands of the Legislature.
Wayne State University was
forced to cut back from its usual
admissions level of 2,000 students
to only 1,600 for this fall.
It also cut its medical school
admissions and drastically reduced
its summer school offerings.
WSU received $200,000 less
this year than last from the Legis-
Ferris To Drop Quarter
Ferris Institute, operating on
a four-quarter system, was forced
to reduce operations for the fourth
quarter of this year to about 20
per cent of the planned level and
to eliminate the fourth quarter
next year.
The Institute was also forced to
turn down already accepted ap-
plicants for next fall in order to
bring enrollment down to levels
permitted by the appropriation.
Michigan State University, the
state's four small institutions un-
der the State Board of Education
(Northern Michigan College,
Western, Central and Eastern
Michigan Unversities) and the

Sports Editor
The University's construction
program moved ahead slowly last
year, held back by a lack of state
capital outlay funds.
The $1.2 million dollar Phar-
macy Rsearch Bldg., financed by
federal and private money, topped
the list of completed buildings.
The state did provide $7 million
in capital funds, which were used
to start the North Campus Cyclo-
tron Laboratory and the Physics-
Astronomy Bldg., which will be
located next to the East Engineer-
ing Bldg. on East University Ave.
In addition, an addition to the
Student Activities Bldg. financed
by student fees, was opened for
business in the fall.
The pharmacy building, devot-
ed to advanced research, has spe-
cial laboratories to handle radio-
active chemicals, a sterile prepara-
tion laboratory, a low-temperature
laboratory and two phytotrons
which can duplicate any climatic
Cyclotron Lab
The $1.1 million cyclotron lab-
oratory, built to hold the $1.8
million cylclotron given to the
University by the Atomic Energy
Commission, is now under con-
struction and should be in use by
1963. It will take two and one-half
years to complete installation of
the massive cyclotron. A smaller
atom smasher, located in Randall
Laboratory will also be housed in
the structure.
Old East Hall, condemned by
the fire marshal over 20 years
ago, was torn down last year to
make way for the Physics-Astron-
omy Bldg. Plans for the building
have been completed.
SAB Addition
The $950,000 addition to the
Student Activities Bldg. also saw
completion this summer, two
months ahead of schedule. Financ-
ed through student fees, thethree-
story, 35,000 square foot addition
houses administrative student ser-
Attheir July meeting, the Re-
gents approved preliminary plans
for a cooperative housing project
to hold 420 women. The state Leg-
islature authorized the building as
a self-liquidating project in the
spring session.
The Regents approved bids this
summer for the new physical med-
icineand rehabilitation center to
be installed in the basement of
University Hospital. The renova-
tion and addition to the hospital
will cost $1.8 million, $600,000 of
which will come from the United
States Public Health Service and
the rest from state funds.
Largest Center
The rehabilitation center, when
completed, is expected to be one of
the finest equipped and largest in
the nation.
Bids 'have also been taken for
'the $1.75 million Kresge Hearing
Research Institute. Stanley S.
Kresge, president of the Kresge
Foundation, presented the first
$200,000 payment toward the
building a year ago. The struc-
ture will be attached to the pres-
ent Kresge Medical Research Bldg.
Free Issue
Today's edition of The Daily
is being distributed free to all
University students.
There will be another free
edition Friday which will con-
tain all recent University news
and other stories of all recent
University news and other
stories of interest to students
and the University community.

RESEARCH EXPANSION-The $1.2 million Pharmacy Research Bldg., dedicated in December, is
the latest structure completed in the University's expansion program, stressing science and engineer-
ing buildings.

Board Affirms Plan~e
For Third 'Semester
New Calendar To Boost Capacity,
Enable Students To Finish Faster
The University took its first major steps toward meet-
ing the onrushing wave of college-bound youth this year
by adopting radical changes in its academic calendar.
Early this June, the Regents formally endorsed a faculty
committee's recommendation that the University add a third
"split" semester to its present operation.
They called for a gradual transition into the new year-s
round integrated operation that will be fully achieved by

Branches Serve Local Areas

,- - _

In outlining the beginnings of
the University's Dearborn Center,
Vice-President William Stirton,
center director, stressed that "in-
dustry came to the University and
showed us their man-power needs.
"We agreed to mark out a pro-
gram with these components: en-
gineering, business administration
and liberal arts." Stirton said that
the liberal arts program was in-
cluded because the University did
not want a technical school alone.
It was decided to butress the lib-
eral arts program with teacher
Total Enrollment
Total enrollment for the center
was planned to eventually reach
2,700 students, divided equally be-
tween each of the component de-
partments. Instruction is limited to
the junior, senior, and graduate
levels only. This plan is designed
to encourage community college
In planning the center Stirton

said that the University figured
out the necessary square-footage.
It was then determined that $10
million would be necessary to
build the center. This money was
given to the University from var-
ious state industries, the Ford
Motor Co. and the Ford Fund
contributed $6.5 million..
There were "no strings attached
to this money,"- said Stirton.
"These are untrammeled gifts. We
are the architects of the Center
Although it was expected that
most of the student body would be
graduates of community colleges,
Stirton said that enrollment also
comes from four year schools.
There are no residence halls on
the campus now. "Most of the stu-
dents are commuting or are liv-
ing in rooming houses around
Dearborn," Stirton said.
It will be at least five or six
years before new buildings will be
necessary, Stirton indicated. "We
planned enough for the future."

The graduate program is in-
creasing in importance, he said.
As' an example of the programs
carried out at the Center, "two
of the big auto companies are
going into unified body construc-
tion. This involves resistance
welding and new metallurgy. En-
gineers are needed for this. These
companies want their present en-
gineers trained for the new de-
Quarter System
The Dearborn program is unique"
in that the center operates on the
quarter system with alternation
of classes and on-the-job training
in certain curricula, notably the
engineering and business adminis-
tration programs. The student
works one semester and attends
classes the next.
As the student takes more ad-
vanced classes his work assign-
ments also increase in challenging
the student.
See BRANCHES, Page 2

1965, the year that a 30 per
cent rise in University appli-
cants is expected.
Accelerated Education
Year-around operation, if proper
finances are available from the
state legislature, will enable a
student tocomplete his under-
graduate degree in two-and-one-
half years, and earn his master's
four years after high school grad-
uation. By shortening the time re-
quired for a degree, the Univer-
sity can handle more students.
The proposed schedule would
move the. beginning,- of the first
semester back to the last week in
August. This term would run about,
15 and one-half weeks, ending be-
fore Christmas vacation.
The second semester begins im-
mediately after a two-week break
serving as the Christmas vacation.'
The plan has provisions including
and excluding a one-week spring
The third "split" semester will
begin in mid-May and run through
August. It will consist of a 16-week
period divided into eight-week
Split Courses
Some courses would be offered
the first period, some during the
second and, others during both.
This will'depend on the individual
instructional departments.
The transition to the new cal-
endar will be a gradual one, with
detailshworked out as experience
with the new operation grows.No
changes will be mtade' during this
academic year, but the registration
and orientation period next fall
will be moved back to an earlier
The faculty commission which
proposed the calendar revisions
adopted by the Regents was ap-
pointed by University President
Harlan Hatcher after the Regen.ts
See FULL-YEAR, Page 9

Lewis Picks
OSA- Study
Critical study of the Office of
Student Affairs with -a view to
structural reorganization--is now
A six-man faculty committee,
appointed by Vice-President for
Student Affairs James A. Lewis,
will meet throughout the semes-
ter and present their recommenda-
tions to him in January.
Appointment of the group to
study the structure of the student
affairs office is one of the steps
taken by the administration in
response to the, Faculty Senate
student relations committee ie-
port to Lewis on the student af-
fairs office and the philosophy of
the University - student relation-
ship in general.
The study group is composed
of faculty members interested and
experienced in the many areas
that are the concern of Lewis'
office-judiciary systems, academ-
ic and psychological counseling,
residence halls, student govern-
ment. In the course of their dis-
cussions, they will have the oppor-
tunity to consult experts on these
matters from outside the Univer-
sity if they wish to.
Full student participation in the
committee discussions will be ar-
ranged early this semester, Lewis
has promised. He plans to discuss
with Student Government Council
methods by which students might
See FACULTY, Page 8

Daily Seeks. Editorial, Business Staff Members

President's Welcome
I extend a most cordial welcome to all students who are
beginning their first period of study at the University.
Detlev Bronk, an alumnus of this University, former Presi-
dent of Johns Hopkins University, and now President of the
Rockefeller Institute, when he addressed a special convocation
in Ann Arbor on January 29, 1960, said:
"As I came out from Detroit a few hours ago, I
kept thinking to myself, why is it that I have such a
warmth for Ann Arbor and the University? I recalled
then the words of Frank Abrams when he was speaking
at Oberlin a few years ago, 'This is America as we want
it.' Why is Ann Arbor America as I want it? Because
it's a community of reasonable people and a com-
munity of intellectual people who are willing to make
the hard choice between the important and the unim-
portant. It is a community of people devoted to the
better and deeper understanding of man so that we can
build a more worthwhile life for the future of our chil-
My wish to you who are now joining the University is that
you make "the hard choice between the important and the

The Michigan Daily offers op-
portunity for journalistic experi-
ence and training in many fields
to University students.
The editorial, business and
sports staffs welcome those inter-
ested in advertising, circulation,
news and editorial writing.
Photographers are also needed.
With far-ranging reporters and
Associated Press teletypes The
Daily covers events and trends
of both campus and nation-wide
interest. An "'open-forum" editor-
ial policy enables staff members
to analyze and comment on all
topics of interest to them.
The sports staff covers both
intramural and varsity sports
events, as well as Big Ten meets.
The Daily also provides unique
business training since it sup-
ports itself by means of adver-
tising and subscriptions.



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