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September 23, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-23

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Warm today and tonight
with chance of showers.

See Page 4

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Literary College
Enrollment Rises
Gain of 616 Startles LSA Officials;
Engineering Numbers Drop 163
The breakdown of University enrollment figures released yester-
day showed a highly unexpected rise of 616 students in the literary
college enrollment.
They also showed the expected* rises at the Dearborn Center
Flint College and in the garduate school. The engineering college
enrollment dropped 163 students from last year to a total of 2910.

Motion on OSA Study' Unit
Causes Varied Comment

U.S. Asks UN Assembly



New Leader,

This drop was due primarily
Honors Gets
Most Pu Ipils
Non-Michigan students make
only one-third of the freshma
class, but 70 per cent of the nu
ber admitted to the literary co
lege honors program this fall.
The large majority held by ou
of-state residents reverses a pr
vious trend toward a high pe
centage of Michigan students. F
the first two years of the honor
program, state students made
half the enrollment with the fi
ures moving toward a 60-40 sp:
in their favor last year.
Prof. Otto G. Graf, director
the Honors Council, explained th
this was the first year in whic
College Entrance Examinati
Board's Scholastic Aptitude Tec
results were available on all Mich
igan applicants.
Out-of-state students have lo
been required to take the SA
before admission.
More Conservative Selection
"Selection of in-state studen
was a little more conservative tli
year as we had more concret
evidence on their abilities thi
ever before," he said.
Applicants for the class of '
were required to take the SAT
part of a program to test ti
effectiveness of these examine
tions. The results are not present
used as admission criteria for i
itial entrance into any of t
University's undergraduate schoo
Prof. Graf had personal inte
views with the bulk of the 24
freshmen admitted into the pr
gram. Those invited to participa
in the Unified Science sequen
met with Prof. A. Bruce Clarke
the mathematics department.
Discover Motivation
"We tried to get away from t
test scores and high school tra
script in these half hour inte
views and discover the student
motivation for college study an
his breadth of interests as be
we could," Prof. Graf said.
Noting a sharp jump in t
number of freshmen who receiv
advanced placement credit un
der other CEEB exams, Prof. Gr
reported that 172 students h
showed the results of 270 suc
The advance placement exam
test achievement in special, a
vanced high school courses. Co
lege credit is given if the st
dent receives a satisfactory scor
Show Advance Placement
About two-thirds of those wi:
advanced placement have join
the Honors program, Prof. Or:
said. Most of the rest are not e
rolled in the literary college.
There are only two state ad
vance placement programs opera
ed in cooperation with the CEK
One Is in Ann Arbor and t
other is located in Grosse Point
U.S. Protests
New Arrests
In Germany
BERLIN (MP)-The United Stat
fired off a strong protest at ti
Russians yesterday because of ti
h detention by East German poli
of two American soldiers.
The two were held by Comm
nist police for six hours yeste

j day on a trip westward along tb
road linking Berlin and West Ge
many. They were released after
Soviet officer intervened and co

to the decrease in the number of
-freshmen admitted, which of-
ficials had know about in advance.
The literary college increase
from 7,400 to 8,016 students was
due to an unusually low drop-out
rate among academically eligible
students, officials agree.
Since the freshman class of the
literary college is now larger than
last year and' the numbers of
transfer students and flunk-outs
approximately the same, the num-
up ber of students returning to the
an college must have been larger
i- See figures, Page 5
than expected, Dean Roger W.
e-Heyns, explained.
He proposed three possible ex-
or planations for the unintended
rs rise, which was mostly in the
up sophomore class;
g- 1) A tight Job market which may
lit have kept students from leaving
college for full time employment.
of 2) Increasing pressure on all
at students to complete a four year
ch course of studies.I
on 3) Competition for places in col-I
st lege which may have discouraged
h-i students who intend to complete
their education-from leaving col-
nT lege temporarily.I
Heyns indicated that some very
substantial pressures must have
been at work to create this sud-
ts den rise of 616 students, approxi-
,is mentely 8 per cent of the total
te enrollment. The normal dropout
an rate for academically eligible
literary college students is only
65 approximately 6 per cent.
as, No Figures
he Although definite figures are
a- not . available for engineering
ly freshmen-yet, the college has suf-
n- fered the first loss in class size
he in recent years. National figures
ls. have been dropping for several:
r- years.
43 Dean Arlen R. Hellwarth cited
°- the community colleges as one
te cause for the drop in freshmen. He
ce noted that many students are
of taking their basic engineering
courses at these institutions and
then transfering here.
he Interest Rises
n- He noted that the difficulties of
r- the rapidly developing field of
's engineering was raising the level
id of interest and ability requiredI
'st of students to succeed in engi-
a- Russians Fire
h Another Bomb
ms I WASHINGTON (P) -- Another
d- Soviet atomic blast was fired yes-
I- terday, the 15th since the Rus-,
u- sians resumed nuclear tests Sept.I
e. 1.

Student Government Coun-
cil's Wednesday motion on the
Study Committee on the Office
of Student Affairs has brought
varied comments from the
heads of groups concerned with
the study.
The motion, which requested
that four SGC members be ap-
pointed to the study commit-
tee also questioned the estab-
lishment of such a committee
"functioning outside normal
University channels" and ask-
ed the student delegation re-
port back to the Council in
open session regarding the
proceedings of the study com-
Asks Release
The resolution requests that
the report of the University
Senate's Student Relations
Subcommittee, which made the
original study of OSA, be giv-
en to the Council. It also calls
for appointment of one mem-
ber of the original student
group involved in the study as-
an ex-officio, non-voting mem-
ber of the study committee.
The student group, w.which
compiled information on OSA
last spring, consists of the 1961
Daily senior staff and three
Zembers of the SGC Human
Relations Board. (Five of these
students are still on campus.)
Vice -President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis refus-
ad to comment on the motion
until after thesstudy commit-
tee meets Tuesday.
Prof. John Reed of the Law

School, chairman of the study
committee, expressed surprise
at the SGC proposal.
"My understanding was that
the committee invited two stu-
dents to join the committee,"
he said.
"I have no personal objection
to having more student mem-
bers, but as chairman of the
committee I am anxious to
keep the total number within
manageable limits so that work
can proceed as quickly as pos-
To Consider
Reed said he is certain the
committee will consider the
possibility of accepting four
SGC members and an ex-offi-
cio member at its Tuesday
meeting. "But the committee
must reserve the right to de-
cide," he said.
The committee is already
considering the possibility of
making its proceedings open.
"But," Reed said, "should the
study begin to involve discus-
sions of personalities, informa-
tion might be brought up which
would be both touchy and only
secondarily relevant to the
committee procedure."
General Study
He said the committee's
study of individual posts with-
in OSA is intended to be pri-
marily general and structural
and not personal.
Reed was "somewhat dis-
mayed" at the prospect of hav-
ing student members report
back to SOC in open meeting
for purposes of discussion and

"Sometimes it is best to con-
sider unfinalized points be-
tween meetings," he said. "If
the committee's actions are
subject to weekly review by an-
other body, statements which
were only first impressions or
suggestions by committee mem-
bers will take on the character
of final decisions."{
Ad Hoc Group
Regarding the statement that
SGC does not necessarily ap-
prove of the establishment of
the committee "functioning
outside the normal University
channels" he said, "Certainly
this is an ad hoc committee. It
was approved for a specific
purpose by Vice-President Lew-
"It may be outside the reg-
ular channels of study, but
then so is the charge levelled
against the Office of Student
Speaking for the student re-
lations subcommittee, Prof.
Marvin Pelheim of the English
department expressed complete
approval of SGC's action.
Felheim, the chairman of
the subcommittee, said, "We
are very enthusiastic about the
motion. We are definitely of the
opinion that students should be
a part of the study committee.
"We are not particularly con-
cerned over the exact number,"
he said, "but we certainly
agree. that they should be ap-
pointed through and responsi-
ble to SOC.,
See OSA, Page 2

Re ject Troika Proposal

CONFERENCE - West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer,
right, discusses problems with his Economics Minister, Ludwig
Report New U.S. Stand
On East German Issue,
BERLIN (JP)-Informed authorities indicated yesterday that:Unit-
ed States spokesmen in Germany had taken a new blunt line with
the West German government.
(At the same time, State Department officials in New York and
Washington referred to unidentified "rumors from Germany attributed
to American sources" as "highly inaccurate." The department state-
ment continued that the United ~

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GM Makes
New Tries
with Talks
DETROIT (-) - The United
Auto Workers and GeneralrMotors
made slow progress yesterday in
joint efforts to speed settlement
of a strike that has crippled GM's
car production for the past two
UAW officials and GM labor re-
lations representatives met with
leaders from more than a score of
dissident local unions blocking a
return-to-work movement at some
of GM's 129 U.S. plants.
The series of meetings in GM's
main office building and a near-
by office building owned by GM
was unprecedented in GM-UAW
Leaders of locals at 24 plants
were summoned to Detroit by
UAW President Walter P. Reuther
for the talks.
A settlement was made yester-
day at the Chevrolet plant in
Kansas City, Mo., and it was not
necessary for the local union to
send its leaders here. Local lead-
ers at the Chevrolet plant in St.
Louis stayed home because they
were close to agreement.

Republicans Narrow Field
For Con-Con President
Special To The Daily
ST. JOSEPH-Republican leaders at the State Central Commit-
tee Meeting here have narrowed the field of hopefuls for the post of
president of the constitutional convention.
Front running American Motors President George Romney is
getting a strong challenge from former State Senator Edward Hutch-
inson (R-Fennville), who is receiving support from the State Farm
Bureau Director Stanley Powell and former State Treasurer D. Hale

Iranian Say
Soviet Plan
Hammrarskjold Death,
Berlin Crisis Seen
As Major Problems
United States yesterday urged the
United Nations General Assembly
to defy Soviet opposition and
name an outstanding world leader
as temporary secretary-general.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
issued a statement asking quick
action as the 99-nation assembly
plunged into opening policy de-
The situation caused by the
death of Secretary-General Dag
Hammarskjold and the Berlin
crisis quickly emerged as the two
top issues troubling world leaders.
Rejects Troika
Zentaro Kosaka, Japanese for-
eign minister, told the assembly
his country could not support the
Soviet troika plan for a three-man
UN executive, made up of repre-
sentatives of the Communist,
Western and neutral nations.
"Such a system would bring into
the key position in the UN con-
flicts that exist between different
political philosophies and systems,
paralyze the functions of the Sec-
retariat and destroy the very basis
of its international neutrality," he
Hossein Ghods Nakhai, Iranian
foreign minister, said Troika
would deal a mortal blow to the
Ask Berlin Settlement
The Iranian and Japanese for-
eign ministers,'along with Brazil-
ian Foreign Minister Afonso Ari-
nos de Melo Franco, all appealed
for a negotiated settlement of the
Berlin crisis.
The Brazilian expressed hope
that President John F. Kennedy
and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
chev would reach a compromise
on Berlin.
Kosaka said the only way is
through negotiations. He backed
the Western view that four-power
rule over Berlin cannot be set
aside by any one power.
Rule Out Force
The Iranian appealed to both
East and West to rule out use of
force in the Berlin crisis.
Rusk's views, were disclosed in
a statement distributed at the UN
and delivered also in a speech to
the foreign press association in
New York.
It gave impetus to a move by a
group of middle-of-the-road coun-
tries who were behind a proposed
resolution to name a stop-gap
head for the UN secretariat. More
than 30 countries were reported
to have lined up in support of the
Rusk said the UN is at a critical
crossroads because of Hammar-
skjold's death at a time when the
organization is engaged in urgent
peace-keeping action in the Congo,
the Middle East and elsewhere
throughout the world.
He said the troika plan would-
paralyze the executive and cause
irreparable damage.

Discount Others
General agreement discounts the chances of
versity President John A. Hannah, who didn't
Prof. James K. Pollock of the po-

Michigan State Uni-
attend the meeting,

Miller Says Kennedy,
Aides Failed Promises
Special To The Daily
ST. JOSEPH-"These Democrats do not understand Communism;
they never have and they never will."
These were the words of Republican National Chairman Rep.
William E. Miller (R-NY), as he addressed verbal pot-shots at the
administration of President John F. Kennedy last night at the meeting
of state Republicans in St. Joseph.
He rapped the President for his actions in the Cuban Invasion,
the Laos crisis and the Berlin crisis.
Red China Issue
He also stressed the importance of keeping Red China out of the
United Nations. "They didn't need Al Capone on the police force to
help clean up Chicago, and we don't need Red China in the UN to
help clean up the world."
Saying we should not compromise with Communism, he asserted
that "Dwight Eisenhower got the same words and tough talk from
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev that Kennedy is getting, and he
just threw them in the wastebasket, saying he would not negotiate
freedom under any circumstances."
Wt Inheritance

litical science department and for-
mer Rep. Alvin Bentley (R-Mich),
who tacitly supports Hutchinson.
The group was somewhat dis-
appointed when Senatro John G.
Tower (R-Tex) failed to appear1
at the meeting Thursday. j
However, Chief Counsel for the
Republican National Committee
Fred C. Scribbner, Jr., former un-
dersecretary of the Treasury, fill-
ed in for Tower.
He praised the GOP for their
landslide in the con-con election
victory, then turned around and
called them "self-satisfied, stuffy
old party-unwilling to go out and
meet strangers."
In a broadside attack on the
administration of President John
F. Kennedy, Scribbner accused
Sthe President of failing to live up
to his promise of appointing the
best qualified men to office, to
put new life into the nation's
economy, to improve American
prestige ("funny how they don't
take polls anymore."), and to keep
a balanced budget.
He asserted that Kennedy had
provided just the opposite of lead-
ership-"slick salesman."
Meanwhile, the moderate state
senators planned to present their
program to the gathering this
morning, just before the stateI
central committee meeting.
Warns GOP
Yesterday morning Whitehall
.Forum publisher Lewis Berman
solemnly warned the GOP:
"If you fumble this opportuni-
ty, it will be your last for 16 years"
to get Michigan a new constitu-
And according to Berman, the
Republicans have done a bad job
of communicating the need of a
new constitution.

Local Family
Goes to Berlin
To Hunt Son
BERLIN (A)-An Ann Arbor1
mother and father hoped to learn
today on just what charges or
pretext the Communist East Ger-
mans are holding their 28-year-
old student son.1
They are Mr. and Mrs. MillardI
H. Pryor, whose son, Fikederick, is4
held in East Germany, presum-
ably on spy charges. The son dis-1
appeared in East Berlin Aug. 25.1
The Pryors, who heard of their
son 's disappearance through a
friend only last Thursday, flew
here and engaged Wilhelm Stark,.
one of four West Berlin lawyers1
with a Communist license to;'
operate in East Berlin to repre-1
sent their son.j

States would not comment further
on these rumors.)
The officials in Germany are
reported to be telling Adenauer's
government that the West Ger-
mans must face up to letting the
Communist East German regime
have a share of the power access
to Berlin, and that East Germany
is a fact of life which will con-
tinue to exist for years.
This plain speaking started af-
ter Sunday's election in West
Germany - elections in which
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's
party lost ground, although this
seems only coincidental.
The voicing of the United States
viewpoint in blunt terms also ap-
pears to have coincided with the
arrival in Berlin of Gen. Lucius
D. Clay, as President John F.
Kennedy's personal representative.
The Adenauer government at
Bonn has refused formally to ad-
mit that another German govern-
ment, run by the Communists
exists in East Germany.
But actually, the East Germans
have maintained certain controls
for several years over' the travel
of West Germans to Berlin, 110
miles inside East Germany. The
two Germanys also have formal
trade agreements.
This is the way one American
viewed the situation today:
"Right now there are two Ger-
man states, one of which will not
talk to the other. The atmosphere
isn't right for them to talk now,
but in five or six years it may
have to come."

Court Rejects
}Immunity Rule
Within State
LANSING (M)-University Hos-
pital lost its immunity to negli-
gence suits when the Regents
bought liability insurance covering
the hospital, the state supreme
court decided today.
In other action, the court ruled
that a Detroit public hospitalrpos-
sessed no governmental immunity
from suit, discarding immunity,
rulings which had held sway for
over a century.
Its ruling provided that no fu-
ture rulings would grant immunity
to public institutions being sued
for negligence. The full extent of
the ruling was not apparent, how-
ever, since the institutions to
which it might apply were not
plainly specified.
Kennedy, Leader
May Talk Monday,
dent John F. Kennedy and Prince
Norodm Sihanouk of Cambodia
will confer in New York Monday,
a usually well informed source
said yesterday.
The prince, Cambodian chief of
state, will call on the President in
the latter's hotel suite after Ken-
nedy addresses the United Nations1
General Assembly.


Stein Becomes First Honors Professor

A greying scholar and govern-
ment consultant who labels him-
self "if anything, a political
scientist" completed his first
week yestetday as the literary'
college Honors Council's first
Honors Professor.
Prof. Harold Stein, from Prince-
ton University's Woodrow Wilson
School of Public and International
Affairs, will conduct two Honors
seminars on United States poli-
tics and society during his year
stay on campus.
"We have set up honors pro-
fessorships for men of national
stature in fields of interdisciplin-

three hour discussion once a week
where Prof. Stein and 25 junior
and senior honors students delve
into some of the "main themes"
of 19th and early 20th Century
"The reading and discussion will
not be limited to a single dis-
cipline," Prof. Stein said, point-
ing to a reading list which will en-
compass both the Bill of Rights
and Theordore Dreiser.
Plan Spring Seminar
In the spring, Prof. Stein's
seminar will be on the nature of
government in the United States
in the Mid-20th Century.

T;'rmerly a deputy chief of the
Polish Mission of the United Na-
tions Relief and Rehabilitation
Administration, Prof. Stein also
did work for the French Provision-
al Government. "That was in late
1944 and 1945 when I helped
draw up plans for restoring the
French economy."
Like many University faculty-
men, Prof. Stein found his first
class much larger than he had
expected. "There were 37 students
registered for the seminar, several
more than the number of chairs.
I had to cut the class down to a
manageable size."



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