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September 20, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-20

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C20, Y961



South Viet Nam Rebels
Hit Provincial Capital;
Fear Assault on Saigon

Katanga Bars Appointee
Of Leopoldville Regime

Filibuster Bi11 Dies

T ps Ra

'World News Round,1 II


By The Associated Press

Phuoc Thaub
SAIGON P)-The rebel attack
on the provincial capital ofPhuoc
Thanh raised the possibility yes-
terday that Communist forces are
opening a major assault against
the government in South Viet
Nam's civil war..
A .series of attacks around the
country in the past few days was
climaxed when hundreds of Com-
munist Viet Cong rebels seized and
burned Phuoc Thanh early Mon.
It was the first assault on a pro-
vincial capital and the most dar-
ing rebel raid of the war. The city
is only 60 miles north of this cap-
Some observers here fear the
action may herald the opening of
a long-expected assault of major
proportions. The rebels have -been
steadily building up their strength
with reinforcements from Com-
munist North Viet Nam in recent
The province chief, an army ma-
jor, and a number of his military
and civil aides were beheaded at
Phouc Thanh. Several dozen de-
fending civil guardsmen were kill-
ed. About 50 wounded were rushed
back to Saigon.
well informed government cir-1
cles speculated that the Viet Cong
rebels are massing for larger hit
and run attacks on government
bases with the purpose of keep-
ing major government forces tied
down in defensive positions while
the rebels build new bases.


DUBLIN-A British chartered airliner carrying some 70 pilgrims
home from Lourdes, France, crash landed in heavy rain at Dublin
airport last night. Police said no one was seriously hurt.'.
WASHINGTON--Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara yes-
terday announced the combining of the army's "fire brigade" Stra-
tegic Army Corps and tactical air units under an army general.
* * * *
WASHINGTON-The army summoned another 73,000 reservists
and National Guardsmen to active duty yesterday to help out in these
days of crisis-ordering them to report Oct. 15.
BONN-The Christian Democratic Party said yesterday its lead-
ership committee hak asked Chancellor Konrad Adenauer to run
again as chancellor of West Germany.
* * * *t
TUNIS-French troops slated to withdraw from the occupied city
of Bizerte began clearing barbed wire barriers from the streets yes-
* * * *

STOCKHOLM-Sweden will

give native son Dag Hammarskjold
" a state funeral, an honor accord-
ed only one other non-royal Swede
in modern times.
- * *
BERLIN-Gen. Lucius D. Clay,
the man. who broke the Russian
blockade of Berlin, returned yes-
terday to West Berlin and declar-
ed its people "shall always be
.* * * .
WASHINGTON - A sprawling
1,000-acre site in Houston was
picked yesterday for a $60-million
laboratory command center- the
mastermind of America's efforts
to get a man to the moon.
* * -*
NEW YORK--Heavy afternoon
selling focused on industrial blue
chips handed stocks their biggest
loss in nearly five m~ionths yester-

LEOPOLDVILLE () - The pro-
Communist Lumumbist named by
The Congo's central government
last week to take over the ad-
ministration of Katanga returned
empty-hande4 yesterday.
Egide Bochely-Davidson found
himself impeded by a bullet-
punctuated state of siege at Elis-
abethville, the provincial capital.
He spent his whole stay there at
the UN-guarded airport, never
setting foot within the town:
A UN plane brought him back
to Leopoldville.
Anti-Aircraft Guns
Pilots told newsmen the Ka-
tangans now have rigged up anti-
aircraft guns around the Elisa-
bethville airport in a bid to pre-
vent both the landing and takeoff
of UN planes.
There were unconfirmed rumors
that Katanga troops, still roving
through much of Elisabethville,
captured the UN hospital there.
A spokesman reported that the
morale of UN troops in Elisabeth-
ville is high, nevertheless. There
was sporadic firing throughout
the night and skirmishing at a
UN roadblock and around the
Indians Return
Six Indian Gurkhas who had
been reported missing returned to
their unit.
But there still was no firm news
of the situation of 158 Irish sol-
diers captured at the mining town
of Jadotville some 60 miles away.
The UN has said it believes they
are being treated reasonably well,.
but nevertheless is gravely con-
cerned for their safety.
The UN also reported that the
airport of its big Kamina base in
north Katanga still is firmly held
by 500 Swedish, Irish and Malay-
an troops.
Esther Slams
Toward Coast
Of Carolinas
ty-five foot swells battered the
North Carolina outer banks last
night as Hurricane Esther in-
creased a lumbering landward gait
that would carry her along the
populous eastern seaboard, with
winds clocked at 130 mph.,
At 6 p.m. (EST) the Weather
Bureau placed the hurricane 240
miles southeast of Hatteras.
The Weather Bureau called the
storm "large and dangerous" and
said its center should pass "not
far from but to the east of Cape
Hatteras" tomorrow morning.
Hurricane warnings were display-
ed from Cherry Point, N.C., to the
Virginia capes.

In Leopoldville flags flew at
half staff for the death of Dag
Hammarskjold. Prime Minister
Cyrille Adoula declared a day of
national mourning in honor of a
man who was "the protector of
small states faced by imperial
menaces and western neo-colon-
The Congo, declared Adoula in
a communique, has become the
victim of "western financial pok-
er" and "scandalous interference
in its internal affairs by certain
foreign countries."
Many free world diplomats in
the Congolese capital were con-
cerned at the apparent anti-
Western gist of Adoula's remarks.
Battle' Rages
DETROIT (P) - A battle-of-
pamphlets blazed yesterday at the
Episcopal General Convention af-
terp the growing movement for
Christian unity.
Material both denouncing the
trend and applauding it was pass-
ed out ' at booths in an exhibit
room, and among the swarms of
church representatives in cor-
ridors outside the convention ses-
"Individualism versus collectiv-
ism," proclaims one of various cir-
culars assailing organized efforts
"for interdenominational coopera-
tion. Declares another:
'No Church'
"We might well wake up some
morning and find there was no
Episcopal Church left."
In rebuttal,an array of docu-
ments, drawn up by official Epis-
copal agencies, were being cir-
culated calling the charges "mis-
representative of the facts."
The subject of church unity was
a prime item on the agenda at
the convention, which is to act
on a'broad-scale plan for merger
negotiations with Presbyterians,
Methodists and the United Church
of Christ.-
Challenge Council
Also under challenge was the
Episcopal Church's continued
membership in the National
Council of Churches.
Much of the pamphleteering.
campaign was directed at the Na-
tional Council, terming it a "pro-
paganda machine," and "aid to
the communist conspiracy," and a
"Protestant Vatican."
Other leaflets carried titles such
as "Dangerous Trends Within
Protestantism," and "The Threat
of Communism and the Task of
Christians." Some also assailed
the United Nations and federal
welfare programs.

ate dealt sudden death yesterday
to a move to change its rule for
shutting off filibusters.
By an unexpectedly lopsided
vote of 43 to 37 it refused to lim-
it debate on the move and then
went on to smother the proposal
itself by a 47-35 vote.
Sen. Mike Mansfield (Mont),
the Democratic leader, said as far
as' he was concerned that settled
the matter for this year and next
year too.
Mansfield said the voting "work-
ed out in a way I did not antici-
pate." In view of the failure to
muster even a majority in favor
of his petition to limit debate,
he said he saw no point in en-
gaging in "sham battles or fake
The outcome was a major vic-
tory for Southern members who
contended the proposed rules
change was a politically inspired
move to ease the way for civil
rights legislation.
"This movemtochange the rules
is nothing more than politics,"
said Sen. Russell B. Long (D-
La). "It does great violence to
the Senate."
' Long contended that what he

called the right of free debate has
not blocked civil rights bills in
the past, but has made it possi-
ble "to eliminate the most obnox-
ious and ridiculous provisions" in1
Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr. (D-NC)
and Sen. Herman Talmadge (D-
Ga) also denounced what they
called an attack on free debate in
the Senate. Ervin said in some
parts of the country it has be-
come "politically popular to chas-
tise the South," and Talmadge
said some politicians want to gag
the Senate "because it doesn't
pass laws fast enough to suit
On the other hand Sen. Jacob

... another term?

I m

K. Javits (R-NY) urged the S
ate before the voting started
seize the opportunity to strike
what he called "the shackles"
the present filibuster rule.
After the vote Javits told I
Senate he did not consider I
outcome a "reversal,' but rat]
the result of an "ill-timed mov
by the Democratic and Repul
can leadership.
"We will have another oppo
tunity next year," he said.
However, Mansfield said in re)
to questions by Sen. Kenneth
Keating (R-NY) that he cons
ered the issue dead in the 87
Congress. The 87th runs throu
next year.


the most versatile
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GM, Union
Work To End
Local Logjam
DETROIT (A')-General Motors
and United Auto Workers nego-
tiators yesterday went into a last-
ditch marathon bargaining session
hopeful of reaching final agree-
ment on a new three-year con-
tract before dawn this morning.
Prospects were good for settle-
ment of a strike that eight days
ago shut down most of GM's 129
plants and idled more than 250,-
000 of the company's 350,000
hourly workers in the United
The UAW set today as the tar-
get date for ending the strike.
'The union's GM council will meet
/here at 2 p.m. to decide whether
to recommend acceptance or re-
jection of the proposed contract
by rank and file members.
A logjam of disputes over local
settlements was breaking up and
two GM divisions were back in
production yesterday.
At Lansing Oldsmobile -turned
out the first passenger car since
the start of the strike.
GM's truck divisio4 at Pontiac
resumed production of trucks and
buses Monday.

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