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September 20, 1961 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-20

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Colleges Face
{ 'Baby Boom
Michigan's colleges and universities will soon be facing the
"baby boom"-and in addition to the increase in facilities needed
to accommodate the added students, there are two problems
that must be faced, a new report from the Institute of Publics
Administration indicates.
First, population figures indicate that there will be a lack
of faculty man power, and second, the state's colleges are
misplaced in relation to its population.
Prof. David Goldberg of the sociology department, program
director at the Institute of Public Administration, indicates in
k his study on "College Enrollment Potential in Michigan, 1960
75" that there just won't be enough young adults to provide
new faculty members to keep up with rising enrollments. r
College Population Increases
And the enrollments themselves may rise at greater and
greater rates, he explains, due not only; to increases in the
college-age population, but to increases in the percentage of
this group which goes to college. This percentage might even+
reach 50 per sent, he says, basing his figures on the rise in
the similar figures for the past decade.
Twenty years ago, the number of people between the ages
x of 25 and 34 (the group that would provide new faculty) was
fourteen times the number in college. Now it is only seven
times, and soon, Prof. Goldberg says, it may be cut in half <.
College Locations Wrong
Further, Michigan's colleges just aren't where its people
are-and with more students per family expected in the near
future, and the problems of student housing, more provision
must be made for colleges near the students' homes,
Even compared with the present distribution of colleges
in California, Prof. Goldberg found, Michigan's situation is poor
The metropolitan area around Los Angeles contains 42.9
per cent of the state's population and 44.9 per cent of its
students. San Francisco contains 17.7 per cent of the popula-
tion and 18.5 per cent of the students. And the rest of the
California figures run about the same way.:
Michigan's Percentages
But in Michigan, the Detroit area contains 48.5 per cent
of the population and 28.5 per cent of the students. Lansing's
equivalent figures are 3.8 per cent and 15.9 per cent and Ann9
Arbor's, 2.2 per cent and 21.9 per cent.
Thus, new facilities must be developed in the metropolitan"
areas if the state's higher educational system is to provide fully
for the needs of the future, Prof. Goldberg says. _i
Business Leaders Confer
On 'Michigan's Future'
Thirteen major formulae strengthening Michigan economy
through management action were discussed yesterday at the business
school's Bureau of Industrial Relations conference..
Roblee B. Martin, president of a Michigan cement company,
gave the keynote address on the "Management Action for Michigan's
Future" conference. Speaking on Michigan industry's responsibility
vfor its own future, Martin stressed
that management must cultivate
">research to keep up with the new
products and operations.
Management must be flexible in
:.Y order to meet the fluctuations of
consumer demand and the business
cycle. The need for politically
f 4 $: informed and personally active
businessmen in the field of politics
is a must for a fair political at-
mosphere in Michigan.
"When the businessman fails to
speak--nobody else is going to
speak for him," Michigan Cham-
ber of Commerce executive vice-
president Harry R. Hall said.


Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom



SGC To Get
OSA Letter
From Lewis
Power, Wheeler
Leave Vacancies
At tonight's Student Govern-
ment Council meeting Council
President Richard Nohl, '62BAd,
will read a letter from Vice-Pres-
ident for Student Affairs James
A. Lewis regarding student par-
ticipation on the committee to
study the Office of Student Af-
The Council will consider Lewis'
communication and the question
of student representation on the
It will also receive a copy of
the procedure for filling vacancies
left by members' resignations.
Philip Power, a special student
last year and Mary Wheeler, have
left the Council.
Filling Vacancies
The procedure, adopted in 1957,
provides that vacancies left be-
tween elections shall be filled by
all-campus petitioning and in-
terviews to be conducted by a
special board.
The board is to be composed of
the executive committee of SGC
one elected member and an ex-
officio member, both chosen on
recommendation by the executive
committee and approved by the
The Council plan provides that
these interim appointments will
extend only until the next SGC
Submits Motion
The executive committee will
submit a motion that Brian Glick,
'61 and Assembly Association
President Sally Jo Sawyer, '61,
elected and ex-officio members of
the Council respectively be ap-
pointed to serve in the Interview-
ing Board.
The motion also proposes that
the SGC president shall convene
the interviewing board after peti-
tions have been received.
Under old business, the Coun-
cil will consider a motion by In-
ter-Quadrangle Council President
Thomas Moch, '62, regarding "pink
slip" reports made out by the
quad educational staffs on quad
Approves Slips
The motion, introduced at the
May 18 meeting last year, ex-
presses approval of these slips but
recommends that their existence
and nature be made known to res-
The reports, which are submit-
ted to the Dean of Men's office,
become a part of the student's
permanent record. They are used
by quad staff members and some-
times their contents are summar-
ized for potential employers re-
questing information on individ-
ual University students.
They ask for comment on study
habits, motivations and general
attitudes of the student and con-
clude with recommendation that
he be approved, conditionally ap-
proved or disapproved for read-
mission into the quad system.
The SGC meeting will begin at
7:30 p.m. on the third floor of the
Student Activities Bldg. Meetings
are open and anyone who wishes
to do so may attend.
Students wishing to express
opinions at the meeting may speak
during constituents' time.


THE EMPTY CHAIR-The seat at the far right of General As-
sembly President Frederick Boland of Ireland (center) and As-
sistant Secretary-General Andrew Cordier was usually occupied
by the late Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold (above). His
tragic death left his position unfilled, with the Soviets lobbying
for their 'Troika' plan,

-AP wirephoto


Press for
bourns Il

'Troika ,Pl an
tma k l




Truce Talks 13-POINT PLAN:

In Kata nga
Khiari Takes Over
For Hammarskjold
NDOLA, Northern Rhodesia (P-
A Tunisian United Nations official
took Dag Hammarskjold's vacant
chair and opened truce talks with
Katanga President Moise Tshombe
here yesterday.
The role of head negotiator for
the UN fell to Mahmoud Khiari,
chief of civil operations in the
A probe of the plane crash that
killed the secretary-general and
14 of his 15 companions paralleled
the delayed negotiations.
Expert opinion tended to dis-
count speculation that Hammar-
skjold's four-engine DC6B might
have been felled by sabotage or
Katanga gunfire.
Veteran pilots who viewed the
fire-blackened wreckage in a forest
reserve north of this neutral cop-
per mining center said the crash
appeared typical of the results of a;
power failure or faulty instrumen-
There was no elaboration of a
report Monday by the lone sur-
vivor-Harry Julien, a 36-year-old
American UN, security guard--that
a series of explosions shook the
plane before it plunged into the
Badly burned and only semi-
conscious when he was pulled from
the wreckage, Julien was reported
to be as comfortable as could be
expected in a Ndola hospital, but
not in shape for questioning.
"He is still very ill and under
heavy sedation," a hospital sp3okes-
man said. "He has not spoken
since he was brought here."
Col. Bjorn Egge, UN intelligence
chief, said a forensic surgeon has
been flown in to establish how the
victims died-whether in the air
or on the ground.

0Uae IU

SOP Gets 'Moderate' Plan

A proposal which will expedite
"the present Republican platform
into a legislative program," in-
cluding state support for higher
education and scientific research,
has been sent out to all state Re-
publicans prior to the GOP State
Central Committee meeting in St.
Joseph Saturday.
The proposal, drawn up this
August in Traverse City by eight
Republican moderates, among
them Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-
Ann Arbor), covers 13 problems
facing Michigan. In addition to
higher education, the areas of
mental health, economic growth,
taxation and civil rights are dealt
"There is a moral responsibil-
ity to translate programs into bills
which become laws: We wish to
meet the state's needs by facing
the issues," Thayer said.
Fundamental Failure
The eight moderates believe in
state aid to education and scien-
tific research. "If we fail to sup-
port our schools properly it will
be fundamentally a failure to un-
derstand their purpose in our civ-
ilization," the proposal states.
Thayer explained that the 13-
Rusk, Gromyko
Plan Berlin Talks
tary of State Dean Rusk and So-
viet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko are considering arrange-
ments to hold their first Berlin
crisis discussions here tomorrow.
The first contact on setting up
the crisis talks was made at the
United Nations General Assembly
meeting yesterday by United
States diplomat Charles E. Bohlen
and Soviet Deputy Foreign Minis-
ter Valerian A. Zorin.

.flexible management
Sends Threat
To Stockholm
STOCKHOLM ()-The Foreign
Ministry said yesterday the Con-
go Republic (Brazzaville) has
threatened to expel all Swedish
residents unless Swedish United
Nations troops pull out of rebel-
lious Katanga Province in the for-
mer Belgian Congo (Leopoldville).
A Swedish spokesman called the
report threat "a clear attempt at
political blackmail."
The Foreign Ministry said a
1Swedish missionary, Mrs. Linnea
Almquist, was called to President
Fulbert Youlou's palace in Brazza-
ville yesterday and told that "if
all Swedish UN troops are not
evacuated from Katanga all
Swedes living and working in the
Congo Republic will be expelled
within two days."
There are about 100 Swedes-
mostly .missionaries and their
families - in the former French
Congo, which has sided with Ka-
tanga President Moise Tshombe
in his secession from the former
Belgian Congo.
Draws Rebuke
Force said yesterday it removed
two officers from their jobs and
reprimanded them for violating
. rr,, a-rc bino Qthe film "Oner-

Political Cooperation
Martin urged management to be
cooperative with the political pro-
cess. This cooperation would en-
tail considering a compromise
with labor in legislation rather
than asking for all or nothing.
In addition, management must
actively promote a better under-
standing of economics.
Additional Speeches
Depth discussion of.these points
came in other speeches during the
day. In the morning, Detroit Ed-
ison assistant vice-president How-
ard R. Stevenson outlined Michi-
gan's economic balance sheet,
credit and debit side, then Direc-
tor of the Upjohn Institute for
Employment Research Harold C.
Taylor spoke-on the opportunities
of individual firms to stabilize
business in Michigan.
The role of creative research in
Michigan's future was outlined by
See BUSINESS, Page 2

point "blueprint for action" was
sent out to permit state Republi-
cans to "examine the plan and
be prepared to discuss and evalu-
ate its merits. The directional pa-
pers have not been put on the
agenda of the committee meeting.
We do not seek endorsement, but
discussion and consideration," he
The meeting at St. Joseph, in
addition to the State Central Com-
mittee meeting, will also serve as
a preliminary caucus for the
forthcoming Constitutional Con-
vention. Featured speakers at the
Out on Bond
ATLANTA R) - A group of
Episcopal clergymen, arrested
while trying to desegregate a Jack-
son bus station, said yesterday
that they had hoped to escape the
consequences which befell "Free-
dom Riders."
The 13 churchmen, including a
son-in-law of New York Gov. Nel-
son Rockefeller, Rev. Robert L.
Pierson of Evanston, gained re-
lease from Jackson City Jail on
$500 bond yesterday, then flew to
Atlanta en route to a meeting
in Detroit.
At a news conference in Atlanta,
the ministers said that they were
not expecting special, treatment
in Jackson, "but we thought we
might be able to bring about the
break which is bound to come
The group, comprised of 10
white persons and three Negroes,
planned to leave for Detroit today
where they'll attend the. General
Conference of the Episcopal
In a statement read before leav-
ing Jackson, Pierson said the
clergymen were arrested because
they "have been engaged in a
pilgrimage of prayer to testify to
the nature of the Christian
church. We cannot submit to the
immoral laws which demand that
we separate racially."
The clergymen were jailed on
breach of the peace charges after
they refused to obey an order by
a police captain to leave a .white
waiting room of the Trailways bus
The 13 and two others, who are
still in jail at Jackson, were sen-
tenced to four months in jail and
fined $200 each. The $6,500 for
their bond came from contribu-
tions by Episcopalians all over the
nation, Rev. B. Morris of Atlanta
Callig You
The editorial and business
staffs of The Daily will hold
organizational meetings at 4:15

meeting will be Sen. John Tower
(R-Tex) and Rep. Clare E. Hoff-
man (R-Allegan), both self-an-
nounced conservatives.
Hope To Educate
The moderates hope to educate
the Republicans on their program
and to work towards it through*
caucuses and the legislativercom-
mittees both standing and interim,
Thayer said.
Part of the 13-point moderate
proposal deals with the needs of
higher education: "We must real-
ize that while a good education is
expensive, a poor education is
even more expensive," the pro-
gram states.
Thayer explained that the mon-
ey for the schools could come
from re-enacting the nuisance
taxes in lieu of a tax reform. But
he added that the most should be
obtained for the tax dollar.
College Competition
"Competition between our col-
leges and universities in the es-
tablishment and development of
programs should be eliminated to
avoid costly duplication in vari-
ous fields," the statement said.
Thayer explained that the group
proposed a keen analysis of high-
er education. "We must decide the
purposes of various institutions.
The University has a high level
geared to a top graduate student
program. Ferris Institute has
four-year programs, mainly in
technical training for electronics,
printing and automation. Each
school has its aims defined and
each performs its own mission."
The moderates advocate more
"terminal courses fitting our
youth for job opportunities,"
Thayer said, noting that a gap
exists between unskilled labor and
Haimmarskj old
Cash Crisis
crisis; of the United Nations is
not only one of men but also one
of money.
The prophecy of the late Sec-
retary-General Dag Hammarsk-
jold was that the organization'
will be "virtually without funds"
by the end of this month.
The trouble is that too many
UN members have not paid their
shares of the cost of running the
UN forces in the Middle East and
The Congo.
In his budget proposals, Ham-
marskjold warned that unless
there was more financial support
by early next year, it would be
impossible to keep the two forces
going "even on a reduced scale.".
He foresaw that the United Na-
tions would be almost out of cash
by Sept. 30 and would have to

U.S. Seeks
Soviet Union Insists
On 'Team' To Replace
Soviet Union joined 98 other UN
delegations yesterday in a stand-
ing tribute to Dag Hammarskjold
-then made clear it would keep
up its fight for a three-man board
to replace him.
"Any person would not be good,"
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko said in turning down a
Western-supported move to name
an interim secretary-general to fill
temporarily the gap left by the
death of Hammarskjold in an Af-
rican plane crash.
Informed of the Soviet position,
United States Ambassador Adlai E.
Stevenson declared the United
Nations must choose an interim
secretary-general. Mongi Slim of
Tunisia has been mentioned for
such a post.
Opening Day
Thus battle lines were drawn
between the United States and the
Soviet Union on the opening day
of the 16th General Assembly on
an issue that posed a threat to the
very existence of the UN organi-
The assembly opened its 16th
session at 3:22 p.m. EDT and ob-
served the usual minute of prayer
or silent meditation.
Then Ambassador Frederick H.
Boland of Ireland, the Assembly
president, proposed that the dele-
gates observe a minute of silence
in memory of Hammarskjold.
Tragic Shadow
He said the Assembly was meet-
ing "in the shadow of an immense
tragedy, in the midst of deep and
heartfelt mourning which extends
far beyond the walls of this cham-
ber to millions of men and women
throughout the world."
Four minutes after the opening
the Assembly adjourned until 10:30
a.m. EDT today, when it will elect
Slim as president of the 16th ses-
Reporters met Gromyko as he
came out of the big blue and gold
assembly hall and fired questions
at him.
Troika Campaign
Quickly he made clear that the
Soviet Union would maintain its
Troika campaign for a three-man
board to replace the single post of
secretary-general. One would rep-
resent the Western, one the Com-
munist and one the neutral na-
tions, each with the right of veto.
"We must hare three secretar-
ies-general," he said in sticking to
the plan presented t the Assembly
last year by Soviet Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev.
As to the suggestion that Slim
might be named to serve as a kind
of interim secretary-general, he
"Wa hn~i fy +a ninrnlan- .

See What's Really Behind TR's Facade

"I'd like to have my head carved
in the side of this building," Theo-
dore Roosevelt is known to have
said softly upon his last visit to
the Student Publications Bldg. to
inspect The Big Stick that is The
Michigan Daily.
The sands of time have worn
dim TR's image leaving only a
tiny remnant of the once husky
features. But the Big Stick has
grown larger and awaits YOU to
latch on to it.
The Big Stick can be held by
anybody regardless of socio-eco-
nomic or ethnic gackground, or
whose side you're on.
The Big Stick will be exhibited
for your inspection in the con-
genial setting of a Trainee meet-
ing at 4:15 p.m. today and 7:15
n m +fMrr-c, J M a nllnt.11

% d . . . ....



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