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February 22, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-22

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lfir rgan

:43 a t t


Drizzle or snow flurries
to end this afternoon.

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


SGC Rescinds Action
On NSA Referendum
- Carder Introduces New Legislation,
Cites Danger to Both Org anizations
Student 'Government Council last night rescinded its previous
action to refer the question of continuing affiliation with the United
States National Student Association to the student body.
Union President Paul Carder, '62, who introduced the motion,
cited the danger of the vote hinging on partisan, political considera-
tions rather than the value of NSA.
"The Cuban invasion and the House Un-American Activities
Committee would be considered in the campaign on the referendum.
Such debate wouldi be destructive




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Fire Fields
In Dominican
Ists put the torch to cane fields
rand sugar mills last night after
the Dominican government de-
clared a state of national emer-
It was the most serious fiareup
of unrest since the events of last
month when a military coup fiz-
zled after 48 hours and a counter-
coup by Air Force officers put the
civilian government back in con-
The government followed up its
emergency decree, with an order
confiscating property belonging to
several members of the ousted
Trujillo dictatorship.
Informants reported the arrest
of five young leftists charged with
smuggling arms into this Carib-
bean Island nation. President Ra-
fael Bonnelly declared the govern-
ment in danger from a conspiracy
from both the right and left.
Bonnelly claimed vandals and
terrorists were following a plan
aimed at "taking the country down
the road to chaos or totalitarian
He called the state of emer-
gency "an extreme recourse to de-
fend our incipient democracy."
'U, of Illinois
Acts To End
Landlord Bias
CHICAGO (I)-A ban on racial
and religious discrimination in
commercial housing on the Chai-
paign-Urbana campus was adopted
yesterday by Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Illinois.
The effective day is Sept. 1,
1965, but the resolution approved
unanimously by the board said the
university hopes full compliance
will be achieved on a voluntary
basis well before then.
Only unmarried undergraduates
on the Champaign-Urbana campus
are affected. Excepted from the
ban are private homes of landlords
in which no more than three r ooms
are rented.
The resolution was presented by
the university president, David D.
Henry. It originated with the
Champaign-Urbana campus Sen-
ate Committee on Student Affairs,
consisting of both faculty men-
bers and students.
The Senate Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs also proposed that
fraternities and sororities be called
upon to affirm that selection of
.their members is based on criteria
other than race.
Rusk To Attend
Conf erence
WASHINGTON (A) -Secretary
of State Dean Rusk plans to attend
next month's opening sessions of
the 18-nation disarmament talks
which Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev wants to elevate to a
summit meeting.
The state department announced
Rusk's plans yesterday. Press Offi-
cer Lincoln White said the Secre-
tary plans to go to Geneva since
the Western powers have proposed
that the conference be opened at
the Foreign Ministers' level.
Khrushchev countered this sug-

gestion from President John F.
Kennedy and British Prime Min-
ister Harold Macmillan with his
l I~nen #:a the had- o.f Lynvpn

to the National Student Associa-
tion and Student Government
Council," he declared..
Introduces Motion
In policy legislation, also intro-
duced by Carder, the Council at-
tacked the drift of NSA from its
original purposes and set a pro-
cedure for SGC to use in remedy-
ing the situation.
The motion emphasizes Student
Government Council's "deep con-
cern" over NSA's diversion from
its original purpose of being a
confederation of student govern-
ments and its becoming a "show
case for extremist political groups
of both the left and right."
"Student Government Council
should try to institute reforms in
NSA," Carder explained.
The Council limited University
NSA delegates and alternates to
SGC members and the chairmen
of standing committees.
Additions Fail
Attempts by Administrative
Vice-President Robert Ross, '63,
and Brian Glick, '62, to add the
chairmen of the Human Rela-
tions Board and the Committee
on Membership Selection in Stu-
dent Organizations to the delegate
list failed.
"It is dogmatic to insist that
SGC should not send as many
people as possible. It is good for
the chairmen to get the experience
offered at the congress," Ross said.
The Council deleted by a vote
of 8-5 a section limiting to 16
the number of delegates it can
send to the national congress.
Cites Trust
"The Council can be trusted to
send no more delegates than it
can afford, League President Bea
Nemlaha, '62, indicated.
The legislation also requested
that NSA consult with Student
Government Council whenever, it
appoints a University student as
a national officer or as a staff
It deleted a stronger rule in the
original Carder motion that would
require the consent of SGC before
such an appointment.
The legislation would commit
the Council to reconsider Univer-
sity participation in NSA before
the November, 1962, SGC elections.
"I'm still not sure whether the
University should remain in NSA,"
Carder explained.

Asks Joint
Space Action
Proposal Receives
Cautious Welcome
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy yesterday called Soviet
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's
proposal for pooling space re-
sources a "most encouraging"
sign for international cooperation.
The President said the United
States would be glad to discuss the
proposal with theSoviets in the
United Nations or any other place.
However, he acknowledged that
the United States has uncovered
no evidence in the last year that
Russia is genuinely willing to co-
operate in such a venture.
Lacks Details
Khrushchev's plan, coming in
the wake of Astronaut Lt. Col.
John H. Glenn Jr.'s flight around
the world, did not go into detail.
Both countries have previously ad-
vanced similar suggestions for in-
ternational space cooperation, but
the plans have been scuttled in the
cold war atmosphere.
Kennedy said it is premature, atj
this point, to consider space co-
operation in the form of specific
projects, such as a joint mission
to the moon.
Medical Exchange
Kennedy said the United States
has received, informally, from
Russia, some medical information
on the Soviets' manned orbits of
last year, but no technical data.
Kennedy said he would begin
a reply to the Soviets today.
Khrushchev's proposal, however,
got a chillier reception from
America's allies.
Direct Cooperation
Their worry came from the Ris-
sian leader's new demonstration
of interest in direct discussion and
cooperation with the United
States. Some diplomats said they
feel the possibility of such a de-
velopment is likely to grow strong-
er before long.
"We know the Russians more
than anything else would like to
do business, not so much with the
West, but the Americans on the
affairs of the world," one Western
official said.
The British Foreign Office re-
fused to comment on the Soviet
proposal on the ground that Great
Britain is not directly concerned.'

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
text of Committee Proposal 98,
as amended and approved by the
Constitutional Convention in
general session yesterday. It will
be the higher education section
of the proposed constitution to
be submitted to the voters later
this year. It replaces Sections 3,
4, 5, 7, 8, 10 and 16, Article XI,
of the present state constitu-
SEC. A. The Legislature shall
appropriate funds to maintain
the University of Michigan,
Michigan State University,
Wayne State University, East-
ern Michigan University, Cen-
tral Michigan University, West-
e r n Michigan University,
Northern Michigan University,
Michigan College of Science
and Technology, Ferris Insti-
tute, Grand Valley State Col-
lege, and other educational in-
stitutions of higher education
established by law. The Legis-
lature shall be given an annual
accounting of all income and
all expenditures by each of
these educational institutions.
Formal sessions of governing
boards of such institutions shall
be open to the public.
* * *
SEC. B. The Regents of the
University of Michigan and
their successors in office shall
constitute a body corporate
known as the Regents of the
University of Michigan; the
Trustees of Michigan State
University and their successors
in office shall constitute a body
corporate known as the Board
of Trustees of Michigan State
University; the Governors of

Wayne State University and
their successors in office shall
constitute a body corporate
known as the Board of Gov-
ernors of Wayne State Uni-
versity. The respective boards
shall have the general super-
vision of their respective in-
stitutions and the control and
direction of all expenditures
from the institution's funds;
they shall, as often as neces-
sary, elect a president of the
institution under their respec-
tive supervision who shall be
the principal executive officer
of the institution, be an ex-
officio member of the board
but without the 'right to vote,
and preside at meetings of the
board. The boards of each in-
stitution shall consist of eight
members who shall hold office
for eight yearsand who shall
be elected according to law. The
governor shall fill board vacan-
cies by appointment. Any such
appointee shall hold office un-
til a successor has been nomi-
nated and elected as prescribed
by law.
SEC. C. Other institutions of
higher education created by the
Legislature having authority to
grant baccalaureate degrees
shall each be governed by a
board of control which shall
be a body corporate; shall have
general supervision of the in-
stitution and the control and
direction of all expenditures
from the institution's funds;
shall, as often as necessary,

Constitutional Statement

elect a president of the insti-
tution under its supervision
who shall be the principal exec-
utive officer of the institution,
be an ex-officio member of the
board but without the right to
vote. The board may elect one
of their number, or may desig-
nate the president, to preside
at board meetings. Each board
of control shall consist of eight
members who shall hold office
for eight years and who shall
be appointed by the governor
in a manner similar to other
executive appointments as pro-
vided in this constitution. Va
cancies shall be filled in like
*, *, *
SEC. D. The Legislature shall
provide by law for the estab-
lishment and financial support
of public community and jun-
ior colleges, which shall be su-
pervised and controlled by lo-
cally elected boards. The Leg-
islature shall provide by law for
a state board for public com-
munity and junior colleges,
which shall advise the state
board of education concerning
general supervision, planning
for such colleges and requests
for annual appropriations for
their support. The board shall
consist of eight members who
shall be appointed by the state
board of education., Vacancies
shall be filled in like manner.'
The superintendent of public
instruction will be an ex-officio
member of this board without
the right to vote.

Con-Con Passes
College Articles
Requires Public Regents Meetings,
Recognizes Community Colleges
The Constitutional Convention passed the higher educa-
tion proposal yesterday with University status remaining al-
most unscathed from the 1908 version.
Two changes in the first section will affect the Univer-
sity. The first requires that governing board meetings be
open to the public, the second that the institutions must pro-
vide an annual financial accounting to the Legislature.
The higher education proposal, as passed by the conven-
tion, grants constitutional status to all ten state colleges and

Ka/ er Views Parochial Aid

"The problem of federal aid to
parochial schools should not be
foreclosed at the beginning by
invoking some absolutist princi-
ple," Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the
law school said yesterday.
Prof. Kauper views the problem
as one of degree. Since parochial
schools conform to secular require-
ments imposed by state govern-
ments and are recognized by law,
a substantial case can be made for
limited aid.
"Although the federal govern-
ment has no general vested au-
thority over schools or education,
some sources of power exist. The
power of Congress to spend money
for the general welfare provides
a broad and indefinite area in
which Congress may act.
Historical Record
"History attests the federal gov-
ernment's interest in education
and the use of public funds to
further it. From the Morril Act of
1862 to the National Defense Act
of 1954 Congress has fostered the
teaching of science, mathematics,
and foreign languages," he said.
The problem exists, according to
Prof. Kauper, not in whether Con-
gress may spend by whether it is

precluded from aiding certain
types of education.
In former decisions, parochial
schools have benefited from free
distribution of secular tet books
and from the federalrlunch pro-
gram. Under the Defense Act,
loans for equipment needed for
science and mathematics courses
have been granted to these schools.
Separatism Doctrine
Opposition to federal aid for
parochial schools bases itself on
the principle of separation of
church and state derived from the
First Amendment. "The broad
language evidenced here offers no
precise 'definition," Prof. Kauper
Prof. Kauper sees President John
F. Kennedy as relying on this
language to support his assertation
that any over the board help to
parochial schools would be uncon-
"In approving aid to private
colleges and chprch schools, Ken-
nedy seems to set higher education
apart. Aid for higher education
could not be supported by using
the same principle being applied to
aid for parochial elementary and
secondary schools.
"Whatever constitutional as-

pects may exist, the policy taken
by congress promises to be of the
real importance. More pragmatic
reasoning is needed rathier than
strict adherence to a policy," Prof.
Kauper said.
Program Set
At Dearborn
The Dearborn Center yesterday
announced the initiation of a pilot
program which may result in the
state's firstrsenior college co-op-
erative (work - study) education
program for liberal arts students.
In making the announcement,
Vice-President for the Dearborn
Center William E. Stirton said,
"under the new program, arrange-
ments will be made for a limited
number of students to secure in-
ternships in their field.
"They will attend classes at
Dearborn and work on paid intern-
ship assignments with co-operative
private companies or other agen-
cies for alternate four - month
periods throughout the year."

universities and requires leg-
islative responsibility for com-
munity colleges for the first
time in Michigan history.
Drafting Committee
The .proposal, number 98, was
referred to the style and drafting
committee before being placed in
the tentative constitution. Two
other sections of the constitution
which will directly affect higher
education are yet to be passed.
The higher education proposal
provides for eight-member gov-
erning boards with eight year
terms for all ten institutions. The
University, Wayne State Univer-
sity and Michigan State Univer-
sity boards will remain elective
while the governor will appoint
the members of the other seven
The three large universities will
also be presided over by their
presidents. For the other seven in-
stitutions, the governing board
must either elect one of their
own number or choose the presi-
dent to preside over the meetings.
Under State Board
At present, Eastern, Western,
Northern and Central Michigan
Universities have no governing
boards, but are under the con-
trol of the State Board of Edu-
cation. Ferris Institute and Mich-
igan College of Science and Tech-
nology have governing boards pre-
sided over by one of their board
Appointment confirmation pro-
cedure, if any, will be decided
when the committee on the exec-
utive branch, makes its report to
the convention. This procedure
was postponed to provide unity
within the constitution for all ap-
pointment procedure.
State coordination of higher ed-
ucation, a major issue preceding
the convention, was not mention-
ed in the proposal. An earlier sec-
tion of the constitution, concern-
ing the State Board of Education,
provides the only mention of
state-wide coordination.
Serve As Planner
It states that the State Board
of Education shall serve as the
general planning and coordinat-
ing body for all public education
in the state and shall advise the
Legislature on, the amount of
money to appropriate to educa-
However, Regent Eugene B.
Power indicated the State Board
of Education will have no right
to limit the constitutional right
of the governing Boards to act
independently and will probably
accept, the recommendations of
the voluntary coordinating coun-
cil, the State Coordinating Coun-
cil for Public Higher Education,
on budget and policy matters for
higher education.
Welcome Council
"The State Board of Education
,will pi'obably be very busy," Pow-
er said, indicating that recom-
mendations from the voluntary
coordinating council would be wel-
come. Both the Coordinating
Council and the new powers of
the Education Board are to "as-
sure the people that decisions will
not be made unilaterally," Power
'Regent To Sell


Bursley Asks Legislation
For New 'U' Buildings
Rep. Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) has introduced legislation to
make appropriations to the Regents for the planning of new construc-
tion projects.
The bill calls for a total of $957,000, with $400,000 going into the
planning for the Medical Science Building, Unit 2, $300,000 for a new
dentistry building, and $257,000 for a pediatrics hospital. Planning
money, in each case, representt

...publishing revolutions
Houle Sees
The paperback book industry
has gone through two revolutions.
in less than a quarter century,
Prof. Cyril 0. Houle of the school
of education at the University
of Chicago said last night.
Since the revolutionary birth
of the modern paperback in 1939
as a mass market seller, a second
revolution has taken place-the
rise of the quality paperback. "Al-
though the modern paperback
movement is less than 25 years
old, there are now almost 15,000
titles in print," he indicated.
Spend More Money
The amount of money spent on
books has increased greatly since
the '50's, assisted by the steady
decline in the price of books to
an average of 67.5 cents per
volume." In fact, of consumer
expenditures in thet leisure-time
category, the only one whose
growth has greatly exceeded that
of books and maps is radio and
television repair," Prof. Houle as-
Before the paperback, books
were sold entirely by book stores,
usually located in university com-
munities, large cities, and "avant-
garde districts such as Green-
wich Village." Now, even the local
drug store is a source of literary
information, he added.
Sales in drug store locations
have drawbacks. The book is sold
like another commodity on the
shelf, like a tube of toothpaste.
Vigilante citizen group censorship
is another problem facing the local
seller of paperbacks, Prof. Houle
Under Attack
Until 1953 "paperbacks were un-
der the same kind of widespread
attack as has continuously been
leveled against television," he said.
Critics feared that only books
meeting the test of mass market
sales would be published.
The advent of the quality paper-
back, a higher priced edition, solv-
ed this problem, according to Prof.

about four per cent of the total
expected cost.
Expand Numbers
Bursley pointed out that the
medical building would allow the
expansion of the number of gradu-
ates per year from 160 to 200.
Dental graduates could also be
hiked from 97 to 150.
He said the pediatrics hospital
was included because "there is
considerable demand for it around
the state."
The construction of the medical
unit will allow the removal of all
medical departments from Central
Campus. Presently the depart-
ments of bacteriology, anatomy
and physiology are still located in
East Medical Bldg.
The present dentistry building
is 54 years old and quite crowded,
according to Dean Paul H. Jese-
rick of the dentistry school. It is
the oldest dental school building
anywhere in the nation.
Stress Long Term
Bursley stressed the need for an
oenrall11lone-.termfl r f4Cfor ca-

Rush Meeting Hears Fraternity Views

Despite the inclement weather, the men's mass rush meeting
in the Michigan Union Ballroom was well attended last night, as
prospective rushees came to hear "what the Michigan fraternity
system has to offer," before the start of rush this Sunday.
Interfraternity Council President Robert Peterson, '62, provided
one answer. After enumerating the standard concepts of fraternity,
he discussed two areas "which make the fraternity a unique form
of living." The fraternity gives you an opportunity to develop your-
selves and a chance to choose the men you will live with for four
years. Take a good look at the system which has meant so much
to so many, he asked.
Assistant Dean of Men for Fraternities Lou Rice cautioned
rushees that, "If your image of Michigan fraternities . . . reverts
back to the 'Roaring Twenties' and super secret societies . . . whose
main purpose appears to be fun and games-then I think you had
best redefine your ideas and attitudes . . . or you had best think
in terms of associating with segments in or around this campus
other than the fraternity system."
'PiP iicor~f ,dCPVn .n a. frP~nn hilfand ,,1 nsPfn, aI

X. X U .

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