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February 21, 1962 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-21

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ommittee Proposes OSA Structure

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(Continued from Page 1)

2) The 'troika" arrangement of
students, faculty and administra-
tion governing the University does
not mean that all elements pull
together equally. Faculty and ad-
ministrators should have the
greater say since they are ac-
countable to the Regents and the
society at large "for the educa-
tional orientation and education-
al yield of the institution."
Account For Growth
3) The design of the University's
administrative structure in stu-
dent affairs must take into account
the growth of students while on
the campus. In general a sub-
stantial degree of supervision and
guidance should be offered fresh-
man students, but this should de-
'cline sharply thereafter, the com-
mittee says.
4) Clear lines of responsibility
and authority must be established
in a "unified and coherent" struc-
ture which can operate to achieve
the University's broad education-
al aims.
Using both its philosophy of stu-
dent affairs and this philosophy
of administration, the committee
suggests one possible structure for
the OSA, though it "disavows spe-
cial competence as an architect
of the obviously 'right' structure."
List Recommendations
The recommendations are along
these lines:
The Vice-President for Student
Affairs would have complete ad-
ministrative oversight of the OSA
as well as the offices presently
under his direction (International
Center, Registration and Records,
etc.). He would prescribe student
regulations and rules on conduct
with the advice of an Executive
The Executive Council-made
up of four students, four faculty
members and three administrators
--would also assist the vice-presi-
dent in developing personnel poli-
cies and selecting major personnel
officers and would function as a
"grievance mechanism" to which
Housing Units
To Pair Up
For Miehigras
Housing units interested in par-
ticipating in Michigras, but lack-
ing partner houses will have an
opportunity at 3:30 p.m. Thursday
to pair-up or choose individual
projects, Paul Schoenwetter, '62,
Michigras communications-publi-
city director indicated.
Since Monday 41 petitiois for
booths and 17 petitions for parade
floats have been submitted. The
final announcement of the 30 ac-
cepted booths will be made next+
ruesday and for the floats on3
March 4.

students could regularly bring
complaints and suggestions.
The report recommends a dean
and associate dean of. student af-
fairs to take over the functions
now exercised by Dean of Men
Walter B. Rea and Acting Dean
of Women Elizabeth Davenport.
This functional approach was
adopted to prevent the present
"cleavage" in philosophy and
Views Cleavages
(The committee sees the geo-
graphical separation of mens and
women dormitories and the Mich-
igan Union (for men) and Michi-
gan League (for women) as exam-
ples of this cleavage. "The OSA
should reflect the unitary view"
of young people enrolled as stu-
dents, "seeking to develop, not in
isolation as men or women, but
together as equals and collabora-
The Associate Dean of Students,
however, would have to be of the
opposite sex as the dean to recog-
nize "that the needs of men and
women are sometimes different."'
The Dean of Students would act
as "counselor to students and, as
immediate supervisor of their wel-
fare, conduct, and non-academic
activities, will seek to supplement
educationally the academic pro-
gram of the University."
Ask 'Insight'
The committee deems it essen-
tial that the Dean of Students
possess "academic insight and un-
In discussing present policies
governing housing, discipline and
counseling, the committee shies
away from specific recommenda-
tions, claiming this would be peri-
pheral to its central task.
The .last third of the report,
however, consists of general state-
ments about these areas,
Examining campus living units;
the committee concludes:
1) Supervised housing should
be administered by the Office of
Housing and un-supervised units
by the Office of Service Enter-
prises under the Vice-President
for Business and Finance.
Retain Plan ,
2) The Michigan House Plan-
the general. set of objectives and
procedures for the residence halls
-is still valid after a quarter of
century and should be implement-
ed further.
3) The Residence Halls Advisory
Board should assist the Director
of Housing in seeing that the gen-
eral educational purposes of stu-
dent affairs are served in the res-
idence halls system.
4) Staff members should exem-
plify the "qualities of intellectual
and personal maturity."
Seek Variety
5) A greater variety of hous-
ing arrangements should be offer-
ed with experiments tried in fresh-
men houses, languages houses,
and honors houses.

6) The geographic separation
of dorms and quads should be
eliminated and some residences
made co-educational.
7) Upperclassmen, at least,
should have the right to select
their own living accommodations.
The committee was unable to
reach agreement on whether
freshmen should be required to
live in the halls or not. One mem-
ber wanted both freshmen and
sophomores obligated to live there.
Urge Rule Changes
On rule-making and enforce-
ment, the committee had several
broad recommendations:
1) A representative student
agency should eventually be given
authority to make rules governing
student extra-classroom conduct.
3) Some of the present rules
are inconsistent with the commit-
tee's view of the educational goals
of the University.
3) General regulations should
become "increasingly less specific
and restrictive beyond thefresh-
man year."
Retain Judics
To strengthen the present meth-
ods of enforcing University regu-
lations, the committee would re-
tain a student judicial system
working under an Advisory Board
on Discipline and a Judiciary Ap-
peal Board.
Under the committee report,
clear lines of appeal from Joint
Judiciary Council and Women's
Judiciary Council ultimately to
the appeal board would be estab-
lished. Defendants could be grant-
ed an open hearing with the right
to confront his accusers, present
witnesses and be represented by,
counsel of his choice.
In a brief note on counseling,
the report endorses an earlier
study made of University coun-
seling facilities. Thecommittee
says that more information about
these facilities should be made
available to students and that the
vice-president should establish
liaison with' all counseling agen-
cies on campus in order to co-
ordinate their operations.
Alumnus Sets
Review Fund
Allen F. Donovan, '36E, an aero-
nautical engineer, has given $5,-
000 to establish a fund for a 50th
anniversary review and prognosis
of aeronautical education at the
The University's aeronautical
education program is the oldest in
the country.
The aeronautical and astronau-
tical department is planning a
symposium for September, 1964, at
which time the department will
have completed its first 50 years
of education.

Most people blush to their eyebrows when Mother brings out the
family album, but supposedly the University can take it without
Collecting, cataloguing and preserving University history is, the
responsibility of Prof. F. Clever Bald of the history department, who
is also director of the Michigan Historical Collections, 160 Rackham.
What we now call the University of Michigan is actually the third
such institution of learning. In 1817, while Michigan was still only a
territory, the governor and judges created a "Catholepistemiad, or
University, of Michigania." A new University of Michigan succeeded
this institution in Detroit four years later.
Ann Arbor became the home of the present University when it
was founded in 1837, the year Michigan gained statehood. Although
the University was originally a traditional arts college, the Medical
School was added in 1850 and the Law School in 1859.
Growing rapidly and changing constantly, the University today
would hardly be recognized by its, founders. Just how great the over-
all change that has encompassed the campus since its formative years
is revealed by these "baby pictures" and the many others like them
which may be seen in the Michigan Historical Collections.
The use of these is open to anyone; in fact, Dr. Bald wishes that
the collections would be in constant use, rather than just gathering
dust on the shelves.



Original Photographs from the
Michigan Historical Collection

BIRD'S EYE VIEW-The campus in the middle 1860's. The large building in the upper left-hand
corner is Haven Hall; below it is North Hall, with South Hall beneath that. The large building at the
other end of campus is the Medical Bldg., with the Chemistry Lab next to it. Professors' houses fill
in the center.

Tere s a good
spot forYOU at
Con Edison
New sky-reaching office buildings... apart-
ment houses...great music and art centers
-all symbols of a growing New York... and
good reasons for importantjob opportuni-
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great creative skill, imagination and talent.
In working ahead to expand our service
facilities we must be constantly exploring
and developifig new and better ways.

* ' ' 'UNIVERSITY LIBRARY-The local book collection originally
STATE STREET-In the 1870's. The camera faces north from in front of the old University Hall. occupied a floor of Haven Hall (alias the Law Building). The Lil
The Congregational Church is in the background at' left, and old Haven Hall on the right. Other brary, shown here, was built in 1883. It was razed in 1918, except
buildings shown are private residences; the business establishments that now grace State St. were for the stacks portion, which still stands as part of the present
still a twinkle in the realtor's eye. General Library.

DENTISTRY LAB-Perhaps no building has seen as much change as this one. In its extensive history, it has been
housing for professors, University hospital, and dental college. The original professors' housing stands at the far right.
Not only were additions made onto this, but even onto the first additions, providing an interesting contrast of- archi-
tecture. The Chemistry Bldg. now stands on the spot.

Dramatic example of New York's growth ... new Pan Am
building, the world's largest office structure now going
up will need 17 times more electricity than the building
it replaces. It presents many unusual engineering prob
lems for Con Edison.

Tere spending $1 billion inr the next five years for new plants, new substations
id distribution lines...and we are looking for ambitiopis and creative young men
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step into better jobs. In the next 15 years 776 top management jobs will be open
mainly because of retirement. These will be filled by men in the Company.
von want to work for an expanding comoany in the most wonderful city in the

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