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May 29, 1962 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-29

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Rapoport Explores. Cold War

IST Builds
The Institute of Science and
Technology has just completed a
new electronics laboratory at the
University's Willow Run Airport.
The laboratory, which will house
highly sensitive microwave equip-
ment, was built in conjunction
with the B. F. Goodrich Company
which designed the laboratory and
supplied the special materials.
The project, whose estimated
cost was $55,000, consists of a
fifty-foot long room covered with
large clusters of sponge-rubber
spikes and pads of specially treat-
ed plastic about the size of sofa
'Anechoic Chamber'
The materials used to line the
room, called an "anechoic cham-
ber," absorb microwave energy
readily such that it does not re-
flect from room surfaces and in-
terfere with sensitive instruments.
"This new chamber is a great
improvement over the one we
used before. As far as we know we
have the best anechoic chamber
in the nation," Wilbur DeHart,
head of IST's countermeasures de-
partment, said..
From incomplete tests on the
effectiveness of the room, it is
probable that echoes could be as
much as one million times smaller
than those in an ordinary steel-
reinforced room.
Space Conditions
The effect produced by the room
simulates the non-interference
conditions of space; absorbing
those wave lengths of electromag-
netic radiation that would normal-
ly come about as a result of the
earth's surfaces and electrical de-
The laboratory represents a con-
siderable saving to those projects
which would otherwise employ air-
born equipment in the testing of
radar devices.
"Furthermore, we can repeat
our tests in a controlled environ-
ment," DeHart said.

... compares philosophies
Prof. Rapoport said'that "a lim-
ited freedom of the Press has de-
veloped. In addition, complete
freedom to read, but not to write
and publish is allowed in Poland."
Prof. Rapoport said that "some
signs of greater personal freedom
do exist in Russia". Along these
lines, he cited the "non-conform-
ist" sentiments widely expressed
by the young Russian poets.
Speaking on the possibility of
the emergence of Communism in
underdeveloped countries, Prof.
Rapoport said that "it is seldom
that a Communist regime evolves
without great popular support.
"I am personally of the opinion
that the United States should en-
courage rather than stop by force
the development of Communist re-
gimes outside of Russia itself. This
would encourage more Titos. Many
such regimes would result in a di-
versification of Communism that
would counteract the emergence
of a monolithic Communist em-

Jeserich Cites Career
As Dental School Dean


(Continued from Page 1)
In 1920 very few men were inter-
ested in research, but now expand-
ed facilities and increased funds
have opened up the field. One good
example of this is the research
leading in the flouridation of wat-
er supplies."
The dean's personal interest has
been in the field of continuing
education for professional men. At
one time there was some feeling
that a dentist's education was for-
gotten after he graduates. The
s c h o o 1 started post-graduate
courses in 1937, which could pro-
vide two-week short course or one-
day-a-week session for men wish-
ing to keep up with developments.
Kellogg Gave Funds
The Kellogg Foundation donat-
ed the funds for the Kellogg Insti-
tute for the express purpose of
furthering graduate and post-
graduate education. At that time,
Jeserich was made director of the
institute. "This trend has taken
hold all over the country, but he
said, we are the only school with
separate facilities of this nature.
We have always had capacity en-
Another of Jeserich's dreams
came true when the teacher train-
ing program was initiated. "In
1920, teachers were chosen largely
from practitioners and clinical
people. Now they can be drawn
from trained instructors and den-
tists with general background in
the basic sciences.
Looking to the future, Jeserich
said the school is "at a definite
handicap for any curriculum and
research changes that are needed

"Built in 1908, the facilities are [
the second oldest in the country
and were intended for a staff of
35 people. Today they must accom-
modate over 150.
Operative Clinics
Jeserich joined the dental fac-
ulty in 1924 as an instructor. He
was made an assistant professor in Thur
1933, at which time he also became
director of operative clinics for
the school. He made a full pro-
fessor in 1935 and assumed theE f i y A
deanship in 1950, upon the retire-
ment of Dean Emeritus Russell
W. Bunting.
Looking to his own future, the
dean anticipates a life of "reading,
writing, fishing and hunting" at
his childhood home on Paw Paw
Lake near Watervliet.
"If I had to start again today," Road Runn
he mused, "I would be even more
interested in dentistry than I was
50 years ago. The future is wide
open for good young men. Never-
theless, I have been looking for-
ward to a time when my avoca-
tions can have full rein."

Here's a sincere explanation of our policy, directed to ALL students. At exam time, we always book the best
brain refresher available. THIS IS IT! So when you cannot absorb more with further study, relax with laughter.
Then you'll be able to hit the books again with genuine results. Ask your prof!!!


of The University of Michigan
Robert Merrill, Baritone ......... . .........Thursday, September 27
Detroit Symphony Orchestra ........:...... .,(2:30) Sunday, October 7
"La Traviata" (Verdi)..........................Friday, October 19
French National Orchestra............. ......Wednesday, October 24
Uday Shankar Hindu Dance Company. ..". . . ."...Tuesday, November 6
Leningrad Philharmonic ...................... Monday, November 12
"Marriage of Figaro" (Mozart) ...............Saturday, November 17
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra ...............Wednesday, February 14
Toyko Classical Ballet, "Komaki" ...........(2:30) Sunday, March 3
Toronto Symphony Orchestra ....................Tuesday, March 12
Annie Fischer, Piano soloist
Season Tickets: $20.00-$17.00-$15.00-$12.00-$10.00

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