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May 29, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-29

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SAi r i au
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom



See Page 4

r ti

.LXXII, No. 173





Lewis Sees 3-4 Per Cent Residence Hall Inc



Board of Governors
To Hold Conference
Operational Costs, Salary Hikes,
Necessitate Room, Board Raises
There will be a minimum three to four per cent increase in
residence hall fees next year, Vice-President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis predicted yesterday.
The Board of Governors of Residence Halls will discuss the
raise in rates at a special meeting this week, probably on Thursday,
Lewis said. Notices will be sent to all students as soon as the new
rates are set.
The increase-which should be limited to $30 per student- is
necessitated by added costs of operations, particularly in the ex-





Of Hours for All Senior Women

'U' President Views Past Year

pected salary increases when
IQC Rejects
Daily Offer
For Quads
Inter-Quadrangle Council h
slapped down a proposal to all
The Daily to place its complemei
tary copies in the promenades ar
entryways in the quadrangles
to place information about sul
scriptions in the residents' mai
boxes as a service to incoming sti
In a letter communicated to T
Daily yesterday, IQC Preside:
Robert. B. Geary, '63, revealed the
The Daily would be denied tl
privilege granted to such organizz
tions as Michigras, Cinema Guil
and the New Yor Times, to mal
informative material available :
the quadrangle.
(Traditionally, at the beginnii
of each semester, The Daily h
published a large informative i,
sue about the various aspects
the University and has made
available freely and convenient]
to all students.)
, In their regular meeting la
week, IQC unanimously turne
down a reqeust by The Daily whic
would have extended solicitati:
privileges in the quadrangles. Tb
council then proc-tded to give ap
proval to a substitute motic
which also denies The Daily priv
ileges it had been previously ac

faculty pay schedules are increased
-"'and the professors have been
promised larger pay checks for the
coming year.
The tuition raises announced
last week and an expected in-
crease in state approriations will
finance the academic pay raises.
The student-faculty-adminis-
tration board, chaired by Lewis,
will decide on the new rates af-
fecting 7,500 students as soon as
all the members can convene for
as a meeting, the vice-president said.
ow The recent rates range from
, about $750 a year to more than


... new levies

Expressed Concern
Geary's letter expressed the
council's concern "for the right of
the residents not to be, vulnerable
to solicitation in their rooms
It is the opinion of the council
that granting your request would
be setting a dangerous precedent
that would lead the way for soli-
citation by all student organiza-
Geary also reported that the
council had denied the request,
since the members felt that Daily
solicitation outside the quads was
sufficient, and that further solici-
tation within the quads would be
an unnecessary intrusion upon
quad residents.
Acting Daily Business Manager
Lee J. Sclar, '63BAd, said that "the
action taken by IQC is not justi-
fied on the basis of the reasoning
communicated to us.
"When I asked Geary to cite an
instance where past methods of
Daily solicitation had been used as
justification for solicitation by
other student organizations, he
was unable to recall a single case."
Seems Unjustified
"The action seems particularly,
unjustified in light of the fact
that a proposal simnilar to the one
made to IQC has been passed by
Assembly Dormitory Council in a
straw vote."
Acting Daily Editor Michael
Olinick, '63, regretted the action,
saying that "it will deny many in-
coming freshmen the opportunity
to become acquainted with the
campus through two free issues
of The Daily, in which we attempt
to communicate many facts about
the University which they might
otherwise not know.
Acting City Editor Michael Har-
rah, '64BAd, deplored the action
as "clear and obvious discrimina-
tion. Many other .organizations are
allowed to distribute their infor-

The University reminds all
undergraduate students that
they must deposit $50 for their
enrollment by Friday or they
will jeopardize their entrance
to the University next fall.
Deposits will be accepted in
the Student Activities Bldg. un-
til that date
All students who are living
in University residence halls
will automatically have their
housing deposit transferred to
the enrollment fund.
The deposit will insure the
student's place in registration
next semester. After this se-
mester, howeyer, the deposit
will be on-going, to be refunded
when the student graduates or
leaves the University.
$900 and covers room and board,
linen and maid service. The Board
of Governors last raised the rates
two years ago after the Regents
had boosted tuition.
Huff Charges
Money Lack
Causes Loss.
Warren Huff, a Michigan State
University trustee, charged that
what he called a "dangerous ero-
sion of our academic position" has
occured at MSU as a result of
the resignations of 27 faculty
Huff said that the large num-
ber of resignations was due to
"plain lack of money.
"We used to lose good people to
industry and to more attractive
locations. Now they are going to
schools in Louisiana, Alabama and
similar places," he said.
MSU President, John Hannah,
told a meeting of the board of
trustees that the salary schedule
at that institution was now "ninth
or tenth in the Big Ten."
Better Off
As a result. Hannah said Thurs-
day, "faculty members get the
idea they'd be better off at other
Big Ten schools or even outside
the Big Ten."
As yet, no action has been taken
by the board regarding a raise in
tuition in order to increase sal-,
No Word
No word is as yet forthcoming
on the roughly 2-21/ million dol-
lars it has been estimated MSU
would need to remedy its salaries
problem. No additional appropria-
tions on the part of the Legisla-
ture are expected at the present
Although MSU's salaries to in-
structors are the highest paid in
the Big Ten, the scale is near
the bottom of those paid to pro-

To Consider
The Legislature is heading for a
showdown in the next few days on
a new Republican nuisance tax
package that could break the leg-
islative logjam on taxes.
The $85 million package, which
came out of a Republican cau-
cus last Friday, was designed to
meet objections from Democrats
who wanted a minimum $70 mil-
lion in new state revenues before
they would go along with a pack-
age, Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-
Ann Arbor) said.
Bursley added yesterday that
several Democrats have agreed to
support the new levies. The House,
which is split 56-54 in favor of the
Republicans has been unable to
pass any nuisance taxes and will
not until they are able to gain
Democratic support, Rep. Carroll
Newton (R-Delton), the assistant
majority House leader, has said.
Depends on Breweries
Newton explained that certain
Republican legislators whose dis-
trict borders other states or whose
districts depend economically on
breweries will not vote for added
cigarette or beer taxes. Thus a
certain amount of Democratic
support-up to 10 votes on some
levies-is needed, Newton said.
Includes Beer Tax
The tax program includes:
Two cents per bottle tacked on
to the beer tax to bring in $34
million, with half of that ear-
marked to education; two more
cents on the cigarette tax design-
ed to bring in $21 million; $8 mil-
lion to be brought in through a
levy on telephone and telegraph
services; a $7 million boost in
revenues from the liquor excise
tax; and a one mill boost in the
corporation franchise tax design-
ed to bring in $13-14 million.
The Senate has left the initia-
tive on taxation to the House since
the abortive attempt by Demo-
crats and Republican moderates
in the Senate to pass an income
Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss-
field), chairman of the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee, has indi-
cated that there will be a $5 mil-
lion boost in the higher education
budget and a $2.5 million hike in
the mental health budget.

Acting Editor
The University bent great ef-
forts this past year in interpret-
ing its, purposes to the general
public while continuing to reap-
praise internal problems, its
president said yesterday.
"The number one problem
externally was attempting to
increase the understanding of
the University's aims and gain-
ing support to achieve them,"
University President .Harlan
Hatcher said in an interview.
This concern was accompan-
ied by the growing expression
of parents' worries that their
children be guaranteed a qual-
ity education.
Come to Grips
"One of the fundamental
requirements of our society is
that the citizens must come to
grips with the question of fi-
nancing education. It is strange
to assume that we should con-
tinue to stultify the growth of
our universities while the rest
of the economy is moving ahead,
at a three per cent yearly rate
and is being urged to acceler-
The University, he admitted,
spent more time in wrestling
with the basic problem of gain-
ing proper support for its pro-
grams this year than in previ-
ous years-and with some hope-
ful results.
The president saw a great un-
derstanding of the University by
legislators and the lay public.
"The legislators have not de-
nied our need for added funds,

but are thwarted by the inabil-
ity to solve fiscal problems,
problems that are plaguing a
great number of states."
Tax Income
Preferring to see a solution
which would permit the states
to accommodate their tax in-
come to federal levies, Hatcher
noted that state governments
feel they have very little reve-
nue at their disposal after the
federal government collects its
"The states should take care
of those things it can handle
best and education is one of
them. I fear we will only get
deeper in the dilemma in the
future, instead of solving it."
On the homefront, President
Hatcher noted that the "con-
tinued faith and dedication of
the faculty is remarkable."
Losses from the teaching and
research staffs reached only a
"natural" level.
Teaching Function
A great deal of "quiet prog-
ress" was accomplished in cur-
riculum, admission and the role
of the teaching function, despite
the handicap of not having an
assured budget.
The president said he was
impressed with the interest and
analyses of students regarding
the problems of the University.
"You can't go far without keep-
ing in contact with the stu-
dents," he said. "They display
a genuine attempt to study and
consider present policies."
Referring to the year long
study of the Office of Student

Peace Issue Involves Grinnell Students

New York Times News Analyst
No student who went to Grin-
nell College at Newton this year
will forget it.
It was the year in which an
issue involved almost every one
of the 1100 students on the Iowa
school's campus. The issue was

peace, and student action cul-
minated at the White House, more
than 1000 miles away.
Last November, 14 Grinnell
students held a three-day "peace
fast" in front of the White House.
One hundred others fasted for a
day on the campus. Almost half
the student body attended a chapel

Fauri Backs Aged Care
Uinder Social Security
Health insurance for the aged should be included in the social
security system, Dean Fedele F. Fauri of the social work scchool said
Speaking at the -89th annual forum of the National Conference
on Social Welfare in New York city, Fauri noted that "health protec-
tion to meeting rising hospital costs cannot be met exclusively by
private plans, because of the low income level and high cost of
health care for the aged."
Fauri, who is the retiring president of the conference, com-
mented that all alternatives to health insurance for the aged have
"shortcomings." He predicted that the "enactment of legislation

Affairs, President H a t c h e r
thought his institution will "be
stronger and better because of
it." He sees a complex campus
society made up of many differ-
ent groups to whose needs the
University must be constantly
Private Gifts
The campus did not expand
physical facilities much this
year, though work began on the
Physics-Astronomy Bldg. "Pri-
vate gifts and matching fed-
eral grants moved along at "a
very satisfactory rate" though
capital outlay from the state
was restrained to a trickle.
Speaking of the proposed
full year operation; President
Hatcher said that the Univer-
sity would continue to develop
a pattern which would permit
it to move to trimester at any
If the trimester goes into ef-
fect, President Hatcher forsaw
a greater flexibility in instruc-
tion. "We are not driving stu-
dents into patterns; it will be
up to the student's own choice
entirely as to when he goes to
school, which semester he vaca-
tions and how long he decides
he wants to take to earn a di-
The trimester might help to
resolve the current ambivalence
toward class attendance and
final examinations, open up
wider avenues of individual
study and, perhaps, "give stu-
dents a few more quiet hours
to pursue their own intellectual
interests beyond the classroom."

meeting to honor the Washington
contingent. Every student and
faculty member received daily bul-
letins about the group.
The trip inspired other stu-
dents from Iowa, Minnesota and
New England to go to the capital.
It swelled into the February dem-
onstrgrtion, sponsored by the Turn
Toward Peace Student Council.
Debated Issue
During a recent nation-wide
tour of college campuses, Grinnell
students and teachers were inter-
viewed about the rise of this re-
markable peace movement. The
student-body president called it
"overwhelmingly the most hotly
debated issue, involving the most
people, that anybody can remem-
Grinnell may seem an unlikely
place for a disarmament move-
ment. But any misconceptions an
outsider may have about the col-
lege's being out of the way and
untouched by the world are cor-
rected by two facts:
The largest, most powerful stu-

..senior hours
'U' Offers
New Degree.
A new combined degree program
will be offered next fall to Uni-
versity engineering students in-
terested in working in fields. con-
cerned with high speed, water-
borne vehicles or ground effect
Students in the program will be
able to obtain Bachelor of Science
in Engineering degrees in both
naval architecture and aeronauti-
cal engineering by completing one
semester beyond that now required
for a single degree.
The University is one of only a
few schools in thecountry that of-
fers degrees in both fields, Prof.
Wilbur C. Nelson, chairman of the
aeronautical and astronautical en-
gineering department, and Prof.
Richard B. Couch, chairman of
marine engineering and naval ar-
chitecture department, noted when
they announced the new program.
The program was established be-
cause of the growing industrial
and governnient interest in such
new fields as underwater weapons
systems development and the de-
sign anddmanufacture of such ve-
hicles as the hydrofoil and ground
machines. (A hydrofoil is a craft
that moves through the water at
high s p e e d s on underwater
Both of these regular programs
include many courses which deal
essentially with the same mater-
ial, differing mainly in applica-
tion. These include such areas as
structures, propulsion, perform-
ance and control.
To Interview
For College
In Denmark
Aage Nielson, former director of
the Scandinavian Seminar, will
be in Ann Arbor for three days to
interview students and faculty
members interested in studying
and working in Denmark at Niel-
son's "New Experimental College."
An information sheet explain-
ing the philosophy behind the col-
lege states that it "will concen-
trate on areas or methodologies
which areanot offered in the same
form at existing institutions. As
such, the college program will only
be one segment of the student's
complete education."
The other segments includethe

May Affect
By Next Fall
To Discuss Details
Of Inplementation
At Today's Meeting
Acting Dean of Women Eliza-
beth Davenport indicated yester-
day that "the Office of Student
Affairs is working out details in
implementing the abolition of
senior hours in University hous-
"This probably means that the
new regulations on senior hours
could be implemented by next
fall," Mrs. Davenport said.
The recommendation for the
elimination of senior hours was
one of a number of proposals pre-
seated to the administration by
Woman's Judiciary Council in
To Meet Today
Mrs. 'Davenport said that senior
hours and the remainder of the
proposals are being carefully dis-
cussed by the administration and
the chairman of Woman's Judic at
a meeting this morning.
The enacting of the new ruling
on senior hours in the dormitories
might call for additional staff per-
sonnel, she explained.
Asst. Dean of Women Elizabeth
Leslie said that "a sign-out system
of keys looks like the most feasible
way of implementing the system
in sorority houses."
Check Out Keys
A senior could check out a key
when she leaves in the evening
and return it after she comes in
at night. If the ke; should disap-
pear after the girl has returned
it, she would not be held respon-
sible for it," Mrs. Leslie explained.
"The sign-out system would in
no way be a check on the girl, but
could provide a check on the keys
for the welfare of the girls living
in the house."
Mrs. Leslie said that peer res-
sure within the house could give
the sorority a way of making sure
that the keys would not be mis-
Will Be Self-Restricting
"Girls want to stay with their
sorority for three years when they
join, and if they have senior priv-
ileges, it will give them the oppor-
tunity to be self-restricting."
Ann McMillan, '63, president of
Panhellenic Association, said that
"the abolition of senior hours
could alleviate many of the prob-
lems caused by senior apartment
permissions and encourage girls
to remain in their houses."
Deborah Cowles, '62, past chair-
man of Woman's Judic, explained
that "if the recommendation on
senior hours is passed, it would be
another step in reflecting the level
of maturity and responsibility that
University women can obtain."
Barbara Portnoy, '63, chairman
of Women's Judic, said that "the
extended privileges for seniors if
passed, must be regarded as both
a privilege and a definite respon-
The report submitted by Judic
also contained recommendations
for the extension of freshman
hours, an easing of overnight per-
missions for women in Ann Arbor
and a revision in sign-out and
late minute systems.
SRC Studies
Upgren Case
Complaints about the dismissal
of an Alice Lloyd housemother re-

sulted in a five-hour meeting of
the University Senate's Student
Relations Committee last night.
The faculty committee met with
women f Hinsale 1j: n 'Rwe-

Jeserich Reminisces
About 52 Year Stay
Acting City Editor
Acting Associate City Editor
"For 52 years my vocation has been interfering with my avoca-
tions, but it's certainly been an enjoyable and meaningful experience."
Retiring Dean Jaul H. Jeserich of the dentistry school was rem-
iniscing about his career at the University since he entered as a
freshman in 1910 aiming for the Law School.
"I came from a school (Watervliet High) with only 43 students,"
he recalled. "There were nine in my graduating class, so the University
really seemed like a big place to me with 3,600 students. Now, with al-
most 25,000 students, it is small in retrospect. To me this is descrip-
tion enough of how the University has changed."
Dental Surgery
T"+aca n$--hinac - vatPV r ta riA mm iAd f+tA +a iin

providing basic social insurance dent group on the campus is the
protection for the aged against International Relations Club, with
their rising health care costs is 430 members.
not far off." Fall-Out Shelter
Social welfare programs in the It took two events to galvanize
United States have developed the students. The first was an an-
slowly but steadily, Fauri said. nuncementfacultyGritepres
Nevertheless, he felt that the been appointed to consider con-
piecemeal arrangements resulting verting the basement of the new
from ammendments to add protec- Fine Arts Building into a fall-out
tion against economic hazards re- shelter. There were no other de-
sulting from old age, disability, The campus was immediately
'unemployment and death of the setwt uoapeeso
breadwinner has given the United swept with rumor, apprehension
and discussion.
States one of the best social secur-
ity systems in the world. "The kids discussed this day and
"The gaps due to the exclusion night," Ruth Gruenewald of Chi-
"The gasdet h xlso said. "They had never been
of some 14 million jobs from the cofronted before "
system's protection would be clos- I before.
ed" by bringing to the system em-, See REVIEW, Page 6
ployes of small firms, of state and
local governments, of nonprofit Tr er u
organizations and farm workers. Wekl Prmnt
Week e Groupss


opportunity to meet students from
all over the world - Nielson anti-
cipates that of the 50 students
who will enroll for the first session
next September, about 25 per cent
will be from the North and South
American continents, 25 per cent
from Europe (exclusive of the
Scandinavian countries), 15 per


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