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May 25, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-25

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Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

OSA Fires Housemother,
Refuses To Explain

FOR REASONS which the Office of Student
Affairs refuses to disclose at this time, the
house director of Hinsdale House, Alice Lloyd,
has been told that "her services are no longer
required" as a housemother at the University.
The housemother has asked that a statement
of the reasons for her dismissal be made public.
Both Vice President for Student Affairs James
A. Lewis, who is "giving a hearing to the case,"
and acting Dean of Women Elizabeth Daven-
port, who fired her, refuse to comment at this
What is the reason that a housemother who
is a former college instructor and is very
popular with the women in her house was asked
to leave? Why is the Office of Student Affairs
unwilling to reveal the reasons?
ERHAPS THE reason for the dismissal was
that she has consistently encouraged her
girls to speak their opinions on all matters,
which is not necessarily the case in other
Housemothers and students alike know there
are imperfections in the dormitory system. Yet
neither group dares express opinions. The stu-
dent fears the housemother's non-academic

evaluation of her; and the housemother, a slave
of the system, fears for her job. Consequently,
imperfections are never aired. A system pre-
cluding criticism is self-perpetuating.
COULD IT BE that the Office of Student
Affairs is afraid of the changes that un-
checked opinions might precipitate? Could it
be that other housemothers in the system find
change a threat to their position and have
the power to pressure for the removal of the
instrument of that change?
Could it be that the OSA fears that its in-
competence to handle student problems under
the present system, which is staffed by many
people unqualified to evaluate and counsel
students, may be uncovered by a woman who
does not fear the loss of her position?
In any case, the Office of Student Affairs
seems unwilling to admit that its action was
promped by fear of criticism.
The Office of Student Affairs has been
changing through this year. That it is unwill-
ing to face criticism at this time, when it should
be most welcome, is an indication that it is
THE UNIVERSITY as an academic commu-
nity cannot afford to tolerate this limitation
upon freedom of thought in the dormitory sys-
tem or anywhere else. There must be continual
re-examination of the OSA and a willingness
to meet and correct problems.
If the OSA cannot give sound reasons for
asking this housemother to leave, it must be
assumed that the OSA is ashamed.
Own Precepts

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Year Closes
FOR THEIR fourth, and final, issue of GENERATION this year, the
editors have deliberately attempted to fulfill the publication's ori-
ginal intent: an inter-arts magazine. In this purpose they have suc-
ceeded well. Between the photographic covers by Barbara Cohen, there
is - in less than thirty pages - an amazing range of artistic produc-
tion, including fiction and poetry, music, and the graphic arts.
I found particularly interesting the section setting forth a "Project
for Sculpture." The idea is a provocative one. The GENERATION staff
is to be commended for this experiment; publishing this kind of avant-
garde material is, quite simply, what a University arts magazine can
and should do.
Konstantinos Lardos is represented in this issue by a tender story,
"Broken Wings." Poetically conceived, the piece has the charm both of
the folk and the fairy tale. And it is accompanied by a well-reproduced
and imaginative graphic work by Sam Scott.
* * * *
ABOUT THE music I can say only that I am intrigued by its ap-
pearance. Some clarinettist should try out "Matrix"; it ought to be
fun. "Groups" and "Matrix" are obviously musical experiments. The
composer, Donald Scavarda, emphasizes the element of surprise.
The issue closes on a quieter (anti-climactic?) note: "Some Haiku."
These, I confess, look better than they read. My own feeling is that
such delicate bits must be most carefully selected in order to convey
their impressionistic flashes. In this case, I thought the Japanese char-
acters more exciting than the translations.
All in all, this GENERATION is a worth-while postscript to a good
year. Editor Roger Reynolds and his staff are to be thanked for the
excellent communications they have sent us.
-Marvin Felheim
English Department
Mada ma Butterfly!




Mo? ov

IT IS BOTH fitting and ironic that the week
of June 5 through 12 has been declared Na-
tional Study Week. Students will be able to
study for their finals at the same time they
are observing a great national event. Too bad
it wasn't National Study Semester.
Voice Violates

Kahn "Dying in Great Delirium'

VOICE Political Party has flagrantly violated
the principles it has been so righteously in-
sisting others accept. In making arrangements
for the fourth Voice symposium on the arms
race, Wednesday, it clearly demonstrated that
Voice Itself 1sfar from void of the guilt it finds
in others.
Voice is supposed to stand for individual
freedom, and greatest liberty of expression of
thought, speech and action permissible in civi-
lized society. When it decided to present a sym-
posium on the arms race, it was, therefore, not
only consistent, but morally right that Voice
present speakers of all views and opinions, re-
gardless of how much their ideas differed from
Voice's own. The fact that this was to be a
symposium whose aim was to interest and en-
lighten the University community in the issues
of the arms race, and not a parade ground for
Voice to expound its own beliefs, made it neces-
sary that Voice present to the campus a broad


IN TURNING its back on the refugees stream-
ing out of Red China, the West has aided
the Communist country in both its political
and economic aims and has effectively snuffed
out the flame of hope it so earnestly endeavors
to keep burning in the hearts of the enslaved
peoples of the world.
To ease the problems of impending famine
in Southern China, the Communists have re-
laxed border controls permitting vast numbers
to pour into already overcrowded Hong Kong.
Now the West is sending them back behind the
Bamboo curtain - hungry, weary, disillusioned
and hopeless. Now the Communists can laugh
and ask, "Where are the great forces of de-
mocracy so ready to give their all to help those
who would free themselves from the yokes of
their oppressors?" The point is well taken.
Granted it is not easy to absorb hundreds
of refugees into an already overcrowded pop-
ulation and to clothe, feed and shelter them.
Maybe it is really impossible. But in times like
these the West should be prepared to do the
impossible. Hong Kong should not have to do
it alone. Every free nation in the world shares
the moral obligation to save every soul offered
it in trust and expectation.
Every human being sent back into slavery
is living testimony that the free world has lied.
Now perhaps no one will try to escape anymore.
If there is nothing to escape to, what is there
to escape from?
Business Staff
CHARLES JUDGE, Business Manager
MARY GAUER ..........Associate Business Manager
MERVYN KLINE.................Finance Manager
ROGER PASCAL...............Accounts Manager

VOICE recognized this responsibility - at
first, anyway - and did a commendable job
of carrying the policy out when it asked Her-
man Kahn to speak at its fourth presentation.
Kahn, as those involved realized all too well,
was expected to expound views diametrically
opposed to those of Amitai Etzioni, Seymour
Melman and Prof. Kenneth Boulding, the first
three speakers at the symposium, whose beliefs
were much closer to those of Voice.
It became apparent to those involved, how-
ever, that it mightn't be wise to have Kahn
speak "unopposed." Both Etzioni and Melman
made it clear that they thought that someone
should either debate with Kahn or talk about
what he said after he had spoken. It was more
than implied that someone should "clarify"
Kahn's remarks and "straighten out" Kahn's
arguments and figures to a presumably other-
wise "susceptible" audience.
In the interest of this objective, Voice took
two actions. It arranged for Prof. Boulding and
J. David Singer, an expert from the Mental
Health Research Institute, to "comment" on
Kahn's remarks at the conclusion of his ad-
N A WAY, this was commendable. Distortions
of fact or the use of deceptive argument
should not go unnoticed. But, if a program is
arranged in which speakers are to speak, not
debate each other, there can be no justification
for permitting comment by one side at the
other's speech without any reciprocal arrange-
ment. No one spoke for the "other side" when
Etzioni, Melman, or Prof. Boulding spoke, and
this was clearly unfair.
Furthermore, Voice is one of the groups most
ardent in arguing for the end of speaker bans.
While ready to admit that a Communist might
say anything or use any tactic when addressing
an audience, it argues that the listeners have
the intelligence to see through faculty argu-
ment and distortions of fact. It is reasonable
to think that they would raise quite a protest
if the University required J. Edgar Hoover to
be on the scene to "comment" every time a
Communist spoke.
O NE OTHER point about having this "com-
ment" should be noted. A presupposition im-
plicit in making such an arrangement is that
Kahn was intending somehow to "deceive" his
audience. This idea of pre-condemnation is ex-
actly that for which Voice so vigorously de-
nounced the House Un-American Actiivties
Committee. The inconsistency is obvious.
On the middle of the Diag the afternoon
before Kahn spoke, Voice took its second action
regarding his appearance. Standing before a
sign reading "Voice Forum," William Livant,
a psychologist from Mental Health Research
Institute, told listeners Kahn was "morally
repugnant," and "intellectually deviate," and
that his ideas were "inadmissible."
He suggested questions to ask Kahn which
presumably would "tear him apart," and said
that a speaker deserved applause only when
he successfully answered a difficult question.

To tie Editor:
HERMAN KAHN has come and
gone but the evil that men do
lives after them. Both in a small
seminar and a public lecture,.he
spread before us images of geno-
cidal futures that ranged all the
way from "only" 30 million to ev-
erybody dead. But Mr. Kahn care-
fully avoided telling us what we
might do. We can glean this, how-
ever, from his book "On Thermo-
nuclear War" and from an article
in "Commentary".
Yes, we are to have more wea-
pons, up to twenty times "over-
kill." Yes, we are to 'have mass
shelter building. And yes, if any-
body thinks of a weapon bigger
or more exquisite, let's get to work
on it, for all we know there is a
lag in development and the sooner
we can have it the better. That is
what "we" should do. (Does the
reader feel a part of that "we"?)
And suppose "they" do too?
Mr. Kahn's policies will bring
about the very future he describes.
This is not new. Anthropology
knows the process as "sympathet-
ic" magic. Cure bleeding with
more bleeding; , cure pain with
more pain; cure mental affliction
by driving the patient mad. Medi-
cine has worked free of this
scourge; when will social policy?
DURING the very brief discus-
sion, Mr. Kahn was likened to
Freud; both dared to study fright-
ening but important topics. In our
opinion this comparison is exactly
wrong. We do not fear Mr. Kahn
for his fantasies; we fear him, and
the practitioners of "sympathetic"
magic, for their power in high
Freud had no such power. More-
over, Freud loved life; after a life-
time of self-analysis wrote that he
felt he had failed; for a man can-
not see the most fearful things
about himself. How much self-
analysis has Mr. Kahn done? Is
he aware it is people not poker
chips he is talking about? Is he
aware that most of the world's
people are not "Party A" and
"Party B?" Is he aware that
people have problems related to
living not to playing games?
Mr. Kahn, for allrhis military
toys is not the future. He is the
past, dying in great delirium with
a great noise. We will not share his
fascination for destruction. Whom
the gods would destroy, they first
make mad.
-Prof. Anatol Rapoport
-William Pan Livant
Life Wish...
To the Editor:
YOUR reporter, along with most
of those who heard him, seems
to have missed the main point of
Herman Kahn's message, which is
than the present world system of
national states and unilateral na-

with other such institutions, mil-
itarily obsolete.
We are like the feudal baron
who subsidizes the development of
the firearms which made him mili-
tarily obsolete. We could put ma-
jor intellectual resources into a
technology, both physical and so-
cial, which would restore the via-
bility of the national state, but we
choose not to do so, perhaps be-
cause of a deep underlying nation-
al death wish.
For those of us with a life wish,
however, the immense learning
and teaching process which is now
necessary to achieve a viable world
is something to which we must
dedicate the whole current of our
-Prof. Kenneth E. Boulding
To the Editor:
I PROTEST the completely un-
justified attack on the Dean of
Women in Tuesday's editorial.
Mrs. Davenport is, contrary to im-
plication, competent, conscien-
tious, and what is commonly
known as a "swinger." She deeply
feels her responsibility to uphold
the rights of the student and she
has great respect for the students'
When, earlier this spring, the
Regents decided to try to make
Alice Lloyd into a coed dormitory
next year without consulting the
students, Mrs. Davenport consid-
ered their disregard a shocking
outrage and vehemently opposed
it to uphold student right. Now
that student support is behind the
program for 1963, she is working
with students toward implement-
ing it. This illustrates her concern
f or our rights.,
Unlike other administrators we
have and have had, she has al-
ways treated students as adults.
This is evident in every statement
she makes to The Daily, and es-
pecially in her reaction to the in-
famous idea of "bed-check." If I
may quote:
* * *
"SOMEWHAT horrified, Mrs. Dav-
enport said that there would be
no bed-check so long as she re-
mained in office, that the idea of
such Gestapo tactics was ab-
surd . ..
The Office of the Dean of Wo-
men has always been a classic
target in every school. It is tradi-
tional to pot-shot at the Dean.
One can hardly be considered to
belong to a big-league university
unless the Dean is a real Victorian
villain. But Michigan has no wor-
ries about being considered a Big-
Time College.
Why, then, can't we be different,
and treat our Dean as though she
were on our side, as in fact she is?
A little academic respect for the
truth is in order ..
-Christine King, '64

This summer, interested freshmen,
and for that matter, any interested
students, will read two novels by
Albert Camus, The Stranger and
The Plague. This done, they may
attend any or all of five seminars,
led by outstanding faculty mem-
bers from different departments,
and concluding with a panel dis-
cussion involving all the seminar
But this is not enough, despite
being a fine start. The program
died because of student apathy to
readings of immense scope. By
spreading itself too thin, the pro-
gram lost the general student in-
THIS DOES not mean, however,
that the program is by definition
a failure; it must consolidate in-
terests and concentrate on deep
penetration of a problem from an
interdisciplinary standpoint, rath-
er than a superficial study of many
fields of interest. In fact, the Sum-
mer Reading Program Committee
is constructed inrsuch a way, four
students and three faculty mem-
bers, so that it can be expanded to
include the entire Reading and
Discussion Program, provided the
freshman program is a success.
This means that if the student
body responds favorably to these
initial five seminars, the program
most likely will continue, making
interesting seminars on important
problems immediately available
outside the formal atmosphere of
classroom discussion. The student
body must lose their academic
apathy for SGC to continue the
program. Reading Camus is a good
-Roger Lowenstein, '64
Chairman, SGC Summer
Reading Program

W EDNESDAY night saw a gentle
production of "Madama But-
terfly" which, while it has grown
a little more flamboyant since its
opening three years ago, success-
fully avoids those extravagances
of passion calculated to rend even
the stoniest of hearts.
Whether this is an entirely good
thing is another question. The sets
were very quiet and very Japan-
ese, but they were also very clut-
tered and unappealing. An un-
known draft kept wafting hun-
dreds of blossoms off of the trees
every few minutes and by the end
of each act the roof and floor were
full. Unfortunately they would be
clean again after intermission and
the whole thing would start again.
But it's an ill wind that doesn't
blow someone something and the
set was so fashioned that when-
ever an actor needed something to
do with himself he could run over
and close or open any one of six
sliding doors The novelty of that
ploy didn't seem to wear' off too
quickly either.
LEONTYNE Price matched the
docility of the evening by singing
magnificently, but with an appar-
ent utter relaxation. The audience,
however, was far from relaxed.
Detroit opera lovers love Miss
Price and were eager to show it.
One could tell this both from their
applause and from their com-
ments, which lasted throughout
the performance. In a fit of wild
exuberance the gentleman behind
me managed an encouraging
"Bravo, Leontyne," but it was lost
in the tumult.
William Olvis (Pinkerton), Clif-
ford Harvuot (Sharpless), and
Rosalind Elias (Suzuki) sang ade-
quately, but not with any especial
verve, while Osie Hawkins (the
Bonze) fired up the stage during
his few minutes in the first act.
In general, the restraint of this

Poetic Justice Abounds
"WALK ON THE WILD SIDE" drags its dirty footage through the
S mostcommercial and embarrassingly bad movie so far this year.
If producer Charles K. Feldman had been content to round up a
group of second-rate television actors and film a low-budget "B" movie
to be shown on a double bill, the picture would have adequately accom-
plished its purpose, and a critic would be unfair to criticize the picture
for what it did not intend to do. However, with second-rate ability and
material, Mr. Feldman pretentiously expects the audience to accept
"Wild Side" as a "message' 'movie-if not an art movie.
Moving predictably from cliche to cliche, the script by John Fante
and Edmund Morris from the Nelson Algren novel definitely does not

production was unnecessary. After
all, "Madame Butterfly" is Puccini
and Italian. Just because it is set
in Japan is no reason to play it
like a string of Haiku.
-Richard Pollinger
that he is that part of the
universe that asks the question,
What is the significance of Man?
He alone can stand apart imagin-
atively and, regarding himself /and
the universe in their eternal as-
pects, pronounce a judgment: The
significance of man is that he is
insignificant and is aware of it."
-CarL Lotury Becker
"Progress and Power", 1935


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fri., June 15. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than June 5.
Automobile Regulations: The Univer-
sity student automobile regulations will
be lifted with the completion of classes
on Tues., May 29. Office of the Dean of
Graduating Seniors place your order
for caps and gowns now at Moe's Sport
Shop, 711 North University.
Applications for the University of
Michigan Sponsored Research Gradu-
ate Fellowships to be awarded for the
fall semester, 1962-63, are now being
accepted in the office of the Graduate
School. The stipend is $1,150 plus tut-

Michigan extends to the Faculty and to
full-time University employes the priv-
ilege of purchasing Athletic Cards.
Those Eligible to Purchase:
1) University Faculty and Adminis-
trative Officers.
2) Faculty members who have been re-
tired. but still retain faculty privileges.
3) Employes on the University payroll
who have appointments or contracts,
on a full-time yearly basis; or, if on an
hourly basis, are full-time employes and
have been employed by the University
for a period of not less than twelve
months prior to the date of application
for the purchase of an Athletic Card.
The date shown on the Employe's Uni-
versity Identification Card shall be con-
sidered as the date of employment.
4) For spouses and dependent chil-
dren between the ages of 10 and 18 of
the above groups.
Cost of Athletic Card-$15.00.
Purchase Date:
1) At Ferry Field Ticket Office be-
ginning June 1.
2) Preference for location expires Aug.
3) Additional Season Ticket purchase
privilege (limit 2) expires Aug. 10.
Conditions and Privileges:
1) Athletic Cards or Tickets are not
2) Ticket privileges end with termina-

tell "a new kind of love story"
as the advertisements say. The
movie actually rehashes all the
soap-opera goodies that were ex-
hausted in the thirties in order to
make some vague point about good
overcoming exil before the end of
a movie.
THE GOOD GIRL gone bad gets
poetic justice at the end by way
of a stray bullet. The bad madame
gone Lesbian gets poetic justice
by being sent to jail. The good
teenager :going bad gets poetic
justice by being turned over to,
"juvenile authorities." Oh, you've
never seen so much poetic justice
in the last three minutes of a
Laurence Harvey is required
merely to look virile and interest-
ing so that it is plausible that
three beautiful women ' would
throw themselves at him; he fails.
Although he never does, it seems
as if he must be constantly yawn-
ing. He has no vitality. Fortunate-
ly, poetic justice reigned in the
casting, and he was paired with a
mannequin, Capucine, who can
breathe and repeat lines-at least
it appeared that way.

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