xt Bail
Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opinions AreFre STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevai
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Hatcher's Action
Shows Courage
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a first in a series of reviews of the Metropolitan
Opera performances in Detroit this week.)
A T ABOUT seven o'clock Tuesday evening Brenda Lewis was rendered
virtually voiceless by an infection which had been plaguing her
for a week, and the Metropolitan Opera Company was forced to play
another round of musical chairs with itself, this time with a one-hour
time limit.
Phyllis Curtin, who hadn't sung the part since last December (with
the Vienna State Opera - and never with the Met) stepped innocently
off the plane in Detroit and was rushed to Masonic Temple to sing
Vocally, the part is an exception to Miss Curtin's usual style, and
in addition it demands a good deal of acting, not to mention that dance
that put Salome on the map. All considered, Miss Curtin did an aston-
ishing job.
* * * *
IT MUST have been a night of deja vu for her, however, not only
because Walter Cassel (Jochanaan) and John Alexander (Norroboth)
had both sung with her the very first time she did the role, but also
for reasons which will unfold later.
Karl Liebl (Herod) was up to his usual magnificence of acting and
had the best luck of anyone in throwing his voice over an orchestration
which Strauss himself trimmed down after everyone in Dresden com-
plained that he couldn't hear the singers. But it is still a vast orchestra
by anyone's standards.
MISS CURTIN is scheduled to sing Fiordiligi in "Cosi Fan Tutte"
Saturday, and we shall have a chance to see how well she can follow
one difficult role with another so different. She told me this morning
that she was advised against that very sequence of roles in Vienna, but
that she does not anticipate any trouble since she sometimes used
"Salome" as an exercise: long ago her voice teacher made her learn
to sing through the part on the syllable "ah", just for discipline.
Hark well, music students, the Etudes you save may be your own.
-Richard Pollinger
LAST NIGHT, academic freedom at the Uni-
versity was more than just a phrase. Two
controversial figures, Carl ,Braden and Frank
Wilkinson, gave speeches using University fa-
cilities. Despite pressure from various indi-
viduals, including state Sen. John P. Smeekens,
to halt the talks, University President Harlan
Hatcher flatly refused.
Hatcher said he refused because the student
organizations sponsoring Wilkinson and Bra-
den's appearance had followed procedures out-
lined in Regent's bylaw 8.11. But his decision
was more than mere compliance with a Re-
gental decision: it was an act of great intellec-
tual honesty.
When faced with a choice between avoiding
controversy and promoting the true purpose of,
the University, he chose the latter. Despite
precedents set by his less laudable counterparts
at Wayne State and Michigan State Universi-
ties, he did not choose to assume extraordinary
powers and clamp the lid on the free exchange
of ideas.
PRESIDENT HATCHER undoubtedly dis,
agrees with some of the ideas Braden' and
Wilkinson expressed last night. But his deci-
sion shows that he is willing to allow the -
people of the University to evaluate these ideas
for themselves. He has not set himself up as
the arbiter of truth on this campus as Presi-
dent's IHannah and Hilberry have done on
theirs. He has acknowledged that we all have
something to learn and has refused to limit
the areas in which we may search for knowl-
edge. Unlike those who would squelch contro-
versial speakers, President Hatcher has refused
to damn these men as liars or fools before even
hearing them.
Maybe they are liars. Maybe they are fools.
Or maybe they conveyed priceless glimpses of
truth. The only way to find out is to listen
to them, listen to their critics and decide for
This is the principle on which democracy is
based. This is the principle on which the Uni-
versity ought to operate. It is a wise principle.
Unless someone is so presumptuous as to claim
a monopoly on absolute truth, he would be
foolish to write off any man as a potential
source of ihsight. He would also be foolish not
to be constantly evaluating all viewpoints.
S IS THE basis of the democratic belief
In personal liberty. It is not just a hollow
phrase, to be brushed aside when unpopular
views arise, but a foundation for the-,establish-
ment of the best conceivable society. For this
reason, the University community, a community
especially dedicated to the search for truth,
should be especially open to all ideas.
However, the University is also a public in-
stitution, and, as such, is frequently subject
to pressures which oppose this search. When,
in the face of such opposition, a University
president decides to uphold the basic idea of
his institution, his decision is a commendable
1 MAINTAIN this type of intellectual hon-
esty requires no mean courage, especially
for the head of a public institution. He must
.please the Legislature, the holder of the Uni-
versity's purse strings. He must answer to a
public which misunderstands the purpose of a
free University, a public which interprets his
decision in terms of pro- or anti-Communism,
and nothing more. All too many people feel
that knowledge in certain fields - such as
social ideology - has in their own time,, and
in their own minds, been fully and adequately
explored. They feel that their time, their na-
tion, and they themselves have reached a sum-
mit from which no further progress can be
made. They have lived so long with their basic
assumptions, be they religious or political or
social, that they can no longer allow these
values to be questioned.
A great University is free from this provin-
cialism. By his action, President Hatcher has
implicitly asserted that the principles of the
University must come first, that a university
which compromises this principle is not a great
university, no matter how generous its legis-
lative appropriation.
President Hatcher's courageous decision de-
serves a long, enthusiastic round of applause
from all who interpret a University in these
terms. Hopefully, this is the first glimpse of an
encouraging change in University policy.
THERE ARE still improvements to be made.
Regents' Bylaw 8.11, reflecting the public's
fears for its basic assumptions, is still on the
books. Speakers advocating the violent over-
throw of the government or proposing "conduct,
which violates the fundamentals of our accept-
ed code of morals" cannot appear on Univer-
sity property. In short, this bylaw is aimed at
circumscribing the range of ideas in which the
academic community is encouraged to deal.
President Hatcher's decision was not an easy
one. To do away with Bylaw 8.11 will be an even
more difficult move. When WSU repealed its
speaker ban last year, its board of governors
faced tremendous public pressure in the form
of an extensive petition campaign for rein-
statement of the old rule. Led by individuals
unconnected with WSU, this campaign tried
to make that institution a passive reflector of
their ideas.
Ann Byerlein, a Detroit nurse who led the
pro-speaker ban forces in the WSU contro-
versy and who came to the University Tuesday
in an attempt to convince administrators to
reverse the decision, said, "We can stir up
quite a bit of fire when we get going."
Undoubtedly she can; but if President
Hatcher and the Regents can continue to show
the kind of courage and honesty that allowed
Wilkinson and Braden to speak, her "fire" won't
char the University's greatness. Whatever the
legislative appropriation, whatever the public
reaction, we must not forget that the idea of
Michigan is freedom.
A Classic Case
Progress Visible
In University Activities
Daily Staff Writer
THE BARRING of Robert G.
Thompson from the facilities
of Michigan State University is a
classic case of imposing a speaker
ban. It contains all the elements-
public clamor, the legislative
threat, the vocal defenders, and
the administration cave-in-that
marks this sort of controversy.
The Young Socialists, who spon-
sored the event, planned their lec-
ture quietly enough. Behind the
scenes they had talked to MSU
President John Hannah, who had
tacitly approved the program since
he merely advised them about the
dangers to the university appro-
priation. However he said nothing
about barring Thompson from
MSU's student union. In fact at
one point, the union had takenthe
room away from the Young So-
cialists and it was later restored
to them.
Enter Karl Lady. When the
head of the Conservative Club
heard of the Young Socialists'
program, he wrote a short protest
against the speech which was sent
to the press and to legislature, as
is the custom of the club. The re-
lease, Laidy said, was not a very
long detailed argument, but rath-
er a short but effective, protest.
SEN. JOHN Smeekens and Rep.
William Marshall followed Lady's
lead by introducing a resolution in
the legislature which would de-
clare Communist speakers using
tax-supported state college and
(Continued from Page 2)
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The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 Student Activities
Building, during the following hours:
Monday thru Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon
and 1:30 til 5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should call Bob Hodges at NO
3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
1-Ann Arbor resident to sell insur-
ance. 1z-time during school, full-
time during summer vacation and
vacations during the year.
1-To do yardwork through the sum-
mer. Must have your own equip-
ment. All day Saturday.
3-Engineering students to do apart-
ment maintenance in exchange for
rooms with private bath. (Quiet
studious boys). No cooking, drinking
or parties. Must be available for
two or three years, summer and
-Several boys for yard jobs.
1-Meat clerk. Must have experience
with meats. 4 or 5 days per week,
from 4 or 5 p.m. until 9 p.m.
6-To take Inventory. Mn. of half
university facilities against state
Marshall claimed that the reso-
lution recognized that the consti-
tutional status of the three state
universities makes compliance
non-compulsory. But the very na-
ture of the motion-which would
be binding on Michigan's six non-
Constitutional state colleges and
university-coupled with legisla-
tive consideration of appropria-
tions, made the threat quite clear.
Last year, Sen. Elmer Porter,
chairman of the Senate Appropri-
ations Committee which handles
higher education appropriations,
was unhappy about Wayne State's
lifting of its long-standing Com-
munist speaker ban and the,,uni-
versity's appropriation was cut
$200,000 below the previous year.
r , ,
MEANWHILE, according to
Young Socialist Club president
Jan Garrett, Hannah was putting
pressure on the club to cancel
Thompson's appearance. He urged
All-University Student Govern-
ment President William Howard
to revoke the recognition of the
club on the basis of technicalities
concerning the number of mem-
bers -
So Hannah polled his board of
trustees. Four of its members sup-
ported Hannah. One opposed him,
saying he would not be a? party
to legislativeublackjacking. One
was unavailable. The use of the
union room was denied.
Hannah used the standard line
of reasoning. The trustees recog-
nized the need for students to
know about Communism, but, he
said, they should get their infor-
mation from faculty members
competent in the field and who
have "an obligation to tell the
"The University never has or
will knowingly invite a Communist
to preach his treason on campus
for we see no point in providing
a platform for an exponent of
Communism who is not bound to
tell the truth," Hannah declared.
* * *
THE LANSING branch of the
Alnerican Civil Liberties Union,
the MSU chapter of the American
Association of University Profes-
sors, and the Model United Na-
tions, a student issues conference
that meets three times a year, is-
sued protests.
The speech was finally held off-
FOR proponents of free speaker
policy, the current trend is not an
optimistic one. Law is not particu-
larly on their side and it will take
courage, as evidenced by Univer-
sity President Harlan Hatcher to
uphold this principle.
The Hunter College case and
the Riverside California decision
set two somewhat weak but re-
cent precedents in the matter. In
the Hunter College case a New
York judge ruled that colleges and
universities cannot be arbitrary in
determining which outside group
can use their facilities and which
The Riverside decision upheld
the University of C a l i f o r n i a
branch's right to regulate speaker
policy under the doctrine of "in
loco parentis." Both decisions are
at low level and subject to appel-
late change. Neither is considered
a strong precedent in court, Prof.
Paul Kauper of the law school said
recently. *
PROF. KAUPER further be-
lieves that the courts will be slow
to find university action in speaker
cases unreasonable and to over-
turn speaker ban policies. Thus
the courts are not about to pro-
vide a remedy for this situation.
Protest action is of little avail
for administrators listen to the
legislators who hold the keys to
FEW THINGS follow a process of development
which is single-minded in purpose and un-
interrupted in execution, whether they be per-
sons, concepts-or a University.
Psychologists tell us that for infants the pro-
cess of maturing is a jerky one, often lacking
both direction and control. "If we observe an
infant we notice that he appears to be a mass
of movement," comments a leading source on
the subject. "Most of his movements are un-
differentiated and undirected."
The University is no babe - it observes its
145th "birthday" August 26-and four years is
a relatively brief period of time in which to
study it. Yet during the past four years the
University has often appeared as "'a mass of
movement" whose actions are 'undifferentiated
and undirected." In short, it appears that the
University, despite its age, is still in the process
of maturing.
THE NATURE of this maturing can best be
sketched by reviewing some of the events,
both significant and insignificant, which have
occurred here since 1958.
They were calling the University 'the big 'U'
long before 1958, but it has grown even bigger
since then. The past four years added more
students, more professors to teach them and
more buildings to house them. All this growth
took place despite a thrift-minded Legislature
which rarely appropriated money the Univer-
sity considers sufficient.
Repercussions of the greater size ranged from
the 1958 opening of Mary Markley Hall, large
enough to accommodate 1,200 women residents,
to the discontinuation of the tradition-steeped
J-Hop, found to be unsuitable as an all-campus
dance. Looking to the future, the University de-
cided that a full-year tri-mester calendar would
be the most efficient way to cope with its
"growing pains."
O.VER THE PAST four years as in the past,
this countinual growth has affected the
University's academic standards-it has raised
them. Because the rate of people seeking to
enter invariably exceeds the rate of student
body growth, the University can afford to be
particular about whom it accepts. And it is.
But all the while the University has been
jacking up its academic standards, it has
achieved the remarkable accomplishment of
maintaining its high standingin non-academic
fields. One of these fields, sports, is often re-
garded in fact, as anti-academic. Yet sports are
the only contact with the University for a great
many more people than any administrator
probably ever suspected.
Examined in the light of rising academic
standards, the University's four-year athletic
record is respectable enough to stir the heart
of any loyal alumnus - or prospective alum-
nus. Wolverine teams have consistently ranked
among the leaders in nearly all -sports in the
highly-regarded Big Ten conference.
Neither have stepped-up academic pressures
since 1958 noticeably decreased overall student
activities outside the classroom. It is true that
Student Government Council cannot claim to
have attracted any appreciable more campus
concern for its affairs. Likewise, the "Gargoyle"
humor magazine has disappeared from the
campus scene, apparently with no one missing
it enough to revive it.
BU' SUCH instances of much-discussed stu-
dent apathy have been offset in the last
few years by a new tactic of liberal student
activity and the emergence of organized con-
servative student activity.
The liberal groups perfected the "demon-
stration" by employing it against such diverse
targets as anti-Negro discrimination, atomic
warfare and the House Committee on Un-
American Activities. At the same time, the
hitherto silent voice of conservative students
began to be heard, culminating in the organiza-
tion of a University chapter of the Young
Americans for Freedom.
As students stepped up their activities, the
University appeared more and more willing to
extend to them more responsibilities. It seemed
to excuse the precedents toward irresponsibility
established by the rise of a beatnik set and the
new tradition of spring vacations at Ft. Lauder-
'J7HE DAILY'S sense of responsibility as a
student-operated newspaper reached a peak,
of sorts, when in 1958 it played a key part in
exposing a ring of students who were distrib-
uting tickets for a collegiate football score
gambling ring. Faith in the newspaper's re-
sponsibility to select its own staffs was tumbled,
however, last month when the Board in Control
of Student Publicationse overturned appoint-
ments for next year's senior editorial staff.
Yet beyond these momentary setbacks, the
University this year laid promising groundwork
for a reorientation of the Office of Student
Affairs toward more student responsibility. To
date, the student body has shown little inter-
est in the plans, but perhaps the preliminary
concepts fail to affect the individual student
At the same time as the University has ex-
panded its students' sphere of responsibility,
it has broadened its own horizons -nationwide
and even worldwide. Symbolic of this develop-
ment were President Harlan Hatcher's junkets
to theSoviet Union in 1959 and to Latin Amer-
ica this winter.
The symphony band in the winter followed
up President Hatcher's Soviet trip with an
excursion of its. own, as the first American
collegiate band ever to tour the Soviet Union.
Soon thereafter, the University completed final
arrangements on a program for juniors to study
for a year in France. The University's new
worldwide orientation was rounded out when
it spawned early support for the Peace Corps
and then trained a crop of Corpsmen for serv-
ice in Thailand.
CONTRIBUTING generously to the national
scientific effort, University scientists and
engineers fulfilled a growiig number of fed-
eral research contracts. They even launched
their own exploratory rockets and high-alti-
tude balloons.
This host of events, four years' worth, may
be aptly described as "a mass of movement,"
to use the psychologist's words. Yet closer ex-
amination .shows that it is not without direc-
tion or control.
The University has grown a little bigger. Its
academic standards have edged a little higher,
but not at the sacrifice of non-academic pur-
suits, It has conceded a few more responsibili-
ties to its students. It has acquired a more
nationwide and worldwide outlook.
These events -- small when it is considered
that they occurred in so brief a span of the
University's life - nevertheless loom large
when placed in the University's process of
development. In the past four years, the Uni-
versity has matured a little.
Magazine Editor, 1961-62
The Subtle War
Creeping Revisionism
THE CONSERVATIVES have often decried
what they call "creeping inflation." Quite
apart from economics, the University is ex-
periencing "creeping change." And creep the
changes do, for they go unnoticed and unher-
alded; but they are vitally changing the face
of the University in the Office of Student
The need for change in the University has
been recognized by the administration, faculty,
and students. With the publication of the OSA
Study Committee (Reed) Report suggestions
were put into a formalized statement of struc-
Thus far, however, the administration and
the Regents have been reluctant to accept the
structure as it stands. Their concern is war-
ranted and their evaluation of other proposed
structures may indeed unearth new and better
ideas for implementing the philosophy of the
report. But it is highly unusual that while
all of the consideration proceeds, the changes
that the committee recommended are quietly
implemented, piece by piece.
THE FIRST such change stands out since it
was so recently made. The new position of
director of housing was formally approved by
the Regents last Friday. This in itself, is a
clear interpretation of the Reed Report's phil-
osophy in action. It substantially eliminates
the "cleavage" cited in the report between men
Business Staff
CHARLES JUDGE, Business Manager
MARY GAUER...........Associate Business Manager
MERVYN KLINE ................Finance Manager
ROGER PASCAL...............Accounts Manager
and women students and places the burden of
responsibility for all students' housing on one
Changes in the Office of Student. Affairs
reflect a new, increased emphasis on students.
The offices of admissions and records have
been taken out from the authority of the OSA
and transferred to the authority of the Office
of Academic Affairs.
Changes in the housing facilities, however,
began before the Regents' meeting Friday.
Senior women were allowed to move into apart-
ments with parental approval and the com-
plexion of each house is changing.
ASSEMBLY Association's experiment in up-
per class housing has been endorsed by both
women students and the administration and
consequently next year Mosher Hall will be
transformed into an upperclass house.
This clearly is in line with the proposals
of the study committee which recommended
that "a greater variety of housing arrangements
should be offered with experiments tried in
freshmen houses, languages houses and honors
In the piocess of making Mosher an upper-
class dorm, Mary Markley Hall will certainly
become a freshman-sophomore dorm. This was
shown by the fact that for the first time in
many years, women were not required to make
Markley a choice in their housing preferences
which practically insured upperclassmen the
right to transfer from Markley.
COEDUCATIONAL housing, another proposal
of the Reed committee is also in the process
of change. The Shiel committee recommended
that it be instituted and had concrete plans
for the action to be taken by next fall. How-
ever, when women protested it resulted in
postponement of the plans until September
1963. But the main stream of action is appar-
AFTER DINNER, a group of us clustered
around a professor whose courses always
touch on some of the burning public issues of
the day. Someone asked, "Of all the things go-
ing on in the world today, what is the most
important issue?"
"The salvation of individual human souls,"
replied the teacher.
With all our modern governments can do,
here's a guy who's really burying his head in
sentimental sand, many of his colleagues would
say. But once in a while you find a scholar who
realizes that whatever country, whatever issue,
whatever century, mankind's own evil usually
manages to mess things up.
What kind of evil is it? After all, it's really
pretty hard to find evil. Neither I nor my
friends have much. Now over in Europe things
are a lot different .. .
A CONSERVATIVE theologian would trace
man's evil to The Fall. But an intelligent
professor at Michigan offers a more reasonable
explanation of the saga of Adam and Eve. You
see, it's an allegorical myth of curiosity (what's
in that apple, anyhow?) versus authority ("But
of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
you shall not eat.") Man's wonderful curiosity
won out, glows the professor.
People around the University are content to
explain away a more prfound interpretation of
the tale-that man has a tendency to do wrong,
and is held responsible for it. The same symp-
tom is evident in society as a whole. Prof. Ger-
hard Lenski's religious research in Detroit found
very strong belief in such things as the exist-
ence of God, God's response to our prayers, or
Jesus as God's only Son. But the idea that "in
life after death some persons will be punished"
was believed by only about half of the subjects.
People are inclined to overlook evil, or to
shut it out of their thinking. And the idea that
a God would hold a man responsible for his be-
liefs and actions is certainly troublesome to a
society which prizes "togetherness."
object to it when religious concepts are men-
tioned. They will object to a statement like
this, which seems arrogant:
"The inhabitants of hell are where they
want to be and where they belong." But this
idea is not basically egocentric, because it's
based on the Judeo-Christian belief that the
glorified ego is band and will be held account-
able. The writer, C. S. Lewis (better-known here
as an authority on Renaissance English) adds
that the pride-ful man won't enjoy heaven be-
cause his ego is too big to fit into God's realm.
After all, the Psalmist asks his God "What is
man that Thou art mindful of him?" And
Christ demands that his followers lose their
lives in order to find Life.
A religious humility is unpopular in a Uni-
versity. The idea that a lot of the world's
troubles stem from men's exaggerated egos is
disliked. The idea that a man will be punished
for his unwillingness to surrender his ego to
a Saviour and His ideals is unfair and unpleas-
ant, they say. But the vocal majority has no
more proof than the theologian, and consider-
ably less basis.
Associate Editorial Director,
Counter Bluff
WEST GERMAN Chancellor Konrad Aden-
auer has at last sounded off in public con-
cerning his views on the United States State
Department's plan to put a 13-nation commis-
sion in charge of the access routes between
Berlin and West Germany.
It won't work says the Chancellor, and the
current United States-Soviet talks on West
Berlin are sure to end in failure. But he sees
no war resulting from this predicted flop.
The Chancellor is right again, if you ask us.
The State Department's gutless proposal would
x. ,,