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May 22, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-22

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A& 4hp


Warmer today,
Scattered thundershowers.

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Residence Hall Board Passes
Fall Freshman Pilot Progm
- - - -- - -- -rc~. S ~ * a g

High Court

-Ms. J - -MLM, -E

The Board of Governors of Resi-
dence Halls approved the recom-
mendations of the Newcomb Study
for an experimental residence hall
program next year aimed at re-
ducing the "divorcement" of aca-
demic and residence hall living ex-
Included in this "divorcement,"
Asst. Dean of the Literary College
James H. Robertson said, are
Sawyer Hits
Dorm Size,
Sally Jo Sawyer, '62, past pres-
ident of Assembly Association, cit-
ed size and inflexibility as two ma-
jor problems which face dormitory
Miss Sawyer gave her report on
the woman's dormitories to the
Residence Hall Board of Govern-
ors yesterday. The reportconsists
of various opinions gathered from
a residence hall survey and her
experience in meeting dormitory
The individual girl, living in a
large dormitory such as Mary
Markley or Alice Lloyd "feels lost
in the crowd, with no voice in de-
termining policy and with no real
sense of identity to a group." Up-'
per classmen often feel that ac-
tivities in the dorms are for
younger students, and they devel-
op a poor attitude which makes
constructive house programs dif-
ficult to institute.
Coed Houses
Miss Sawyer recommended that
coeducational houses might alle-
viate problems in the larger dorms.
Since coed housing might appeal
to a majority of freshmen and
sophomores, Markley could be an
ideal place to institute such a pro-
"The second large problem fac-
ing the residence halls is the be-
lief that efficiency of operation is
more important than the feelings
and wishes of the majority of the
girls," she said.
Lesser Irritant
"The fact that a girl is ex-
pected to be in at midnight is not
as great a source of irritation as
is the treatment she receives if
she comes in at 12:01 a.m.
Some of the suggestions, which
stem from a variety of areas in
dorm operations include:
1) Have no compulsory house
2) Open all doors at curfew time
3) Make it easier for girls to
move from dorm to dorm.
4) Do not limit phone conversa-
5) Have earlier fire drills.
"Women have set new policies
and established new programs
within the houses. Add to these
improvements the Oxford Proj-
ect, coed housing, and apartment
permission for senior women and
the future looks quite bright," Miss
Sawyer said.
TO Complete
Indian Plans
For Exchange
Prof. Claude Eggertsen of the
education school will travel to In-
dia in August and September to
complete arrangements for a fac-
ulty and graduate student ex-
change program between the Uni-
versity and an Indian university,

yet to be selected..
The exchange program is slated
to start in June 1963 when two
graduate students in comparative
education and one professor from
the education school will begin a
year of study in India.
Five Years
The following September, an
equal number of Indian education
students and professors will come
to the University.
Prof. Eggertsen, whose trip this
fall is being underwritten by a
grant from the State Department,
said that "plans are well under-
way for the support of the Indian
students," while living costs for
the University representatives will

problems such as the lack of "op-
portunity to carry on conversa-
tions that may have been germin-
ated in the classroom."
Present plans call for an exper-
imental program involving Greene
House in East Quadrangle and a
"sister house" not yet chosen.
Equal numbers of men and women
will be enrolled in certain "ear-
marked" literary college courses
which will be carried over into the
residence halls through informal
participation of faculty members.
"Somehow we must make use of
the fact that students are living
together," Dean Robertson said.
The pilot program will begin by
placing entering freshmen with
similar courses together in the
dormitories and by having a fac-
ulty advisor conduct seminars and
discussions within the living units.
Greene House, which has a ca-

pacity for some 90 students, will
have 55 new freshmen, of which
only two are not in the literary
college involved in the program.
Dean Robertson felt it was more
important to group the freshmen
by their courses, rather than by
their school,
"We will try a pilot group to
see what it offers and see the mea-
surable benefits from it. Perhaps,
in the future, it could involve oth-
er schools," said Vice-President of
Student Affairs James A. Lewis.
Acting Dean of Women Eliza-
beth Davenport also said that it
is not eefinite whether there will
be room for all graduate women in
the dormitories.
"We may not be able to house
them and it will be a first come,
first serve basis. We say this re-
luctantly because we feel that this
is a valuable service to those who
want it," she said.



Voids 6 Convictions
t of Congr oess C ases



Kauper Sees NUCLEAR WAR:

Jencks. Cites Treatment
Of Students, Education
"Too often colleges treat their students like an intellectual pro-
letariat, sweating for their daily pittance of grades and credits,"
Christopher Jencks, associate editor of the New Republic said Sunday
in the closing lecture of Challenge's series on higher education.
He said that the University must consider the theoretical prob-
lem of its purpose and function as an educational institution. In the

May Take
Tax Decision'
LANSING tAP) - The first major
decision on taxes and spending;
were expected this week as law-
makers returned to Lansing, hope-1
ful of heading down the home-
stretch to adjournment.
They will resume tax-writing;
and budget-making chores tomor-
A major barrier to tax agree-
ment was lifted last week when,
Gov. John B. Swainson reluctant-,
ly gave up his drive for a fiscal;
reform program based on a state
income tax. That cleared the way
for Democrats to let up in their,
drive for an income tax package
against opposition of majority
GOP Impetus
It also added impetus to a 9OP
move to pass a packag of "nui-
sance" taxes on beer, cigarettes,;
telephone and telegraph service,
liquor and possibly other items.
Some Republicans have report-+
ed a new spurt in a move for a
one per cent tax on goods sold at
wholesale - in place of a pack-,
age of nuisance taxes. The levy
would yield more than $100 mil-
lion annually, they said.
Budget bills are expected to
emerge from the House Ways and
Means committee and the Senate
Appropriations committee early
this week.
Add Up
They are expected to add up to
slightly more than $500 million-
or more than $20 million above
this year's spending.
One important measure still be-
ing studied closely is the school
aid bill. It went from the House
Education Committee to the Ways+
and Means Committee carrying a
$19 increase in the $205-per-pupil
formula, and boosting a deduct-
able millage factor from 3% to
3%, thus equalizing payments to+
poor and rich districts.

solution of this problem will lie
solutions to the practical problems
of faculty salaries and legislature
He saw an opportunity for col-
leges to institute a program of
truly liberal education. He sug-
gest breaking up the university
into smaller colleges and institut-
ing a plan involving fewer lectures
and class hours a week, with those
hours devoted to small discussion
groups with professors, as changes
that might result in higher facul-
ty salaries and better legislature
Since 1945 there has been a rev-
olutionary change in that there
are now over 100 colleges that send
at least 50 per cent of their stu-
dents to graduate school. For these
institutions the major question is,
"What can the undergraduate col-
lege do better than the graduate
school?" Jencks said.
He suggested that this question
involves a distinction between edu-
cation and instruction.
"Education is the leading out of
the mind," the stimulation of curi-
osity and imagination which cre-
ates receptiveness to learning, and
it should be the province of the
undergraduate college. Instruction
imposes discipline and specialized
knowledge, and should be the
province of graduate schools, he
The University is an elite insti-
tution because it chooses its fac-
ulty on the basis of standing in a
professiopal field without regard
to teaching ability, Jencks said.
Meader Plans
House Protest
Rep. George Meader (R-Ann
Arbor) is organizing a House pro-
test against the appropriation
committee's 15 per cent lid on in-
direct research expenses of uni-
Meader says in 1901 the Univer-
sity spent 17.3 dollars directly onI
Federal research and 5.9 million
on overhead connected with proj-

Legal Issues
As Dominant
Braden, Mazey Note
Constiutional Aspects
Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the Law
School characterized yesterday's
Supreme Court decision as a ques-
tion of criminal procedure rather
than First Amendment rights.
The Court reversed the convic-
tion of six men under a Federal
contempt statute which makes it
an offense to refuse to answer a
pertinent question asked by a
Congressional committee.
At indictment under the con-
tempt statute, the prosecutor must
state the subject which had been
under subcommittee inquiry. Yes-
terday's reversal hinges on the
failure of the prosecutor to do
this, Prof. Kauper said.
Not Effect Units
Prof. Kauper believes that the
decision will not affect Congres-
sional committees as such, but the
Justice Department will have to
state in greater detail the sub-
stance of the offense when a per-
son is charged under the contempt
statute for refusal to testify.
Others, however, interpreted the
court's decision in different terms.
Carl Braden, an integrationist
leader who spent 12 months in
prison for contempt of Congress
after he refused to answer ques-
tions of the House Un-American
Activities Committee, felt the de-
cision has deeper significance.
Legal Technicalities
"The court decided this case on
legal technicalities, but I feel it
is a victory for the First Amend-
ment and a defeat for HUAC,"
Braden said.
He saw yesterday's decision as a
result of a change - "more liber-
tarian"-atmosphere in this coun-
"The Supreme Court does not
operate in a vacuum. Whether
consciously or unconsciously, the
court feels and reflects the atti-
tudes of society," Braden com-
He spoke of a similar decision
last week in the case of singer
Pete Seeger. "A United States cir-
cuit court threw out Seeger's cita-
tion for contempt of HUAC," Bra-
den said.
Ernest Mazey, Executive Direc-
tor of the Michigan Branch of the
American Civil Liberties Union,
viewed the decision in a similar
"This is a heartening develop-
ment," he said.
He expressed the opinion that
the attitude of the Court has
swung more toward civil liber-
ties, and that a new climate has
He noted that formerly the
opinions have run 5-4 against
gains in civil liberties, while yes-
terday's decisions were reached by
5-2 and 4-2 votes in favor of civil
He suggested that the real is-
sue in the decision is constitution-
al, and that the technicalities are
merely a hook from which it

That the threat of an all-out
nuclear war at present is not as
great as many people hypothesize,
was the principal point of Herman
Kahn, speaking last night at the
final Voice symposium on the arms
Author of the best-selling book
"On ThermonucleareWar," .Kahn
explained that there' are many
factors of logic and reasoning
which tend to make the threat of
such a conflict less likely than one
might guess.
Hypothetical Situations
He illustrated several hypotheti-
cal situations which might de-
scribe the state of the arms race.
He explained the degree of safety
each system offered both sides in
his "two unit" model, and ex-
plained the reasons why.
He said that a weapons system
in which each side had invulner-
able missiles of sufficient power to
destroy th other nation ten times
over would result in "nearly ab-
solute safety." Such a system
would mean suicide for both par-
ties in the event of general war.
Admits Arguments
Kahn was quick to admit that
there are arguments against con-
tinuation of the arms race. Ie
pointed to the fear of irrational
action by one side, the ambiguity
of actions and statements on the
part of either side, the possibility
of better alternatives, and the in-
stability of an extended so-called
"balance of terror s ituation.
He said, though, that some of
the possible alternatives to the
arms race are worse than the race
itself. He did acknowledge, how-
ever, that an arms race policy
could become much more danger-
ous ir the future.
Commenting on Kahn's remarks
at the conclusion of his speech,
Prof. Kenneth Boulding, of the
economics department said, "What
Kahn did with the threat system
is what Freud did with the human
Livant Attacks
Kahn Ideas
On Armament
"Don't be surprised at the mor-
al repugnance" of the ideas that
Herman Kahn expresses. -
With this, William Livant of the
Mental Health Research Institute
discussed Kahn at yesterday's
Voice forum on the Diag. Livant
called the theory which favors the
continugation of the arms race "in-
"Any policy that has nuclear
war as its strategy should be ruled
out," he said. "If the policy con-
flicts with some of the deepest
desires of the human heart, then
that policy is wrong."
Livant also said that Kahn's
division of the world into two
camps, the "we" and the "they."
is artificial. We often feel a clos-
er kinship, he said, with someone
whose activities cannot be analyz-
ed in "we-they" terms.

-Daily-Larry vanice
DISCUSSES THREAT - Herman Kahn, author of the book
"On Thermonuclear War" told a Voice symposium audience at the
Multi-purpose Rm. of the UGLI last night that the dangers of all-
out war had been exaggerated.
Speaker Ban Controversy
Stirs MSU Campus Groups
Frank Wilkenson and Carl Braden, convicted of contempt of
Congress as a result of their appearance before the House Un-
American Committee, were barred from speaking at Wayne State
University, President Clarence Hilberry announced last night.
Wilkenson and Braden, who will speak here today and tomor-
row, were to address a meeting of the Civil Liberties Committee.
The cancellation came on appeal of a decision of the Forum
Committee of the WSU Student-Faculty Council which super-
vises the presentation of speakers in WSU facilities.

Kahn Views Threat

Vote Acquits
Ruling Draws Dissent
From Harlan, Clark
preme Court reversed yesterday
the convictions of six men sen-
tenced to prison and fined for re-
fusing to answer questions asked
by congressional Red hunters.
The decision was based on a
legal technicality and brought
strong dissents from Justices John
M. Harlan and Tom C. Clark. They
expressed concern that the ruling
would hamper legitimate congres-
sional inquiry.
Each case was decided on one
question, said Justice Potter Ste-
wart, speaking for the majority:
Identify Subject
"The grand jury failed to iden-
tify the subject under congres-
sional subcommittee inquiry at the
time the witness had been inter-
Thus, the court for th' first
time, he said, has laid down such
a specific requirement fOr con-
tempt of Congress prose-utions.
The high tribunal previovsly had
declared that Congress hs broad
powers to investigate sbversion
and to cite balky witnesses for
But the court did hot rule on a
broad constitutional question rais-
ed in the appeals: whether quiz-
zing into the personal affairs of
the six defendants violated their
guarantee of freedom of speech
and press.
Concurring Opinion
However, a concurring opinion
by Justice William O. Douglas,
said "the theory of our free so--
ciety is that government must be
neutral when it comes to the.
press .. ."
In the dissents, Harlan and
Clark both said the decision would
encourage balking at questions.
Harlan called the ruling a "sudden
holding" based on "novel and un-
convincing" reasoning.
Four of the six cases involved
contempt citations by the Senate
Internal Security Subcommittee
of: Robert - Shelton and Alden
Whitman, New York Times copy-
readers; William A. Price, former
New York Daily News reporter, and.
Herman Liverigst, former program
director of New Orleans television
station WDST.
The other two cases involved
contempt citations by the House
Committee on Un-American Ac-
tivities of :Norton Anthony Rus-
sell, an engineer at Yellow Springs,
Ohio; and John T. Gojack, trade
unionist at Columbus, Ohio, who
formerly was general vice-presi-
dent of the United Electrical
Worker Union.
Quillen Warns
Of Pressures
In Education
PORTLAND () - Public pres-
sure and state legislatures must
not be allowed to force unwise
changes in public school programs,
Dean I. James Quillen of Stanford
University said yesterday.
Quillen told the National Con-
gress of Parents and Teachers con-
vening here that leadership in
educational change must come
from scholars in the academic
fields who have brought such new
developments as the "new" mathe-
matics ,and revised programs in
science, English and foreign lan-

Quillen said that the quality of
public education depends on the
quality of the teacher, and that
this country needs more and bet-
ter teachers than ever before.
The best way to attract good
teachers into the profession, he
said, is to set very high standards.
The higher the standards, he said,
the higher the quality of teachers.
Quillen said that by 1970, most
I talentedru1nsters will be finish-.

The Michigan State University
Young Socialists continued plan-
ning for the speech of Communist
Robert G. Thompson yesterday
while his presence stirred contro-
versy on the campus.
The club received permission
last night from the East Lansing
City Council to stage the speech
in Valley Court Park, three blocks
from the MSU campus, but are
undecided whether to hold the talk
there or at a nearby fraternity
house which offered to host the
speech, Jan Garrett, president of
the Young Socialists said.
The MSU chapter of the Amer-
ican Association of University
Professors (AAUP) issued a state-
ment, addressed to MSU President
John Hannah, denouncing the ac-
tions of the board of trustees.
Bear Brunt
"The AAUP is well aware that
students and faculty will have tol
bear the brunt of any punitive .ac- i
tion, but freedom of thought must
apply equally inside and outside
the University Community," the
statement said.
It cited the strength derived
from the clash of opposing ideol-
ogies, and said that suppressing
speakers opposed to community
beliefs is the way of totalitarian-
In a similar vane, the Lansing
branch of the American Civil Lib-
erties Union . issued a statement
Saturday proposing a three-point;
speaker policy.
It said that students should have
the right to assembly, select a-
speaker and discuss any topic, but
if they are to schedule a speaker.
they should provide enough time
to allow the administration to ex-
press its views.
Not Representative
Thirdly, any sponsoring groupI
would make it clear that the;
speaker does not necessarily rep-

Cites Trends
DETROIT - Prof. Paul W. Mc-
Cracken of the business adminis-
tration school described the busi-
ness outlook as "reassuring" in a
speech before the 15th annual con-
vention of the Financial Analysts
Federation meeting yesterday.
However, he cautioned that the
long-term prospect looks less op-
timistic unless basic steps are tak-
en to strengthen the economy.
Government, business and the
public rmust join hands to promote
a more profitable economy.
We need an "incentive-promot-
ing tax policy, imcluding a lower-
ing of the Federal tax structure,"
on the government's part.
Business has a responsibility to
see that research develops new
products, that capital budget pro-
cedures be sharpened, and that
"pri cing for volume must continue
to be a creed of faith," he added.
Our great need, however, Prof.
McCracken said, "is a national
state of mind that views with less
hostility the successful market-
place performance that gives rise!
to enlarged profits.
"So long as society views with'
suspicion successful business per-
formance, the more profitable
economy required by our domes-
tic and our international situation
will not easily be attained," he
Listing minus factors in the
economic outlook, Prof. McCrack-
en mentioned that a dozen major
"leading indicators" had gained
only five per cent since February
last year which was the low month
of tie last recession.
Water Simply


Japanese Kabuki music consists of a melody, played by the string
section, rhythm, played by the percussion section, and a contrast
which serves as a type of harmony, played by the woodwind section,
Prof. William P. Malm said in a concert demonstration last night.
Five shamisen, stringed instruments; a ko tsuzumi, an o tsuzumi,
and taiko, all percussion instruments; and a bamboo flute and noh
flute, woodwind instruments, made up the ensemble, directed by Prof.
Kabuki music has "no conductor or leader," but is limited in-
stead by the naturalness of the music and by "drum calls," shouted at
set intervals by those playing any of the three percussion instruments.
Prof. Malm said.


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