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May 19, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-19

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'jol: 4c

Str togar
Seventy-One Years of E~ditorial Freedom

:43 a t I

Continued hot, humid,
with scattered thundershowers.

Swainson concedes Death of Fiscal eform


Action Clears Way
For Nuisance Taxes
Governor Hits 'Republican Mess,'
Abandons Hopes for Income Levy
Governor John B. Swainson conceded yesterday that fiscal
reform is dead, clearing the way for passage of a nuisance tax
In a special press conference, Swainson hit the "Republican
mess in Michigan" and, admitted that there is little or no hope for
a state income tax or any of the other taxation reforms to be passed
in this session.
Speaker of the House Don R. Pears (R-Buchanan) commented
"since Swainson has thrown in the towel, it is conceivable that a
nuisance tax' package could pass the House and Senate in the











* *





Fail To Complete Formal Action

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.. ends fight
Protes Ban
e Of Spea ker
Petitioning and resolutions
marked the reaction to yesterday's
banning of Communist Robert G.
Thompson, from speaking Wednes.-
day on the Michigan State Univer-
sity campus facilities.
James Anderson, former execu-
tive vice-president of the All-Uni-
versity Student Government, began
circulating petitions urging the
rescinding of the action of the
Board of Trustees.
"There is a groundswell of sup-
port for our position," Jan Gar-
rett, president for Young Social-
ists, the. sponsor of Thompson's
speech, said.
Garrett added that the club
plans to have Thompson speak
off-campus at the Edgewood Peo-
ples Church in place of a room at
the student union now denied the
The Model United Nations, a
student organization which meets
three times a semester to consider
lution hitting the ban as a viola-
world problems, approved a reso-
tion of United Nations Charter.
A resolution opposing the ac-
tion is also being prepared for
consideration by AUSG, Wednes-
The Young Socialists, the MSU
chapter American Association of
University Professors, and the
American Civil Liberties Union
are meeting to review the situation
and issue statements on it.
Meanwhile, the legislature has
before it a resolution declaring
Communist speakers at Michigan
tax-supported colleges and univer-
sities "contrary to public policy."

next two weeks." The House is
presently considering various tax
packages including a flat income
tax proposed by Rep. Rollo G.
Conlin (R-Tipton) similar to the
package rejected by the Senate
several weeks ago.
The other tax package, a group
of "nuisance taxes" is now before
the House. The first of this pro-
gram-a two cent per package
boost in the cigarette tax-has
been rejected although this levy
will be reconsidered.
Rep. Joseph Kowalski (D-
Detroit), the Democratic floor
leader, noted, "When you have
23 Republican Senators who can
hold up progress, it is difficult to
get a program through."
'Not Enough Cared'
"There are not enough people
who cared" he added, noting that
the University and other groups,
which would benefit from fiscal
reform did not bring enough pres-
sure to bear for the program.
Sen. Raymond D. Dzendzel (D-
Detroit) minority floor leader in
the Senate, said that Senate
Democrats "will not buy a nui-
sance tax package.
'All We Could'
"We did all we could to pass an;
income tax. I've discussed the.
matter with the Republican mod-
erates who remained in the coali-
tion and there is no hope of re-
gaining the three votes we lost."
The coalition is a group of
moderate Republicans and Demo-
crats in the Senate who teamed
up to pass a flat rate income tax
several weeks ago which was sub-'
sequently reconsidered and tabled
when internal dissension resulted
in three senators switching sides
in the reconsideration.
'Budget To Get Out'
Dzendzel added however that
"We have a budget to get out." 1
Swainson announced that he+
had given up his two-year fight
for a fiscal reform package afterf
consultation with leaders of bothI
parties in the House. He said,i
"I'll probably be faced with a
choice of two evils; no increase at
all, which would result in chaos
or nuisance taxes."
Davenport Denies
Bed-Check RumorI
Responding to rumors of a bed-t
check on the Hill, Acting Dean of
Women Elizabeth Davenport yes-t
terday asserted that "there wills
be no bed-check on the hill so longt
as I am in office." She assertedt
that the bed-check could not be1
held because the personnel work-
ing in women's dormitories would
not be sufficient to check every

Cites Aim
Of Elite
Eastman Gives
Double Criteria
"The two aims of the ideal uni-
versity are to liberate the human
spirit in the student and to train
him in a responsible commitment
to society."
Delivering the "prologue" to the
Conference on the University in
the Michigan Union Ballroom last
night, Prof. Arthur M. Eastman
of the English department said
that "if this is what we really
mean by ansideal universityrthen
we fall short. This conference is
testimony to that fact."
In viewing discontent which dif-
ferent factions feel towards the
University he characterized stu-
dent discontent as "coming from
his own failures."
Recall Questioini
He recalled that he had once
asked a group of students wheth-
er they ever helped each other or
studied together. After hesitating
they said that with the competi-
tion for grades around here that
would not be wise.
"Criticism of the University is
often really criticism of society.
The student never realizes that so-
ciety has never been willing to
pay for all the things that edu-
cation really needs-that society
has never achieved 'the integra-
tion that the student wants."
Considering faculty discontent
he explained that "we project our
own failures and problems on the
scapegoat of the administration.
University Wrongs
"But there is much wrong with
the University-it is divided rath-
er than united. There is also much
wrong with the world. We are like
a series of feudal barronies each
populated by anarchists and going
its separate way. We possess only
a guilt ridden laissez-faireism
without a sense of over-all re-
Raising possible answers to
"what can we do?" he rejected
the University changing its pos-
ture in order to get more money
as "showing us to be timerous and
timesaving." He also rejected the
idea of reducing the size of the
University as "no solution."
He said that "one solution would
be dividing the University into
smaller but complete colleges. But
there is another solution deeper
than this. The need to promote
leadership at all levels.
Inspiration Quality
He characterized leadership as
"the quality that gives direction
and inspiration to others.


THE REGENTS took incomplete, but
promising action affecting the Office of
Student Affairs yesterday.
Endorsing the philosophy of student
affairs outlined in the Reed Report, The
Regents approved the creation of new
agencies for housing and student financial
aid. They asked President Hatcher to man-
age the-implementation of other adminis-
trative changes which the philosophy may
demand. .
The analysis of the University's rela-
tion to its students outside the classroom
has been a major concern on the campus
for the past year. The various studies of
the non-academic side of the -University
have pointed to a long-needed revamping
of the policies and structure of the OSA.
In attempting to implement the philos-
ophy, the Reed Committee, Student Gov-
ernment Council and the faculty's Subcom-
mittee on Student Relations all urged re-
structuring the OSA along functional lines,
giving students a greater voice in determin-
ing policies governing them and resting
clear responsibility for the non-academic
aspects of University life with the Vice-
President for Student Affairs.
* * * ~
WHAT THE REGENTS did yesterday
makes a start along these lines. The two
new agencies will be directly responsible to
the vice-president with no intervening dean
of students or other administrative officer.
Neither administrative officers of The
University nor The Regents, however, of.
fered final proposals on what to do with
the remaining areas of counseling, disci-
pline and student organizations. Presum-
ably these decisions will be rnade during the
summer, although it is a little difficult to
see why extra time is needed-after a solid
year of consideration-to make further
studies into restructuring the office.
Student participation in these decisions
was not mentioned, nor did The Regents
urge that students and faculty be given a
formal method to participate in policy de-
cisions of the new student affairs office.
By creating new, functional offices for
student aid and housing, The University
committed itself to placing the other three
agencies under similar jurisdiction. It is in

- - ...

An Ediot

.....ia l.......
no way logical to continue to have some
units broken down along functional lines
and similar ones divided by sex. It is even
less reasonable to retain positions of Dean
of Men and Dean of Women when they
have been stripped of housing, counseling
and disciplinary duties.
* *
terday's action is the fuzziness of the lan-
guage used in discussing the problem arid
lack of a decisive statement of what fur-
ther changes the administration intends.
We do not really know to what degree
The Regents have embraced a new philos-
ophy of student affairs or precisely what
administrative changes in the OSA can
be expected for next fall. The Regents ac-
tion and certain of their statements can
be construed as an intention to divide each
of the "functional" units into male and fe-
male subdivisions or in retaining the tra-
ditional, but not logical, positions of sep-
arate deans.
What is more 'optimistic and logical, of
course, is that this is the first step toward
a complete revision of the OSA along
functional lines.
Those who have the most power over the
operations of the OSA-The Regents and
* the administration-have said the least;
about the office or about the philosophy
which is going to underly it in the years
ahead. They adopted the philosophy with-
out saving why and without any discussion
of it. Now, they have initiated changes in
the office with a minimum of public state-
ment and a total absence of any significant
THE UNIVERSITY'S top decision
makers have the obligation to at least an-
nounce what decisions they are making,
even if they do not tell us why. There has
been ample time and opportunity for all
members of the community to study the
report and come to a definite stand on its
recommendations. The Regents should have
taken a firm public stand on the OSA and
begun the immediate implementations of
the changes they desired.

orm New Office
To Govern Housing
Move Two Offices to Heyns' Unit,
Postpone {Other Structure Changes
The Regents reiterated their faith in the philosophy of 'the
Office of Student Affairs Study Committee yesterday but. declined
to take formal, concrete action on the structural changes within
that office.
President Harlan Hatcher explained to the Regents that in
evaluating the large area of housing there had- been up to this
time a tendency to de-centralize. Many educational decisions, he
noted, were made on the basis of whether or not students would
have "roofs over their heads." Consequently, it seems that the
nature of new problems makes it necessary to form a new Office
of Housing which will be directlya

Censorship Threat Closes Newspaper

responsible to the Vice-President
of Student Affairs.
After Consideration
In addition, he noted that after
consideration by both Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis and Vice-President and
Dean of Faculties Roger W. Heyns
a decision has been reached to
transfer the Offices of Admission
and Registration and Records
from the authority of the Office
of Student Affairs to the Office
for Academic Affairs.
other structural changes within
the Office of Student Affairs in
the areas of student government
and student organizations, coun-
seling and judiciaries and dis-
cipline were left to the considera-
tion of President Hatcher and the
other related administrative of-
Regent Eugene Power (D-Ann
Arbor) noted that he hoped that
the possible changes could be
crystallized over the summer and
implemented by September, 1962.
Continuing Process
Regent William MacInally (D-
Jackson) added, however, that a
set amount of 60 or 90 days is
unfair since the process will con-
tinue for longer than that.
President Hatcher added that in
the areas of admission, records,'
housing and student aid changes
shall be made immediately, but
that the structure regarding the.
offices of the deans will be handled
by the office of the president.
Regent Allan Sorenson (D-Mid-
land) said that he felt the recom-
mendations were good but he not-
ed disappointment that two to
three months of study will be re-
.Voices Consensus
Regent Donald M. D. Thurber'
(Detroit) voiced the consensus of
the Regents' and said that since
the philosophy of the Reed Re-
port was accepted, the Regents
now awaited the recommendations
of the administration regarding'
specific changes.
Regent Power noted that the
study committee report should not
be taken as a study of the Office
of Student Affairs but rather a
study of the relationship between
the University and the students.
Regent Irene Murphy (Birming-
ham) commented that the word
students must be looked at clearly.
'"We must sharpen our definitions'
of terms so that we can apply
them to the correct areas," she
At a later press conference Pres-
ident Hatcher noted that the pres-
ent Offices of Dean of Men and
Dean of Women will be integrated;
into the context of both the phi-
losophy of the Reed Report and
the newly created Office of Hous-
Bursicy Sets
Second Race
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor) will be a candidate for re-
election to a second term in the'

The daily paper at the Univer-
sity of Redlanas, California, the
Redland§ Bulldog, ceased publi-
ention with its April 30th edition
due to censorship threats.
The Student Council and the
Bulldog editors announced that
they would take this move because

of the imposition by the Admin-
istration of a policy which in-
cludes provision for censorship.
President of the university,
George H. Armacost presented his
policy for the "Bulldog" to the
student council president and the
editors and advisors of the paper.
It states that the advisor to the

Today 's Action To Decide Championships

paper ". . . will grant freedom to
the editor and his staff in propor-
tion to their ability and acceptance
of responsibility."
Authority to Alter
President Armacost said that
this meant that the advisor had
the authority to alter or delete ar-
ticles against the wishes of the
staff, but added that he hoped
"it would only be necessary to use
this authority once or twice a
The meeting with Armacost
camne about after a policy issued
by the Student Council which he
said was unacceptable.
The Council policy states that
the "Bulldog"editor is the sole
authority for deciding what shall
be printed in the paper and is re-
sponsible directly to Student
Council, the publishers.
Also announced by Armacost
was the removal of Prof. Stanley
K. Frieberg from his position as
co-advisor to the "Bulldog."
Prof. Frieberg said that a let-
ter was sent to him by the presi-
dent that he was relieved of his
position because he "failed to
function inthe manner appoint-

OSA action
Defer Action'
On Fee Hike
The Regents yesterday deferred
consideration of a possible tuition
raise until there is some indication
from the legislature as to what
the possible budget might be.
University President Harlan
Hatcher noted that "when we met
in April, I said that given the
forces within the legislature there
might be a resolution of the prob-
lem and we would have some indi-
cation as to what appropriation we
might receive by this time."
He explained that this is one
of the more prolonged delays and
that to come'down into May with
no indication as to what the
budget will be makes it very diffi-
cult administratively.
Hopes for Clarification
He said that he hoped that "this
will be clarified prior to the dis-
persal of students and faculty in
June. If this does not come true
there will be special communica-
tions to students."
He noted that in the past when-
ever the Regents had to adjust
fees th :re were scholarship funds
made available to needy students
who were inconvenienced by the
Regent Donald M. D. Thurber
(D-Grosse Point) said that if it
should become necessary to raise
tuition "we will try to arrange
things so that no student will find
it necessary to drop out of school
or transfer."
No Decision
President Hatcher indicated
that no decision had been reached
on the question of a disproportion-
ate raise for out-of-state students
In other action Vice-President
for Business and Finance Wilbur
K. Pierpont, in reply to a question
on a racial census of University

Two of the four Michigan teams currently seeking Big Ten Cham-
pionships bead into today's action with slim leads over the rest ofj
the field.
The baseball and tennis teams, both trying to make it two straight
titles in a row, have respective leads of one game and seven points
over the runners-up - Illinois in baseball, and Northwestern in
Michigan's other two contestants in conference action, the track
and golf teams, are fighting from underdog positions in hopes of up-
setting respective leaders, Wisconsin and Michigan State in tracks
and, in golf, Indiana.
The Wolverine baseballers maintained their slim one-game lead
ever the Illini yesterday by means of a 3-2 win over Northwestern, the
winning coming run coming in the ninth inning when sophomore

Special To The Daily
EVANSTON - The Michigan
baseball team took another giant
step towards its second straight
Big Ten championship yesterday.
edging Northwestern, 3-2.
This was possibly the Wolver-
ines' hardest earned victory of the
season. The outcome was in doubt!
until Wolverine pitcher Fritz Fish-
er fanned Bob Calvert with two
outs in the ninth and the tying
run on third base.
Birthday Present

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