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May 17, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-17

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


To Minimize Costs
For Instate Students
Plans Contain Out-of-State Hike,
Graduate School Student Fee Boost
University administrators this week are expected to present the
Regents with proposals for raising tuition geared to minimize added
expenses for instate students.
The fee hike plans--which could net the University up to an
aaditional $2.5 million for next year-would, as a maximum, boost
undergraduate instate fees to around $300 and raise the out-of-state
instruction cost to more than $900.t i




MVatching Planl





State Would Provide
US. Asks Aid in Buildup Added $1.27 Million
T) * ry 10* -



SGC Passes Tuition Motion

To Request
Airlift Americans
To Laotion Border
ates officials reported last night
they expect Australia and Ne
Zealand and perhaps other Paci
fic allies to send some military
forces to Thailand.
This word reached Washington
following a Southeast Asia Treat:
Organization meeting held i
Bangkok as the United State
troop buildup began in Thailand
The United States has been
prodding its allies to join in the
United States action which presi
dent John F. Kennedy took to bol
ster the defenses of Thailand an
increase pressure against a Com
munist takeover in neighboring
United States authorities said
all the SEATO members - whic
include Britain, France, Australia
New Zealand, the Philippines and
Pakistan plus the United States
and Thailand - had responded
favorably to Kennedy's action.
They said Australia and New
Zealand have indicated they toc
will send some armed contingents
to Thailand provided the prope
request is received from that coun-
The size and type of such forces
was not disclosed, but presumably
would be less than the 5,000 Unit-
ed States combat troops and air
support assigned to Thailand by
The Philippines were reported
still discussing the question of
whether to offer troop aid, while
the reL- onse of Pakistan was not
yet known here.
It was not expected likely that
Britain and France would send
forces. However, London did pub-
licly express its backing of the
United States action yesterday and
France, United States officials
said, has been helpful in the dip-
lomatic push for a resumption of
negotiations by rival Laotian fac-
tions for a nationwide, neutral
The first of 1,800 Marines to
land at the Thai naval base of
Sataheep, south of Bangkok, will
be airlifted almost immediately to
Thailand's sensitive northeast
border with Communist-menaced
Already Thailand has moved
crack Thai units with United
States military advisers to the bor-
der. There they and the Marines
may be joined before long by at
least token units from othes SEA-
TO members, whose officials are
in consultation on the crisis in
Laos' d
The first of about 45 United
States Air Force jet fighter-bomb-
ers and attack planes streaked to
a landing at Bangkok's airport
Tuesday, only a few hours after
President Kennedy and the Pen-
tagon announced plans to build up
a 5,000-man Southeast Asian com-
bat command on Laos' border.
Group Rejects
Rezoning Plea
The Anan Arbor City Council,
following the recommendations of


Student Government Council
unanimously passed a substitute
motion to a proposal by Fred
Batlle, '64A&D, on tuition and out-
of-state students, stressing that it
would be detrimental if non-resi-
dent enrollment were limited to 25
per cent at last night's meeting.
Council urges that the Regents
not adopt a tuition policy which
might "prohibit otherwise quali-
fied non-Michigan students from
attending the University."
The new motion introduced by
Sharon Jeffery, '63, Detroit, .-indi-
cates that in-state student enroll-
ment is not curtailed by the pres-
ent number of out-of-state stu-
dents admitted. It emphasized the
"need for a 'cosmopolitan nature'

in an institution of higher learn-
Council also granted extensions
to the deadline for membership
selection statements to Alpha Chi
Omega and Phi Sigma Sigma sor-
orities at last night's meeting.
Kappa Delta withdrew its re-
quest for an extension.
Alpha Chi Omega's statement
will be due Friday, May 25, a week
after the established deadline. Phi
Sigma Sigma's was extended until
next Wednesday, two days after
the original limit.
The basis for the extension of
the first request was Alpha Chi
Omega has submitted a statement,
which the house believes adequate,
to a lawyer for legal interpreta-
tion as to the wording, and soror-

ity president Gretchen Jones, '63
A&D, maintained that it would be
improbable that it would be re-
turned in time.
The sorority asserted that it is
"not bound by National policies
regarding this matter." The re-
quest was based mainly on the
extra time needed for getting le-
gal advice.
Phi Sigma Sigma received an
extension in order to seek the ap-
proval of its statement frcm its
Supreme Council. The request was
made after confusion arose over
who in the National organization
of Phi Sigma Sigma's national or-
ganization had to approve the
statement, sorority president, Shei-
la Kulick, '63, said.


Yroposai Requires 1uition Boost;
'U' Needs $4-5 Million Additional
Members of the Senate Appropriations Committee are
considering a proposal to boost the University appropriation
by $1.27 million providing the University matches the hike
dollar for dollar by a tuition raise.
The plan, worked out by Sen. Frank Beadle (R-St. Clair),
who is in charge of drafting the budget for higher education,
provides a total of $5 million in additional funds for all state
colleges and universities with the tuition boost requirement
attached to all of them.
The Regents have requested a boost of $8.3 million for the
'63-63 operating budget. University Executive Vice-President
Marvin L. Niehuss has said"'

that "necessary salary in-
creases alone would be in ex-
cess of $4-5 million."
$36.7 Million

The increase would bring
University appropriation to
proximately $36.7 million.


Hyman Recovers Rapidly

Acting Associate Sports Editor
Gymnast Lew Hyman, who was
critically injured March 31, at
Albuquerque, when he fell from
the trampoline in the finals of the
NCAA championship meet, has
been released from Presbyterian
Hospital in Albuquerque.
Hyman flew home to Waslagh,
N.Y., yesterday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hyman who
have been with him since his ac-
In the last week, Hyman has
made a remarkable improvement.
He recognizes and talks with his
parents and has regained 90 per
cent use of his previously weak-
ened right side. Doctors at Pres-
byterian Hospital cite his recovery'
to date as evidence for a complete
recovery in every respect.

Before leaving the hospital, Hy-
man had been outside riding in a
car with his parents, had been
feeding and dressing himself, and
had conversed with members of
the hospital staff.
Hyman was not given much
chance to live after the accident.
Emergency brain surgery was
necessary to relieve pressure upon
Hyman's brain du to hemorrhag-
ing incurred when he fell from
the trampoline and hit his head
on the wood floor while perform-
ing his last trick of the competi-
He was in a coma for a week
following the accident. For two
weeks he was partially paralyzed
on his right side and had lost the
ability to communicate.
Right Side
He slowly regained use of his
right side, but until last week ap-
parently did not recognize his par-
ents. He spoke coherently with
them, though, at times, as much
as two weeks ago.
According to gymnastics coach
Newt Loken, who has been in con-
stant contact with hospital offi-
cials, "Lew is proud of his letter
sweater and speaks to his parents
about the boys on the team."
Hyman's father expects Le* to
be back in school next fall, al-
though he is not sure if Lew will
return to the University. Hyman
was a second semester sophomore
this February.

Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann
Arbor), a member of the Appro-
priations Committee, commented,
"I think there should be a move
on tuition.
"Schools should be required to1
help meet the burden."
He added that in the proposed
appropriations figures are not yet
Appropriations Committee Chair-
man Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield)
said he was not familiar with the
specific proposal brought forth by
Beadle. He noted that the com-
mittee "hasn't sat down to talk
about specific figures yet."
Porter has said that there is
general agreement in the Senate
that any appropriation boosts to
state colleges and universities
would be tied to a tuition boost.
Francis Backs Plan
Among the backers of the Beadle
proposal are Sen. Lynn O. Francis
(R-Midland), the Senate majority
The plan provides that institu-
tions of higher learning can re-
ceive additional funds up to a
maximum of 50 per cent of the in-
crease recommended by Gov. John
B. Swainson.
Under the formula described in
the plan, Michigan State Univer-
sity would receive an additional
$1.0 million; Wayne State Univer-
sity would receive a $.9 million
boost; Ferris Institute would get
a $.3 million hike; Michigan Tech
would get an additional $.3 mil-
lion; Central Michigan University
would receive a $.3 million boost;
Northern Michigan University
would also get $.2 million extra;
and Western Michigan University
would receive an additional $.4

'Tax Package
LANSING VP) - Legislative ma-
chinery shifted into neutral yes-
terday in its drive to get a state
tax program rolling.
"I guess we're mostly playing a
waiting game," said Rep. Allison
Green, (R-Kingston) House ma-
jority leader. A Republican caucus
after yesterday's session skirted
the sub. pct of taxes, Green said.
The House is faced with two
packages - one of so-called "nui-
sance" taxes, the other based on
personal and corporate income
Rep. Rollo G. Conlin, (R-Tip-
ton) is author of the income tax-
based package. Illness forced him
to miss the caucus and a brief
meeting of the House Taxation
"We would have liked to talk
to Conlin," Green said, to reach
some sort of agreement on the two
proposals. The GOP leader said
earlier that the Republican-fa-
vored pfckage could not move un-
til Democrats had a chance to vote
on the income tax program.
It was generally conceded by
both sides that an income tax
would have no chance of getting
through the Senate this year, he
But, he added, "the sooner we
get the Conlin package out, the
sooner we'll break the log jam."
The House also received and
sent to committee a resolution
c a I1i n g for a constitutional
amendment limiting a state in-
come tax to a six per cent maxi-
The Senate, meanwhile, marked
time-waiting for the House to
take definite action on taxes.

At present, instate undergraduate
students pay $280 and non-
residents $750. The regents arrived
at these rates in May 1960 when
they raised fee payments from
$250 and $600, respectively.
Members of the University's
governing board converged on Ann
Arbor last night prepared to tackle
the knotty problem of tuition in-
creases at their monthly meeting.
Private Discussions
The administration's recom-
mendations will be delivered and
discussed during the Regents' two
days of private and public sessions.
The possibility exists that the
Regents will take no final action
as they stated last month a desire
to postpone consideration of tui-
tion hikes until after the legisla-
tive appropriation has been passed.
Among the various plans to be
presented is one which would dif-
ferentiate between freshman and
sophomores on one level and jun-
iors and seniors on achigher one in
keeping with the fact that it costs
more to educate upperclassmen.
The plans contain a dispropor-
tionate raise for out-of-state un-
dergraduate students as opposed to
an across the board boost. The
provisions for raises in graduate
and professional fees are more
Graduate Hikes
Graduate school fees, which are
presently at $280 for instaters and
$750 for non-residents, fae hikes
up to $350 and $1,000 respectively.
The medical and dental schools
may go from levels of $620 and
$1,230 to as high as $750 and
$1500. The law school faces a
possible increase from $400 and
$880 to $480 and $1100. The school
of Public Health could rise to $600
and $1400 from $460 and $1050.
University officials refused to
comments on the plan as the Re-
gents have yet to take any action
on them.
Executive Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss has said in the past
that the University needs a mini-
mum increase of $4 million over
last year's funds.
This figure would be raised by
both tuition increases and higher
legislative appropriations. At pres-
ent the University is working witn-
in the possibility of a $2 million
boost in appropriations, a figure
recommended by Governor Jonn
B. Swainson.
Group Scraps
Works Plait
Public Works Committee yester-
day scrapped President John F.
Kennedy's proposed $2 billion
standby public works program but
boosted the amount he asked for
immediate use.
As a party-line vote of 18-12 the
Democrats on the committee ap-
proved a bill authorizing $900
million for public works and set-
ting up a new office to run the
program. Kennedy had asked for
$600 million.
The bill was brought in as a
last-minute substitute for the ad-
ministration's proposals by Rep.
John A. Blatnik (D-Minn) and
its prompt passage brought cries
of "railroad tactics" from Re-
Blatnik's bill would establish an
Office of Public Works Coordina-
tion and acceleration, headed by
a $20,000-a-year director.

... $4 million hike

To Probe
Estes Case
ate Investigations Subcommittee
will meet today to order officially
the start of public hearings in the
Billie Sol Estes case.
Chairman John L. McClellan,
(D-Ark), announced he was call-
ing the meeting to obtain approval
for the action which subcommittee
members have said will be granted
without doubt.
They expect first hearings will
get under way in the politically
explosive probe late this month.
McClellan said staff investiga-
tors will give the Senators a de-
tailed progress report on their in-
vestigation of alleged influence
dealings between government offi-
cials and Estes, millionaire Texan
now awaiting trial on fraud
The chairman said he also
would request the usual authority
to order balky witnesses quizzed
by the subcommittee behind closed
doors in advance of public hear-
Today's meeting, which will be
closed, will offer the subcommit-
tee's Republican and Democratic
members a chance to determine
the extent of any possible partisan
bickering in the inquiry.
Sen. Karl E. Mndt, (R-S.D.)
has called the probe a team ef-
fort, in which the testimony will
be allowed to take its course re-
gardless of the political affiliations
of those involved. McClellan prom-
ised a thorough investigation no
matter where the trail of evidence
may lead.
Partisan Demands
Today's meeting will be 4held
against a background of some Re
publican demands for the ouster
of Secretary of Agriculture Orville
L. Freeman on grounds he has,
not actively pressed his own inves-
tigation of dealings between Estes
and some of his subordinates.
Thus far, Freeman has fired two
aides, including former Asst. Sec-
retary James T. Ralph, and a
third has resigned. The names of
all were linked with that of the
gift-giving Estes, who founded a
$50-million financial empire on
dealings in government farm pro-
Subcommittee sources have in-
dicated the inquiry may lead into
other branches of government, in-
cluding the Labor Department,
and may cover events in both the
Kennedy and Eisenhower Admin-
U.S. -Japanese
Shot Succeeds
Japanese rocket rose up 80 miles
last night in thethird and final
phase of a joint effort to test the
temperature and density of the
Like another shot at noon yes-
terday and the first of the series
on April 26, the scientific payload
was sent up by a Nike-Cajun ve-
hicle from Wallops Island, Va. and
the instruiment 'pakag lndeddin

Delegates Ask
To Outlaw
Orbiting Bomb
BRIGHTON OP)-A high level
conference of Western strategists
yesterday called on East-West
negotiators at Geneva to outlaw
any earth-orbiting H-bomb before
lit becomes a reality.
Ending a four-day study of out-
er space and its military implica-
tions. the European-American As-
sembly asserted that such weapons
of mass destruction must be ban-
ned either as part of a general
disarmament program or by sep-
arate agreement with the Rus-
Final Report
The conference's 2,000-word final
report said thedGeneva disarma-
ment talks had disclosed some
similarity between the United
States and Soviet positions on pro-
hibiting orbital weapons.
"There is no time to be lost in
pursuing such an agreement, safe-
guarded by an effective verifica-
tion system," the assembly de-
Convened by the American As-
sembly of Columbia University, the
11-nation conference was attended
by some 70 leaders in the fields of
science, defense, politics and law.
A spokesman said its report will
be widely circulated among West-
ern governments.
Prevent Contamination
The report also called for meas-

... recovering gymnast

Hyman will remain at his home
in Waslagh until he fully recuper-
ates. Four weeks before his acci-
dent, Hyman was runner-up in
tumbling in the Big Ten cham-
pion:3hip meet at Columbus. Loken
was looking forward to Hyman as
a valuable man in trampoline and
tumbling next semester.

Conservatives Invade Oklahoma Campus)

New York Times News Analyst
This is the story of a most
curious happening at the Univer-
sity of Oklahoma, and its implica-
It is a case history of how two
young conservatives "invaded" a
campus, and the difference be-
tween a press release issued in
New York and what Oklahoma
students said was the truth.
Recently newspapers received a
release from the Young Americans
for Freedom. It said that Okla-
homa students, in a referendum,
had "voted by the overwhelming

affiliation with the radical group,"
the two said in the release.
"The student-' response to the
expose of the ultra-leftism of NSA
reaffirms our belief that the stu-
dents of today are predominantly
The YAF is worthy of atten-
tion because it claims to be the
biggcst right-wing student group
in the country with 21,000 to
30,000 members.
However, a nation-wide tour of
campuses and personal interviews
with hundreds of students last
month indicated that the group
was much smaller.
Scmne Republican students called

A third YAP director, Lynn
Bouchey of Seattle, met once with
about twenty rightist Oklahoma
students on the campus. According
to three witnesses there, he sug-
gested tha'; "even though we know
NSA is not Communist, we can
use this as a whisper campaign
to beat them."
He also was said to have pro-
posed such tactics as flooding the
campus with handbills about NSA
printed on pink paper to get across
the subliminal idea that the group
was "i inko."
Following this meeting, two con-
servative law students leading the
anti-NSA campaign told Stanley
by telephone to "get YAP off

°" .-.-"...

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