Ut AEtr :4at
Seventy-second Ye"r
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Period of Restriction
Sorority System
Faces Triple Threat
THE SORORITY system today is facing a
triple threat which- menaces its already
diminishing strength. A likely failure of the
- Joint Judic proposal for a change in women's
hours, the approval of apartment permissions
for senior sorority women and the full year cal-
endar can all simultaneously wound the system
The permission for senior sorority mem-
bers to live in apartments was a mature de-.
cision on the part of the administration, the
officers of Panhellenic Association and 'the
members of the individual sororities. The senior
woman in the sorority is often the strongest
and wisest leader the house can find. Her ex-
perience with the campus and her realistic view
of her sorority in relation to the total campus
picture can turn her into a well informed of-
ficer of her house.
Most often, however, she is the principle
center of apathy and waning interest. She be-
gins to rebel against the rules and hours under
which she must live. She can, in turn, set a bad
example for the younger, more ;enthusiastic
members of the house.
NOW THE senior woman is able to move out
of her house if she is tired fo her responsi-
bilities and restrictions. She can live in an
apartment and begin to have more privacy in
her life. Although in most .chapters she does
not lose her membership, she is cut off from
many of the intra-house workings and prob-
Presently few- girls are moving into apart-
ments from the system. However, if the pro-,
vision for the abolition of senior hours is re-
jected by the administration, a steady stream
may begin moving out. Members living in the
house may resent the close confinement of
12:30 curfews while their friends in apartments,
have so few restrictions.
THE STUDENT Activities Building is divided
into two wings, one reserved for the offices
of student organizations and one for the deans
offices, admissions office, Office of Religious
Affairs and various other related administra-
tive groups.
The building was' built .with student funds
and was expressly set up for the use of stu-
Ironc, isn't it, that the only part of the build-
ing which is air conditioned is that part re-
served for administration?
U.S. Retret
Although theoretically women in apartments
have the same hours as those in any university
housing unit, it will certainly be next to im-
possible for anyone to make sure that they are
obeying them. The apartment may come to
symbolize to the sorority woman an escape to
a new life of freedom and different responsi-
THE ADVENT of the full year calendar also
has sinister implications for Greek hous-
ing units. They will have to decide how they
can financially afford to stay open the whole
year. The year-round operation may demand
a new financial program to deal with this pro-
The full year calendar is primarily intend-
ed to help students who financially need to get
through school in a shorter time. "It will also
help increase the number of students who can
enroll in the University. As the expense of col-
lege mounts, more and more students may want
to save the extra money by accelerating in
three years. If this occurs, the need to be affili-
ated will greatly diminish, and more students
will be willing to stay in the dorms.
SGC recently sponsored a tentative discus-
sion of the possible problems and implications
of the full year program to activities. The group
feels that fraternities and sororities will have
to develop some housing policy which will dif-
ferentiate between sororities which will serve
during the summer as rooming houses merely
to house students and which as social units
such as regular sororities. The general feeling
is that living units will remain open during all
three semesters and students activities will
function on a more limited basis.
SORORITIES will have to meet the challenge
which faces them by careful planning. Rush
will probably have to be adjusted to meet the
changed condition of extra-curricular life. Per-
haps the system will move to a formal rush
in the fall and an informal rush in the spring.
It might also have three periods of informal
rush, allowing girls to pledge the year round.'
The size of pledge classes may be enlarged by.
the trimester system and the apartment exo-
dus. No definite plans can be decided upon yet.
Whatever plans are made, the sorority sys-
tem'will certainly have to make an adjustment
to the new climate. Much hinges on the actual
effects that the trimester system has, the de-1
cision on woman's hours and the number of
girls who begin to move into apartments. The
sorority system is far from dead, but it will
have to plan carefully and mold its future pro-
gram in order to stay alive.
its in Laos'
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first in a series of five articles on
the issue of individual freedom and
national security.)
Daily Staff Writer
AMERICANS are in shackles
Not since World War I and the
post-World War I period has in-
dividual freedom been so restrict-
ed in order, supposedly, to insure
national security.
Congress made the intolerance
of the first period of restriction of-
ficial by passing the Espionage Act
of 1917 and the Sedition Act of
1918. The Espionage Act pre-
scribed a fine of $10,000 and a
prison term of 20 years for any-
one who attempted to encourage
The Sedition Act set the same
penalty for anyone who would
"wilfully utter, print, write or
publish any disloyal, profane,
scurrilous or abusive language"
about the American form of gov-
ernment, the flag, or the uniforms
of the armed services. The acts
also punished those who impeded
the draft and the sale of war
bonds, those who advocated the
overthrow of the government by
violence, and those who were af-
filiated with any organization that
so believed or advocated.
More than 450 conscientious ob-
jectors were sent to jail and more
than 1,500 other persons were ar-
rested and imprisoned under these
S* *
THE FIRST period also wit-
1) A jury in Indiana taking two
minutes to acquit a man for
shooting and killing an alien who
had shouted, "To Hell with the
United States";
2) The Secretary of Labor hav-
ing the power under the Sedition
Act to deport aliens who were an-
archists, and
3) The Sacco and Vanzetti case;
4) The beginning of a restric-
tive immigration policy;
5) The racism and violence of
a newly revived Ku Klux Klan;
6) The Scopes trial of a high
school teacher who taught his stu-
dents the theory of evolution;
7) The New York legislature ex-
pelling five duly 'elected Socialist
members on the ground that so-
cialism was "absolutely inimical"
to the interests of the state.
* * *
AMERICA'S first.age of intoler-
ance died away in the later 1920's
leaving a residue of disillusion-
ment and shame and a reactivated
libertarian spirit.
The second age of restriction
and intolerance began in 1940
with the passage of the Smith Act.
Section 2, part one of the act
makes it unlawful for any person
knowingly or willfully to "advo-
cate, abet, advise or teach the
duty, necessity, desirability or pro-
priety of overthrowing or destroy-
ing any government in the United
States by force or violence or by
the assassin, tion of any officer of
such government."
Part three of section two of the
Smith Act makes it unlawful for
any person to "organize or help
assembly of persons who teach,
to organize any society, group or
advocate or encourage the over-
throw or destruction of any gov-
force or violence; or to be or be-
ernment in the United States by
come a member of or affiliate with
any such society, group or assem-
bly of persons knowing the pur-
pose thereof."
And section three makes it un-
lawful for any person to attempt
to commit or conspire to commit
any of the acts prohibitedcby the
provisions of the Smith Act.
* * *
AFTER World War II, the
House Committee on Un-American
Activities swung into full opera-
tion as a permanent committee'
with a mandate to investigate
In 1952 Congress passed the Mc-
Carran Act providing for the de-
portation of non-naturalized per-
sons connected during some time
in their lives with the Communist
Growing out of the. Smith Act
and the McCarran Act was the
same.kind of spirit that paralleled
the Espionage and Sedition Acts.
the fear of radicalism. It was this
fear and this spirit that Sen. Jo-
seph McCarthy capitalized on.
Sen. McCarthy came and went,
but McCarthyism remained, and
culminated in 1960 in the John
Birch Society.
* * *
MEANWHILE all sorts of people
and organizations had sprung up
with the purpose of 'protecting
Americans from "subversives",
The "Guide to Subversive Organ-
izations and Publications," a.
booklet prepared and released in
1951 and revised in 1960 by the
House Committee on Un-American
Activities (available on request
from your Congressman), provides
the following examples of this
" Certain Communist fronts
are organized for the purpose of
promulgating Communist ideas
and 'misinformation into the
bloodstream of public opinion. Ex-
amples of such organizations are
the Allied Labor News Service ...
Internal Security Subcommittee of
the Senate Judiciary Committee.z
"-Facts for Peace. Found to be
an 'official publication' of the
American Peace Crusade, 'circu-
lated on a national scale.' Subver-
sive Activities Control Board.
"FACTS FOR Farmers. A
'Communist front publication'
which is 'published monthly in
New York by Farm Research, Inc.'
Committee on Un-American Acti-
"-Young Progressives of Amer-
ization within the Communist or-
ica. Cited as 'another youth organ-
bit' and which is the 'youth group
of the Progressive Party.' Ohio
Un-American Activities Commis-
THERE ARE more than 1000
organizations and publications
listed in the guide as either Com-
munist, Communist front, fascist,.
totalitarian, or "otherwise extrem-
As we have seen, this material,
is made possible through the ex-
haustive job state and national
committees and commissions are
doing of probing the literature and
membership of organizations and
the thoughts and affiliations of
The banner that the investiga-
tors and the restrictors have cra-
ried is one of national security.
But, in reality, are they not en-
dangeringrboth liberty and secur-
ity itself?
The Supreme Court
"TI AT COMMUNITY is already
in the process of dissolution
where each man begins to eye his
neighbor as a possible enemy,
where nonconformity with the ac-
cepted creed, political as well as
religious, is a mark of disaffection;
where denunciation, without spec-
ification or backing, takes the
place of evidence; where orthodoxy
chokes freedom of dissent; where
faith in the eventual supremacy
of reason has become so timid
that we dare not enter our convic-
tions in the open lists, to win or
-Justice Learned Hand
Speech to Convocation
of the Board of Regents
University of the
State of New York -
October 24, 1952
Bergman Utilizes
j Cinema Art
MANY MAY see through a glass darkly, including Ingmar Bergman
at times. But when Bergman looks through the glass of a camera
lens he sees quite clearly. And he uses this remarkable clarity of vision
in every movie he makes. "Through a Glass Darkly" is no exception.
The script was written by Bergman with Harriet Andersson and is
the only failing of the movie. The words at the bottom of the screen
are often trite. And too often they say things that have already been
shown on the screen.
THE PEOPLE in the movie are searching for reality, for the life
that they see only in snatches through a cloudy glass. The camera
technique, the transitions from scene to scene and picture to picture
portray this beautifully.
Unfortunately they portray it a little too well in the beginning of
the film and leave the audience a little too lost. Against a background
of normality, sudden and unexplained high climaxes are reached and
they are not believable. The fact that the audience starts out not be-
lieving is an obstacle the film has to fight all the rest of the way
through, and this is unfortunate.
The acting is done by people most Bergman followers will recog-
nize, and with the exception of the impossible transitions demanded
of them in the first portion of the film, they are excellent.
* * * *
THE REAL value of this film is as an example of the art of film-
making, an art whose major assets lie in the fact that it can say what
it wants to say, or show what it wants to show by means of a picture,
or a series of connected pictures, on a screen.
It is in this art that Bergman, with his clear camera lens excells,
and it is through this art that Bergman communicates his meaning
best. You could understand what Bergman is trying to say here by
just watching the pictures. You don't have to read the sub-titles.
For the music majors, a large part of the score was written by Bach.
-John Herrick
Con temoaySynthes is
ON MONDAY evening the University Symphony Orchestra under the
direction of Josef Blatt and the University Choir conducted by
Charles Schaefer presented a program of difficult symphonic-choral
works in Hill Auditorium. The success of the concert was in part re-
flected in the enthusiastic applause of over 2,000 audience members
The program began with the "Te Deum Mass" by the Hungarian
composer Zoltan Kodaly (1882- ).. The music, new to Ann Arbor audi-
ences, seemed a synthesis of contemporary sound and classical mood,
uniquely combined to effect the expression of physical sorrow and spir-
itual joy long associated with the Baroque Mass.
INTERMISSION was followed by the Symphony Number 9 written
by Beethoven. This composer originally began the work in 1817 as a
third of three final symphonic compositions, and oply later, in 1823, was
the Shiller hymn added. Presentation of this work has certain draw-
backs in that it is difficult to 'perform well, and, most audiences are
quite familiar with it..As such the composition must be presented com-
petently or else better left alone. To this reviewer the presentation was
highly successful.
The concert was a tribute to the competence of students, faculty,
and guest soloists. The orchestra can be commended for its ability in
almost all respects. It is noted however, that the violins continued to
have difficulty in' achieving a "togetherness", particularly in the first
two strongly rhythmic. movements of the Beethoven work.
* .* * *
THE CHOIR was well balanced for the most part, and displayed
a high degree of polish in both works. The soloists were outstanding in
both ability and sincere interpretation of their respective parts. In
short, vocal blending and tonal quality displayed left little to be desired.
-Roger Woithuis
THE UNITED STATES has written off Laos.
The Pathet Lao will not invade Thailand
nor will it take more land until the United
States has cooled off. Then, through either a
status quo partition or through gradual control
of a neutral govern'ment, the Communists will
take over Laos.
Moving the Seventh Fleet into the Indo-
Chinese waters and landing troops in Thailand
is the minimum response the United States can
make. If the United State's troops squelched
the Pathet Lao and forcefully prevented Soviet
aid from reaching the rebels, Red China and.
Russia would be drawn into the fighting. But
short of these measures' the United States has
every right to enforce the 1961 cease fire line.
Thailand, neighboring Laos, is already dis-
appointed with the way the United States is,
meeting its SEATO commitments If SEATO is
IT BEFITS a great University, of course, to
periodically re-evaluate its methods and con-
tent of instruction. The course evaluations cur-
rently being circulated in lectures and recita-
tions are therefore laudable as an effort to
keep the educational process as vigorous and
relevant as possible.
One wonders, however whether part of the
academic aim striven for by these evaluations.
is self-defeated by the way in which the forms
are supposed to be filled out. The instructions
provide that the evaluation be written in the,
classroom, after which the student is asked
not to sign his name on the completed form.
The stumbling block to any benefit from the
evaluations is thi laziness and insipidity on the
part of many students who couldn't care less
about the curriculum. Also, some students are
reticent to make personal criticisms of the
course or professor. Hence, many of the com-
ments are either worthless or tepid.
A CURE to this would be to allow the stu-
dent to fill out the evaluation at his own
leisure outside of the classroom, so that he
can have adequate time to ponder what kind
of education he received, and to require the
forms to be signed by the student. Students
who make strong criticism or high praise should
be willing to take the personal responsibility
for what they say, instead of being cloaked in
And if signing one's name would make the
going to have any meaning, its most threatened
member, Thailand, must be protected.
(ENNEDY is not displaying weakness by not
defending Laos at all costs. War in Laos
would be costly and dangerous. Laos is land-
locked. Supplies would have to be flown or
transported over poor roads. The Royal Army
is not, composed of dedicated fighters. United
States troops would have to do most of the
If Red China sent in troops to help the
Pathet Lao, the United States would have to
counter the Chinese hordes with larger and
larger weapons. Victory would become possible
only by the use of a nuclear bomb.
If the United States did go to war and
squelch the rebel movement, the Communists
would be back in there in a few years anyway.
The people have little national feeling. The
leaders the United States has been supporting
would be unable to change this. (Secretary of
Defense McNamara's statement that the war
in South Viet Nam will take years can mean
only that the United States will continue to'
support Ngo Diem and has not learned its les-
son about supporting unpopular leaders in
Southeast Asia.)
IN THE PAST week the United States has
tried to improve the chances for a neutral
Laos by an appeal to Russia and the ANZUS
nations, New Zealand and Australia, but has
If Russia would stop the flights into Laos
supplying the Pathet Lao, the Communist reb-
els would be more willing to reach an agree-
ment. But if Russia were to stop aid, Red China
would step in and continue it. Russia cannot
afford to let Red China gain dominance in Asia.
If the United States could get the ANZUS pact
allies to assume some responsibility in South-
east Asia and supply conventional forces, the
cost of enforcing the cease-fire would be de-
creased for the United States., However, Aus-
tralia and New Zealand face a loss of their
commonwealth trading privileges and are not
willing to go out on an economic limb right
THE UNITED STATES will continue to fight
against the spread of communism into Thai-
land, Cambodia,, and South Viet Nam. The
Western position in Laos, is so deteriorated,
however, that partition is now the only solu-
tion the United States and the rightist leaders
E17E IS no other place but here. There is no other time but now."
These words, from the officiator of a state funeral in East Ger-
many, sum up one of the forces at work in, "Question 7."
The question referred to in the title appears on a sheet handed to
a group of young students. The purpose of the questions is simply to
check the identification of the students with the East German state
before they pass on into the professional training schools.
For most of the young parrots the questions pose no problem. But
for one, a pastor's son, question number seven is exceedingly difficult.
Asked for "the most important influence on my life," he must choose
between his father'and the state-approved answerwhich will insure
his admission to a music conservatory for which his talent alone should
be ample qualification.
FOR THE pastor, in his battle against the stifling interference of
state officials in the workings of his church, there is no question as to
what his son should write. "The truth" is all he asks. And yet the truth
is apt to destroy the youth's future. Thus the boy is'torn brutally be-
tween the great pressure of the state and the opposing beliefs of his
father. There is no happy medium.
"Question" contains both a faint spark of optimism and occasional
humorous commentaries on the inadequacies of collectivism. Repre-
senting the former is, the factory foreman, later proved underground
agent, who explains his ideology to his daughter: "Be like the radish;
red only on the outside." Also a source of hope is the fact that the
pastor's church is filled at the story's end in defiance of the city ad-
ministrator's orders.
THE HUMOR peeks through in several places. A sound-truck com-
plete with searchlights blares out the glory of collective farning day
and night with the result that the disturbed cows give less milk.
A delegation of young performers visits a factory to entertain
the workers. At the end, their student spokesman bubbles on about the
glory of the state while the grim, black-faced laborers welcome the in-
terlude as a chance to rest and enjoy a smoke.
"Question 7" does not attempt to find a solution to the plight of the
the East Germans. The victory won at the end is a minor one laced
with despair Yet the integrity of the individual and the power of
faith in true expression are left somewhat intact. Perhaps this is the
only possible answer.
-Ralph Stingel
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(Continued from Page 3)
Phase Relations of the Tellurides" on
Thurs., May 17 at 12:10 p.m. in 3065
Natural Science Bldg.
Beginning the week of Mon., May 21,
1962 the following schools will be at
the Bureau to interview candidates for
the 1962-1963 school year.
TUES., MAY 22-
Lake Orion, Mich.-Fields not yet an-
Oxford, Mich. (Elementary School)-
Kdg.; Elem. Engl. (Grades 5-9).
WED., MAY 23-
Clawson, Mich.-Elem. (4, 5, 6, & 4/5),
Visit. Teach., Jr. HS Gen. Set., Math,
SS; HS Art, Girl's PE, 10th grade Engl.,
Shop (Mech. Draw. Major).
FRI., MAY 25-
Grosse Ile, Mich-Elem.; Jr. HS & HS
Span./Pre., Math, Speech/Engi., Part
time Guid. or Vocal or SS with above.
Jr. HS & HS Coach in any sport.
Marlette, Mch.-1st grade;, Sp. Corr.;
Girl's PE; Jr. HS & HS Comm/Math or
Gen. Math or Engl., Engl./Speech, Coin-
merce/Gen. Math with Algebra.
* r s
For additional information and ap-
pointments contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB, 663-1511, Ext.
212 SAB -
Camp Mohawk, Mass.-Coed, Opening
for Tennis Counselor, male.
Camp Cayuga, N.Y.-Coed, Openings
for Riding Head & Photographer, male
or female.
H. A. Selmer Co., Ind.-Opening for
part-time Representative to prepare ma-
terial, recruit writers, plus some edi-
torial duties for music magazine "Band-
wagon," male or female.
Doxiadis Associates, Inc., Washington,
D.C.-Opening for male or female stu-
dent with office exper. for summer
* '* *
Come to the Summer Placement Serv-
ice for further information.
Owens-Illinois, Toledo, 0 .-Positions
in Mfg., Sales, Acc't., Research & Devel-
opment. Bus. Ad. or Liberal Arts de-
gree for (1) Sales Mgmt. Trainee. (2)
Quality Control Trainee. (3) Data-Pro-
cessing Operator. Acct. or Econ. degree
for (4) Ace't. Engrg. degree for (5)
Plant Engnrs.
Michigan Bell Telephone Co., Detroit,
Mich.-(1) Women grads to do personnel
research work. BA in Psych. plus knowl-
edge of statistics. (2) Clerical Ass't. in
Co. Library. Some college with emphasis
in English & some library science.
courses. Degree not required.
Muzak Corp., New York, N.Y.-Posi-
tion in Prog. Dept. for Programmer
Trainee. Recent female college grad with
major in music who will help create
music programs for Muzak's bkgd. serv-
ice using a specially recorded library
as source. General knowledge of stand-
ard & popular music is important.
Blaw-Knox Co, Pittsburgh, Pa. -
Openings for various types of Engi-
neers including: Design, Mechanical,
Antenna Sales, Vessel Design, Electri-
cal, Chemical Process Design, Piping
Layout, Detail Draftsman, etc.
Scherer Freight Lines, Inc., Chicago,
111.-Regent or June grad with train-
ing in automotive maintenance. Would
keep records of maintenance work,
place orders for purchases of equip-
ment, etc. Position will develop into
superintendent of maintenance in
charge of a trucking operation.
National Castings Co., Cleveland, 0.-
Plant Superintendent, finishing opera-
tions, for subsidiary in Grand Rapids,
Mich. Prefer male Engineer with educ.
bkgd. in Chem. Engrg.; metallurgical
& indust. engrg. fields of study help-
ful. Age 35-50.
Applied, Technology, Inc., Palo Alto,
Calif--Need men for Engrg. & Design ,
staff. Minimum MSEE, preferably ad-
vanced degrees.'Age 28-40., At least 3 yrs.
exper. in design & evaluation of broad-
band, low-noise RP amplifiers, receiv-
ers & other related areas.
American Machine & Foundry Co,,
Niles, 11.-Openings in Mechanics Re-
search Div. which, Isa research & devel-
opment facility performing both basic
& applied research in engrg. for both
gov't. & industry. Need Mech., Chem.
& Aero Engineers. All positions require
* *' **,
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appts., 3200
SAB, Ext. 3544.
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