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May 15, 1962 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-15

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TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1962


Arron Views Leftists Writers

A resurgence of radicalism or, at
least, of curiosity in radicalism
maks the 1960's, Prof. Daniel Ar-
ron, "33, director of the American
Studies Program at Smith College,
Speaking on, the history of lit-
erary radicalism in the twenties
and thirties and the writing of
contemporary history, Prof. Arron
noted a sudden burst of group
reminiscences by writers active
25 years ago.
Some of the radical writers of
the decade have felt ashamed and
have trivialized their writings as
adventures * in non-conformity.
Many - former leftists repudiated
the old formula after World War
II, terming them no longer ap-
Called Primitive
Literary styles used by left-
wing writers were dismissed as
primitive. Many post-war writers
showed little desire to emulate the
Bohemianism of the twenties or
the radicalism of the thirties, Prof.
Arron noted: The new literary
stand stressed a concern with pri-
vate emotions.
While the post-war writers pos-
sessed discipline, control and edu-
eation, critics of the fifties termed
them flat and thin.
He views students of the present
however as concerned with the
same problems with which the
writers of the thirties concerned
Why were particular writers in-
volved i nthe left movement? Why

The historian of the past en-
joys the advantage of writing
about figures who now exist in
the public domain. The historian
of the recent past becomes in-
volved in a different, if no easier
kind of writing, with the advan-
tage of visiting people and being
able to readily find source books
and magazines.
Writing about contemporaries
becomes as painful as it is inter-
esting, he said. The nagging doubt
persists whether or not the his-
torian has any right digging up
the past of those who are still
If the subjects had not been
interviewed personally, more would
have been lost than gained, how-
ever, he concluded. The results
may be dubiously authentic, but
not all the errors would have been
corrected by a more scientific ap-
The economic and social break-
down existed as an important
factor, but does not explain en-
Direly why intellectuals and writers
as a group went to the left in the
twenties and thirties, he said. Why
did particular men or women join
or not join, he asked.
Subject Matter
The subject matter of politics
often served as a vehicle for ex-
pressing other emotions, Prof. Ar-
ron said.
Although a shakiness exists in
the whole edifice of history, a
reasonable facsimile of the recent
past can be worked out, he said.

.ADC Urges
Status Quo
Assembly Dormitory Council
voted unanimously yesterday to
send a resolution to the Board of
Regents and other "administra-
tive channels" urging continuance
of the present policy of one-third
out-of-state student enrollment.
The resolution will also be sent
to University President Harlan
Hatcher, Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis, the
Residence Hall Board of Govern-
ors and Student Government
Commenting on the resolution,
Assembly President Mary Beth
Norton, '64, said, "The feeling was
very strong in favor of the mo-
tion. We are hopeful that this mo-
tion will have an effect on future
policy proportionate to the num-
ber of women this body represents.
We are the representatives of 3,800
independent women on campus."
Also at their meeting yesterday
ADC granted permission for the
League Community Service Com-
mittee to initiate a clothing and
bicycle drive in the dormitories,
beginning June 1 until June 12.
Residents will be asked to con-
tribute unwanted clothing, which
will be sold at the Ann Arbor
Thrift Shop. The money collected
will be used to aid -needy children
in the area.
Bicycles in poor condition, or
those of no further use to the
owners, will be turned over to the
Ann Arbor Community Center.

Eliot Views
Public Health

Public health officials and
cial scientists must cooperate.


Committees Select Orientation Leaders

... writers' movement

did-they break with the movement
when they did, Prof. Arron quiried.
These questions intrigue today's
student, he replied.
As a historian of the recent past,
Prof. Arron interested himself in
the writers' involvement in a sub-
versive movement which was un-
der condemnation.
The historian of the past com-
pares with a naturalist while the
historian of the present compares
with a hunter, Prof. Arron said in
commenting on the problems and
difficulties faced in getting to the
internal history of the recent past.

Martha Eliot of Yale University
Dr. Eliot, speaking yesterday on
"The Future of Maternal and
Child Health" noted that "joint
action from all social agencies is
needed to provide adequate ex-
pectant mother and child care in
Dr. Eliot, who was a representa-
tive from the United States to the
conference which established the
World Health Organization, be-
lieves that more scientific facts-
about child life is required.
"We have only enough facts'
now," Dr. Eliot explained, "to
show a need for more care of
mothers through childbirth and
of children through adolescence,
especially in low-privilege groups."
She further noted that, though
it is the children of such low-priv-
ilege families who need more and
better care, this is not generally
understood among social services.
A demonstration program could
be set up, Dr. Eliot explained, to
show the effectiveness of a better
child care program. Such a dem-
onstration program would include
a teaching hospital which would
provide free care to mothers and
children in the program.
Once the effectiveness of the in-
creased program was proven, it
could be instituted on a federal
level, beginning with major cities
and eventually reaching even
rural areas.
Another problem which low-
privilege homes face is juvenile
delinquency. The increase in ju-
venile delinquency in cities is due
greatly to an increase in emotional
disturbance among children, she
Need Help
It has been estimated that 21/
to four million children are in
need of professional help for their
emotional problems. If they are
not helped, delinquency will in-
crease even more.
Social workers now are aware
of this problem, but they often
must watch helplessly as children
develop emotional difficulties and
the family disintegrates, for they
are not always equipped to handle
the problem, and the community
offers few aids, Dr. Eliot said.
To solve this problem, Dr. Eliot
ment take certain action which
suggested that the federal govern-
would alleviate the situation and
make the necessary coordination

The University Services Com-
mittee of the Women's League andJ
the University Affairs Committee
of the Michigan Union have se-
lected the orientation leader can-
didates for Sept., 1962.
Students who have served as
leaders in previous semesters are
no required to attend the Leader
Training Meeting from 7 to 8:30
p.m. Thurs., at the Union. They
will receive instructions from the
Orientation Office in the third
week of august.
Former leaders who have been
selected are:
Margot Adler, Carol Albert, William
Barris, Donald Blitz, Joel Carr, Elaine
Cleland, Irene Conrad, Clark Elmer,
Vicki Elmer, Kathleen Engle, Roberta
Fisher, Ann Fitch, Frederick Gilson,
Stephen Glasser, Daniel Gordon, Stephen
Greenberg, Barbara Greenstein, William
Harris, Frank Heselton, Jerry Huth,
Joyce Jumisco, Jacquelyn Kasabach,
Beverly Katz, Edward Klinenberg, Stu-
art Lippe, Linda Lyne, Robert Mac-
Donald, Gregory Malcho, Michael Mc-
Millan, Marjorie Meyer, William Muen-
chinger, Dolores Nachman, vernon Nick-
el, Charles Patterson, Jean Pence, Louise
Reiner, Elain Resner, Leonard Ricconto
and Lawrence Rice.
Others include Nancy Richards, Mary-
lou Robinson, Alan Rogers, -Robert Ros-
enberg, Jeffrey Rubenstein, Andrea
Rumps, Rebecca Rutherford, Lucille
Santini, George Schneider, Gary
Schwartz, Gerald Schwartz, Marjorie
Schwartz, William Ehell, Barbara Shell-
ey, Bonnie Shigemsa, Richard Slowit-
sky, Leslie Smith, Fredda Weiss.
Office Staff: Dell Collins, Joan
Duetsch, Susan Fink, Mimi Livingston,
Charles Matthews, John Menson, Mar-
garet Shaw, Susan Siegel, Barry Slot-
ky, Laura Szymke, Harry Taxin, Deb-
orah Watson.
Leaders who have not served before,
and hence are requested to attend the
Leader Training Meeting, are:
Discussion group one, meeting on Rm.
3K: Nanci Arnold, Toni Cataldo, Fran
Green, Cheryl Macks, Bonnie Nadler,
Rebecca Rdeson, Mary Lou Van Horne,
Richard Belger, John Heyt, Kenneth
Hoedeman, Edward Kolkmeyer, Fred
Martin, Donald Remer, Robert Sheff,
Patrick Sweeney.
Discussion group two, in the small
ballroom: Linda Berenfield, Bonnie Bur-
nett, Elizabeth, Fawcett, Frances Kuhn,
Nancy Pastor, Diane Pierson, Terry
Thall, Douglas Berg, Kenneth Dresner,
Thomas Fitzpatrick, Steven Ringel,
Robert Rodgers, Mark Sandstrom, Rob-
ert Wallin, Robert Wazeka.
Discussion group three, in Rm. 3M:
Barbara Bostwick, Susan Gergel, Judi
Glachman, Jo Anne Jerreh, Gretchen
Jones, Rachelle Kraft, Rowena. Watring,
John Dobbertin, James Grossman, Rob-
ert Hiatt, Michael Kass, Lennart Lof-
strom, Christopher Steffen, Ned Stiuv.
Richard Weaver.
Discussion group four, in Rm. 3N:
Carol Blick, Judith Gerson, Joan Gus-
ten, Barbara Postle, Joyce Radin, Caro-
lyn Tehan, Janet Zehnder, Ralph Beret,
Craig Morrison, William Shaheen,
Stephan Shefman, Marck Spiegel, Law-
rence Tokavski, Frederick Ulleman, Don
Discussion group five, in Rm. 3L:
Betsey Boesche, Susan Finder, Anne Ir-
win, Sylvia Kasey, Nancy Mintz, Nancy
Smith, Phyllis Swayze, Louis Bancin,
Frank Campbell, Mark Healy, Michael
Levin, Michael Roth, Ronald Russel,
Peter Salamon, Oliver Todd.
Discussion group six, ' in Rm. 3S:
Sheila Antman, Naida Bader, Carole
Berkson, Marilyn Chastien, Karen Is-
grig, Suzanne Sherwood, Linda Zitomer,

William Butterfield, Robert Leininger,
Dwight Mathews, Adelbert Sheeley, Rob-
ert Simon, Leon Terry, Richard Toner,
Don Wiesenga.
Discussion group seven, in Rm. 3S:
Elizabeth Barbour, Marion Barnes,
Sharon Carey, Nancy Freedman. Nancy
Freitag, Carol Rappeport, Susan Wein-
IFC To Sponsor
Competitive Sing
The Inter-Fraternity Council
will sponsor its annual IFC Sing
at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Hill Aud.
The top fraternity singing groups
will be supported by sorority
groups who will compete for the
best supporting group.
Last year, Lambda Chi Alpha
won the first place trophy in the
annual sing. They were led by
John Emmert, '63, in a medley of
songs entitled "Wonderful Wo-
Delta Tau Delta and Sigma Al-
pha Mu finished second and third,

berg, Dennis Berry, Gary Chernay, Or-
rin DeJounge, Richard Leach, Michael
Levin. Lary Meyer, Philip Newman,
Howard Rosenbaum.
Discussion group eight, in Rm. 3R;
Enid Bailys, Joyce Butler, Susan Colby,
Sharon Newman, Mary Ann Oltean,
Pamela Peltz, Nancy Rowen, John Al-
lin, Michael Block, Richard Day, Doug-
las Hale, Edward Hlavac, Kenneth Vatz,
Leo Weigant, Kirk Wheeler.
Discussion group nine, in small ball-
room: Andi Bacal, Carole Janis, Sandra
Johnson, Elizabeth Meyers, Lana Ples-
kaez, Nora Titterington, Linda Under-
hail, Davil Barkman, James Cant, James
Cooper, John Hodges, James King, Den-
nis Parker, Alfred Pelham, Edwin Sage.
Discussionrgroup ten,onthe terrace:
Joce Buttler, Karen Eagen, Barbara
Griffin, Kathleen. Hecht, Jean Pan-
chuk, Laurie Pines, Michal Shover, Da-
vid Arnold, James Cooper, Guerdon
Greenway, Don Hodges, James Johnson,
Lee Pearlmutter, Lawrence Schwartz,
James Scott.
Discussion group eleven, on the ter-
race: Marcy Cook, Ann Gwirtzman, Ros-
alyn Krops, KathleennMcMillin, Sharon
Newman, Nancy Smith, Margaret Wal-
ter; Kathleen Weremiuk, William Beck,
Terrence Bell, Robert Berger, Richard
Bert, Lee Bromberg, William Bryce,
David I1rachler, George Miaoulis, Bruce
Parker, James Renfrow, Andrew Saber-



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(Continued from Page 4)
EXERCISES will be given a hood by
the University. Hoods given during the
ceremony are all Doctor of Philosophy
hoods. Those receiving a doctor's degree
other than the Ph.D. may exchange
the Ph.D. hood given them during the
ceremony for the appropriate one im-
mediately after the ceremony, at the
Graduate School booth under the East
Stand, or at the office of the Diploma
Clerk, Admin. Bldg., on Mon., June 18,
and thereafter.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors who
will be on the campus this week on
the dates indicated.
Program arrangements are being made
by the International Center: Mrs Clif-
ford R. Miller.
(4 Philippine Student Leaders)
Mr. Evergisto Macatulad, Student,
Business and Finance, Far Eastern
Univ., Philippines, May 12-17;
Mr. Jamileo Nibungco, Student Far
Eastern Univ., Philippines, May 12-17;
Mr. Nicolas Vergara, Univ. of San Car-
los, student of Architecture, Philippines,
May 12-17;
Mr. Douglas Gabiana, Student, Elec.
Engineering, Cebu Instiute of Technolo-
gy, Philippines, May 12-17;
Mr. Jose A. Orozco, Escort, for Phil-
ippine Student Leaders, Philippines,
May 12-17;
Mrs A. F. P. Volten, Registrar, In-
tern'l School of Social Studies, The
Hague, Netherlands, May 12-15;
Mr. Mahmoud Mahmoud Mohamed,
Director General, English Inspectorate,
Ministry of Education, United Arab Re-
public. Cairo, Egypt, May 14-19;
Mrs. Anna-Liisa Sohlberg, Senior
Teacher of English and French, Finnish
Co-educational Secondary School, Hel-
sinki, Finland, May 14-19;'
Mr. Hiroshi Hirai, Dean, Faculty of
Liberal Arts, and Prof. of English Liter-
ature, Fukushima Univ., Fukushima
City, Japan, May 14-20;
Mr. Manabu Fukuda, Interpreter-es-
cort for Mr. Hiroshi Hirai, Japan, May
Mr. Jacek Karpinski, (Accompanied
by Mrs. Karpinski) Asst. Professor &
Chief of the Laboratory of Electronic
Computers, Institute of Basic Techni-
cal Problems, Polish Academy of Sci-
ence, Warsaw, Poland, May 15-19;
Miss Hildegard F. Fischer, Senior Cul-
tural Affairs Assistant, U.S.I.S., Caracas,
Venezuela, May 16;
Mr. Kenzo Kiga, Academic Vice-Presi-
dent, Keio Univ.; Professor, Faculty of
Economics, Keio Univ., Tokyo, Japan,
May 17-19;
From our diamond mines
in British Guiana
Robert Hoack, Importers
Ann Arbor NO 3-0653

Mr. Takao Akiyama, Interpreter-escort1
for Mr. Kenzo Kiga, Japan, May 17-19;
Mr. Takesi Hukuhara, Prof. of Physi-
ology, Okayamna Univ. Medical School,
Okayama, Japan, May 18-25;
Mr. Njo Tjoe Hoat, Senior Inspector,
Head, General Section of the Teacher
Training Division, Dept. of General
Educat<t Djakarta, Indonesia, May
Mr. Ronald Adair (accompanied by
Mrs. Adair), Bursar, University College
of the West. Indies. St. Augustine,
Trinidad, May 20-26;.1
Mr. Buares Kamthong, Professor of
Chemistry, A University in Thailand,
Thailand, May 20-27.
Events Tuesday
Mathematics Coloquium: Prof. John
G. Thompson,.Harvard University, will7
speak on "Some New Results in Group
Theory" on Tues., May 15, at 4 p.m.
in 3209 Angell Hall. Refreshments will
be served at 3:30 p.m. in 3212 Angell
Doctoral Examination for Richard
George Wiegert, Zoology; thesis: "The
Effects of Periodic Destruction of Hab-
itat on the Energetics of the Meadow;
Spittlebug, Philaenus spumarius L,"
Tues., May 15, 2091 Natural Science
Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, F. C.
Doctoral Examination for William
Wolski, Speech; thesis: "Language De-
velopment of Normal Children Four,
Five, and Six Years of Age as Measured
by the Michigan Picture Language In-
ventory," Tues., May 15, 301 Speech
Clinic, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, H. H.
Doctoral Examination for William
Chase Venman, Education; thesis: "Gift
Annuity Agreements of Colleges," Tues.,
May 15, 518 Bus. Ad. School, at 9:30
a.m., Chairman, A. D. Henderson.
Doctoral Examination for William
Lynn Vance, English Language and Lit-
erature; thesis: "The Comic in the
Works of Hawthorne," Tues., May 15,
2601 Haven Hall, at 2:00 p.m.'Chairman,
J. L. Davis.
Events Wednesday
Speech Assembly: Students in Speech
100 classes will present a special pro-
gram on Wed., May 16 at 4 p.m. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Film Showing: "Space Communica-
tions, from Fundamentals to a Com-
pleted Satellite Communication Sys-
tem," and "Tunnels to Tomorrow,"
story of the Arnold Eagineering Cen-
ter, will be shown in the Multi-Pur-
pose room of the UGLI at 4:05 p.m. on
May 16 and 17.
Anatomy Seminar: Wed., May 16, 4
p.m., 2501 East Medical Bldg. Dr. Ed-
ward C. Pliske will speak on "Prob-

lems Concerning the Origin and Or-
ganization of the Elastic Elements in
Connective Tissue."
Botanical Seminar: Richard A. White,
Dept. of Botany, will discuss the "Cor-
relation of Tracheid Morphology with
Evolutionary Advancement in the
Ferns" on Wed., May 16 at 4:15 p.m. in
1139 Natural Science Bldg. Tea wil be
served at 4 p.m.
Marvin DeVries, Graduate Student of
the Department of Mechanical Engi-
neering, will present a seminar Wed.,
May 16, in 229 West Engineering Bldg.
at 4 p.m. on "The Effect of Various
Micro-Structures on Metal Cutting."
Coffee in the Faculty Lounge at 3:30
Doctoral Examination for Daniel
Francis O'Kane, Chemical Engineering;
thesis: "An Investigation of Ternary
Semi-conducting Compounds," Wed.,
May 16, 3201 E. Engin. Bldg., at 2:15
p.m. Chairman, D. R. Mason.
Doctoral Examination for Neil Center
Churchill, Business Administration;
thesis: "Behavioral Effects of an Audit:
An Experimental Study," Wed., May 16,
8th Floor Conference Room, School of
Business Administration. Chairman, W.
W. Gardner.
Doctoral Examination for Charles
Clyde Peck, Physics; thesis: "An In-
vestigation of Pion-Pion Interactions,"
Wed., May 16, 2038 Randall Lab., at 1:00
p.m. Co-Chairmen, L. W. Jones and A.
0. DeRocco. °
Lecture: Dr. Leonard Korngold, Hos-
pital for Special Surgery, New York,
will discuss "Antigens as Genetic Mark-
ers" on Wed., May 16 at 4 p.m. in the
5th level amphitheater, Med. Sci. Bldg.
Beginning the week of Mon., May 14,
the following schools will be at the
Bureau to interview candidates for the
1962-1963 school year.<
TUES., MAY 15-
Belleville, Mich.-Elem.; Sp. Corr.; Jr.
HS Math/Sci.; HS Girl's PE (Swim),
Girl's PE, Gen. Math/Alg., SS.
Camden, Mich. (Frontier Dist.)-HS
Math; Alg/Geom. (7th Grade), Engl.
Dearborn Mich. (Dist. No. 7) - Elem.;
Jr. HS Vocal, Typ., Home Ec., Girl's
PE/Sci., WSI.
Homer, Mich.-Elem., Jr. HS & HS
Band; Chem/Biol/Phys., Jr. HS Set/
Geog. or SS, Engl. (Grade 9 & 10 & 11 &
12), Comm. (Typ. & Short.), Jr. HS
Math, 9th Arith/SS.
Park Forest, Ill. (Dist. 163) - Elem.,
Girl's PE, Elem. & Gen. Mus., Elem.
WED., MAY 16-
Inkster. Mich. (Cherry Hill Dist.) -
Elem.; HS Sci. (Earth).
Flat Rock, Mich. (Maple Grove Sch.)
-Elem. (K-8).

Inkster, Mich. (Dearborn No. 8)-Call
Bureau for fields.
Concord, Mich. - Elem.; Girl's PE,
Libr., HS Alg., Jr. HS Sci.; Art, Speech.
FRI., MAY 18-
Ashland, O.-Span.

For additional information and
Pointments contact the Bureau of
pointments, 3200 SAB, 663-1511,


212 SAB-
Camp Nahelu-Mich. Coed, S. Michaels
will interview male counselors 19 yrs.
& older on Tues., May 15 (TODAY).
Camp Tamerack-Mich. Coed, C. Hart-
man fill interview male counselors &
girls 21 & older from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m.
on Tues., May 15 (TODAY).
Laclede Gas Co., St. Louis, Mo.-Open-
ings for engrg. students of at least
junior standing withB average & who
are U.S. citizens.
Denton Construction Co.-Would like
junior civil engnr. for work in & around
* * 4'
Come to Summer Placement Service
for further details.
Adrian College, Adrian, Mich.-Posi-
tion as Assistant Registrar. Will learn
all activities of Registrar's office. Pre-
fer male but will consider female. Col-
lege grad. No exper. required. Contact
Bureau of Appts. regarding interviews
to be held on campus within the next
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance
Co., Detroit, Mich.-Men for insurance
sales. College bkgd. in any field. No
exper.-will train. Age 23-45. Will inter-
view on May 22. Please call Bureau of
Appts. for interview appointment.
County of Orange, Calif.-Need Librar-
ians. Duties involve work in both the
catalog & reference sections. Degree &
completion of 1 yr. of grad, study in
Library Science.
Reynolds Metals Co., Brookfield, Ill.-
Wage Engineer. Recent grad in field of
indust relations, indust. phych., indust.
engrg or related fields in econ. or bus.
ad. Must have interest in labor relations
field & human relations.
City of Grand Rapids Civil Service,
Mich.-Police Training Dir. Degree with
specialization in educ. or police admin.
Exper. in educ. work preferably sup-
plemented by some exper. in law en-
forcement work. Applications accepted
until June 1.
U.S. Civil Service, Staten Island, N.Y.
-Quarantine Inspector Trainee. Degree
with average of 6 hrs. per yr. in biologi-
cal or physical sciences, public health,
or sanitary engrg. Also 1 yr. exper. in
related field.
* * *
Please call General Div., Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544 for
further information.

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Chess Club, Meeting, May 16, 7:30
p.m., Union, Rms. 3KL. Everyone Wel-
* * *
German Club, Coffee Hour, German
Conversation, Music, Singing of Folk
Songs, May i6, 2-4 p.m., 4072 FB. "Herz-
lich Willkommen!"
U. of M..-Folk Dancers, Meeting, In-
struction, Dancing, May 15, 7:30 p.m.,
1429 Hill.
* * *'
Wesleyan Foundation, Open House,
May 15, 8-11 p.m., Jean Robe's Apt.;
Holy Communion, May 16, 7 a.m., Chap-
*C * *
Ullr Ski Club, Canoe Meeting, May
16, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rm. 3M.



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