TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1962
vur tf1 rT'ruWW d1a 'garWn A N v
Moslems Open Fire
Against. Europeans
In Retaliation Move
Senate Rejects End
To Literacy Debate
WASHINGTON (P)-The Senate rejected again yesterday a mo-
tion to cut off debate on the Kennedy administration's voter literacy
test bill.
But backers of the civil rights measure refused to give up.
They blocked for the time being a move to drop the fight and go
on to other matters.
Rear Guard
Despite this rear guard action, there appeared little doubt that the
Senate's big civil rights battle of 1962 was about over.
After losing by a 52-42 vote their second effort to break a South-
ern filibuster, backers of the literacy test bill demanded a roll call
on a motion by Democratic leader
New Constitution
-AP Wirephoto
TAX REBATE - In Oran, Algerians throw tax records over the
streets in protest. Action today increased as Moslems retaliated
and began firing on Europeans.
Darul Islam Member
Tries To Kill Sukarno
JAKARTA (P)-The man who failed in the latest attempt to kill
President Sukarno was identified by a Sukarno aide yesterday as a
young member of the fanatic Darul Islam sect that wants to make
this country of 90 million officially a Moslem nation.
More than 90 per cent of the Indonesia people are Moslems.
Sukarno's aide de camp, Col. Sabur, made the identification. But
But the name of the captured assailant was not given. The assassina-
w " tion attempt-the fifth against
Rhodesia Sets' Sukarno in recent years-occurred
a during a Moslem prayer meeting
on the lawn of Sukarno's Merdeka
hite Troops (freedom) palace.
Pistol Shots
Ac~ 17As a group of men and women
OAS Goads
In Offensive
Secret Army Hopes
To Dissolve Peace
ALGIERP (IP) - Algerian com-
mandos suddenly dropped their
self restraint under goading of
Secret Army terrorism yesterday
and raced through Algiers in the
first major anti-European ram-
page since the March 18 cease-fire.
French authorities said Moslem
machine gunners firing from
speeding cars killed 18 or more
persons and wounded at least 54,
nearly all of them Europeans.
Secret Army terrorists, fighting
to keep Algeria French, were blam-
ed for 10 other deaths, including
three Moslem women.
A curfew was imposed through-
out the city in late afternoon. By
nightfall the streets were empty,
except for long convoys of French
army vehicles and heavily guarded
barricades thrown across major
The Algerian nationalist attack
signified an end of Moslem pa-
tience with French official efforts
to smashthe Secret Army. The un-
derground organization has ac-
counted for more than 1,000 deaths
-mostly Moslems-since the Na-
tionalists and France signed the
Evian peace accords two months
The Secret Army campaign has
been aimed at provoking just such
an attack in hopes of bringing the
French army over to its side and
broaking the Evian agreements.
Up to now the Algerian Nation-
alist Liberation Front (FLN) had
observed the cease-fire that end-
ed the 7112-year civil war between
France and the Nationalists.
Complicating the situation were
a series of Secret Army attacks,]
one with mortars and machine
guns on a Moslem street in the1
Belcourt District.c
Mike Mansfield (D-Mont) to lay
the bill aside for this session and
take up a House-passed measure
dealing with textile imports.
A roll call was ordered on the
ries of speeches against it.
Mansfield, motion and Sen. Clif-
ford P. Case (R-NJ) led off a se-
Case's move followed an unsuc-
cessful effort he made to substi-
tute for the administration's lit-
eracy test bill a proposed consti-
tutional amendment to do the
same thing.
Case argued that many members
share his belief that a change ir
the Constitution would be needec
to accomplish what President Johr
F. Kennedy was trying to do with
direct legislation-exempt anyone
with a sixth grade education from
having to pass a state literacy test
to qualify as a voter in federa:
Kennedy contends literacy tests
have been used in some Southerr
areas to prevent Negroes from vot-
Out of Order
Case's effort to substitute his
constitutional amendment propos-
al was ruled out of order by Sen.
Herman E. Talmadge (D-Ga) who
was presiding. Case then tried to
get unanimous'consent that he be
recognized but was blocked by
Mansfield who was ready with a
motion to shelve the bill.
Yesterday's vote against impos-
ing a time limit on debate was not
much changed from last Wednes-
day's 53-43 test. Both roll calls
fell far short of the two-thirds
majority required for invoking clo-
Senate leaders kept the issue
alive for a second try after last
Wednesday's turndown by moving
for a simple majority vote on the
question of shelving the bill.
Proponents of civil rights legis-
lation predicted another effort
will be made to change the two-
thirds rule when the next session
opens in January.
." :::
..... x .
The first overall revision of the
Michigan Constitution since 1850
was completed Friday as the 1961-
62 constitutional convention wound'
up seven and a half months of
Final judgment on the document
will be made by the people who'
called the convention and paid two
million dollars for its work.
The document has 259 sections
and an estimated 16,000 words
compared with the present Consti-
tution's 20,000 words.
Major changes as proposed by
the convention delegates include:
This article remains mainly un-
changed with only minor revisions
to improve the language.
New protection for civil rights
is included through a new equal
protections clause similar to that
cf the federal Constitution.
The search and seizure provision
is continued to permit use as evi-
dence of illegally seized narcotics
and dangerous weapons.
Elections will be held in No-
vember of even-numbered years
with the bi-ennial spring elections
of state officers being abolished.
The minimum voting age of 21
years is retained, despite Demo-
cratic efforts to reduce it to 18
Only temporarynowners will be
allowed to vote on tax limit in-
creases of longer than five years.
House members will be elected
for two-year terms from single
member districts. Every 10 years
the state will be reapportioned by
a special commission created for
that purpose.
The present moiety clause that
gives extra seats to sparsely popu-
lated areas will be abolished. Rep-
resentative districts must now at-
tain seven-tenths of one per cent
of the total state population in or-
der to receive a legislator.
Senate districts will be increas-
ed to 38 in 1964 with one extra
seat going to Wayne, Oakland,
Macomb and Genesee Counties.
After 1970 the Senate will be ap-
portioned on the basis of 80 per
cent population and 20 per cent
area. Senate terms will be increas-
ed to four years.
The anti-lottery clause is. re-
tained and pari-mutuel betting is
The 120 state boards and com-
missions must be consolidated into
20 departments within the next
three years. While the secretary of
state and the attorney general
continue to be elected most of'the
other department heads will be ap-
pointed by the governor.
The Legislature will appoint the
auditor general and the state
Board of Education will elect the
superintendent of publ~ic instruc-
A bi-partisan highway commis-
sion will be appointed by the gov-
ernor to replace the presently
elected highway commissioner.
The governor and lieutenant,
governor will run as a team and
serve for a term of four years.
The Supreme Court will be re-
duced from eight to seven mem-
bers with Justices elected on state-
wide non-partisan ballots. The
state party conventions will con-
tinue to nominate the candidates
although incumbents can nominate
The governor's power to fill ju-
dicial vacancies is abolished.
A nine member intermediate
court of appeals is created with
members elected by districts that
will be established by the Legisla-
Justices of the peace and circuit
court commissioners must be re-
placed within five years by local
courts of limited jurisdiction.
The Legislature is given the
power to provide for county home
Cities and villages are given
greater power to levy non-property
Regular county and township
government is continued generally
. sponsors motion
U.S. Urges
unchanged. Terms of elected coun-
ty officers are increased to four
The state Board of Education is
expanded to eight members and
given general supervision of ele-
mentary and secondary schools
and planning functions for colleges
and universities.
Separate elected boards of con-
trol are continued for the three
major universities (Wayne State
University, Michigan State Univer-
sity and the University) with all
others to have boards appointed by
the governor. Each will have inde-
pendent constitutional standing.
The 15 mill limitation on prop-
erty taxes is continued in a slight-
ly modified form.
A graduate income tax will be
prohibited for both, state and lo-
cal governments.
Earmarking of state sales tax
for schools and local government
is continued and gas and weight
taxes are still earmarked for high-
The merit system for state em-
ployes is continued with a new
provision to permit the Legislature
to veto general pay increases
granted by the civil service com-
Mass meeting for
Wednesday, May 16
angdlst 7trixe
SALISBURY, Southern Rhode-
sia P1-The government orderec
troops into the African townships
of Salisbury yesterday after clash-
es between riotous Africans and
police that pitted stones against
tear gas and gunfire.
Two dozen Africans were ar-
rested. on charges that included
intimidation of workers and as-
The trouble stemmed from a call
by the Nationalist African Trade
Union Congress for a 24-hour
strike to protest the current visit
of a British cabinet minister, Rich-
ard A. Butler, to this capital of
the British-run Central African
Federation. Butler is responsible
for affairs of the federation, which
the Nationalists want to dissolve.
Employers said almost all Afri-
can workers ignored the strike call.
Police moved in to break up iso-
lated attempts by groups of Afri-
cans to intimidate workers into
staying at home.
A police spokesman said tear
gas shells were fired at a crowd
which refused to disperse. Afri-
cans stoned police. Five cases of
assaults and stonings were report-
ed, climaxed when a group of
strikers showered rocks on a police
vehicle. The police spokesman said
the officers replied with riot guns,
the pellets hitting the strikers.
Poll Indicates
Romney Rise,
The Market Opinion Research
Co. yesterday released a recently
completed public opinion poll
which indicates that George Rom-
ney's vote-getting attraction has
At this time, the poll reports,
Governor John B. Swainson would
accumulate 48.9 per cent of the
votes while Romney would secure
42.9 per cent.
Those who listed themselves as
undecided included 8.2 per cent
of the polled group. Romney has
increased from 45.3 per cent of the
votes listed in the January poll.
(Romney is considered in the poll
as the Republican candidate to
oppose Democrat Swainson.)
knelt in prayer, a young man stood
up and fired pistol shots at the 61-
year-old president. The shots
d missed Sukarno but hit five oth-
,ers near him.
The wounded were three presi-
dential. guards; Zainul Ariffin,
t speaker of parliament; and Idham
Chalid, a former deputy premier.
AU were reported only slightly
Screams, Panic
The shouting t o u c h e d off
screams and panic but police mov-
ed quickly and seized the assailant.
Eight other persons were arrested
They were also identified as
members of Darul Islam, followers
of the sect's leader Kartosuwirjo,
who remains at large despite gov-
ernment efforts to crush the ter-
rorist movement.
Post Lone Visit
Of Macava gal
MANILA (RP)-A snarl in United
States - Philippine relations led
President Diosada Macapagal last
night to put off indefinitely a 12-
day state visit to the United States
next month.
The issue was rejection by the
United States House of Represen-
tatives last Wednesday of a bill to
appropriate $73 million for pay-
ment of claims lodged by 86,000
Filipinos for damages from Unit-
ed States operations in these is-
lands in World War II.
Announcing his decision in a
radio-television broadcast, Maca-
pagal said: "It is with deep regret
that I am constrained to postpone
the date of the visit . . .until such
time as the circumstances
would be acceptable to our people."
Filipinos interpreted the con-
gressional action, he said, "as in-
dicative of a negation of legal and
moral commitments to our coun-
try by the United States govern-
ment and lack of interest on the
part of the American people in the
successful solution of the econom-
ic problems of a steadfast ally in
the struggle against international
President John F. Kennedy had
expressed hope Macapagal would
make his trip despite the congres-
sional action..
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
BELGRADE-A three-.judge tribunal convicted former Vice-Pres-
ident Milovan Djlas at a secret trial yesterday of disclosing state se-
crets. For that and a parole violation, it sentenced him to nine years
and nine months in prison.
BRIGHTON, England--Urted States defense experts suggeste
at a space conference'here yesterday the Russians may have put up a
"spy in the sky" satellite. They said
Space.Asti on
GENEVA (M)-The United States
urged the 17-nation disarmament
conference yesterday to take early
action to put outer space out of
bounds as a nuclear battleground.
United States delegate Charles
C. Stelle told the delegates this
could be achieved either in a gen-
eral disarmament treaty or by sep-
arate agreement even before work
on the intricate details of a gen-
eral treaty is completed.
Barring mass destruction weap-
ons from space is "one of the most
challenging opportunities" of the
conference, he added.
Impetus to Peace
"This conference could lead to
measures designed to insure that
outer space can become an impe-
tus to man's peaceful progress and
not a battleground in the future,"
he declared.
Although none of-the big powers
have any plans now to place nu-
clear weapons in space, he went
on, the technical possibility of
such action canrnot be ruled out
for the future.
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister
Valerian A. Zorin nad no immedi-
ate comment. Both United States
and Soviet disarmament treaty
drafts call for a first-stage ban
on mass destructions weapons in
space. But several previous Ameri-
can attempts to deal separately
with the space-weapons issue have
been turned down by the Russians.
Cut Forces
On another question, Zorin said
the Soviet Union is ready to have
armed forces in East and West
cut in the first stage of a disarm-
ament treaty to any level the West
thought necessary to maintain a
balance of military power.
The Soviet chief delegate made
the offer in reply to a speech last
Friday by Swedish delegate Rolf
Edberg, who pointed to Western
fears that the Soviet-proposed
first stage abolition of all foreign
bases would upset the worldrmili-
tary balance.
Henderson Room
U. '
AMN44& A44,
it might be any one of four sput-
niks launched this year by the So-
viet Union ostensibly for research
in the upper atmosphere.
LANSING-Sen. John Stahlin
(R-Belding) has charged tha
bribery, intimidation, misrepresen-
tation and threats of physical viol-
ence were used by "extremist
groups" trying to seize control of
the Wayne County Republican or-
States latest (11th) nuclear blast
was announced by the Atomic En-
ergy Commission yesterday. The
shot was in the intermediate
BONN-A meeting yesterday be-
tween Chancellor Konrad Ade-
nauer and United States Ambas-
sador Walter C. Dowling failed to
bridge differences in United States
and West German attitudes on the
Berlin issues, informants said.
. * *:
NEW YORK-Feverish trading
on the stock market ran at the
busiest pace since 1933 yesterday
as prices tumbled, then rallied.
The market was mixed in late
afternoon. The Dow Jones average
of 30 industrials had recovered
half of its earlier losses to hit
636.50, off 4.13.
.Doctors Issue
Peace Plea
Drs. Johan W. Eliot, John T.
Wood and Jean Jennings of the
medical school and Drs. Francis E.
Wood and Donald F. Nagler have
issued a public statement in con-
junction of the Friends Medical
Society which expresses concern
over the "accelerating threat ,of
thermonuclear war."
The doctors urge "physicians
and health workers the world over
(to) recognize and actively work
to prevent the medical disaster
that would result from any exten-
sive use of nuclear, bacteriological
and chemical weapons."
The letter calls the segment of
public opinion which is willing to
accept nuclea war as a solution
as a most grave problem.
This pretty gal is one of doz-
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