See Page 4
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Continued quite warm.
Partly cloudy in evening.
VOL. LXXH, No. 163
--- i I
Pass City Budget;
Up Expenditures
Council Increases Operating Fund;
May Not Necessitate Tax Changes
The City Council approved a budget of over $4 million for fis-
cal year 1963 last night.
The new budget, balanced at $4,367,126, represents an increase
of about 10 per cent over the current operating fund without necessi-
tating an increase in taxes for the city or cutting services.
It is essentially the same budget proposed by City Administrator
Guy Larcom, differing primarily in the way the increase will be met.
Surplus Use
Larcom recommended that a $214,000 surplus from the capital
improvement account and other surpluses be used. The Council chose
... new post
NSA Adopts
New Policies
At Regional
New policy plans, involving the
appointment of a regional educa-
tional affairs coordinator, were
made at the spring meeting of
the Michigan regional assembly of
the United States National Stu-
dent Association, held last week-
end in Mt. Pleasant.
The Coordinator, who is to be
chosen by the regional officers,
will carry on research concerning
"proposals for altering the educa-
tional sections of the Michigan
state constitution and the rela-
tions between budget granting
bodies and their respective insti-
tutions." He will also aid com-
munications between regional
schools concerning educational af-
In the officer elections, Hugh
Carr of Flint Community Jr. Col-
lege was chosen chairman and
James Bedore of Central Michigan
University was chosen executive
vice-president of the regional.
Douglas Blagdon, of Kalamazoo
College, was elected international
affairs vice-chairman. John M.
Roberts, '64, was elected national
affairs vice-chairman.
Program Plans
Although no formal legislation
expressing student opinion was
passed, the regional did make
other plans for new programs next
On Saturday afternoon, a work-
shop on educational philosophy
was held. A statement written at
the workshop and adopted by the
.assembly called for a conference
on problems of higher education.
The statement reads, "we won-
der at the necessity for rigid,
authoritarian classroom norms.
We question the connection that
students are incompetent to con-
tribute with clarity and respon-
sibility to the curriculum of our
universities and colleges."
Right, Responsibility
The, statement proposed that
students "have a right to and
responsibility for sharing in the
decisions which affect them and
their institutions."
The conference on problems of
higher education will deal with
such problems as the relevance of
democratic leadership to the class-
room and the effect of "in loco
parentis" on the possibilities for
change in the systems of higher
The workshop urged that the
conference take place next spring
and that all member schools send
large delegations of faculty mem-
bers and administrators.
Program Statement r
The delegates approved a pro-
gram statement calling for a con-
ference to better the relationships
between editors of campus news-
papers iMichigan. The confer-
ence, which is to be held before
the next fall regional assembly,
will be composed of editors of
campus newspapers, professional
journalists, student government
representatives and members of
the boards of control.
In addition, the assembly ap-
proved a statement calling for the
establishment of "communications
with the various international or-
ganizations on the campuses of
the Michigan region."
Also in the field of international
relations is a proposal to offer a
three-month summer cruise for
fulfillment of eighteen credits of
humanities electives. The member
schools of the regional were asked
to publicize the idea. The trip
would include shipboard classes
and seminars in the humanities
knot to touch the capital improve-
ment fund but rather to use reve-
nues from the local share of the
state-collected weight and gasoline
tax and other receipts, cutting
Larcom's suggested budget by $35,-
The budget will allow for pay
raises of five to 10 per cent for all
city employes, including a salary
increase of 10 per cent over a year
ago for policemen and firemen. It
also provides for new IBM equip-
ment and increased garbage and
rubbish collection service, traffic
engineering and street mainten-
ance among others.
The tax rate remains at $18.60
per thousand dollars assessed val-
uation and is expected to yield
over $2,200,000.
Operating Budget
The operating budget for vari-
ous city services was not changed
from Larcom's proposal. It provid-
ed for additions of nine police-
men and eight firemen to man a
proposed new west side fire sta-
Suggestions for earmarking funds'
for park purposes were turned
down by the Council.
House Group
Joins Forces
Sot Ackley,.
As Advisor
To KenntedyI&
Prof. Gardner Ackley, chairman
of the economics department, was
named to President John F. Ken-
nedy's Council for Economic Ad-
visers yesterday.
Prof. Ackley, who is now in
Rome to conduct research on the
Italian economy under a Ford
Foundation fellowship, has sub-
mitted a request for a two-year
leave of absence from his campus
post to permit him to accept the
The Board of Regents will con-
sider his request at its Friday
He will return to Ann Arbor at
the end of June and then assume
his new duties in Washington
D. C. in September.
Last year Prof. Ackley was nam-
ed a member of the National De-
fense Executive Reserve.
Prof. Ackley has taught at the
University since World War II,
taking two years out for govern-
ment service in the Office of
Price Stabilization during the,
Korean War.
During World War II he worked
in the Office of Price Admimstra-
tion and the Office of Strategic
Prof. Ackley, 46 years of age, has
served in various federal posts,
including economist in OPA, sec-
tion head of OSS, division econ-
omist and assistant director of
the Consumer Goods Price Divi-
sion of OPA and assistant direc-
tor of OPA itself.
Con-Con Suit
Asks Balloting
In November
LANSING (P) - Stephen S. Nis-
bet (R-Fremont) president of the
constitutional convention, yester-
day filed suit in Ingham County
circuit court on behalf of the con-
vention to obtain a place on the
November ballot for the state's
proposed new constitution.
An attorney general's opinion
early in the seven-month session
of the convention declared that
the proposed new document could'
Laos 'Elated'
At Prospects
Of U.S. Aid
Neutrals Voice Fears
Of Chinese Invasion
By The Associated Press
With United States peace efforts
apparently making little headway,
Laotian government sources said
yesterday they are elated by pros-
pects American marines will enter
nearby Thailand.
The government o b v i o u s 1 y
hoped the presence of United
States forces in Thailand and
units of the powerful 7th Fleet off-
shore would discourage further
adventures by the pro-Communist
rebels, who have swept across
northwest Laos.
Neutral diplomats, however, ex-
pressed fears any United States
move into Thailand might give
Red China the pretext to move
en masse into Laos. One source
called it "brinkmanship action."
Begin At Once
Other diplomats in touch with
pro-Communist headquarters at
Khang Khay in central Laos said
the Pathet Lao rebel leaders there
warned that talks on a neutralist,
coalition government should begin
at once.
Otherwise, these diplomatic
sources said, the pro-Communists
feel time runs in their favor. Hold-
ing control over about two-thirds
of this nation of jungles and
mountains, they are ready to begin
rolling again.
But informed sources said no
progress has been made in con-
tacts now under way under United
States auspices between Premier
Prince Boun Oum and neutralist
Prince Souvanna Phouma, who
would head a coalition govern-
Seek Support
In fact, Boun Oum flew off to
Formosa seeking understanding
and support from the Chinese na-
tionalists in his feud with Sou-
vanna Phouma on the makeup of
a coalition government. There he
declared his government will "con-
tinue to fight for the independence
of our country."
Souvanna Phouma said he plans
to return to his headquarters in
Laos this week and will try to ar-
range a meeting with a govern-
ment delegation.
Informed sources said Souvanna
insists the government send a
delegation to his headquarters at
Khang Khay to work out with his
side an acceptable formula for the
formation of a coalition.
Return Home
On the other hand, the sources
added that the royal government
wants Souvanna to return home
quickly to take part personally in
such talks. The point at issue in
any of these future discussions
would be the controversial two key
posts of interior and defense,
which Souvanna wants to keep
despite government opposition.
Meanwhile, the Laotian mission
to the United Nations declared the
situation in its Communist-threat-
ened homeland is a dangerous one
"threatening tne peace and se-
curity of southeast Asia."
Long - depressed northeast
Thailand, w h e r e American
troops are about to be sent, is
about to be revived if an ambi-
tious government plan succeeds.
The United States and the
University have a part to play
in the fulfillment of this plan.
The Thai government counts on
United States for economic aid
to fulfill the project and nine
University trained peace corps-
men live in the area working
for its development.
According to the Northeast
Development Plan, irrigation
projects, road building, agricul-
ture aid, power and industrial
development, increased commu-
nity development and improved
public health facilities are de-
signed to "raise the standards
of living of Northeastern peo-
ple . . . bringing about greater
welfare and happiness to the
inhabitants of the region."
Added Benefit
An added benefit would be
curbing the potential for Com-
munist subvertion by agents
from neighboring Laos.
"Because it is economically
depressed, it is more susceptible
to subvertion," Prof. Robert
Leestma of the education school
and the Peace Corps training
program here said.
He explained that Northeast-
ern Thailand is a low plateau
that gets uneven rainfall and is
subject to severe water prob-
lems. As a result of inadequate
water storage facilities and the
highest birth rate in the coun-
try, this area has progressed
more slowly than the rest of
Nine Corpsmen
The nine peace corpsmen in
the region are "helpful Ameri-
cans who come to teach" and
perform other services, Prof.
Leestma said.
Three are teaching English
and vocation skills at Udorm
near the Laotian border. An-
other three are doing the same
thing at Uboi to the southeast.
One is teaching English, at Ma-
ha Saraknam in the center of
the region and two are labora-
tory technicians at Khong.
In the area of irrigation, the
biggest problem of the region,
the plan calls for construction
of five multi-purpose dams and
two irrigation dams to water
approximately 290,000 acres of
land and generate 50,000 kilo-
watts of electricity.
Irrigation Tanks
Ten medium size and approx-
imately 20 smaller irrigation
tanks are to be constructed.
The government will estab-
lish three agricultural experi-
mentation stations, one tractor
station, three disease, and pest
control centers and mobile ex-
tension units to explain modern
techniques to area farmers as
part of the program.
Silkworm culturing, rice farm-
ing, inland fishing and livestock
development are planned to be
encouraged to establishing area
centers to promote the various
Thais Plan Aid to Regi
industries, experim
improvement and
area on their develo
Aid Farms
To aid farmers
credit and market
will be established
for agriculture will
Highways, railwa
fices and radio sta
built or expanded i
Land will be cla
use and conservat
and will be redi
squatters and shif
tors "who shouldY
their own," the re
Eradicate Di
To help eradical
diseases such as le
tuberculosis andI
intestinal worms,
creasing health e
cilities and.more pr
pitals will be estab
Education from e
the vocation and
the :collegiate will1
in the region.
The report estim
projects will cost
of which approxi
million will comei
loans and grants a
lion to be raisedf
mental funds and;
Most foreign cap
from the United .w
ever, the report
from other Sou
Treaty Organizat
and from the Work
Views Student Movement Gro
To Pass Tax
LANSING ()--House Democrats
are grouping their forces for a
last ditch try to win support for
a state income tax.
Rep. Joseph J. Kowalski. (D-
Detroit), the party floor leader,
said Democrats would stand solid
against a nuisance tax package
scheduled for a vote today. He
said they then would move to
bring an income tax package out
of the House Taxation Committee.
Republican leaders indicated
they had little 'hope that the nuis-
ance would muster enough support
to pass on the first try. They hope
to win Democratic votes to their
cause when and if the income tax
bills go down the drain.
Gov. John B. Swainson told a
news conference yesterday that
he made no effort to pressure
Democrats to vote against the
nuisance levies.
"This is contrary to some re-
ports that I blackjacked them at
a caucus last week," he said.
"I merely pointed out the al-
ternatives-nuisance taxes or fis-
cal reform. It is the same position
that I have taken for 16 months
as governor."
The Republican house package,
Swainson said, "won't achieve
A move to pass a flat rate in-
come tax failed in the Senate
several weeks ago. The Senate is
now also engaged in studying pos-
sible means of raising, state funds
through various so-called nuisance
The growth of student move-v
ments on the campuses of Amer-
ican universities is phenomenal, a
recent New York Times article
However, it is amazing that,
there are any student movements
in America at all since neither the
parents nor the college adminis-
trations encourage such political
Such activity can be mainly at-
tributed to three significant fac-
tors. First, the proportion of to-
day's students who are actively in-
volved ranges from only one to
10 per cent of the student body
at the most.
Small Fraction
Hence only a small- fraction of
the student body participate, but
they are a fragment that is vocal,
militant, organized, growing and
full of determination.
Secondly, on a number of cam-
puses, the Young Democrats be-
lieve the adult world is too con-
servative and the Young Republi-
cans think it is not enough. The
activists appear to be drifting
to the left of President John F.
Kennedy and right toward Sena-
tor Barry Goldwater.
Not Unaware
And third, although the. vast
majority of American students re-
main quiet, inactive and uncom-
mitted, they are by no means un-
aware or unconcerned with na-
tional and international issues.
The most recent issue which has
swept the universitics and has re-
sulted in a flurry of campus poli-
tical activities is the student peace
movement, the article notes.
Most student groups have
sprung up this school year follow-
ing the resumption. of Soviet nu-
See related story, page 3
not be submitted to the voters un-
less the convention wound up its
activities on or before April 1.
The suit named Secretary of
State James M. Hare as the de-
The convention completed work
on the constitution Friday and
tentatively adopted all its provi-
sions. Formal adjournment is
scheduled for August 1.
Professor Explains Future
Of Nuclear Powered Ships
"Nuclear power is impractical at the present time except for a
ship," Prof. George L. West, Jr. of the Naval Architecture department
said recently.
He notes that research is going on in the field of nuclear-powered
airplanes and spacecraft but doubts if it will ever be used in its present
Nuclear-powered automobiles are likely to remain science fiction.
One major barrier is the problem of a shield for the reactor. "Up
clear t-sting last
world-wide horror
provoked. Adult
bloomed at the san
There are more
peace groups thani
right and left. Th
potential mothers
netic distortion, t
Robertson claims.
Many student m
historical precede
are none for th
movement. It is t
fascinates and pu
For the majori
servatives, their is
the "liberal establ
are reacting to wh
"liberal dogmatism
ers. They disagree
of textbooks onE
tory and political
Short H
Student conserv
the first time int
tory, vocal, active
They have achiev
on campus, but t
numerous as the
them to be, she no
On the other ha
have suffered for
tional political h
E. Stevenson refu
the Democratic no
1960 convention.
The trend am
groups is away fron
picketing and r
working their wayi
the existing powe
the two adult poli
Some feel ther
themselves better
and goals of su
causes as integrat
The liberals arec
bies, influencing C
presenting their
school boards, chu
ions and chamber
Another issue wh
fled both the No
college campuses
They have stirred
conscience of ther
impelled the stude
sit-ins are now-
sustained and succ
cial-action studer
Miss Robertson ad
Mentioned in
prominent stude
ent for their Republicans
advise the
pment. Gather
co-operative T Agree
ing socie!,ies ais gree To Allow
and a bank Landing Of Marines
I be set up.
ays, post of- WASHINGTON (P) -President
tions will be John F. Kennedy last night called
n the region, a special meeting of Congressional
ssified as to leaders of both parties for this
ion purposes morning at the White House, re-
stributed to portedly to discuss the tense situ-
ting cultiva- ation in Southeast Asia.
have land of Assistant Press Secretary An-
port said. drew Hatcher announced only that
iseases Kennedy "has called a bi-partisan
te contagious leadership meeting for 9:15 (EDT)
eprosy, yaws, this morning."
malaria and While no reason for the gather-
clinics, in- ing was given Kennedy undoubt-
ducation fa-* edly was prompted to summon the
ovincial hos- top Democrats and Republicans in
lished in the Congress to go over United States
policy in Southeast Asia.
lementary to Thailand Allows
technical to Word of the White House action
be expanded came a few hours after it was dis-
closed that the government of
ates that all Thailand had agreed to allow re-
$300 million inforcement of United States
imately $120 troops on its soil to check any
from foreign Red aggression across the Laotian
*nd $180 mil- border.
from govern- Kennedy has ordered land, sea
new taxes, and air force to waters near the
ital will come battle area of Laos and South
States. How- Viet Nam. United States troops
expects aid reportedly will land in Thailand
theast Asia on a stand-by basis, perhaps start-
ion nations ing tomorrow.
d Bank. Vice-president Lyndon B. John-
son, Senate and House leaders of
both parties and ranking members
of the foreign relations and armed .
services committees have been ask-
ed to attend the White House con-
ill/ t ference.
w th ti Considers Steps
Arrangements for the meeting
were made late yesterday as Ken-
fall and the nedy considered next steps in the
and outrage it Laotian crisis.
m o v e m e n t s Kennedy held no strategy meet-
me time. ing with his chief diplomatic and
women in these military advisers yesterday but
in others on the the White House said he was keep-
is is because, as ing in close touch with the touch-
they fear ge- and-go Laotian situation by phone.
he author Nan It became increasingly apparent
last night that a firm decision
movements have has been taken to move United
nts, but there States fighting men into Thailand
he conservative and all signs were that the Ma-
this group that rines might start. landing today.
.zzles adults. Explain Actions
ty of the con- It was assumed that Kennedy
a fight against wanted to fill in the leaders 'of
ishment." Some both parties on what is happening
at they call the in Southeast Asia and explain the
n" of their eld- actions the United States is taking
with a number there.
economics, his- Washington sources expected
science, about one half of a 2,000-man
istory marine battalion landing team
atives are, for from the United States 7th fleet
their short his- will land in Thailand shortly al-
and organized. though they said final orders to
ed respectability do so have not yet been issued.
hey are not as The 7th fleet is already in the
public believes area.
tes. The combat marines would aug-
and, the liberals ment a 1,000-man army battle
lack of a na- group which has been in Thailand
ero since Adlai for exercises under the Southeast
sed to go after Asia Treaty Organization.
mination at the
ong the liberal Study Plans
m marching and
allying towardFChanges
upward through For >.hstucureso
.r structures of
tical parties.
Selves Michigan Union student officers
need to inform are contemplating major physical
on the means changes in the downstairs grill
ch complicated and adjoining cafeterias.
ion and disar- The three senior officers- have
studied the report of the Union
considering lob- Board of Director's special facili-
ongressmen and ties committee which recommend-
views before ed the institution of a more colle-
rches, labor un- giate atmosphere in the MUG and
s of commerce, are currently discussing the prob-
hich has electri- lem with other students on cam-
rth and South pus, Union President Robert F.
is the sit-ins. Finke, '63, said yesterday.
d not only the Finke said the senior officers
nation but have have met with the other student
nts to act. The members of the board and the
the most solid, heads of the major men's organi-
essful of all so- zations to sound out their ideas
nt movements, on architectural changes for the
dds. facilities, Finke said.
the article as Asking for general campus opin-
nt movements ion on how to improve the MUG,
Winds Push 'M' Int
'to now, the only solution has been
to use large amounts of lead and
concrete, Prof. West adds.
The problem of the shield is re-
lated to the problem of the size
" " of the reactor. "If you could get
/ /ahtng Nationals enoughpower to run an automo-
(J bile out of a reactor only a few
inches in size, then the shielding
for it would be small enough to
By GAIL EVANS permit it to be used in a car."
As of now, however, reactors
Light winds puffed Michigan sailors into second place at the Mid- powerful enough to run automo-
west Championship regatta last weekend. Michigan is now setting biles are large and therefore re-
sails for the Nationals this June. quire shielding too large and
The top two Midwest teams-Notre Dame and Michigan-are the heavy for any automobile.
only schools from the region to be represented in California for the As to a nuclear powered train,
Morssdinghy Perpetual Trophy, the national award. Prof. West noted that although it
This is the sixth time in the last seven years that Michigan has is technically possible there are
been represented in the national competition. To be eligible teams enormoussafety problems.
must place first or second in the regional competition. if such a train had an accident,"
Last Race he commented. The reactor must
Going into the last race Sunday, Michigan sailors were two points be encased in such a way that it
out of second place behind Michigan State University. On Saturday could withstand impact
r'is ;" .$vs,;>:rAian mmm? .% m.