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May 13, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-13

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Seventy-Second Year
"Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

The Survival Fallacy

SUNDAY. MAY 13, 1962


Activities Provide
Valuable Experiences

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second of threearticles analyzing
the United States civil defense pro-
Daily Staff Writer
PRESIDENT Kennedy has taken
steps other than the controver-
sial $400-plus million shelter pro-
gram in the name of civil defense.
In not too original a move he
assigned emergency powers and
responsibilities to the various fed-
eral departments. Food and medi-
cal stockpiling responsibilities
have been assigned to the secre-
taries of agriculture and welfare.
The secretary of commerce will
develop plans for the control and
allocation of transportation. The
Department of Labor will be re-
sponsible for civilian manpower
mobilization and wage stabiliza-
tion. The secretary of the interior

THE individual cannot compete
in this race. And it is doubtful that
Washington can do much better.
It must work toward compromised
objectives on compromised means
from the unsound premise that
"something - must - be - done -
and - fast," and if it insists on
preparing for five megaton attacks
with a safety factor of two weeks
for emergence, as it does in the
controversial pamphlet "Fallout
Protection," then whatever action
it can and does take in pursuing
its objective must be based on un-
A current example of this: re-
cently 100 sailors volunteered to
spend two weeks cramped under-
ground so Navy scientists could
learn about the effects of pro-
longed stays in fallout shelters.
The test seemed to prove that
after breathing non-radioactive air

from approximately 25 per cent of
the population to about three per
cent. The provision of shielding
against radiation effects would ta
the same time protect against
blast and thermal effects for the
vast majority of the population."
That "Life" magazine took up
the chant last September and
with President Kennedy's untime-
ly blessing started a run on shel-
ters, called in some places a "pan-
ic", is history. Nobel prize win-
ner LinUs Pauling's reaction was
"There is a discrepancy here. The
statement made by "Life" is ludi-
crous. My own estimate is that all
of the people in the United States
would be killed in a nuclear war"
with or without fallout shelters.
Thereais indeed ahdiscrepancy.
The discrepancy is that no matter
what the information, there can
be no effective plan for saving peo-

THE CLAIM that extra-curricular activities
are a hindrance to learning is based on the
false assumption that education is purely an
intellectual process.
Education should prepare the individual to
contribute to the human community in three
ways: as a citizen, as a person with special in-
tellectual or mechanical skills, and as a human
being capable of working and sharing with
Extra-curricular activities can offer active
preparation for all three of these roles. This
is not to say that academic studies are not
essential to the first two, but rather that ac-
tivities offer the student an opportunity to put
knowledge and skills into practice.
STUDENT organizations offer the individual
a chance to make his personal contribution
to the community. He can use his knowledge
to achieve a result which he can see.
Activities provide a chance to learn democ-
racy first hand. Student organizations are run
under a democratic framework, and the stu-
dent learns how to take his role in the struc-
ture. He also learns how to change things as
a participant in the University community and
the national community.
They also allow for creativity that the class-
room often cannot tolerate. Under the limita-
tions of subject matter and grades, there are
THE NUCLEAR submarine Thomas A. Edi-
son and the destroyer Wadleigh collided in
the Atlantic Ocean during anti-submarine
warfare exercises last month, according to a
report from the Associated Press. An Atlantic
Fleet spokesman said the collision resulted from
a "misunderstanding" between the Edison and
the Wadleigh.
President John F. Kennedy visited the Edi-
son a few days later, en route to review fleet
units and observe amphibious war maneuvers.
The day before his visit, as the submarine lay
rhoored at a Norfolk Naval Station pier, fire
broke out in the insulation in the Edison's tail
Was that a misunderstanding too?
-J. 0.

many areas a student may want to explore,
but can't.
Areas such as problems of current affairs and
of the University and education can be explored
under the auspices of a student organization,
and findings can be used for some purpose. Re-
sults are either printed for the whole campus
to read or used to plan a project, symposium,
or lecture to inform the campus.
Fresh ideas not subject to old prejudices can
be used by students to change our society for
the better. Student activities offer the best
place for the expression of these ideas and for
possible action.
WORKING with others is perhaps the most
valuable aspect of student activities. The
world after graduation will require individuals
to work together and get along in intimate cir-
cumstances. In this field extra-curricular ac-
tivities offer something that the classroom can-
The student group contains individuals who
will appreciate one's endeavors.
Perhaps even more than the individual needs
an activity, the University community needs
activities. The campus would be a narrow place
if it did not have the many lectures and sym-
posiums sponsored by student groups, the lit-
erary magazine, the paper, and all the other
student projects.
These groups keep the campus up to date
on current world affairs and their implications,
and on the state of the University. These
groups pose serious questions about education
in\ general. The projects they offer the engi-
neering student, the music student and the
nursing student a chance to become rounded.
IT HAS BEEN the student groups in many
cases which have spurred the University to
make needed changes. Student groups have also
been a link students have with the faculty and
the administration.
Some activities can naturally be more edu-
cational than others. The ones that offer the
most to the individual and the campus are
those that try to supplement classroom con-
cepts. These are sincerely concerned with im-
proving the individuals within their organiza-
tion and the campus as a whole.

Glee Club Concert
Shows Polish, Precision
LAST NIGHT a large and extremely appreciative audience was
treated to a concert shining with the kind of precision and polish
that have made the Michigan Men's Glee Club internationally famous.
Under the guidance of Prof. Philip Duey, the Glee Club moved
through a program of varied and well-chosen material which left
its audience in Hill Auditorium satisfied that the Club is singing better
than ever as it prepares for its third European Tour during the
summer of 1963.
After the traditional opening hymn, "Laudes Atque Carmina,"
the first'group of songs were more traditional in flavor, and featured
three excellent works from the sixteenth century.
Easily the high point of the group, and indeed one of the
evening's brightest moments was the counter-tenor solo, "Shall I Sue?"
sung with ease and full control by David Schwartz, whose technique
as a counter-tenor grows steadily with each welcomed performance.
SCHWARTZ LED a group of unusually good soloists in this
year's concert, whose work ranged from the clear tones of Steven
Jones' "Green Leaves of Summer" to the rousing comic efforts of
Frank Kratky, Brian Forsyth and Michael Robbins, whose "With A
Little Bit O' Luck" rounded off the first half of the program on a
high and delightfully spirited note.
A Gershwin medley, composed of fragments, of some of America's
finest popular music, began the second half of the concert and
here it must be noted that the medley was not as successful in terms
of a musical entity as have those of previous years.
* * * *
IT IS DIFFICULT to pick a high point of performance in a
program of uniform excellence and taste, but somehow it appears
that the Glee Club does its finest work in singing the traditional
Michigan, songs.
"The Old Friars' Song" must. unquestionably be one of the
finest collegiate songs ever written, and the performance of the
Glee Club on this number was, as always, flawless. With the singing
of these Michigan songs, the Club again executed the immaculate
precision, balance and intonation that long have marked it such
an outstanding group, and that bear witness to the superb training
accomplished at the hands of Dr. Duey.
Special note must be made of this year's Friars, who seem to be
improving year by year, and who employed one of the most hysterically
original exits ever seen in Hill Auditorium, as they valiantly sang
themselves out of sight and sound on the descending stage elevator.
The Spring Concert should go far in reassuring alumni and fans
that the Glee Club is singing better than ever, and its members are
totally deserving of the praise they have received at home and abroad.
-Jack O'Brien
Resigns YAF Position





DEFENSE ALERT-Three foot balloons soar over Charlotte, Michigan, showing that civil defense
test alert call has been heard over warning devices placed in homes.

Council Action Futile

sources. The Federal Aviation
will handle power facilities and re-
Agency will regulate civil airports,
aircraft and operations, and the
Interstate Commerce Commission
will have charge of use of rail-
roads, motor carriers and water-
THE MACHINERY of govern-
ment itself would be saved, a "U.S.
News and World Report" article
says, by an extensive network of
"underground capitals built to
survive a nuclear attack" and con-
nected by a hardened communica-
tions system. Lines of succession
have been established to keep fed-
eral and some state and local posts
operating. The federal government
may switch its operations to any
of 94 centers within 300 miles of
Washington or to eight regional
headquarters across the nation.
Of the steps that have been tak-
en, HR 10262 - the administra-
measure that might afford some
tion's shelter bill - is the only
protection for the population at
large. But none of these measures
can be satisfactory.
Both the nature of nuclear war
and that of politics make govern-
ment action ineffective. Passage
of the $20 billion which Represen-
tative Chet Holifield sees as nec-
essary to an effective system is an
impossibility. Even if the funds
could be secured, time would be
needed to create effective shelters
and and time and more money
to keep them effective in the face
of changing technology.

in the not uncomfortable condi-
tions of a $70,000 shelter with an
ample supply of cigarettes and the
prospect of emerging not into torn
and hostile surroundings but into
a 72-hour leave, strong young men
can survive.
BUT WHAT are the realities of
nuclear attack? How should we
really prepare? In one sense, the
government's figures are as ac-
curate as anybody's.'There are no
Attack can come in any of in-
numerable ways. Locally, where
defense would seem to take on its
ultimate importance to the indi-
vidual, the target may expect lit-
erally anything.
He may expect 15 kilotons of the
kind that leveled Hiroshima. He
may expect a relatively common
10 megatons, one thousand times
as powerful. Expect 100 megatons,
a bomb currently being developed,
or even 1,000, entirely possible
within the near future. Expect any
number and any combination of
thesein any number of attacks.
,Expect high blast, expect low
blast, direct blast, firestorms, ra-
diation. Expect the horrors of bac-
teriological or chemical weapons.
Expect nothing.
* * *
HOLIFIELD'S Subcommittee on
Radiation under the Joint Com-
mittee on Atomic Energy in 1959
made the "remarkable" observa-
tion that "civil preparedness could
reduce the fatalities of the as-
sumed attack on the United States

ple in general or people in par-
ticular from nuclear destruction.
Shelters add a measure of protec-
tion but the measure especially in
metropolitan- or military-target
areas is miniscule.
Assurance of any kind is less
than left to the winds. You will
survive an attack by chance. New
York Times military editor Hanson
W. Baldwin wrote recently, "There
are only two answers: luck, pure
luck, or a national program so im-
mense, expensive, detailed and se-
cure as to appear impossible."
* * *
THE LATTER alternative is im-
possible no matter what. The gov-
ernment's seemingly arbitrary se-
lection of the five-megaton, two
week basis for its program is in-
deed a minimum protection for
the millions it proposes to save.
But perhaps it does not matter
that shelters be capable of saving
lives, perhaps they would be valu-
able simply if they existed and an
enemy thought they could save
lives. President Kennedy men-
tioned a second use for the pro-
gramin his July speech - shelters
as a deterrent.
In a curious bit of double talk,
Holifield's Military Operations
subcommittee has backed him up.
Civil Defense cannot deter a nu-
clear attack," it reported, but it is
"an integral part of the national
defense and is a very essential
part of the deterrent strength and
posture of the nation."
Perhaps this is the only purpose
behind the program.

from 8 p.m. last Wednesday until 3 a.m.
Thursday morning. During those seven hours,
it passed a motion on The Daily and a motion
establishing the procedure for filing membership
statements, necessitated by the fact that the
original letters requesting the statements from
sororities and fraternities were lost for two
weeks in the basement of the Administration
SGC also took care of several administrative
chores such as committee reports, appointments,
reading of letters to the Council, recognition of
the Graduate Chemical Society and selection
of the delegation to the regional National Stu-
dent Association convention. All these were rou-
tine matters, but nonetheless important.
There were also unforseen delays during the
course of the meeting as it was twice rather
unceremoniously interrupted by the Druids and
then the Vulcans in their quest for members
who were subsequently tapped for these dis-
tinguished honoraries while Council recessed to
look on.
NOW, IT MAY be reasonable that it should
take SGC seven hours to accomplish all this
business, and it is certainly reasonable for it
to adjourn by 3 a.m., but, unfortunately, two
important pieces of legislation had to be post-
poned. A motion by Tom Brown to change cer-
tain counting procedures in the SGC elections
never got before Council though it was on the
agenda. After suspending the rules to discuss
a motion regarding a possible tuition hike,
Council quickly dropped debate until the next
It was not vital that either of these motions
be passed last week. The proposed change in
ballot counting could conceivably wait until
just before the next election. Any motion re-
garding tuition will have to be passed this week,
however, since the Regents are likely to decide
about tuition at their meeting Friday.
Even though a motion regarding a tuition
hike was not on the agenda, it was a serious
thing to postpone it. As it was, SGC had to
suspend rules to discuss the motion in the first
place, and next week it will have to suspend
rules so that it may vote on it without waiting
the week required for action on expressions of
student opinion. This is a move members were
unwilling to make Wednesday. Furthermore, by
having only one meeting to discuss what prom-
ises to be a controversial issue, it is quite possi-
ble that an extremely hasty motion will be
passed or that nothing may be done at all.
COUNCIL MIGHT WELL remember the prob-
lems it had in putting together its resolu-
tion on the Office of Student Affairs Study

ties nearly as much as it should. It insists on
having the final say on all appointments to its
committees and delegations, though the people
who do the interviewing and nominating for
these groups are selected by SGC and are often
Council members. 'Following the approval pro-
cedure wastes much Council time and gainsj
It is really very foolish for SGC to insist on
making all appointments. It does not know the
nominees in many cases, and even when some
members do know some of them, SGC has shown
great reluctance to overturn committee recom-
mendations. It often uses the argument that the
nominating committee was in the best position
to know the candidates, and that, after all, it
set the committee up to take the selection chore
off its hands.
If Council carried these arguments a little
further, it would realize that they apply equally
well to all Council action on appointments, ex-
cept in truly exceptional circumstances. A num-
ber of SGC's other functions could probably be
equally well handled by committees.
THE SECOND POINT that SGC's actions
bring up is of considerably more controversy
and importance than the first. It is a question
of the propriety of Council's passing resolutions
on issues like that concerning the Daily-Board
conflict. It is quite difficult to see what value, if
any, an SGC resolution on an issue such as this
will have.
What can Council hope to achieve by passing
motions such as the one on The Daily? It exerts
no authority over either the Board in Control
of Student Publications or The Daily. It can-
not even claim that it is necessarily represent-
ing student opinion on campus.
That the welfare of The Daily is of some im-
portance to SGC and to the campus at large
cannot be denied. However, there is little point
in just "saying something" if no one will do
anything about it. Furthermore, even if Council
could hope that someone would pay heed to
what it said, what did it say? After a long
and heated session in which every possible type
of meaningful statement was rejected, what fin-
ally came out was a long and empty motion
which said little that has not been said time
and again by both parties in the dispute.
THE TRAGEDY of The Daily motion is that
it is so typical. Whatever Council decides
to say about tuition will be equally unheeded,
as are nearly all its resolutions and motions in
areas where it does not have power. The solu-
tion to this problem is not to tell SGC to make
no such motions. The solution is to give SGC
the power it needs to make its feelings felt on
matters which are of vital importance to Uni-
versity students. SGC's motion on The Daily


The Lesson of Laos

To the Editor:
AS AN ENTERING freshman, I
was more than anxious to af-
filiate myself with a political or-
ganization which stood for those
ideals to which I, myself, adhered.
I quickly became acquainted with
an organization whose political
ideals were similar to my own, the
Young Americans for Freedom
It was through this organization
that I felt I could best serve the
Conservative movement to which
I had always identified myself. I
was offered a position on the
Policy Committee which I more
than gladly accepted. However,
it is at this time that I choose
openly to resign both my position
on the Policy Committee and my
membership in the organization.
It can be argued by the mem-
bers of YAF that my participa-
tion this semester has been slightly
less tha nenergetic. To this I
would readily admit, although the
organization of YAF study groups
this semester was under my di-
rection and for which I received
little active support. But to me,
YAF has left much to be desired
as the voice for the Conservative
IT HAS DONE very few things
of outstanding merit, at least few
with which the University student
body is acquainted. Its director
has little or no knowledge of even
the basic fundamentals of par-
liamentary procedure and organ-
izational technique. The YAP
meetings, with very few exceptions,
are at best only moderately or-
ganized. There is much trivia dis-
cussed and the organization tends
to fear taking definite and firm
stands on many issues. I would
be extremely interested to know
how many people are familiar with
the "stand" taken by YAF in
regard to the House Committee on
Un-American Activities.
There is, however, one more
issue which has substantiated my
desire to resign my membership.
On a Naval ROTC application, a
list of political organizations was
given. According to the applica-
tion, the NROTC midshipman
would not be permitted to con-
tinue his ROTC program if he held
membership in any of the organ-
izations. One of those groups was
the Young Americans for Free-
dom. At this time I am not en-
tirely certain as to why YAF was
listed, but the mere fact of its
being listed raises further doubts
in my mind as to the ultimate
credibility of YAF.
* * *
IN CONCLUSION, I would only
say that I do not condemn, reject,
or discredit in any manner, what-
soever, the Conservative principles
and ideals upon which YAF was
founded. My condemnation is of
the organization, itself. I humbly
but earnestly urge all present
YAP members to consider the
merits (or lack of same) of their
organization and to act accord-
I would further urge any per-
spective members to consider care-
fully the values. that YAP has or
does not have to offer them. I
sincerely hope that they can find

To the Editor:
THE UNIVERSITY administra-
praise for its efforts to establish
an academic atmosphere in one of
the East Quadrangle houses this
year. I sincerely hope that this is
only a beginning effort of a major
project and would suggest the
following possibilities:
The freshman orientation pro-
gram should include some semi-
nars .in the residence hall units,
instead of by the present system.
Recitation sections of large lec-
tures should be divided by resi-
dence hall units, instead of-by
the present system.
An office for academic affairs
should be established under the
Office of Student Affairs. The di-
rector of this office would be in
charge of advising academic pro-
grammers in the residence halls,
and arranging for faculty to eat
and live with students,rand ar-
ranging for the transfer of the
counseling process from the class-
room buildings to the residence
SERIOUS consideration should
be given to the University's physi-
cal layout Instead of the present
central core of academic buildings,
surrounded by a periphery of resi-
dence halls, the University should
be composed of classroom facili-
ties and residence facilities situ-
ated next to each other through-
out the campus, and in the same
building wherever possible.
If faculty could be interested in
this project, the possibility is to
have faculty members spend their
sabbaticals as residence hall ad-
In order to make classes smaller,
formal class sessions should be
abolished in those cases where
they are clearly unnecessary for
the course work. This would free
faculty time for teaching classes
in which a formal class session is
ceed in building an academic
community, students must be
much more helpful than they have
been in the past. A great concern
of Student Government Council's
Committee on the University, the
Literary College Steering Com-
mittee and the academics beat of
The Daily should be with the
problems of the academic com-
munity in the University.
This means that both The Daily
and the Council committee should
be making substantive comments
and proposals on these topics and
the LSA steering committee should
be considering the whole topic
of curriculum requirements and
content from the point of view
of their effects on the -creation of
an academic community.
All these groups should also be
pressing for more student partici-
pation in making the actual de-
cisions about what, generally and
specifically, goes into the cur-
riculum and' the curriculum re-
quirements. It is to be hoped
that students and faculty living
together in the residence halls
will be a first step in getting stu-
dents to comment on their cur-



Daily Staff Writer
trouble in Laos all because it
put its money on the wrong
horses. Now this country is faced
with the gravest crisis since Rus-
(Continued from Page 2)
pert Vigors) at Cedar Creek Forest,
Anoka and Isanti Counties, Minnesota,"
Mon., May 14, 2009 Museums Bldg., at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. H. Burt.
Doctoral Examinatio for Frank Mere-
dith Andrews, Social Psychology; thesis:
"Creativity and the Scientist," Mon.,
May 14, 5609 Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m.
S. A. Mednick and D. C. Pelz, co-chair-
Doctoral Examination for Henrietta
TenHarmsel, English Language & Lit-
erature; thesis: "Jane Austen's Use of
Literary Conventions," Mon., May 14,
2601 Haven Hal, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
R. C. Boys,
Doctoral Examination for Aloysius Ed-
ward Misko, Education; thesis: "An In-
vestigation into the Validity of Three
Employment Tests of a Clerical Per-
sonnel Selection Program," Mon., May
14. E. Council Room, Rackham Bldg.,
at 7:30 p.m. Chairman,3. TM. 'rytten.
Doctoral Examination for John Stu-
art Goodman, Linguistics; thesis: "The
Syntax of the Verb 'To Be' in Malory's
Prose," Mon., May 14, 2601 Haven Hail,
at 7:30 p.m. Chairman, J. W. Downer.

sian and American tank muzzles
were pointed at each other at
Berlin's Checkpoint Charlie.
President Kennedy, meeting yes-
terday with his advisors, pondered
solutions to this intractible crisis.
They are now faced with five
stopgap alternatives, none of
which is entirely satisfactory.
1) Let the situation remain as
it is. Laos will fall into the hands
of the pro-Communists without
much trouble. According to press
dispatches a large part of the
royal forces have fled into Thai-
land. If that country follows tra-
ditional international practice, it
may intern them, ending any use-
fulness they might have had.
* * *
military pressure to all sides in
the Laos war to effect a cease-
fire and continued coalition gov-
ernment negotiations. This is ap-
parently the road the Kennedy ad-
ministration has chosen for the
moment. By ordering naval troops
to Thailand to "show the flag,"
and by alerting U. S. forces, the
Administration hopes to convince
all Laotian factions, the Chinese
and the Russians that the United
States has an active interest in
maintaining the status quo. Simul-
taneously it will pressure the Rus-
sians to end tacit acceptance of
the Pathet Lao drive and retain
the neutral Laos they had agreed
3) Begin active Southeast Treaty
Organization intervention. Ac-
cording to the SEATO charter,

4) Intervene informally. The
United States is applying this solu-
tion in Viet Nam by using military
assistance advisors in both train-
ing and combat roles with limited
5) Intervene directly. The wire
services said Friday that some
Kennedy advisors were thinking in
these terms. However, the prob-
lems of geography, climate, a hos-
tile local populus, and internation-
al politics make this an unlikely
solution. The French experience
of fighting eight years of dibilitat-
ing guerilla warfare should deter
followers of this course of action.
- * * *
HOWEVER, none of these seems
to point to a permanent solution
to the Laos crisis. Past United
States errors have caused damage
beyond repair. Seven years of
misused foreign aid, corruption,
and Central Intellegence Agency
directed revolution against the
wishes of Laotion people have
eroded the United States 'position.
Its erstwhile puppet Gen. Phoumi
Nosovan has turned against his
benefactor so that now with the
Laotion army collapse the United
States is prepared to write him
off. Even the latest goal of a
neutral Laos seems withering away
since the new Red offensive.
So Laos seems all but lost, but
its lessons may save Viet Nam.
A government cannot survive un-
der crisis for an extended period
of time if it does not have the
sympathy of its masses. In Laos



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