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May 09, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-09

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* ~~W Auirih3n &iit
Seventy-Second Year
Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Truth Will-Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



AY, MAY 9, 1962'


The Tribe of Miehigamua:
Unjustified Secrecy-

-_ 1
A .A. haks
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i A'
illl II

UE TO A REQUEST ,from a member of the
Board in Control of Student Publications, I
Lye up plans to study Monday evening and
cited at The Daily for him to arrive for an
1;45 meetIng. My thought was that he wanted
discuss the current controversy involving
! newspaper's staff and the publicatio~ns
ard. I put aside my personal plans and
shes for what I considered was the good
The Daily and, ultimately, the good of the
I never got to talk with him. A few minutes
fore he was to arrive, the Tribe of Michi-
,mua, a senior men's honorary, carried me out
the building, tore the pants of my best suit
shreds, poured cold water and red and blue
'e on me and announced that "The Sachem
id the Fighting Braves" had chosen me
rom among the palefaces to perpetuate the
ble tribe."
Outside- of i little ruffled dignity and a
w bruises, the tapping ceremony does not
ovoke outraged ,disgust on my part. The tap-
ngg and the initiation ceremonies of the
en's honoraries can be viewed simply as ex-
'essions of' some pent-up sexual neurosis
llege aged men share. Others have aptly dub-
d them 'fertility rites without sex.'
to go to junior men "because of-leadership
ey have displayed, high moral character, good
hIolarship, work that has been done for Mich-
n, and their ability to do work in the fu-
It is difficult to know how the Tribe selects
members, since all its meetings are closed
the public, but it is apparent that certain
mpus officers are always selected. The cap-
ins of the 10 intercollegiate athletic teams;
e presidents of the Michigan Union, Inter-
iternity Councils Inter-Quadrangle Council
d Student Government Coungil; the editor,
bits editor and business manager of The
lily are always selected no matter how im-
oral, how unwilling to work and how close to
inking out they may be. Traditionally, the
:ond ranking member of the activities. orga-
ations (with the exception of IQC) are also
;ped, but exceptions are made when some-
S's attitude is considered unworthy of the
veto; each member of the tribe must agree
each initiate.
[ expressed my unwillingness to join the
ibe to several of the current members, but
,s told that this was not a 'sufficient' an-
uncement of intent. One of the current
ibe officers tried to convince me to join
)nday afternoon. I told him I would recon-
er the points he had made and give him
v final decision yesterday.
iA Tribe member of the '60-61 year said that
ping would not . come until Tuesday or
dnesday night, and so I hoped to express
r reasons for not joining before tapping and
.s save both the Tribe and myself time
d bother. Apparently, however, the Tribe
s not willing to wait and believes that an
lividual has little or no right to decide he
nts nothing to do with the organization..
.T THE 'UNIVERSITY tolerates and even
encourages Michigamua and the other ho-
ries. Regulations of the Dean of Men gov-
ing tapping and the initiations are not
ictly enforced. Investigator Swoverland has
M. known to follow the tappers to insure
Lt they encounter no interference from oth-
students or townsfolk. : ,
Jniversity regulations demand that "in both
>ping and initiation all participants shall be
equately clothed from the viewpoint of de-
icy and health and the activities of tapping
1 initiation shall be conducted in such a
,nner as not to constitute an annoyance to
[These regulations are openly violated as
hinx, for example, strips off all of the, tap-
I men's clothes. Another honorary covered
new members with molasses and feathers
: left them without transportation and .half
ssed at an unknown site 20 miles from the
npus. Neither drizzling rain nor cold of
ht stops the honoraries from abusing un-
-graduates or violating state laws concern-
use of intoxicating beverages by minors.
)f course, tapping and initiation are the
.y events the honoraries stage in public, and
is unfair to judge them strictly by these

ions. Their other activities-sometimes
aritable and promoting the student's posi-
n in the University--are carried on in strict-
L to initiate or aid in gaining the Student
bivities Building and Student Government
uncil, and in securing student aid in raising
ids for the Michigan Memorial Phoenix
>ject and obtaining student representation
the Development Council. -Members discuss-
the Sigma Kappa case, the current OSA'
.dy and the University's restrictions on out-
e speakers. ;
Michigamua is about the only honorary
:mowledged to take significant actions on
-University problems, particularly student af-
All the honoraries share common failings,

the campus and the honorary wants to guaran-
tee a "representative" membership, regard-
less of the individual merit of many of those
Many students who could make a worthwhile
contribution to the honoraries' activities, who
want to be in them, who feel a keen sense of
responsibility for the pniversity's future are.
not chosen because they chose to work outside
the structure of the SAB-Daily-Yost Field
House organization, or lack the political skills
to gain major elected or appointive offices.
I don't think that this creation of artificial
prestige and training it gives University stu-
dents to accept more easily the classed society
into which they will graduate is the basic issue
Y PROTEST against honoraries and against
Michigamua in particular is aimed at the
secret nature of these organizations and the
activities they participate in which subvert
and undermine the more legitimate forms of
student government. I feel it my duty as an
individual and as editor on a college newspaper
to work for making the University as open a
community as possible. I don't think honoraries
work for this end. I don't believe they widen
the channels of communication between stu-
dents and administration or among the stu-
dents themselves.
Entirely too many decisions in the University
are reached behind closed doors and in exec-
utive sessions. We bemoan the apathy of the
individual citizen and ,the individual student
because he does not vote or fails to participate
in his government. His failure, however, can be
attributed in great measure to the closed elites
which actually make the decisions.
I can understand the desire for secrecy
which student and administration leaders
want. They feel that general campus knowledge
of what administrators are thinking of doing
could give rise to all sorts of false stories and
exaggerations, that campus sentiment could
build up against a contemplated decision be-
fore the campus fully knew the ramifications
of the decision. But, more untruths circulate
when secrecy is maintained than when it is
A BELIEF THAT FREE and open discussion
of all issues will yield the best decisions
seems to me to be at the basis of our theory
of democracy and the way we are encouraged
to pursue academic studies.
Many people, both now in the Tribe or on
The Daily staff, have urged me to join Michi-
gamua for the good of the newspaper. If Pres-
ident Hatcher and Executive Vice-President
Niehuss are going to speak frankly before the
Tribe and tell the members truths about the
iniversity they would refuse to tell other stu-
dents, The Daily ought to be there to hear
them. Any extra knowledge of the University
which the editor can gain will, of course, bene-
fit his newspaper, even if he gains it in confi-
dence and is obligated not to print it.
This argument presupposes, however, that the
editor and his staff cannot know.-the campus
unless they participate in such groups as hon-
oraries. This simply is not t'ue. It is the role
ot the student journalist to find out what is
going on about him. If reporters are perform-
ing their job well, membership in a secret
honorary for such a purpose would not be
necessary. Each editor and each reporter must
choose the means he wants to gain informa-
tion. I choose not to participate in a secret or-
ganization. Other editors have and will make
different decisions.
HAVE the greatest personal respect for
many of the members of both the outgoing
and incoming Tribes of Michigamua, and I
will try to maximize the number of informal
contacts between them and myself.
My theory of student organizations is a pe-
culiar one, and it necessitates my decision in
regard to honoraries. If the University is going
to offer opportunities and sponsor programs
for students, they should be open to all. Stu-
dent organizations are recognized by the Uni-
versity and thus should have no membership
'requirements dxcept perhaps that of being a
student at the University and sharing the stat-
ed goals of the group.
I do not know how many students would
choose to join the Tribe if they were given the
opportunity; I don't believe very many would
be interested or committed enough to work for
the organization. Those who really want "to
fight 'um like hell for Michigan" already do

through their own organizations and activi-
ties and many of these would be the same
people who are already selected for Michi-
gamua. Others who could benefit Michigamua
and the University are not now permitted to
make their fullest contribution.
IF MEMBERSHIP in Michigamua were thrown
open, the heads of the major campus orga-
nizations would want to join it and, perhaps,
should be encouraged. Just as no one in the
Tribe now would attempt to limit the member-
ship of his 'home' activity, no one in the Tribe
should try to limit the membership of the
Michigamua is a closed society; its strength
rests primarily on the close bounds and frank-
ness of expression engendered by its nonpublic
character. I can appreciate the contributions
Michigamua's members are trying to make for

Ayyangar To Give
Karnatic Concert
LAST SEMESTER a capacity audience rose en masse to cheer the
Ravi Shanker performance of North Indian Classical Music. To-
night at 8:30 in the Rackham lecture hall the sensitive listener has a
new opportunity to become better acquainted with the art music of
Mr. Rangaramanuja Ayyangar will present a concert demonstra-
tion of the great tradition of South India, the so-called Karnatic
For those who heard the first concert some things will be the
same. The basic structure of the music for both traditions is still the
raga and the tala. The raga is a scalar-melody form. It contains not
only the notes to be played but also particular ornaments, melodic
turns and cadences which give it a special flavor.
The tala is the rhythmic framework of the piece. A tala consists
of a unit of from 3 to 138 beats which is divided into smaller units
by accents. The musician plays a piece set in a particular raga and
tala and then improvises upon the piece, keeping in mind these two
vital elements at all times. In order for the Western listener to
appreciate the performance he must be aware that the performer is
constantly re-creating the piece within these two restrictions. Each
piece presents a new raga and tala and hence new challenges to
overcome. Mr. Ayyangar, one of the great teachers of the tradition, will
provide ample opportunity to learn more about this art.
* * * *
WHILE the general musical concepts are the same in both North
and South India, the specific names of particular raga and tala vary.
In addition, different instruments are used. In tonight's performance
one will see the veena (or vina). This large lute with two gourd
resonators has one set of melodic strings and one set of drone strings.
The player can keep both the pitch center of the raga and the rhythm
of the tala on the drone strings while playing the melody on the
other strings.
For those who know the Northern tradition, the veena will seem,
at first, rather quiet. In the hands of a master such as Mr. Ayyangar,
however, its power to please and move the listener will soon become
evident. Thanks to the Center for Southern Asian Studies, the spon-
sors of the concert, a rare opportunity to discover the beauty of this
music firsthand is available to us all tonight.
-Prof. William P. Maim
School of Music
Syro s

A Studyjin Futility:194550

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
first ofa three-part series tracing
the world's disarmament attempts
since World War II.)
Daily Staff Writer
WORLD WAR II, in August of
1945, ended not with a whim-
per but with a bang. On the eighth
of that month, a single American
bomber with a single American
bomb blasted one of the world's
major cities into ashes and and
bits of radioactive dust. Demolish-
ed, along with the bulk of the
civilian population of Hiroshima,
were humanity's various plans for
postwar world peace. Something
entirely new, it became apparent,
would have to be devised.
In January, 1946, the brand new
United Nations General Assembly
unanimously established an Atomic
Energy Commission with the job
of encouraging the exchange of
technical atomic information, en-
suring the control of the world's
atomic energy, limiting that new
and mysterious force to peaceful
uses, banning nass-destruction
weapons in general, and establish-
ing means of inspection to insure
the security of the world.
In June, the United States ad-
vanced its heralded "Baruch Plan."
Named .for the American delegate
to the AEC, the proposal was a
rather remarkable one. It provided
for the establishment of an auton-
omous International Atomic De-
velopment Authority.
The body was to be given com-
plete charge of "all phases of the
development and use of atomic en-
ergy," given "managerial control
or ownership of all atomic energy
activities potentially dangerous to
world security," and given power
to "control, inspect, and license all
other atomic activities."
* * *
IT WAS TO BE, in short, a very
powerful body with a monopoly
on every phase of atom-splitting
from the mining of fissionable ma-
terials to the final chain reaction.'
It would be given a practically un-
limited right of inspection, and the
veto power of the "Big Five," later

to hamstring the Security Coun-
cil repeatedly, was not to apply to
the proposed agency.
This, Russia said, would consti-
tute an infringement of national
sovereignty. A Soviet counter-pro-
posal gave priority to prohibiting
the use, manufacture and accumu-
lation of nuclear weapons. All
existing (i.e., American) stocks
were to be destroyed within three
months. Inspection and control
were secondary considerations, to
be dealt with in detail at some fu-
ture time.
What emerged, then, were ir-
reconcilable ,differences between
the United States and the USSR.
America, with a temporary monop-
oly on the world's nuclear weap-'
ons, would proceed only with the
greatest of caution. It sought a se-
ries of thorough steps, each to be
completed before the next began,
each to be accompanied by careful
control and close inspection. Rus-
sia, with the world's greatest con-
ventional army but no operational
atom bombs, gave top priority to
the immediate unilateral destruc-
tion of existing bombs and the
cessation of their production, and
demanded the power to veto any
action by any international agen-
* * *
mushroom cloud lingering over-
head, the UN met a disappointing'
lack of success in reaching agree-
ment even on non-nuclear arms.
The Security Council established a
Commission f o r Conventional
Armaments in February, 1947.
The 'United States, hoping not
to lessen the effectiveness of the
AEC, took the position that' the
non-atomic commission should not
deal with nuclear weapons. Russia
contended that consideration of
conventional weapons apart from
nuclear ones was meaningless. The
United States urged that an at-
mosphere of international confi-
dence was a necessary prerequisite
to any valuable agreement. Rus-
sia replied that this atmopshere
could only be attained when fruit-
ful disarmament measures had
been agreed upon.

The Soviet Union, in late 1948,
outlined a plan whereby each of
the permanent members of the
Security Council would reduce its
conventional forces by a third. At
the same time, the AEC would
reach agreements abolishing all
atomic weapons and governing the
control of nuclear energy.
* * *
THE WEST objected on a num-
ber of grounds, most of them fa-
miliar even then. For one thing,
the Russians again coupled atomic
and conventional weapons. For
another, the disagreement over the
principles of control and inspec-
tion remained.'
A third objection stemmed from
the fact that no one knew with
any degree of accuracy the sizes
of the various conventional forces
and armaments these nations had.
France proposed a plan involving
a commission to collect this in-
formation with power to check
their findings by detailed inspec-
tions. Russia again cried "national
sovereignty,' and vetoed such pro-
posals twice. The work of both
UN commissions had slid quietly
to a halt.
The world situation had contin-
ually worsened since the war's end.
Civil wars and Red-inspired revolts
continued to spread. The Soviets
tried to seal off Berlin from the
worldfand the Allies replied with
the famous airlift. In 1949, the.
United States joined with Western
Europe in the North Atlantic Trea-
ty Organization, an anti-Russian'
* * *
fell to the Communists and in 1950
the conflict began in divided Ko-
rea. In January Russia walked out
of the AEC, ostensibly protesting
the presence of Nationalist China..
In April, the Soviet delegate gave
the same reason as he left the
Commission f o r Conventional
Armaments. The UN had failed its
mandate, and the world seemed no'
closer to secure and lasting peace.
And in 1950, a single Russian
plane dropped into the frozen Si-
berian wastes, a single Russian
atomic bomb.

To the Editor:
IT.EDAILY'S coverage of the
62 Henry Russel Lecture de-
livered by Prof. Youtie, Research
Professor of Papyrology, contains
information which is grossly mis-
Prof. Youtie was quoted as say-
ing, "The papyrologist should al-
ways be aware that fats are un-
changing." Nothing could be more
antithetic to Prof. Youtie's thesis
which was that the papyrologist,
as a result of the processes which
the lecturer so carefully outlined,
actually "creates" facts.
These facts are the result of the
papyrologist's momentary inter-
pretatior. of a, given papyrus text.
A subsequenti reading of the same
document may result, as Prof.
Youtie's well-chosen examples i1-
lustrated, is a new fact which com-
pletely abrogates the previous in-
TRUE, the papyrus is the final
arbiter of the information which
it contains; it alone knows what
it wants to tell us. It is the job of
the papyrologist to bring this in-
formation to light. He is hindered,
however, by his pathetic ignorance
of the ancient languages and the
elusive handwriting found on pa-
pyrus texts.
Any fact "established" by a
papyrologist is the product of cur-
rent and often meager means at
his disposal. New information may
turn up, as a result of which the
papyrologist must be willing to ad-
mit that his quondam interpreta-
tion was entirely false.
The facts which a papyrologist
creates then, are highly susceptible
to change. To say otherwise is to
completely misinterpret Prof. You-
tie's stimulating discussion.
-Edward M. Michael, Grad
Walk Out...
To the Editor:
AT THE meeting of Inter Quad-
rangle Council last Thursday
three members got up and walked
out around 10 o'clock, thereby pre-
venting further business from be-
ing conducted because their leav-
ing caused the loss of a quorum.
I was one of those three; I did not
leave because it was getting late
and I had homework to finish,
rather I left because an unrealis-.
tic budget would have been passed

if the meeting was allowed to con-
This budget would have suc-
ceeded in making IQC into an or-
ganization which could do nothing
but have meetings and pass reso-
lutions. Is this what thee residents
of the'Quadrangles want from
IQC? Do they want a body which
sits around passing policies and
hoping that the Board of Govern-
ors will support them? Or do they
want to see IQC plan and sponsor
activities, such as, the Duke El-
lington Concert, the Michigan-
Michigan State Mixer, the IQC-
Assembly Sing, etc., which add va-
riety to their activities and make
their stay in the Residence Halls
more enjoyable?
The question is what can the
residents do to prevent IQC from
passing an unrealistic budget, one
which would be against the very
foundations upon which IQC was
founded? They can talk to their
House President, their Quadrangle
Representative and even their
Quadrangle President and tell
them that they want a good pro-
gram next year and that they feel
that the budget proposed by the
officers o_ IQC should be passed.
If they want a poor program next
year with very few big activities
then the residents should just siti
back, do nothing, allow the unreal-
istic budget to go through IQC,
and I will guarantee that they will
get this poor program,
--Robert S. Levine, '63
Inter-Quadrangle Council
The Daily Official Bulletin is an -
official publication of The U3niver-
,qty of Michigan for which. The,
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Undergraduate Honors Convocation:
The annual Convocation recognizing
undergraduate honor students will be
held at 10:30 a.m., Fri., Mahy 11. at Hill
Aud. Dr. Glenn T. seaborg, Chairman
of the United States Atomic Energy
(Continued on Page 8)






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