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May 09, 1962 - Image 1

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Yl r e

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Fair and cool today;
Continued cold tomorrow

VOL. LXXII, No. 158


ANN L~ARBOR. M ~ICIG 4AN ITni' 1rY~ lV' ILAV 4fl1099'

Q lmTflnT !(nlTmC

Bureau Functions
As 'Middle-Man'
By GERALD STORCH chances for a higher-level job.
Colleges and universities As a further enhancement, the
seeking new presidents, deans, college job requests may con-
fadministrators and professors annimiitrmseht
don't always make a direct ap- the particular position is a
proah tothe an tey wnt. epping-stone to becoming a
rano im they wlwr dean or executive officer.
through a middle-man agency High-Powered Posts
at another campus, and, by Requests for the high-pow-
publicizing their job openings ered posts come mainly from
and the required credentials, smaller institutions, whereas
Rthese colleges hope to attract the more general administra-
qualified candidates into apply- tive and teaching offers come
ing. from colleges large and small,
The middle-man function at in-state and out.
this University is played by the The bureau has feelers for
Bureau of Appointments, which presidencies from Rio Grande
so far during the academic year (Ohio), Wheelock (Mass.),
has handled more than 50 re- Yakima (Wash.) and Western
V quests from other colleges for State (Colo.), Colleges and the
presidents and top-level admin- Stevens Point and Whitewater
Sistrators ?<
srars branches of Wisconsin State .
The bureau is a job place- College, for example.
ment agency for University Applications are open for the
alumni and students. dean of students at the State
With a flood of 4,225 inquiries University of New York, dean
for administrative posts and of instruction at Slippery Rock
! teaching positions of all levels (Penn.) State College and di-
coming in, the figure by the end rector of admissions at Colum-
of September will undoubtedly bia University.
be much higher than last year's In regard to professorial re
total of 4,520, bureau director quests, Ardis notes that the
Evart Ardis predicts. number in each field varies
"This trend (of using a mid- from year to year according to
dleman) is a comparatively re- supply and demand.
cent phenomenon. Until a few A result of fluctuations
years ago, the schools would re- among oil companies and the
cruit through personal contacts amount of geologists they hire,
and associations of the presi- there have been only seven re-
dents and deans. quests for geology instructors
Growth Factor this year, as opposed to last
"But with the advent of in- year's 21. All these job offers
stitutional growth and expan- tend to be one-way. Other col-
stittioal rowt an exan-leges work through the 'bureau
sion, the colleges have come to to seek out men here but indi-
find it more efficient and con- t ekotmnhrbtmi
venient to deal with formal ap- viduals in the University usual-
plications and placement bu- ly don't use the bureau actively
reaus," Ardis saysemto seek a position elsewhere.
The bureau finds that in- Occasionally, however, a stu-
quiries concerning high pow- dent or alumnus may utilize the
ered positions are answered bureau's facilities to investigate
mainly by alumni now working what posts are open at other
at other colleges. Requests for colleges. In this event, Ardis
teachers, usually associate or and Grace Oerther, the place-
assistant professorships, and ment analyst, will relay any
steaching fellows go through the pertinent officers to the appli-
"bureau more frequently. Top- cant and help him obtain the r
level job requests will require a information needed to fill out
certain amount of experience the colleges' forms and bro
c and proven ability. chures.
But within th University, But. the University rarely
the high-echelon administrat- uses the bureau to fill a posi-
ors and professors have already tion within its own structure,
established a professional repu- again for fear of becoming in-
tation, and would be more like- grown and provincial.
ly to work through their own Became Available
personal contacts to obtain.an- When University posts do be-
other job if they desired. And come available, they are usual-
most of these men have re- ly filled by the authorities' own
ceived their degrees elsewhere, contacts or by discreet recruits
thus ineligible to use the bu- from other schools.
reau. When receiving job requests
In contrast, the intermediate from colleges, as it does about
professorial and administrative 50 times daily, the bureau goes
job requests have their best through the following process:
'"audience" - teaching fellows The bureau has on hand file
and young administrators - cards on the potential appli-
within rather than without the cants' qualifications and partic-
University. ular preferences for the type
These individuals, not pos- and location of job,. Only indi-
sessing enough experience to viduals who voluntarily regis-
fill jobs of the presidential or ter, plus education school grad-
deanship caliber, naturally are uate students, for whom this
eager to make use of their registration is mandatory, are
training to advance to a more on file.
important position, either in- The bureau then matches the
side or outside the University. job qualifications with the indi-
And, to avoid becoming "in- vidual preferences, and then
grown," the University, like sends back to the college the
most s c h o o l s, discourages names and credentials of per-
teaching fellows from remain- sons who meet their criteria
^ing on campus after receiving Then the college itself will ":
their PhD's. contact these individuals, thus
Thus, these younger officials beginning the formal job nego-
are extremely receptive to tiations.

There should be no antagonism between psychiatry and religion
since both are tenants of a common ground, Dr. Henry R. Gold said
Dr. Gold, psychiatrist, sociologist and rabbinic scholar, explained
that ancient priests played leading roles in both domains. The priest,
in addition to his spiritual office, was originally a public health offi-
Today, however, there is a merging of roles again, so that func-
tions of priest and psychiatrist are becoming increasingly similar, Dr.
Gold noted.
"The religionist can almost never take the place of a psychiatrist
and physician and a psychiatrist can never take the place of re-
ligion," Dr. Gold added.
A minister, burdened with parochial judgements, cannot be ex-
pected to deal as would a medical doctor with problems which appear
purely physical in nature, Dr. Gold explained.
A psychiatrist may claim sometimes to take the place of religion,
but he deals with disturbances and their solutions, not principles, Dr.
Gold noted. The psychiatrist, "concerned with treatment of symptoms
and conflicts may lose sight of the principles which make up human
destiny." he noted.

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Over Taxes
Democrats Refuse
To Back GOP Plan
Acting city Editor
The Legislature is deadlocked
over taxes again.
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann
Ar bor) reports that the Democrat-
ic legislators have backtracked on
their indication of last week that
they would supply the 10-15 extra
votes needed in the House to pass
the GOP package of nuisance
In caucus yesterday, the Dem-
ocrats agreed to vote for no other
tax program than the governor's
which includes a personal and cor-
porate income. This package was
scuttled early last week in the
House Republicans, numbering
56-Just enough votes to pass a
bill, cannot hold enough of their
members in line to pass the entire
nuisance tax package. A handful
of legislators always seem to vote
against one or another of the indi-
vidual taxes, for private reasons.
Bursley said however that the
House Taxation Committee will
report out the $69 million GOP
package without recommendation,
in hopes that it can be "worked
out on the floor."
"I don't see how the deadlock
could last too long. This is an elec-
tion year and many of the mem-
bers want to get home for the
But the Senate doesn't see it
that way. Sen. Joseph P. Smeekens
(R-Coldwater) heads the bloc of
GOP senators who are opposed to
any new taxes, and who plan to
submit their own budget propos-
als, tailored to fit present revenues,
this week.
Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-Kala-
mazoo) is still holding out for his
own nuisance tax package, which
would give some $86 million to
higher education for capital out-
lay purposes.
Meanwhile, the appropriations
committees in both chambers are
sitting on all the spending bills,
pending the settlement of the tax+
Voice Release

Justice Department Intervenes
GREENSBORO (UP) - The De- '-

partment of Justice stepped into a
desegregation suit here yesterday,
asking the courts to nullify the
separate-but-equal provision of
the Hill-Burton Act on Federal
Aid for hospital construction.
Federal attorneys filed papers
with United States middle dis-
trict court asking permission to
intervene in a suit by 11 Negroes
who seek to force desegregation of
staffs and facilities of two Greens-
boro hospitals.
Negroes Suit
The Negroes' suit, filed Feb. 12,!
accuses Moses H. Cone Memorial
Hospital and Wesley Long Com-
munity Hospital of discriminating
against Negroes in violation of the
14th amendment to the United
States Constitution.
The Hill-Burton Act, which be-
came law at the close of World


War II, has been used to channel
hundreds of millions of dollars
into the construction of hundreds
of hospitals.
The Justice Department also
asks the courts to rule that the
two h o s p i t a I s discriminated
against Negroes in violation of the
No Hearing Date
No hearing date on the depart-
ment's motion was set. A motion
by attorneys for the hospital trus-
tees, asking the suit be dismissed,
is to be heard next Monday.
The Department's action, an-
nounced in Washington by United
States Atty. Gen. Robert F. Ken-
nedy, apparently caught parties
to the suit by surprise.
Dr. George C. Simkins, Jr., a
Negro dentist, said neither he nor

anyone else among the plaintiffs
had asked the department to in-
Mose Kiser, Chairman of the
Board of Trustees of Wesley Long
Hospital, was informed of the ac-
tion by a reporter. "This is the
first I'd heard of it," was his only
Nine Negro doctors and dentists
and two patients are the plaintiffs.
Roumell Sees
.Detroit News
In Violation
DETROIT (P) - A regional di-
rector of the National Labor Rela-
tions Board, in a preliminary rul-
ing yesterday, said the Detroit
News appeared to have violated,
the National Labor Relations Act
when it suspended operations dur-
ing a strike at the Detroit Free
Thomas Roumell told the pub-
lishers of the Detroit News and
the Detroit Free Press that, fail-
ing a settlement by Friday of a
complaint brought by six local un-
ions representing various crafts
and trades at the two papers, he
would then issue a formal com-
plaint and schedule a formal
The publication stoppage is en-
tering its 28th day and pickets
of the paper and plate handlers'
union were on strike against the

Must Tuition,
'enator Reports
Francis Cites Senate Agreement;
Matthaei Sees Boost in Fall Term
A tuition boost appears unavoidable.
Senate Majority Leader Lynn 0. Francis (R-Midland)
said yesterday that there is general agreement in the Senate
that there will be no increase in appropriations to any state
college or university that did not raise tuition.
Regent Frederick C. Matthaei of Ann Arbor, viewing the
bleak appropriations prospect, said that "in my personal opin-
ion we will have to raise student fees next fall." He added


PortugueSe Author ities
Fight Demonstrators
LISBON (iP) - Police swinging clubs and firing rifles in- the air
last night turned back groups of workers trying to stage Communist-
ordered demonstrations against the Salazar regime in downtown
A government spokesman said five persons were wounded by stray
bullets. Unofficial reports said seven or more were hurt.
Police squads dispersed the workers as they began marching from
industrial areas toward the center of the city.
All civilians had been evacuated earlier from Blackhorse Square
and all downtown river bank streets. These were the same streets
where the most violent anti-gov-

ernment outbursts inyears erupt-
ed May Day, injuring at least 20
Extra precautions were taken
earlier in the evening after Por-
tugal's underground Communist
Party circulated pamphlets calling
for demonstrations in Lisbon,
Oporto, Coimbra and other cities.

SGC To Consider Motion,
On M embership Statements

that he did not know if the
other Regents concurred with
him on tuition.
A final decision will not be
made until after the Legislature
has completed appropriations.
Increase State Funds
The Regents have asked a $4-5
million increase in state funds for
the University's operating budget
in the coming year. University
Executive Vice-President Marvin
L. Niehuss has said that "neces-
sary salary increases alone would
be in excess of $4 million if we did
what we should and we need funds
for other things than salaries."
If the University does not re-
ceive these funds from the state,
he said, "the only source I can!
see would be a tuition increase."
Regent Irene E. Murphy of Bir-
mingham, while declining to com-
ment on the probability of a tui-
tion increase, said about Francis'
statement, "All that means is the
Legislature wants somebody else to
do the taxing."
Francis noted that, at this time,
the size of any increase in Univer-
sity appropriations would not be
tied to the amount of funds
brought in by tuition boosts.
Regent Donald M. D. Thurber
of Grosse Pointe noted that tui-
tion would be "a subject of very
careful consideration at the May
Regents meeting."
On This Subject<
Other senators have also ex-1
pressed opinions favoring a tuition
boost. Sen. Arthur Dehmel (R-
Unionville). a member of the Sen-
ate Taxation Committee, has saidz
"I think in all fairness to the tax-
payers there should be an increase
in tuition rates so long as the Uni-
versity receives additional funds 1
from the state."S
Sen. Elmer H. Porter (R-Bliss-s
field), chairman of the Senate Ap-
propriations Committee, has alsot
said that "he does not think" thec
University will receive the $4-S
million boost.
The Legislature will not begint
consideration of the University ap-a
propriation until after it has fin-
ished dealing with problems of
taxation facing the Legislaturet
since the attempt to pass a stateI
income tax failed.

No Reports Student Government Council will consider a motion on procedure
There were no reports of major for granting extensions to fraternities and sororities to insure ade-
incidents in Oporto and Coimbra. quacy of membership statements at tonight's meeting.
The pamphlets - carrying the Extensions will only be granted if groups facing a May 18 deadline
slogan "down with Fascism and submit a request for an extension by May 15 and for June deadlines
war in Angola"-were signed by by May 22. Only in the case of extenuating circumstances as well as
Duarte, the code name of Alvaro compliance with the above set dates will the extensions be granted.
Cunhal, General Secretary of the This request must include substantive reasons, correspondence
outlawed Communist Party. with national and alumni groups and other relative evidence. SGC
will review requests and the de-
sired length of extension.
*tOrnrnmrnI Readies Squadron Also on the agenda is a motion
7'I11I *Y * -by Thomas Brown, '63, treasurer,

vi1 cuc n isses
On OSA Committee Report.WASHINGTON (A) - The Air
Forse yesterday declared a second
By ELLEN SILVERMAN squadron of Titan intercontinental
ballistic missileG to he c mbat

asking for a revision in the elec-
tion counting procedure. The new
method is intended to correct the
random flaw in the Hare System,
according to Brown.
The motion concerning The

Voice political party's Executive Committee yesterday released! *** *J1 1 t7uu J.)l"OuV Daily will again be discussed. The
their comments on the Reed Report on the Office of Student Affairs. ready. This raises to 72 the num- amendments proposed by Robert
Written as a letter, the report is based on the party's philosophy ber of these 6,300-mile range hy- Ross, '63, and one to be intro-
which states that "a student should be treated as a full participant drogen rockets ready to fire. The duced by Howard Abrams, '63, will
wich amute thatf" studenrshnewly operational Titan squadron be heard.
in a community of scholars." is located near Lowry Air Force Council will also appoint dele-
In general terms, the report notes that Voice is disturbed at the Base, Denver, Cola. gates to the National Student As-
"unwieldy administrative structures" which are defined in the Reed The first Titan squadron came sociation Spring Regional Assem-
report and "the clear indication that students will not have a signifi- on the line just under three weeks bly to be held this weekend in
cantly greater voice in formulating student affairs' policies than they ago, also near Lowry. Mount Pleasant.
have in the past."
Voice claims that the setting up of a Dean of Students and asso-
ciate merely "insures the retention of a Dean of Women's position and
*the continuation of a situation in
which the Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs is not clearly super-
ior in authority to the Dean of By MALINDA BERRY upon the extent to which the two
Women." "Conformity is most certain to avenues of achievement are in-
The report notes that Voice occur when there is a strong need compatible.
agrees with the concept of a Fac- and when the situation requires Thus, the stronger the need
ulty-Student Council which was conformity behavior in order to which can only be served by con-
outlined in a report issued by Stu- satisfy that need," Vice President forimty behavior, the greater will
dent Government Council but for Academic Affairs Roger W. be the tendency to conform.
feels that the only veto power over Heyns and Prof. Edward L. Walker Mass Conformity
this group ought to rest with the of the psychology department note The study notes that it is not
Regents. in their book, "An Anatomy for too difficult to produce mass con-
Emphasizes Counseling Conformity." formity, to which the majority of
The letter recommends that a The book, which is the result of people will react positively. "If one
new office of Academic Program- The Ford Foundation Project on wishes to produce conformity it
ming and Counseling be formed in Conformity at the University, is only necessary to arouse a need
the Office of Student Affairs finds there were five basic ques- or motive, offer a goal which sat-
which would put the emphasis on tions which arose concerning con- isfies that need, and make con-
counseling from the classroom formity: formity necessary to the achieve-
buildings to the residence halls in Five Questions ment of that goal."
order "to create an academic 1) The area in 'which conformity A person's conformity may de-
tone" within the living- units. should or should not occur. pend upon the type of group to
Voice believes that the role of 2. The degree of conformity. which he belongs. It was found
a house director in the women's 3) The origin of the norm or that, "if conformity is seen as be-
dormitories should be retained but standard. ing instrumental to being liked,
the director should foster individ- 4) The kinds and classes of con- then the expectation that the more
uality and privacy among stu- ditions which produce conformity. attractive a group the more cohe-
dents. 5) The kinds of people who do sive the group, and the more co-
The party further recommends conform and the kinds who do not. hesive the group the more pressure
that no student should be forced Because the first three require toward uniformity or conformity
to live in a residence hall (with a value judgment they found that tends to be fulfilled.
the provision that those under 21 they cannot be answered through "If conformity behavior is not
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. ,. studies student fees
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the
eighth in a series or nine articles
tracing the history of Michigan's
state-supported colleges.)
Wayne State University's great-
est accomplishments lie ahead, ac-
cording to its president, Clarence
B. Hilberry.
Hilberry cites the "clinical" fa-
cilities for research in medicine
and the law, in social work and
rursing, and in government and
sociology gathered together in the
metropolitan area of Detroit.
WSU research will undoubtedly
invcive experimental relationships
yet untried between the university
and the great concentrations of
scientific talent in industry, and
between social scientists and the
observable human drama unfold-
ing in the city, -be said.
WSU, dedicated to freedom of
learning and exploration, began as
two separate institutions. In 1868,
a private medical school was
opened in Detroit, followed in 1881
y the establishment of the De-
;roit Normal Teaching School
From these institutions evolved
Wayne University which became
known as Wayne State University
n 1956.
Basic curricula offered by the
university include a general cur-
riculum, curriculum in science,
pre-professional studies, teacher
preparation, and a special curri-
culvmn offering a comprehensive
background knowledge or inten-
sive specialization. A Junior-Year-
n-Munich program is offered by
he school as well as opportunities
n secretarial studies and nursing.
Admittance to WSU generally
requires graduation from an ac-
ciedited high school,. fifteen ac-
ceptable units with a 'B' average
n academic areas, and the recom-
mendation of the rrincipal.
Twenty-one thousand students
are served by the Detroit Institute
of Arts, Detroit Public Library,
Detroit Historical Museum, and
he International Institute. The
100-acre main campus itself is
valued at $38 million in buildings,
rounds and equipment.
In educational probings, WSU
has set up the Monteith College.
ts three goals include general
ducation, independent study. and
he atmosphere of small college.
Any person eligible for enrollment
may apply for Monteith College.
The school also offers a new
fi- year program in teacher edu-



the means to a goal.
2) When the group the indi-
vidual belongs to is a tightly knit'
and attractive group.
3) When the person sees con-
formity as an effective avenue to
being accepted by a group.
4) When the situation permits
many alternate behaviors, and he
is uncertain about the degree of
appropriateness of the alternates,
then social pressure will be an ef-
fective device.
No Type
The people who are conformists
are not a type. There is no par-
ticular mentality which responds
to social pressures more than an-
"The findings of the study are
in the social science tradition of
analysis of effective relationships
which appear to be independent of
the particular individuals involved.
If the amount of conformity in a
group can be controlled through
the application of social pressure,
then it does not matter who the
individual group members are or
what differences there are among



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