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By Cuba
States Ambassador Adlai E.
Stevenson asserted yesterday that
Communist Cuba and the Soviet
Bloc had grossly misused the ma-
chineryof the United Nations by
trying to create the impression
that a United States invasion of
Cuba is imminent.
Stevenson spoke as the General
Assembly's 104-nation political
committee neared the end of a
10-day debate on charges of al-
leged United States interference
brought by the Fidel Castro re-
Stevenson said the Cubans and
their Communist supporters had
not presented any thing even re-
sembling proof of their charges. He
said the complaint was brought to
the United Nations in an effort
hr to "drown in a torrent of words"
the recent action of the foreign
ministers of the Organization of
American States against the Cas-
o tro regime.
Earlier Soviet Deputy Foreign
Minister Valerian A. Zorin said it
was all too obvious that prepara-
tions were being made for a United
States attack on Cuba. He said
three United States aircraft car-
riers were hovering off the Cuban
coast at present.
Stevenson said "Cuba today
represents a bridgehead for Sino-
Soviet imperialism in the Western
Hemisphere and a base for Com-
munist subversion against the
American republics."
He spoke after Soviet delegate
Valerian A. Zorin asserted that the
United States had put three air-
craft carriers off the shores of;
Cuba as a prelude to a military in-
"The preparations by the United
States of a new military adven-
ture against Cuba are all too ob-
vious at present," Zorin declared.
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Former Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower, in a
letter to Senate investigators made
public yesterday, called the un-
inhibited censoring of top level
officials' speeches "something be-
littling." His letter suggested that
"top level'" Pentagon personnel
be permitted to use their own best
judgment in phrasing their
speeches and be held responsible
for their words.
* * *
Richard B. Russell (D-Ga) said
today that U-2 Pilot Francis Gary
Powers will be called before the
Senate Armed Services Committee
for testimony if committee mem-
bers wish. But at the same time
Russell said agents of the execu-
tive branch are entitled to finish
their own interviews first.
ALGIERS - Heavily armed
French troops in Oran yesterday
battled thousands of screaming
Algerians enraged after the right-
wing secret army exploded 44 plas-
tic bombs in the teeming native
quarter. By the 9 p.m. curfew, 15
or more persons were dead and 57
TOYKO-Red China's Foreign
Minister Chen Yi said last night
his country will spare no efforts
to strengthen unity between the
Peiping regime and the Soviet
Union. "We are confident that no
force in the world can undermine
our unity, no force in the world
can prevent our common cause
from advancing from- victory to
victory," Chen Yi said.
MOSCOW-Retired Soviet Mar-
shals Georgi Zhukov and Semyon
Timoshenko were blamed yester-
day for the Red Army's unpre-
paredness and subsequent rout un-
der attack by Nazi Germany two
decades ago. The accusation ap-
peared in the Soviet army news-
paper Red Star in an article re-
viewing World War II.
* * * l
PrTSBURGH - Formal nego-
tiations to reach a new labor con.
tract in the basic steel industry
got off to an early and amicable
start yesterday with word some
measure of agreement already had
been achieved.
* * *
J. Dodd (D-Conn) withdrew yes-
terday from participation in ar
anti-Communist rally scheduled
for March 7 in New York. He said
it is not shaping up as the non-
partisan meeting he had expected
In a letter to Donald B. Shaft
head of the Young Americans for
Freedom, which is sponsoring the
rally, Dodd said he did not want
to be "the only publicly identifi-
aple Democrat in a rather large
group of Republicans" at the ses-
BONN-President Charles de
Gaulle of France and Chancellor
Konrad Adenauer will hold a sur-
arise meeting today at Baden-1
West Offers To Meet
Soviets If Arms Parley
Makes 'Some Progress's
... surprise meeting
Reports Indicate Reds Move
More. Troops to Viet Nam
VIENTIANE 'P)-United States officials gave credence yesterday
to Intelligence reports that Communist North Viet Nam is moving
more troops into Laos to aid the Pathet Lao rebels.
American experts said they considered reliable the latest in-
telligence estimates that about 10,000 North Vietnamese-equally
divided between combat troops and technicians and advisors-are
now in Laos. The royal army, however, insists the number of North
Baden near the French German
border, the foreign ministry an-
nounced last night. A ministry
spokesman said the main subject
will be European political union
but East-West relations also will
be taken up.
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy was named yesterday
by the National Conference of
Christians and Jews as recipient
of its brotherhood award for 1962.
* * *
Turns Down
Pravda Sets New
Russian Propaganda
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John
F. Kennedy and British Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan told
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev yesterday they will be willing
to meet him at Geneva after the
disarmament conference makes
some progress.
Theirrcordially worded messages,
delivered in Moscow by the Ameri-
can and British ambassadors,
brought to the verge of certainty
the prospect of a summit meeting
by the Big Three-and perhaps
others - within the next few
Strictly speaking; the Kennedy-
Macmillan reply was a turndown
of Khrushchev's Feb. 10 proposal
that government heads themselves
attend at the start of the 18-
nation general disarmament con-
ference opening in Geneva a
month from yesterday.
Soviet Propaganda
Meanwhile Soviet propaganda
organs are expected to fire a new
barrage for rejecting Khrushchev's
A press campaign in coming
weeks is expected to picture the
Western powers as trying to sab-
otage disarmament efforts at the
regularly scheduled 18-nation con-
ference opening in Geneva March
14 while preparations are made
for new United States nuclear
tests in the atmosphere.
Pravda established the tone for
an anti-Western campaign even
before the replies of President
Kennedy and Prime Minister Mac-
millan were delivered.
Pravda Declares
The Communist Party newpaper
declared in a New York-dated dis-
patch that American maneuvers
"once more expose the insincerity
of the assurance of American rul-
ing circles about their striving for
a solution of the disarmament
The Western chiefs stuck to
their original call for a Geneva
Parley launching by their foreign
ministers as the best way to make
progress on preliminary :etails.
They saw opening speechmaking
by the chiefs of government as
possibly hardening officials dis-
agreements, thus lessening chances
of accord.
Kennedy Asserts
"I do not mean to question the
utility or perhaps even the neces-
sity of a meeting of heads of
government," Kennedy said.
"Indeed, I am quite ready to
participate personally at the
heads-of-government level at any
stage of the conference when it
appears that such participati'n
could positively affect the chances
of success.
"The question is rather one of
timing. I feel that until there have
been systematic negotiations -
until the main problems have been
clarified and progress has been
made, intervention by heads of
government would involve merely
a general exchange of govern-
mental positions which might set
back, rather than advance, the
prospects for disarmament."
Military Chief
Tells Senators
U.S Strongest
man L. Lemnitzer testified yester-
day that this nation is stronger in
nuclear warfare ability than Soviet
Russia and the Communist na-
tion could not survive such a con-
Iemnitzer, Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, testified be-
fore the Senate appropriations,
subcommittee as it opened hear-
ings on the multi-billion annual
defense money bill.
The General and Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara
urged approval of a $47.9 billion
appropriation bill carrying the
bulk of the $53.8 billion in defense
funds asked for the fiscal year
which begins July 1.
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4Vietnamese is 20,000. As against'
estimates of a total of 30,000 to
40,000 North Vietnamese, Pathet
Lao and neutralist troops, the
royal army has about 70,000
regulars and 1,000 United States
advisers. Most government troops
lack the mobility needed to cope
with the wide ranging guerrillas.
Reports of the arrival of more
North Vietnamese were received
only two days before the expected
arrival at the royal capital .of
Luang Prabang on Friday of
neutralist Prince Souvanna Phou-
ma for talks with King Savang
Souvanna is seeking to revive
hopes of forming a neutral three
party coalition government headed
by himself. But these hopes ap-
peared dimmer than ever.
Neutralists, Communists and
some Western diplomats blame the
United States for the poor pros-
pects of a coalition government.
They say the United States should
put pressure on Boun Oum to
agree to Souvanna's terms.
Kennedy Outlines Need
To Put Man into Space
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President John F. Kennedy said yesterday any
lengthy delay in American efforts to orbit a man in space would
"slow our whole space program down."
That is why, the President told his news conference, he is
going along with the judgment of those on the spot in their brief
postponement of the attempt to loft Lt. Col. John H. Glenn into
orbital flight.
President Kennedy, expressing delight at the swap that liberated
Francis Gary Powers from a Soviet prison, assured quiz-minded
PASADENA-A giant space sim-
ulator, designed to permit the
testing of space craft without
launching them, is ready for use
at the California Institute of
Technology. It cost $4 million. The
simulator, a silo-shaped chamber
80 feet high and 27 feet in diam-
eter, will be used first to test a
model of the Mariner, a 450-pound
spacecraft that will be fired to-
ward Venus later this year.
Soviets Buzz
Allied Planes
BERLIN ('P-The Soviets tried
again yesterday--with words and
then with plane buzzing-to whit-
tle down Allied rights in the vital
air corridors to Red-ringed Berlin.
The West remained firm.
It was the fourth time in a
week that the Russians sought to
block Western planes out of cer-
tain altitude levels in the three
air corridors to carry out red
When the American, French and
British authorities again refused,
Soviet planes buzzed or tailed two,
Allied aircraft and a British air-
But the Western powers kept;
their own traffic, civilian and
military, flying without interrup-l
tion, an Allied spokesman said.
Senators yesterday the former
United States spy pilot would be
free to answer their questions.
Offers Assurance
Kennedy offered this assurance
with a statement in which he
voiced hope that last weekend's
prisoner exchange "turns out to
be a sign of possible significant
progress in the lessening of world
In other matters which came
up he said. Red China would have
to be included in any major dis-
armament agreement.
Kennedy said it obviously would
be of no use to have a disarma-
ment pact with some nations while
leaving out a large country with
a big arms program.
President Notes
On the subject of Viet Nam
military aid, the Presidented not-
ed: "the training missions that we
have sent there . . . have been
instructed that if they are fired
upon, they are of course to fire
back, to protect themselves, but
we have not sent combat troops in
the generally understood sense of
the word."
President Kennedy said some
mistakes may have been made in
censoring speeches of military per-
sonnel but he considers it essen-
tial that such speeches be reviewed
in advance.
City College
Post Resumed
By Gallagher
NEW YORK (A)-Dr. Buell G.
Gallagher, who resigned as presi-
dent of the City College of New
York seven months ago to be-
come the first chancellor of the
California State Colleges, has been
reappointed to the City College
The soft-spoken, 58-year-old
educator and Congregationalist
minister was reappointed last
night in an unexpected move by
the city board of higher education.
Gallagher-underfire by Cali-
fornia rightists for his liberal views
-said his reasons for returning
to City College, which he headed
for nine years, were "purely per-
Gov. Edmund Brown of Califor-
nia told a news conference yes-
terday Gallagher was leaving Cali-
fornia because of criticism by the
John Birch Society.
Gallagher denied this. He told
newsmen his decision to return
had centered on loss of $8,000 in
pension rights which could not be
transferred to California.
He also said the California
trustees could not find him hous-
ing at public expense.
Of the right-wing attacks on
him Gallagher said:
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