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February 15, 1962 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-15

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Russian Pianist Enjoys
American Audiences

£ Students
LST LANSING - University
ident Harlan Hatcher told the
d Annual Congress of Pro-~
ons Saturday that the Univer-
s needs depend "not so much
i the overall size of the fresh-,
class as upon.society's hun-
'or knowledge and training at
rced levels."
eaking at Michigan State
ersity's Kellogg Center, Presi-
Hatcher noted that the Uni-
ty carries nearly 40 per cent
ts enrollment in graduate-
essional schools. It grants 58
cent of all the doctorates and
per cent of all professional
ees in the state.
mention this not boastfully,
merely as a background;' he.
pointing out that advanced
Les require a "vital environ-
t for learning-modern, ex-
ive equipment, well-stocked h-
Les, special facilities, and
e all, good teachers.
' our faculty is diluted, the
zing of students is diluted, and
professions are in turn di-
esident Hatcher cited the costs
ducating various students at
University and told the group
"the needs of the University
tightly interwoven with the
irements of the professions."

" I

"I find American audiences
every bit as responsive as those
in Russia; the one which heard
me play Sunday night in Carnegie
Hall in New York was very re-
ceptive," Emil Gilels, world-
famous Russian pianist declared.
"I played for them with great
feeling, and I am still exhausted."
Gilels, who presented the eighth
concert in the Choral Union Ser-
ies to a capacity crowd last night,
has enjoyed a phenomenal career
as a concert pianist. Born in 1916
in Odessa, on the Black Sea, he
began serious musical study at the
Odessa Institute of Music and
Drama at the age of five. At 13,
he caused a sensation with his
first public recital. He then enter-
ed the Moscow Conservatory.}
There are lots of music schools
IQC To Choose,
Slate f Officers
InterQuadrangle Council will
elect ,new officers at its meeting at
7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3529 of
the Student Activities Bldg. So
far, the only slate is composed of
Robert Geary, '63E, for president;
Robert Levine, '64, for vice-
president; and Thomas Gregory,
'63E, for secretary-treasurer.

for children in Russia, Gilels com-
mented. Moscow alone has 15
music schools and two conser-
vatories at the high school level.
"The schooling in Russia is
much better for musically talented
children. Those who have talent,
show talent and are sent to one
of the conservatories. The most
talented are chosen to study in
one of the three or four special
schools within the conservatories."
During World War II, Gilels
concertized throughout Russia and
embarked on his second career
-teaching at the Moscow Con-
"I was the head of the jury
which awarded Van Cliburn first
prize when he played in the Rus-
sian competition. He was a big,
tall boy, an unknown, who played
very well in the competition. The
audience liked him very much. It
was only natural for him to win,"
Gilels noted.
Gilels' career has taken him on
extensive concert tours to Eastern
Europe, London, Paris, Italy,
Switzerland, Holland and Bel-
gium. He made his American de-
but in October 1955 when he play-
ed with the Philadelphia Orchestra
in Philadelphia and New York.
Presently completing his fourth
American concert series, Gilels is
traveling across the country, per-
forming one-night-only concerts
in several U. S. cities. Although the
schedule is very rigorous, the
auburn-haired artist dislikes tra-
veling by plane: "It is so much
better to relax completely on a
leisurely train.'

Grad Speaks
World Faiths,
"God reveals his attributes to
man not once but constantly,"
John Livengood, Grad, said yester-
day in the fourth in a series of
lectures dealing with the science
of comparative religion.
Exclusivism and sectarianism are
characteristics of most religions
today, Livengood added. He said
that each religion tends to trans-
fer the divine absoluteness of trut
to its own sect. Such theological
ethnocentrism leads toconflict
among the different religions.
Sectarianism, Livengood said,
occurs late in the development of a
religion; it is not directly evolved
from the original beliefs of a given
Livengood went on to discuss the
theological science of Comparative
Religion. This comparatively re-
cent development-it began during
the latter half of the 19th century
-incorporates scientific methods
derived from such fields as arch-
aeology and sociology in a com-
parative study of the world's re-
ligions. Comparisons are made
after the religions have first been
trimmed of their outward form
and temporal injunctions, so that
the basic ideas remain.
The results of such comparisons
have put sectarians and exclusi-
vists in a bad light. They have
made for far greater esteem for
other religions than has previously
been the case. Most important,
however, is the fact that they
have revealed the' essential unity
which exists between the major
religions of the world.
Livengood concluded his re-
marks by suggesting that there is
only one way by which final unity
between all faiths can be realized,
and that is through the teachings
of Baha'u'llah and the Baha'i
World Faith.


The Daily OfficialBulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Doctoral Candidates who expect to
receive degrees in June, 1962, must
have at least three bound copies (the
original in a "spring binder") of their
dissertation in the office of the Grad-
uate School by Fri., April 27. The re-
port of the doctoral committee on' the
final oral examination must be filed
with the Recorder of the Graduate
School together with two copies of the
thesis, which is ready in all respects
for publication, not later than Mon.,
May 28.
Some Ushers are needed, for the
Choral Union and Extra Series Con-
certs in Hill Auditorium, for the re-
mainder of this season, to fill vacan-
cies causeduby graduation, etc. This
will .give you an opportunity to usher
for the May Festival as well as the
events left on the schedule. If you are
interested in ushering for these con-
certs, please come to the Box. Office
at Hill Auditorium on Fri., Feb. 18
from 5 to 6 p.m. and also on Sat.,.Feb.
17 from 10 a.m. to noon. See Mr.
Philosophy 261 Make-up final exami-
nation, Tues., Feb. 20, 2 p.m. in 2208
Angell Hall.
Martha Cook Building is receiving ap-
plications for September, 1962. Present
Sophomores may apply. There will also
be space for a limited number of
present Freshmen and Juniors. Please
telephone NO 2-3225 for an appoint-

tlttentikn MAD *toer4!

1) Junior Officer Training Program-
BA no specific major. Women--MA. Ex-
cellent academic record.
2) Other Professional Positions-Prac-
tically any degree atE any level.
3) Clerical & Secretarial opportuni-
ties-Women with AB in any field plus
typing and/or stenographic skills. Can
go overseas in 12-18 months.
4) Editorial Positions involving re-
writing and preparing of reports; re-
search, analysis & cataloging of data.
BA or MA with major in social qci-
ences or English.
Must have been U.S. citizen for at
least 5 yrs.
TUES., FEB. 20--
CIA-(See Mon.).
Sears, Rdebuck and Co., Chicago, IIl.
-Feb., June, & ,Aug. grads for loca-
tions throughout U.S. Both men&
WOMEN. Degree any field of Liberal
Arts or Bus. Ad. for Mgmt. Training
Program in either Retail Admin., Credit
Admin., or Accounting & Auditing.,
Leo Burnett Co., Inc., Chicago, 11l.
June & Aug. grads-Men-any field of
Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad. for positions
in Advertising, Market Research.
Kimberly-Clark Corp., Newnah, Wis.
-Feb., June, & Aug. grads for locations
throughout U.S. Men with degree in
any field for Sales Training Program.
WED., FEB.21-
Housing & Home Finance Agency,
Washington, D.C.-Feb., June, & Aug.
grads for locations 'in Washington &
throughout U.S. Both men & WOMEN.
BS or MS in CE or Architecture for
City Planning Positions. Degree in Bus.
Ad.. Social Sciences or Public Admin.
for Field Rep. Acctg. majors for Audi-
tors. BBA's for -Finance Analysts. Also
grads in Law, Econ. or Liberal Arts
for various positions.
Federal Housing Admin. (constituent
of H.H.F.A.) is inaugurating Market
Analyst Training Program for selected
college grads. Men or Women with BA
in Econ.
Lincoln National Life Insurance Co.,
Fort Wayne, Ind. -- Sales Positions
throughout U.S. June & Aug. grads-
(Continued on Page 4)

Organick's MAD PRIMER
with a new section on Simplified
Input-Output is available once more


Each Thursday, 12:10-12:40 P.M.
(William St., near corner of State St.)
A midweek worship opportunity
for the whole campus community.

Sponsored and'led bythe Campncs ministers of Presbytrian
Campus Center and the Guild House.




DIAL NO 5-6290
Ending Tonight
DMstinguished Adult Entertainment

Board in CO-OPS

/ resents
Thursday and Friday
Fay Wray, King Kong, Bruce Cabot
Saturday and Sunday
Abel Room's Soviet Classic,
The Ghost That Never Returns



Members pay $10.50 per week,
and share lbs work.
Michigan--315 N. State-NO 8-6284
Owen-1017 Oakland-NO 2-4559
Lester-900 Oakland-NO 3-2929
Stevens-816 S. Forest-NO 2-3121
Or Inquire at
Inter-Co-operative Council, 254 S.A.B.
NO -6872




The following passage is taken,
ith the anthor's permission,
om "Who Killed King Kong?"
y X. J. Kennedy, instructor in
nglish at the University, and
inner of the Lamont Poetry
rize for 1961 for his book Nude
escending a Staircase.)
The ordeal and spectacular
eath of King Kong, the giant
pe, undoubtedly have been
itnessed by more Americans
ian have ever seen a perform-
nces of Hamlet, Iphigenia at
ulis, or even Tobacco Road.
ince RKO-Radio Pictures first
eleased King Kong, a quarter-
mtury has gone by; yet year
fter' year, from prints that
rown more rain-beaten, from
mnd tracks that grow more
nny, ticket-buyers by thou-
ands still pursue Kong's luck-
ss fight against the forces of
chnology, tabloid journalism,
nd the D.A.R. They see him
hloroformed to sleep, see him
hisked from his jungle isle to
ew York and placed on show,
e him burst his chains to
>am the city (lugging a fright-
ied blonde), at last to plunge
'om the spire of the Empire
tate Building, machine-gun-
Bd by model airplanes.
No other monster in movie
istory has won so devoted a
opular audience. Why does the
merican public refuse to let
:ing Kong rest in peace?,
The tragedy of King Kong is
be the beast who at the end
' the fable fails to turn into
he handsome prince. This is
he conviction that the script-
riters would leave with us in
he film's closing line. As Kong's
>rpse lies blocking traffic in
he street, the entrepeneur who
rough Kong to New York
irns to the assembled report-
rs and proclaims: "There's
our story, boys-it was Beauty
illed the Beast!" But greater
orces than those of the
creaming lady have combined
a lay Kong low, if you. ask me.
:ong lives for a time as onemof
hose persecuted near-animal
mls bewildered in the middle
f an industrial order, whose
nple desires are thwarted at

hero (a nice clean Dartmouth
boy) carries away Kong's sweet-
heart to the altar. O, the misery
of it all. There's far more truth
about upper - middle - class
American life in King Kong
than in the last seven dozen
novels of John P. Marquand.
We watch Kong die, and by
extension kill the ape within
our bones, but these little
deaths of ours occur in prosaic
surroundings. We do not die on
a tower, New York before our
feet, nor do we give our lives
to smash a few flying machines.
It is not for us to bring to a
momentary standstill the civili-
zation in which we move. King
Kong does this for pus. And so
we kill him again and again,
while the ape in us expires from
day to day, obscure, in despera-




t T -F 1f 1 -T T-T-i TT


The inn 4pbp6'Cm T/Ieatpe






Abel Room is the legendary
figure among the great Russian
film directors. In film histories
he is noticed as the creator of
"Bed and Sofa," a film dealing
with a contemporary problem,
the housing shortage, and re-
flecting the emotions of two
men and a woman who must
share the same room. In the
course of a very few years it
was banned in Russia as "de-
cadent," nor did the decadent
capitalistic countries greet it
warmly. Even after many dele-
tions were made, it was refused
a public showing in England;
and it is almost unknown to
American film audiences. Cin-
ema Guild hopes, however, to
bring this controversial film
here at some future time.
"The Ghost That Never Re-
turns," a later film of Room,
deals with a political prisoner
in a Latin American country
dominated by a capitalistic
monopoly, a situation not un-
known today. He can obtain
a day of freedom, and visit
his wife, but he may be shot
down at any point by political
enemies whovcan claim an "ac-
cident." A very melodramatic
film, "The Ghost That Never
Returns" reflects the Soviet
point of view of complete ex-
ploitation, of the individual by






WHEN?.......... . . . . . .. FEBRUARY 15, 16, 17
WHERE? . ........ ... '... Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
_ .._ .. .moor ^ i- M.A,





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