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May 08, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-05-08

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

:4Ia it1

Occasional showers, storms,
clear and cool tonight

See Page 4



Faculty Asks Higher
Transfer Standards
Report Indicates Lower Quality
In Relation to Entering Freshmen
The literary college faculty has approved a proposal calling for a
general tightening up of admissions standards for transfer students
applying to the college.
The plan, contained in a report issued early last month by the
college's Committee on Admissions, represented a two-year study of
the quality of transfer students and incoming freshmen.
"The general trend in measured ability of our freshmen . .. has
been upward, and there has been some indication that the quality.

of transfer students has not kept p

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sev-
enth in a series of nine articles
tracing the history of Michigan's
state-supported colleges.)
Northern Michigan College at
Marquette views itself as a multi-
purpose school preparing students
for careers in teaching, business,
science, social service, art, music,
the professions, and the liberal
As the regional college of the
Upper Peninsula, NMC is guided
by the concept that higher edu-
cation should be made available
to all who have the ability to bene-
fit from it and the desire to ob-
tain it.
NMC stands as one of the fast-
est growing colleges in the nation
with the campus area and student
population more . than doubling
since 1956. An estimated enroll-
ment of 2,750 students for the
coming year has prompted a re-
quest for an operating budget of
$2.5 million.
Course Introduced
The Legislature - originally es-
tablished NMC as a, "normal
school" in 1899. A four year col
lege course was introduced in 1918,
with the first bachelor of arts de-
gree awarded in 1920. The curri-
culum leading to a bachelor of
science degree was inaugurated in
1926. NMC now provides educa-
tional opportunity for pre-college,
undergraduate and graduate stTu-
Its own graduate program lead-
ing to a master of arts degree was
established by the school in 196C.
The degree may be obtained in
Various phases of education in-
cluding administration and super-
vision and in various teaching
areas as well as in certain subject
matter departments and in inte-
grated subject matter teaching
Off-campus 'services were ex-
panded and new field courses add
through the public services divi-
sion established in 1956. A year
later the college took over prac-
tical nurse training in the Upper
dnap fC mus

ace," the report stated. Four poli-
cies concerning the admission of
transfer students are outlined in
the report.
SAT Scores

1) Transfer students must sub-
mit scores on the Scholastic Apti-
tude Test of the College Entrance
Examination Board, at a time to
be determined by the Committee
on Admissions. Transfer students
from Michigan junior-community
colleges would take these tests
after admission to the college.
2) Applicant- for admission with
junior standing will be strongly
preferred over those with less ad-
vanced standing.
3) Before entering the College,
transfer students will be required
to complete distribution course
work about equal to that complet-
ed by regular literary college stu-
den:s at the same level of progress
toward the degree.
Preferred Applicants
4) Among applicants from Mich-
igan junior colleges, preference
will be given those who have the
Associate in Arts or Associate in
Science degree or the recommen-
dations of their deans.
Eighteen months of discussion
between the Committee on Admis-
sions and representatives of Michi-
gan junior-community colleges
preceded the release of the fin-
ished report, Associate Dean'of the
literary college, James H. Robert-
son said. The finished report has
the official sanction of all public
junior-community colleges in
Michigan, he noted.
The general impact of the new
policies will not be to force the'
junior colleges to add or change
programs, Robertson commented.
Better Selection
The result will be better selec-
tion of transfers better prepareda
to tackle work at the junior level.
They should not have to reach
back and do freshman work, he
Robertson said that the tighter
admissions policy should have no
effect on the proportion of trans-
fer students admitted each year.
At present, 25 per cent of the col-
lege's new students are transfers.
Overcrowded classes at the
freshman and sophomore levels
are responsible for the decision to]
favor admitting transfer students
with junior standing, the report

Vetoes Plan
To Prevent
New Taxes
Gov. John B. Swainson yester-
day vetoed a measure that would
block cities from imposing an in-
come tax on non-residents.
The Bowman bill, authored by
Rep. John T. Bowman (D-Rose-
ville) and passed substantially by
the Legislature, is a reaction to
Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh's
one per cent income tax plan re-
cently approved by the Common
Council for that city.
Swainson called the veto a
"tough decision" which would
"alienate great blocs of voters."
But he said, "This is not a
political question and those who
use the plight of our urban cen-
ters and their suburbs as a politi-
cal wedge do a great injustice to
Swainson felt that local income
taxes are a poor substitute for
state fiscal reform but recent legis-
lative rejection of a state income
tax has forced large cities to seek
other sources of revenue.
Expected attempt at overriding
the veto has been doomed to fail-
ure by legislative leaders. House
Democratic floor leader Joseph J.
Kowalski said it "hasn't a chance
at all."
Mayor George Kuhn of Berkley
who heads a vigilance tax commit-
tee and who called the veto a
"deterrent to statewide fiscal re-
form," said his group "has a good
chance" in obtaining a court rul-
ing declaring the tax unfair and
unconstitutional. Proceedings will
start this wek
Bowman, spokesman for the su-
burbanite opposition in the Legis-
lature said, "As far as we are
concerned, the fight has just be-
Kuhn saw a reaction among ci-
ties, some passing income taxes of
their own as a retaliatory measure.
He said that Hamtramck will con-
sider passing one tonight, and
that centers like Dearborn, Warren
and Pontiac may follow suit.
Cavanagh, meanwhile, praised
the governor for his "courageous
stand invictory" and pointed to
440 other cities in the country
that have income taxes on non-
As a self-governing society, "the
fact that other states allow such
taxation," Bowman said, "is not
criterion for us to go by.,'
Sen. Stanley Thayerb(R-Ann.
Arbor) said the Detroit tax affect-
ed many area residents and that
he was very much opposed to it.
Japan Sets Plan
For Technical Aid
TOKYO (A) - Japan yesterday
launched a program of technical
aid to less developed countries.1
Among projects are technical co-1
operation centers in Nigeria.I


Judge Upholds Spe

A Riverside Superior Court judge
yesterday ruled against a student
and American Civil Liberties Un-
ion attempt to end a Communist
speaker ban at the Riverside
Branch of the University of Cali-
Judge John G. Gabbert denied
a petition against the university's1
regents and a chancellor of the
branch which, if approved, would
have allowed two local Communist
Party officials to participate in a
campus debate.
Mrs. Dorothy Healy and Ben ,


Announces New Survey

Dobbs had been invited by De-
clare, a student organization on
the campus, to debate May 17 on
the question: "Should the Com-
munist Party in the United States
Be Outlawed."
The refusal was mandatory un-
der a university regulation deny-
ing its facilities to any meeting in
order "to prevent the exploitation
of the university's prestige by.
those who would use it as a plat-
form for propaganda."
A. L. Wirin, Los Angeles con-
stitutional lawyer representing De-
clare and the ACLU; had argued

'Crimson' Editorial Series
Disturbs Harvard Officials.
Harvard officials were concerned last week over the effect of a
series of six editorials appearing in the Harvard Crimson, the daily
newspaper, criticizing the University administration but they made no
attempt to stop the editors from printing them.
The main purpose of the editorials was to call for Dr. Nathan M.
Pusey, Harvard's president, to appoint a dean of faculty to replace Mc-
George Bundy, who resigned to become Special Assistant to President
John F. Kennedy for National Security affairs. Dr. Pusey has assumed

Of Non-Michigan Students

Minister Sees
Fiscal Crisis
In Argentina
Minister Alvaro Carlos Alsogaray
warned Argentines last night they
face the most serious economic and
financial crisis in the country's
In a radio-TV speech, the first
since he took office under Presi-
dent Jose Maria Guido, Alsogaray
said Argentina was in very diffi-
cult financial and economic straits
and now has "the last and only
chance" left to save the situation.
Alsogaray, who had served in
the same post before President Ar-
turo Frondizi was ousted by the
military in the aftermath of Per-
onist elections victories in March,
blasted Frondizi's government. He
'accused it of playing politics with
the country's economy and hiding
the truth from the people.
Alsogaray said "the crisis which
the country is facing now is the
gravest economic crisis it has suf-
fered in recent decades. The coun-
try has lost the major part of its
monetary reserves.
"The Alliance for Progress and
other sources of aid are all right,"
he said, "but they are not the key
solution to the problems afflicting
the country. The key solution is to+
inspire confidence abroad, so that1
foreign capital both small and big
comes spontaneously to settle here+
-to be spontaneously invested "

the additional duties as dean of
faculty during the last academic
year. He has said that he would
choose a dean in due time.
The opening editorial asserted
that Dr. Pusey's "reluctance to
make up his mind on matters
which urgently need direction not
only leaves the problems them-
selves unsettled but the concerned
faculty foundering, fragmented
and confused."
The editors went on to discuss
what they considered to be the
main points of concern for the ad-
ministration. This list included the
general education program, the-re-
lation of Harvard to Radcliffe, the
sophomore standing program, fed-
eral aid to education, and the
maintaining and building up of
a higher caliber of faculty.
They also stated that while the
appointment of a new dean prob-
ably would not solve the problems,
it would be an important step "be-
cause it would signify awareness
of the immediate problems that
must be met."
'Rotten Method'
Dean John P. Elder of the Grad-
uate School of Arts and Sciences
was quoted in the New York Times
as saying that "some faculty mem-
bers have used the juniors to ex-
press their views even if they did
not actually write the editorials."
Calling this a "rotten method," he
indicated that if the faculty thinks
these things they should say them
There was absolutely no influ-
ence exerted on any staff writers
by any member of the faculty,
Frederic L. Ballard, Jr., president
of the Harvard Crimson, said last

To Consider
aker Ban sEnrollment,
Sthat "This rigid, unbending policy ~.I p r a c
violates the constitutional provi-
sions (of free speech and as-4State Commissioii
sembly) not so much because the
prohibition impinges upon the ; Discusses Problem
right of the speaker to speak, but At 'e
it impinges on the more important At Recent Meeting
right of the student to hear-the.:
very base and reason for being of By RONALD WILTON
i the free speech guarantee in the The University is presently en-
first place." gaged in an intensivestudy of all
Thomas J. Cunningham, coun-,?# aspects of the out-of-state en.
sel for the university, countered rolment problem.
by declaring that the students' University Executive
rights were not involved oecause ident Marvin L. Niehuss explained
the speakers were "off-campus" MARVIN L. NIEHUSS that "we want to get each school
Communists. . .. studies enrollment and department to consider such
Their access to the campus could things as number of out-of-state
be regulatedlikethato "anyoneREVERSALstudents, their importance, and
e rse, ecause the university preAL-:enrollment pressure from qualified
ises were the property of a statua- Michigan students."
tory corporation "with full powers To Allow The whole problem of out-of-
of organization and government," state enrollment, including the
he argued. study, was discussed at a meeting
Commenting on the decision,1 T" between University officials and
Prof. George Peek of the political U N V15it the Legislative Audit Commission
science department and president l held in Lansing last March.
of the University chapter of the Out-State Boost
American Association of University PRETORIA () - The govern- Rep. William Romano (D-
Professors agreed that universities ment of South Africa reversed it- Warren), who is a member of the
may have the legal right to re- self yesterday and invited mem- commission and who last year
strict buildings from speakers, but bers of a United Nations Commit- sponsored an amendment to re-
that it was bad policy to do so. tee on Southwest Africa to visit duce out-of-state enrollment to
"Communist speakers should be that mandated territory. ten per cent across the board,
allowed to speak. All points of Prime Minister Hendrik Ver- commented "the University offi-
view should be heard," he declared. woerd extended the invitation to cials told us they are willing to
Committee Chairman Vittorio Car- cooperate and we gave them the
pio and Vice-Chairman Dr. Marti- reins."
Flo ida nez De Alva and the two accepted. He said that the legislators had
Florida aper But the government announcement been promised a reduction last
G ,said the invitation does not imply year and the number actually went
W ins Annual an, admission by South Africa of up one per cent. "It's up to them
UN authority over the neighboring to decide. Right now we have the
P l z Prb.e territory, votes in the House to pass a limit-
Last year South Africa barred ing amendment."
members of a UN inquiry commit- In a letter to members of te
NEW YORK () - A Florida tee from entering Southwest Afri- commission after the meeting Nie-
newspaper, the Panama City News- ca. The committee interviewed huss indicated the participants
Herald, today won the 1962 Pulit- refugees in other African states were in agreement on the follow-
zer Prize for meritorious service, on and charged that South Africa's ing points:
the basis of a three-year campaign racial segregation policies in 1) There are distinct advantages
against entrenched corruption in Southwest Africa had created a to the University and the state in
its area. dangerously explosive situation having a "reasonablb proportion
The editorial award went to a there. of students" attend Michigan's
California editor and publisher for The South African government state-supported colleges and uni-
calling public attention to the denounced the charges and claim- versities fror other states and
ultra-conservative John Birch So- ed that 90 per cent of the Africans other nations.
ciety. in the territory of South Africa 2) The first obligation of a
Walter Lippmann, 72-year-old controls under an old League of state-supported institution is to
veteran columnist for the New Nations mandate were anxious to the people of Michigan. The ad-
York Herald Tribune Syndicate, have South Africa retain control, mission of out-of-state students
became a two-time winner, being Both Carpio and DesAlva in ac- should not result in the denial of
cited for wise and responsible in- cepting the invitation said they al- adnission to qualified Michigan
ternational reporting. He won a so accepted the conditions it con- students.
special Pulitzer citation in 1958. tamed. 3) Out-of-state students should
Broadway's smash hit, "How To "not be an unreasonable financial
Succeed in Business Without UAW Calls For burden on the state. Out-of-state
Really Trying," won the drama tuition should be high enough to
prize. The musical stars Robert Fall Integration compensate for the fact that par-
Morse as an aggressive young busi- ents of out-of-state students do
nessman, and Rudy Vallee as a ATLANTIC CITY ()-The Auto not pay state taxes and should also
veteran tycoon, and was written by Workers Union convention unani- be enough to cover additional costs
Abe Burrows, Jack Weinstock and mously called on Congress yester- caused by the presence of out-of-
Willie Gilbert, with musical score day to require that every United state students. Any exceptions to
by Frank Loesser. It already had States school district begin class- this should be "justified on the
won awards from the New York room desegregation when schools grounds of educational or other
Drama Critics Circle and the reopen next fall. The 2,800 dele- clear benefit to the state.
American Theater Wing. gates acted after hearing Dr. Complex Problem
The prize for fiction went to Ralph J. Bunche, Undersecretary 4 The out-of-state problem
Edwin O'Connor for "The Edge of the United Nations, say in a while not a simple one varies
of Sadness," the story of an Irish- convention address that the Unit- from institution to institution and
American priest in a rundown ed States still has "a long way to in different areas within an in-
Boston parish. go to achieve social democracy." stitution. Among those things
which need studying are defini-
tion of an out-of-state student,
differing costs in differing levels
and areas of instruction and en-
rollment pressure from Michigan
g ohlaeUniversityrecognizesthe
seriousness of the problem and it
should assume responsibility for
dealing with it "in a manner which
First, Angolans who had escaped into what was then the Belgian will serve the financial interest
Congo began planning a liberation movement. Second, an underground educational opportunity for Michi-
group in Portugal worked for the same goal until they were driven gan students."
out by the Portuguese government. These forces united and began 6) The University will push for-
sending fighters into Angola. ward the study it is making of the
The movement, numbering about 200,000 members, is composed of out-of-state enrollment problem in
two factions. The Intellectuals, mostly Catholic, have a more com- its various schools and depart-

prehensive program for Angolan independence, are strongly nation- ments in order to develop policies
alistic, and have many contacts among other African leaders. The and procedures which will best
Popular movement is less organized, largely Protestant, and works serve the state and the University
in the years ahead. The University
by direct fighting. This group emphasizes personal independence in will inform the commission from
its long-range goals. time to time on the progress of
The fight for independence is carried' on by means of guerrilla this undertaking.
tactics, because the Portuguese policies leave open no other methods, Century-Old Problem
Fortunato explained. The well-armed Portuguese forces, numbering Niehuss also noted that the
60,000, respond with equal violence, he added. problem has perplexed the Uni-
«IxM + - - f- -versity and the legislator for


Woo e uampua
One hundred-twenty of the
campus' 160 acres consists of a
woodland, which provides natural
experimental facilities for agri-
culture, botany, and conservation
A new physical education build-
ing and fieldhouse built in 1958
provides one of the Finest facilities
in the nation for intramural and
intercollegiate athletics. A multi-
purpose student center and a mod-
ern women's residence hall were
completed in 1960.
The college is presently request-'
ing $10,000 from the Legislature
to begin a special program of
service to small business. The pur-
pose would be to enable Northern
to help in conducting research,
compiling data, and publishing in-
formation to meet the economic,
social, educational, and civic needs
of the Upper Peninsula. At the
same time, opportunities would be
presented for students to study
realistically the problems of buta-
nrss and industry.
Northern provides a series of
programs in the fields of music,
lactures, and dramatic recitals,
while the Marquette Community
Concert series remains open and
free to students.
Cuba Creates
Civil Defense
HAVANA (R) - Fidel Castro's
emir-....n. .la.. aalA ta A ivil ,ia...

tzioni Discusses Problems
'Of Peace and Disarmament
Groups working toward peace must concentrate on getting the sup-
port of large voter blocs said Prof. Amitai Etzioni at the first Voice
Symposium on the Arms Race last night.
Prof. Etzioni, a Columbia University sociologist and member of
the Institute for War and Peace Study, spoke on the topic "The Grad-
ualist Approach to Peace."
Prof. Etzioni explained that neither going from person to person
nor directly communicating with the government is a satisfactory way
of getting the government to act. Only a large "voter package," an
organization with a large member-
ship and a lobby in Washington, M
offers an effective means of pres-
sure, he explained.
The Council for the Gradualist



Way to Peace, to which Prof. Et-
zioni belongs, is currently working
with such organizations in an at-
tempt to encourage the govern-
ment to take positive steps toward

peace through disarmament, he
He explained that the Council,
made up of prominent professors
from all over the country, is not
in favor of a specific proposal for
disarmament, but rather supports
any proposal which falls within
six basic requirements. These in-
clude that the proposal not "lead
to surrender or appeasement," that
it be comprehensive, that it "pro-
vide for effective international in-
stitutions to guarantee the peace
once it has been achieved".i
Prof. Etzioni said, "I am inter-
ested in an approach to peace that
will work and nothing else." He
diiermjntP~d inrila *a.1 nic~e

ELI Student Descri bes
"Never before has a generation of Angolans suffered so much.
Never before have they felt a need for moral and material support as
they do now."
Speaking with quiet intensity, Jacinto Fortunato, a student in
the University's English Language Institute, described the situation in
Angola, a Portuguese colony on the east coast of Africa.
The Portuguese think of Angolans as nothing more than beasts,"
Fortunato, a future divinity student and one of the leaders of the
Angolan independence movement, said.
He estimated that 150,000 Angolans fighting for independence
had been killed by the Portuguese in the last six months.
The Portuguese completely regiment the four million Negroes of
Angola, Fortunato said. They are prevented from meeting together.
from circulating any propaganda, or -even from owning radios. Even
the mention of independence is a crime, he added.


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